IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #16

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If one of the guys from 5 North wanted to get their car to move her body they would have to be on camera unless they weren't parked at the complex (which doesn't make any sense, as downtown parking is ridiculous).

First of all, thank you - that is an enormous amount of info in that post. And thanks for finding the post about the homeless witnesses.

Second - the tiny part I quoted above is... huge!

I'm really fried tonight (long day) so I will need time to digest all of this. But thanks!!
I'm onsite so much I overlook details. Its great to get other peoples perspective on the area, like when MrTT went and took pics and posted his perspective. I appreciate you posting about it. Thanks.

I have a question about your post though, and a point of clarification.
If one of the guys from 5 North wanted to get their car to move her body they would have to be on camera unless they weren't parked at the complex (which doesn't make any sense, as downtown parking is ridiculous).

I'm not quite clear on what you mean here, because there are no cameras at 5 North. Not in front, not on the sides, and not in their parking lot. None of the buildings that do have cameras point at 5 North, so I wonder if you could explain what you meant?

. A girl got on the elevator and I didn't see her use a keycard or anything (which isn't to say there isn't something on the elevator you have to swipe to get it to move) but I didn't want to be any creepier than I probably already was so I left."

To clarify, you just push a button to get the elevator to open. Once your inside the elevator you need to swipe a card or the chip in a key to get the elevator to move to most floors. About the only time you don't need to swipe is if you are on an upper floor and want to go down to the first floor. Presumably thats so guests don't have to be escorted as they leave the building.
Sorry I need to clarify. I know that about the truck it's just seeing it in context rather than the fuzzy close-up. Ironic that this is really the only thing LE has been confident about and i'm wondering how can they be that sure.

I thought that they had confirmed that it was a contractor who was picking up an employee. Most get started very early, especially if they are picking up other people on the team and have to drive a ways to get to the worksite (often includes a stop for coffee/breakfast).

Presumably the person who was being picked up would have noticed that there was a woman somewhere in the truck, even if hidden in the truck bed because they would have likely been hauling equipment that needed to be used or unloaded.
I'm onsite so much I overlook details. Its great to get other peoples perspective on the area, like when MrTT went and took pics and posted his perspective. I appreciate you posting about it. Thanks.

I have a question about your post though, and a point of clarification.

I'm not quite clear on what you mean here, because there are no cameras at 5 North. Not in front, not on the sides, and not in their parking lot. None of the buildings that do have cameras point at 5 North, so I wonder if you could explain what you meant?

To clarify, you just push a button to get the elevator to open. Once your inside the elevator you need to swipe a card or the chip in a key to get the elevator to move to most floors. About the only time you don't need to swipe is if you are on an upper floor and want to go down to the first floor. Presumably thats so guests don't have to be escorted as they leave the building.

Don't want to speak for this user, but I believe they are quoting another poster
I'm onsite so much I overlook details. Its great to get other peoples perspective on the area, like when MrTT went and took pics and posted his perspective. I appreciate you posting about it. Thanks.

I have a question about your post though, and a point of clarification.

I'm not quite clear on what you mean here, because there are no cameras at 5 North. Not in front, not on the sides, and not in their parking lot. None of the buildings that do have cameras point at 5 North, so I wonder if you could explain what you meant?

To clarify, you just push a button to get the elevator to open. Once your inside the elevator you need to swipe a card or the chip in a key to get the elevator to move to most floors. About the only time you don't need to swipe is if you are on an upper floor and want to go down to the first floor. Presumably thats so guests don't have to be escorted as they leave the building.

BTown, my whole post is a repost of another post by Surly Sasha. These are not my words or opinions. You have to read the whole post #441 above. :)
I just read the past tweets of this person who tweeted about being honest. One past tweet was "Can imagine an accident the night Lauren went missing, but staying quiet this long is no accident. " Therefore, I think this is just speculation. I really don't think he/she was directing at one person in particular anymore. I think he/she is just going on a personal theory that something may have happened at 5 North and that someone else knows about it.

I also found this to be odd at first. I thought it was HIM (zo) because the farther you get down in messages, the cruder it gets for messages re: LS. I initially reported this to TG without reading everything through, because I was appalled, but it's a "girl" posting and it's someone that supposedly posts on you tube, which is easy to find, and has the twitter acct under same name. Possible she knows something, she keeps calling people out. Sorry mods, can't contain it tonight:crazy: also apologies to TG for assuming more than it was.
First of all, thank you - that is an enormous amount of info in that post. And thanks for finding the post about the homeless witnesses.

Second - the tiny part I quoted above is... huge!

I'm really fried tonight (long day) so I will need time to digest all of this. But thanks!!

Not true about the car.
I'm not quite clear on what you mean here, because there are no cameras at 5 North. Not in front, not on the sides, and not in their parking lot. None of the buildings that do have cameras point at 5 North, so I wonder if you could explain what you meant?
Not true about the car.
If only it were true.

awwww, oh alright. I get it. but are we really sure??
I thought that they had confirmed that it was a contractor who was picking up an employee. Most get started very early, especially if they are picking up other people on the team and have to drive a ways to get to the worksite (often includes a stop for coffee/breakfast).

Presumably the person who was being picked up would have noticed that there was a woman somewhere in the truck, even if hidden in the truck bed because they would have likely been hauling equipment that needed to be used or unloaded.

I heard LE explain this. That is early for a contractor even stopping for breaky unless they're driving to Louisville, etc. They can't make noise locally until 7:30 am I think.

I never saw a woman in the truck. (And I never understood how others could either. That was curious. :)
OK, the same poster, SurlySasha, also said this:
Smallwood has a parking garage. 5 North just has parking behind the building but the spaces are dedicated and on camera (it's full of BMWs and other luxury cars so that makes total sense).

This was Thread#4 post #226. I hope she logs on so we can clarify for sure - but she hasn't posted anything for awhile.

Btown, is there anything around the parking at 5 North that can be mistaken for a camera??
I stopped reading after like a min, and I hate to even ask this, but has anyone else looked into some of that stuff? Like the police saying she never came back to Smallwood before they actually had the tape. Obviously not having the tape and not viewing the tape are two different things, and I want to make it clear that I in no way, shape or form agree with any of what whack-a-doo is purporting...

I'm afraid to even go look again because I feel like I might get sucked down a rabbit hole, lol.

I just read that women's (clueless?) blog. wow! She appear to be using LS's case as part of a larger conspiracy involving multiple-murder, drug distribution, jihadists, illegal aliens, hacking, involving BPD, IU, etc. she is working on in her 'mind'.

I am not a mental health professional but ...
LE said they ruled out the truck and that he gave them full access to it and his story was coorborated by the person he was picking up. I think that is the only thing/person they have been able to rule out.
I heard LE explain this. That is early for a contractor even stopping for breaky unless they're driving to Louisville, etc. They can't make noise locally until 7:30 am I think.

I never saw a woman in the truck. (And I never understood how others could either. That was curious. :)

Hi everyone! WS newbie here.

Thought I'd jump in at this point because I'm still a little unsure of LE's certainty that the owner was simply driving in the area to "pick up a worker" between 4:14-4:24 am.

There are 2 published photos of the vehicle. I can't tell or don't know which was taken when.

One depicts the vehicle with what appears to be an apparently empty bed, which is also mirrored in the building window.

The other depicts the same vehicle with something or someone in the bed, with the upper-half of the object/passenger leaning against the right-side of the bed.

I've included negatives of both photos to underscore the contrast between the empty bed and the bed w/object.

You'll also notice the truck is 4-dr model with 2 x doors for the cab.

If the owner was picking up "a" worker, singular, why sit she/him in the bed if, indeed, that's what we see?

Sure, the cab area could've been full of stuff, precluding passenger space. Likewise the passenger seat.

But it's an assumption. One of several --- i.e., Were other passengers in the vehicle? Was the "worker" identified? Is he/she confirmed as the object sitting in the bed? -- which BPD presumably checked & cross-checked before declaring said vehicle & its owner null & void.

So, did they? Just wondering.
Sigh. I read a lot on here, post a lot less. This thread was going in what I felt was a positive, productive direction. I don't feel that way anymore. I 100% support differences of opinions - and often play devil's advocate in defense of less popular theories. It's what makes Websleuths such a great place.

However, I also thought that the point of a moderated discussion was to keep things on track - despite the fact that we may have very different opinions on what may have happened, we were all working towards a common good - discussing evidence, supporting claims with substantiated links, etc etc. I simply do not understand how one belief - which is also completely unsubstantiated, could derail an entire discussion. When you add to that the fact that quite a few posters of the Jewish faith have noted that they are personally offended by what could be perceived as derogatory undercurrents of these assumptions, I truly don't understand why this is allowed to continue.

Not trying to add fuel to a fire. I just always loved WS because we existed in a place where we could be diverse without feeling marginalized. Why are we allowing this topic to be derailed, especially when it offends quite a few members religious backgrounds and heritage? I like things better when we act like a family - even when it means friendly debates and arguments. This is a little different, IMO.


The purpose of the board is to discuss various aspects of difficult cases; not to bully, intimidate or demonize the POIs.
[The owner's] story was corroborated by the person he was picking up. I think that is the only thing/person they have been able to rule out.

Thanks. This answers at least two of my questions.

For my own reference, still would like to hear LE confirm the existence of an 'object' in the bed, that said object was identified, i.e., the "worker"; that forensic tests, including DNA swabs, were performed on the flatbed area of the vehicle.

Does anyone know of any tests performed on the truck, regardless of "satisfactory" explanations?
Has anyone seen the latest crazy tweet? From @chickjustin? (Bessie/mods, I'm sorry if that's not allowed, please let me know and I will delete!)

I have been reading about LS here for a while. This is my first post.

The profile picture on the chickjustin twitter account is of ZO and AB. I believe these two are enjoying getting people worked up when they post useless and sometimes tasteless comments.

For example, they tweeted something about a person being seen with LS all over Bloomington the night she was last seen. The link was a youtube music video that ZO posted a year ago with his image. He was wanting people to retweet, I assume to get his music out there. (The music and the video are pretty bad, btw.)

I believe Stephanie, ZO's alleged sister, is his alter ego.

On AB's Facebook page, he does not list himself as an IU student. He describes himself as "broke *advertiser censored* dude - Jan. 1991 to present. Don't do ****, but talk **** (;"

How is AB living in Bloomington without a job? Is ZO paying the rent for his roommate AB?
Thanks. This answers at least two of my questions.

For my own reference, still would like to hear LE confirm the existence of an 'object' in the bed, that said object was identified, i.e., the "worker"; that forensic tests, including DNA swabs, were performed on the flatbed area of the vehicle.

Does anyone know of any tests performed on the truck, regardless of "satisfactory" explanations?

At the press conference they said that he allowed them to examine the truck...I am going to take their word on it that this truck was not involved. We have to believe something and it is the only solid thing LE has stated.
But it's an assumption. One of several --- i.e., Were other passengers in the vehicle? Was the "worker" identified? Is he/she confirmed as the object sitting in the bed? -- which BPD presumably checked & cross-checked before declaring said vehicle & its owner null & void.

So, did they? Just wondering.

(snipped). I've gone over the truck theory many times myself. The pictures that you posted are taken from opposite sides of the truck. The refection is of the passenger side, and the other is from the driver's side. Clearly, there is a round object in the bed on the passenger side (as seen in the reflection.). There is also clearly SOMETHING on the driver's side in the other shot. Unfortunately, I cannot see enough of the Driver's side in the reflection, nor can I see the entire passenger side from the other angle. It certainly does not appear to me that the round object is shown in the other shot, nor that the object(s) that look like people are in the reflection, but I cannot be certain. I also sincerely hope that they were able to rule this out from more than just a man saying, "Yeah, he picked me up". I hope they were able to identify exactly what was in that bed and compare to these photos. You'd like to think they are on top of this, yet this crime is still also unsolved......
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