IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #16

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:waitasec: I just caught a mess up in either the reporting of what HT said, or in the time line that HT gave.

3 PM
Now it's 2 PM?

so....what time was the missing persons file submitted?

I've read narratives on here that the late night partying and walking around late at night and sleeping half the day are of the norm....

so if 'one' is just realizing that hey, she's not in her room and the bar has her phone (& it's likely he knew that she was with another guy the night before)....and it's likely that the 2 girl friends who submitted the missing persons report and JW talked.....why the instant realization that she had disappeared and was missing? At another fiends, still with the guy, at the library, working out......was all that 'common' stuff checked before running to police?
I grew up in IN and lived in other parts of the Midwest and South. I now live in the East. I grew up thinking that NYers were rude, arrogant, and loud. I still think they can be loud but it's just their culture. I think they are somewhat more frank and sometimes "brash" compared to Midwesterners but they are FAR from rude and arrogant in general. I don't think it's about a culture. I think it's about coming from BIG money. Watch that show "My 16th Birthday" and you'll see that there are tons of spoiled rich kids out there - being Jewish or being from the East has nothing to do with it. I can tell you that the cost of living out here is VERY high compared to anywhere in the Midwest and you have to have some money to be able to afford a decent home. Therefore, there may be a higher concentration of rich people here. I'm sure that "Daddy's Rich Girl" can get most any guy she chooses, with the money in her back pocket. Therefore, she probably has her pick, which is why she may not give many the time of day. I'm not saying that's OK - it's sad - but I think it has little to do with where she came from (culture or location) and more to do with her money. I've met those types of girls in EVERY location where I've lived. I do think there are more of them out here, just b/c it costs more to live here.

Just for the record, I was just pointing out to make a possible connection about LS's physical appearance and clothing the night she disappeared. Nothing more than that.
so....what time was the missing persons file submitted?

I've read narratives on here that the late night partying and walking around late at night and sleeping half the day are of the norm....

so if 'one' is just realizing that hey, she's not in her room and the bar has her phone (& it's likely he knew that she was with another guy the night before)....and it's likely that the 2 girl friends who submitted the missing persons report and JW talked.....why the instant realization that she had disappeared and was missing? At another fiends, still with the guy, at the library, working out......was all that 'common' stuff checked before running to police?

Interesting. I can read more or less the same question over and over again on this forum and nothing clicks for me. But reading your last question really drives it home. It's also been asked, did he call the hospital? We'll probably never know.
so....what time was the missing persons file submitted?

I've read narratives on here that the late night partying and walking around late at night and sleeping half the day are of the norm....

so if 'one' is just realizing that hey, she's not in her room and the bar has her phone (& it's likely he knew that she was with another guy the night before)....and it's likely that the 2 girl friends who submitted the missing persons report and JW talked.....why the instant realization that she had disappeared and was missing? At another fiends, still with the guy, at the library, working out......was all that 'common' stuff checked before running to police?

BBM. I think it's possible JW talked to others that morning, not just HT, and we simply don't know because only HT is/was talking. I just think maybe he talked to people who saw her the night before at Smallwood with CR, and they possibly gave JW the impression that CR was being aggressive with LS? And then LS didn't come home, which may be extremely out of the norm for her, I could see his concern. I wonder if he went by CR's first, before asking HT for the room key?
OR, word travels fast, especially with texting. I can see JW texting HT, then HT texting JR because she didn't have CRs number, and JR replies, no, she's not over here, she left about 4:30am back home. So, HT replies back to JW that she should be at Smallwood. JW says, "I'll come get the keys and check on her." After he checked, I bet they all went into a whirlwind of trying to see where she was. MOO.

I too would like to know what time LS' parents were called and when the police report was filed. I see JW staying around campus looking for LS, and calling her parents, while sending friends to make the police report. This really doesn't seem so odd to me. IF he is completely innocent and worried for his dear love, I could see him panicking trying to find her, and her friends, also realizing how out of character it possibly was, going to LE at that point. 2 birds 1 stone, so to speak.
BBM. I think it's possible JW talked to others that morning, not just HT, and we simply don't know because only HT is/was talking. I just think maybe he talked to people who saw her the night before at Smallwood with CR, and they possibly gave JW the impression that CR was being aggressive with LS? And then LS didn't come home, which may be extremely out of the norm for her, I could see his concern. I wonder if he went by CR's first, before asking HT for the room key?
OR, word travels fast, especially with texting. I can see JW texting HT, then HT texting JR because she didn't have CRs number, and JR replies, no, she's not over here, she left about 4:30am back home. So, HT replies back to JW that she should be at Smallwood. JW says, "I'll come get the keys and check on her." After he checked, I bet they all went into a whirlwind of trying to see where she was. MOO.

I too would like to know what time LS' parents were called and when the police report was filed. I see JW staying around campus looking for LS, and calling her parents, while sending friends to make the police report. This really doesn't seem so odd to me. IF he is completely innocent and worried for his dear love, I could see him panicking trying to find her, and her friends, also realizing how out of character it possibly was, going to LE at that point. 2 birds 1 stone, so to speak.

I agree, the possibilities are endless...I could see all of that happening. Especially the part about the real time info from the texting...these students are truly 'connected' now days...very different from my days....we could go days without seeing someone or suspecting anything other than a really great story when they walked through the door....but there was absolutly no accountability from friends....I guess sad, but we treated each other like capable, responsible adults.

I joined WS during May for the Timmothy Pitzen case....and the one thing in that case that has always bothered me is that he wife withdrew the child (age 6) from school an hour after school started, unannounced and when Dad shows up at 10:30 AM to pick up the child, he's gone and the Dad learns that the mother took him...Dad goes back to work and doesn't report until the next day!?!.......unbelievable, to me.

However, in this case the missing person report is so quickly reported. It should be the opposite to me....I base my opinoin on how much information was just doesn't make sense to me.
The other issue I have with the whole evening and timeline is the CR relationship. Someone know's what was going on with these two. They met at Indy on Sunday, and Thursday night they're together out late and drinking. Some say they were showing 'affection' and others say they weren't even together at the bar...I can't quote or post the links, but we've all seen on here several time....the point being, what was going on between the two? Was it an affectionate relationship? Was JW aware of it? What HT aware of it...or JR? I'm sure others (not POI) know....speak speaks to understanding actions and motives, I believe.
I feel, as someone mentioned in an earlier thread, that part of the key to solving this case will be going through all the texts and who called who, not only for that night but for the subsequent days afterwards.
Just for the record, I was just pointing out to make a possible connection about LS's physical appearance and clothing the night she disappeared. Nothing more than that.

Oh yes, I wasn't implying that YOU stereotype. I was using the quote that you cited, not quoting you personally. Sorry if you thought I was pointing a finger at you. I was meaning to point to the fact that there tends to be a general feeling among posts that I've read most elsewhere, that these kids were snobby and that their Jewish heritage plays a role in that. I am not Jewish, but I am accepting and respectful and don't believe that one's faith causes "snobbiness", but sometimes money and lifestyle can.
Alcohol, drugs, bars, fake ID's .... and this is present day college life?

I know I'm sounding really old, but where are we heading to with all with all of this...
guess this case sadly shows one answer... no fun being a parent today, that's for sure!

I'm sorry to say, but this has been "college life" for quite some time. Everyone I knew in college (including myself) had a fake ID, went to the bars, drank excessively (although I didn't do drugs)...but almost all of us turned out very well and we're now professors, lawyers, teachers, business executives, business owners, etc. We grew up and grew out of that lifestyle. Unfortunately there are rare cases such as this one where something happens and the college lifestyle backfires (or at least that is what I assume given what we know about this case).
The drug use and OD theory has been alluded to by Lauren's own friends (HT: "it went too far this time") and even LE ("we have heard rumors of a possible OD").

Mr. Saltzman, CR's attorney and former Monroe county prosecutor, made a public, on-record statement that according to MB, LS asked him if he wanted to "party" (read: use cocaine) at around 3am.

Eyewitness accounts have Lauren extremely intoxicated in the early hours of June 3.

There are at least two people on this board who have talked to people who knew or have met LS and/or the POIs and support that there was drug use amongst this crowd.

A reporter here has put his reputation on the table after having spoken to at least one eyewitness about LS's high level of intoxication.

We are not judging her, so no need to capitalize VICTIM as a reminder.

No, we are acknowledging the sometimes sad realities of even the most well-intentioned and fine individuals amongst us.

You can call it hearsay, but the OD possibility and drug use scenarios seem to be repeated and undisputed by virtually every side of this story. It has been the consistent theme of nearly every narrative.

The skipping off to Israel thing is an out-of-left-field theory based on what I believe to be stereotyping and potentially offensive mindsets of the individuals subscribing to it, rather than the narrative of this case and what little evidence we do have.

HT has made it clear that she believes JR that LS turned the corner of 11th and college at 4:30.So unless we are to believe she OD in the middle of college ave she was alluding to no such thing and I guess if the police read this site the police have now heard rumors of her running off to Israel.While you also want to spin MR.Saltzman statement that party means drug use MR.Chapman MB lawyer (The guy that actually claims to have heard LS make that statement) when asked about the possibility of an OD said "As far as I could tell, there's absolutely no truth or basis to that,".Maybe I am wrong on this point but when people refer to someone being intoxicated my understanding is they mean alcohol.I do not know who you are referring to as a reporter with a reputation to protect but if you mean <modsnip>. Also I have not read where one reputable news organization with reporters that do have a reputation to protect have collaborated his claims of drug use on LS part.So I stand by my statement.I have not seen you present one fact to back up your allegation.All I see is a bunch of rumors and your attempt twist people statements to mean drug use.When If you look at their statement in its entirety it means no such thing.
HT has made it clear that she believes JR that LS turned the corner of 11th and college at 4:30.So unless we are to believe she OD in the middle of college ave she was alluding to no such thing and I guess if the police read this site the police have now heard rumors of her running off to Israel.While you also want to spin MR.Saltzman statement that party means drug use MR.Chapman MB lawyer (The guy that actually claims to have heard LS make that statement) when asked about the possibility of an OD said "As far as I could tell, there's absolutely no truth or basis to that,".Maybe I am wrong on this point but when people refer to someone being intoxicated my understanding is they mean alcohol.I do not know who you are referring to as a reporter with a reputation to protect but if you mean <modsnip> .Also I have not read where one reputable news organization with reporters that do have a reputation to protect have collaborated his claims of drug use on LS part.So I stand by my statement.I have not seen you present one fact to back up your allegation.All I see is a bunch of rumors and your attempt twist people statements to mean drug use.When If you look at their statement in its entirety it means no such thing.

Is it true that some attorney's send people to places like WS and others to get the focus on other things then their clients or facts of the cases? Just wondering seems like it is possible.
HT has made it clear that she believes JR that LS turned the corner of 11th and college at 4:30.So unless we are to believe she OD in the middle of college ave she was alluding to no such thing and I guess if the police read this site the police have now heard rumors of her running off to Israel.While you also want to spin MR.Saltzman statement that party means drug use MR.Chapman MB lawyer (The guy that actually claims to have heard LS make that statement) when asked about the possibility of an OD said "As far as I could tell, there's absolutely no truth or basis to that,".Maybe I am wrong on this point but when people refer to someone being intoxicated my understanding is they mean alcohol.I do not know who you are referring to as a reporter with a reputation to protect but if you mean <modsnip>.Also I have not read where one reputable news organization with reporters that do have a reputation to protect have collaborated his claims of drug use on LS part.So I stand by my statement.I have not seen you present one fact to back up your allegation.All I see is a bunch of rumors and your attempt twist people statements to mean drug use.When If you look at their statement in its entirety it means no such thing.

You've been reported. Clearly you are talking about me and this not allowed. You are being sarcastic. As for when I get a real job -- have you looked at the about section on the homepage of said blog?
I've been waiting until all the theories were voiced, and I think they have been, so can we attempt to get back to, "Where is Lauren"? There must be places where the searchers didn't hit, where would they be? I'm still thinking about how Caylee Anthony was 12 homes down in the trash dump/swamp, which was suppose to have been searched early on. Why not go back to the beginning, go back to those places?
White washing and sugar coating is becoming the norm. Yesterday we heard Smallwood release a statement that depicted themselves as the epitome of cooperation with LE, and the safest, most caring residence in town. Also, the student newspaper had an article telling incoming students that there was nothing at all to fear, that in fact, all 40,000 students were there - they have your back. Just like they did to protect Lauren? And of course, we have the fact that some people just do not want to see LS and her friends in any other light than saintly.
It's all well and good that is, unless the facts of the case matter. I wish I could refuse to see things in the world as possibilities because they were "offensive".
I've been waiting until all the theories were voiced, and I think they have been, so can we attempt to get back to, "Where is Lauren"? There must be places where the searchers didn't hit, where would they be? I'm still thinking about how Caylee Anthony was 12 homes down in the trash dump/swamp, which was suppose to have been searched early on. Why not go back to the beginning, go back to those places?

I would start with Pigeon Hill and the RR tracks. First of all there was a reported scream from west of 5 North. It may not be real, but it's too big of a deal to ignore just in case it isn't.
I've been waiting until all the theories were voiced, and I think they have been, so can we attempt to get back to, "Where is Lauren"? There must be places where the searchers didn't hit, where would they be? I'm still thinking about how Caylee Anthony was 12 homes down in the trash dump/swamp, which was suppose to have been searched early on. Why not go back to the beginning, go back to those places?

ITA that the focus should be placed upon "Where's Lauren" but if there is no theory on which to begin a search, one could seriously scour every square inch of the earth, and under the earth, before maybe finding her. I think that LE surely has some sort of "theory" already and going from there, and I believe people here are just speculating what that may be. It doesn't appear that there are many searches anymore. I think the focus has shifted to "Boys, tell us what you know." and searching their house for evidence. They're also likely still combing through video (and back again). If the theory is stranger abduction, they don't necessarily need to waste time looking into abandoned buildings. If it's that she wandered off and fell into a hole, the focus should be different. If it's that she OD'd, the focus should maybe be at 5 North. If it's that JW did something, even a different focus all together. IF they think JR too her somewhere, maybe the focus would be on his hometown. I don't agree with the Israel theory....but let's just say that it's true. If LE never considered this, and she was really there, they'd NEVER find her. See what I mean? There HAS to be a theory to start with finding Lauren. There may be other ones that haven't even be discussed here.
ITA that the focus should be placed upon "Where's Lauren" but if there is no theory on which to begin a search, one could seriously scour every square inch of the earth, and under the earth, before maybe finding her. I think that LE surely has some sort of "theory" already and going from there, and I believe people here are just speculating what that may be. It doesn't appear that there are many searches anymore. I think the focus has shifted to "Boys, tell us what you know." and searching their house for evidence. They're also likely still combing through video (and back again). If the theory is stranger abduction, they don't necessarily need to waste time looking into abandoned buildings. If it's that she wandered off and fell into a hole, the focus should be different. If it's that she OD'd, the focus should maybe be at 5 North. If it's that JW did something, even a different focus all together. IF they think JR too her somewhere, maybe the focus would be on his hometown. I don't agree with the Israel theory....but let's just say that it's true. If LE never considered this, and she was really there, they'd NEVER find her. See what I mean? There HAS to be a theory to start with finding Lauren. There may be other ones that haven't even be discussed here.

If the leading theory is that the boys know something, I think it would be helpful if they did conduct more searches locally. I really do not think there is a high probability that LS was carried off to someone's hometown. Possible, yes, but likely, no. jmo though!
I would start with Pigeon Hill and the RR tracks. First of all there was a reported scream from west of 5 North. It may not be real, but it's too big of a deal to ignore just in case it isn't.

Absolutely!! Also, the reservoir is much too large to have throughly searched it, why wait? Instead of treating missing persons cases as they have been, with the wait period, then after 24-48 hours they finally decide to do a more through search, take another path and do something else. Why is there such a tunnel vision approach to each and every missing person case?
If the leading theory is that the boys know something, I think it would be helpful if they did conduct more searches locally. I really do not think there is a high probability that LS was carried off to someone's hometown. Possible, yes, but likely, no. jmo though!

Yes, I agree with you IF that's the leading theory, but what if that's not their leading theory? I wish they would give us something, yet I totally understand why they don't/won't. I totally respect your opinion, but I think it's highly possible (maybe even likely) that IF JR is the one who may have disposed of her, he took her in his car. I think that only because he left so suddenly. Having said that, I also understand why he left suddenly if he's innocent. If he were my son, I'd want to get him home and speaking with an attorney ASAP. As I've said many times before, being innocent is often a greater reason to have council than being guilty, especially in a case such as this which can become a civil matter.
Absolutely!! Also, the reservoir is much too large to have throughly searched it, why wait? Instead of treating missing persons cases as they have been, with the wait period, then after 24-48 hours they finally decide to do a more through search, take another path and do something else. Why is there such a tunnel vision approach to each and every missing person case?

I think you're right about the tunnel vision. While I believe that LE has to start with a theory to begin their search, often times it seems that they get so dead set on a given theory , they don't consider other possibilities. That seems to be the case with people here too. I'm keeping a very open mind and have considered things that aren't likely, yet possible (like the drug connection). I'm discounting things that seem so obscure (like a flee to Israel) yet still recognize that they could be true. I think the answer is probably something more simple but anything is possible.
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