IN - Grandfather charged in cruise ship death of toddler Chloe Wiegand #2

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Someone asked if Chloe had any health issues. Her memorial said that she weighed 4 lbs 6 oz at birth, that she spent time in neonatal intensive care and that she met a number of health challenges. Not unusual for premies, and don't know what if any issues remained as a toddler.
There is something going on with how this story is being handled at the Daily Mail. When the incident first happened, stories would have thousands of replies, most skeptical of the claims against the cruise line. The last 2 stories have had all of the replies moderated. That means the staff reads them and decides which comments to publish, rather than simply publishing all of the comments. So the last 2 stories, one by Winkleman about the video, and one with the CBS tape, have only shown a couple hundred replies each, most expressing great sympathy for the step grandfather with a much smaller number saying that the cruise line is not at fault. People say that the DM is pay-for-play, that you can pay to have a story published and you can pay to have it moderated to favor a particular position. Is is possible that is happening with this story?
I have a question, apparently he’s done an interview (I haven’t seen it yet) where he’s quoted as saying
“ I remember trying to find her on the floor and then I saw her fall, I saw her fall, I saw her fall and I was just in disbelief. And I was like "Oh my God,"' he said in a sit down interview with CBS This Morning, choking with emotion.

I thought he was holding her up? Why look on floor when he put her up on railing? I’m lost with this newest version of events, what have I missed? And should he even be making these public statements, can’t they be used against him? How is this such a mess.
SugarPlum, I have no idea why he went on CBS, but is it possible that he is receiving compensation for the interview? If so, that would be the motivation to do it. The Daily Mail published a new photo of Chloe a couple of days ago and they said " This is the final haunting photo of tragic Chloe Weigand ...The bitter-sweet image obtained exclusively by". If it was 'obtained exclusively by Daily Mail", it is possible that it was sold to them. Not sure what else the motivation would be of someone giving it to the tabloid.
If an 18 month old child fell to her death because a caregiver sat or stood her on an apartment balcony railing would anyone be taking the side of the caregiver?

The caregiver would say, “There was no sign, there should have been a sign saying not to sit on the railing.”
IMHO that beer gut is what pushed Chloe through the window. He leaned over behind her and she slipped off the narrow window sill with the metal track.
And the family knew he drank bc they jumped up to deny breathalyzer. It was one of the first things PR LE asked SA. He must have had a smell of an alcoholic beverage on his breath as he spoke with first responders.
First responders will testify regarding smelling alcohol on his breath, regardless of the fact that he refused a breathalyzer. If, in fact, they did smell alcohol.

Also there would be video of him drinking and records of alcohol purchases if this was the case.
Present tense. As if his brain hasn’t accepted the death.
Who says perfect little girl? Is that a common comment? Beautiful, sure. Perfect?
This is getting weirder by the day. Let lawyer keep painting himself into a corner.
He didn’t do himself any favors in that interview, IMO.
Something sure seems off.
I found a tw it ter account for a family member and it is interesting to see the comments. At first 100% in support of the family, then after they began blaming the cruise line some negative comments appeared. Then after grandpa’s interviews lots of negative comments.

Are the comments from family member or in response to the family members tw ee ts?
This was a very sad and tragic event.

I feel Chloe's parents are innocent victims. Grandpa has very foolish immature judgment, but I think it was clearly unintentional.

As far as a possible life insurance policy, I've heard of parents buying them for children with suspected health conditions. The parents buy it in case a pre-existing condition prevents the child from qualifying for a policy later as a adult. (I'm not suggesting Chloe had a health issue, though. Just saying I know of parents purchasing policies.). IF a policy even exists in this case.
Are the comments from family member or in response to the family members tw ee ts?

I just now looked for it and the account has been deleted. The negative comments had been piling up fast.

I had stumbled upon the account when I was reading tweets from the SB police department. There was a comment on the SBPD tweet expressing support for the family immediately after the tragedy. The account was a woman who thanked them for their support, and said she was a family member.

I followed her account and saw that she had re t w eet ed quite a few tw eet s that expressed condolences for the family. Comments to the tweets were 100% positive.

But many recent comments were negative about grandpa’s carelessness and the lawsuit. Now the entire account has been deleted.
If Grandpa is really color blind, and that's what caused him to think the window was closed, why didn't that come out from the start? I'm not buying this latest excuse for SA's reckless actions. I wonder who put him up to this?

I ran across this picture of the pool area in relation to the windows to show you the scale - how far away the windows are from the deck chairs, etc. The arrow is to show a window and how you can tell it is open vs. closed due to the tinting. IMO and based on my own experience on RCCL - there is no way to mistake a window being open - by sight and by the strong breeze. There is no doubt she was picked up (by his own admission) - the question for me remains - what direction was she facing? and was she at any point, held outside the window ledge or was she sitting/standing on the ledge itself? If I were a reporter covering this story, and having viewed the video (as CBS has), I would be reporting these things. And they aren't that I can tell and this leads me to believe it is because they cannot due to the video being evidence. I also think they are being guided by the attorney in their coverage in exchange for the interview and photos. Oh - and now he is colorblind. ....
Grandfather charged in girl's cruise ship death says he's colorblind, calls outcome of case "inconsequential"
If Grandpa is really color blind, and that's what caused him to think the window was closed, why didn't that come out from the start? I'm not buying this latest excuse for SA's reckless actions. I wonder who put him up to this?
ITA - it is yet another version the attorney has spun IMO. there are so many I can't keep track..
Grandfather charged in girl's cruise ship death says he's colorblind, calls outcome of case "inconsequential"
snipped and BBM
Last Updated Nov 26, 2019 9:25 AM EST

Salvatore "Sam" Anello, the Indiana man accused of negligent homicide in the death of his granddaughter Chloe Wiegand, said what happens in the criminal investigation is not important because "the worst thing" has already happened. In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Anello spoke for the first time about the moment 18-month-old Wiegand fell from his grasp out of a cruise ship window in Puerto Rico.

"Chloe being gone is the worst thing ever. So I'm like, whatever," Anello said. "There's nothing worse that they could do to me than what's already happened."

Wiegand fell 150 feet from a Royal Caribbean cruise ship docked in Puerto Rico in July. Anello was holding the girl up against what he thought was a bank of closed windows, when she slipped from his grasp. Despite the family's wishes not to pursue charges, Puerto Rican prosecutors have charged him with negligent homicide.

"Whether, you know, they find me guilty of whatever or not. It's inconsequential because of what has already happened is so horrible," Anello said.

Anello told CBS News correspondent David Begnaud that he is colorblind and believes that may have contributed to him not realizing the window was open.

"Some of the people who've been on the boat have written to me and said, 'David, the windows are tinted, and so it is pretty easy to recognize that it's open,'" Begnaud said.

"I'm colorblind, David," Anello said. "I don't know. I just never saw it. … I've been told that that's a reason that it might have happened."

So the reporter has been receiving comments and this is what they have come up with responsive to those comments IMO. "I've been told" he is being coached to answer and this is IMO to change the rising tide of negative opinion being expressed by people who actually read the MSM and look at the pictures and question how anyone in their right mind would have held her to the open window. And yet, no lawsuit has been filed yet that I am aware of. hmmmm

ETA: - further in the article he recounts how he held her and then didn't.
"So she's down at the — looking at the — out the window, and the glass. I bent down by her, and then we always, like, when you're — whenever we were at hockey games, we would bang on the glass, and it was fun, you know? So when I knelt down to be with her at that level, I couldn't reach the glass, really, with my fingertips, so I knew she couldn't. So that's when I decided I'd pick her up," he said. "So I, you know, was trying to stand her on the railing. And it happened in seconds."

"Can you show me how you were holding her? Like, was it kind of a bear hug, or was it —," Begnaud said.

"Kind of, yeah. I was trying to hold her like that. From what I remember. ... I had her, and I was trying to knock on the glass. And at that point I'm like, 'Well, I'm going to have to lean farther for her to be able to reach it,' right? Because I thought it was farther out than I expected," he said.

Anello said at one point he had one arm around her and the other arm was trying to knock on the glass.

"I think that's the point where she slipped out of me," Anello said. "At no point during that whole incident did I think that, well, she fell out. It was, like, it was unbelievable. It's like it disappeared. It's like the glass disappeared."

"I don't know if there's a feeling more helpless than watching her fall —," Begnaud said.

"No," Anello said. "This seems like it's all not real......
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If Grandpa is really color blind, and that's what caused him to think the window was closed, why didn't that come out from the start? I'm not buying this latest excuse for SA's reckless actions. I wonder who put him up to this?

Being colorblind doesn't does not make one blind. You can still tell the difference in light or dark shades. If this were a problem, we would have colorblind people walking through glass doors all the time. GF is a piece of work!
If Grandpa is really color blind, and that's what caused him to think the window was closed, why didn't that come out from the start? I'm not buying this latest excuse for SA's reckless actions. I wonder who put him up to this?

Because it is simply another excuse. He put his head out the window so he knew it was open.
Grandfather charged in girl's cruise ship death says he's colorblind, calls outcome of case "inconsequential"
snipped and BBM
Last Updated Nov 26, 2019 9:25 AM EST

Salvatore "Sam" Anello, the Indiana man accused of negligent homicide in the death of his granddaughter Chloe Wiegand, said what happens in the criminal investigation is not important because "the worst thing" has already happened. In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Anello spoke for the first time about the moment 18-month-old Wiegand fell from his grasp out of a cruise ship window in Puerto Rico.

"Chloe being gone is the worst thing ever. So I'm like, whatever," Anello said. "There's nothing worse that they could do to me than what's already happened."

Wiegand fell 150 feet from a Royal Caribbean cruise ship docked in Puerto Rico in July. Anello was holding the girl up against what he thought was a bank of closed windows, when she slipped from his grasp. Despite the family's wishes not to pursue charges, Puerto Rican prosecutors have charged him with negligent homicide.

"Whether, you know, they find me guilty of whatever or not. It's inconsequential because of what has already happened is so horrible," Anello said.

Anello told CBS News correspondent David Begnaud that he is colorblind and believes that may have contributed to him not realizing the window was open.

"Some of the people who've been on the boat have written to me and said, 'David, the windows are tinted, and so it is pretty easy to recognize that it's open,'" Begnaud said.

"I'm colorblind, David," Anello said. "I don't know. I just never saw it. … I've been told that that's a reason that it might have happened."

So the reporter has been receiving comments and this is what they have come up with responsive to those comments IMO. "I've been told" he is being coached to answer and this is IMO to change the rising tide of negative opinion being expressed by people who actually read the MSM and look at the pictures and question how anyone in their right mind would have held her to the open window. And yet, no lawsuit has been filed yet that I am aware of. hmmmm

I must have seen an edited version. Clicked a link on WS and watched his no tears flowing interview. Never heard him talk about color blindness.
Keep talking, keep talking. You’ll talk yourself into an enhanced charge and more jail time.
Being colorblind doesn't does not make one blind. You can still tell the difference in light or dark shades. If this were a problem, we would have colorblind people walking through glass doors all the time. GF is a piece of work!
spin spin spin.... the video really needs to be released at least up until the point of the drop IMO. I still can't shake the early video of the man holding his arms completely outside of the open window and moving them up and down. totally different movement than what SA described in the CBS interview where he had her in a bear hug and let go to knock on the glass with the other hand.
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