IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #17

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Police are expanding the search for Spierer, as well as retracing their steps. Parker confirmed that dumpsters and landfills have been searched

So it seems they searched the landfills in the first few days when the task was relatively manageable.

I hope the plural "landfills" includes wherever the debris is trucked from all the construction in that neighborhood. There appear to be 3 active construction sites on the route from JR's to Smallwood alone.
All of your bolded type seems like a normal night. It is only when we know what happened that you associate suspicion with it. If I told you that I spent a night hanging out with buddies and went to bed at 2:30 you would say OK and think nothing more of it. I wish people would be more honest and just say they think JW is the culprit because he is a jilted boyfriend. There really is no evidence that points to him, except when people create their own stories or associate their emotions with his behavior. This is different than JR where a lot of his story doesnt make sense AND can not be verified.

I see you point, but I don't think we have enough information to 'verify' very much. From what I know/remember, I can't verify JW's alibi anymore than I can verify JR's story. CR, MB and JR have outright stated they saw her and were with her....whereas JW is said he didn' is that truth, lie or alibi, we'll know someday but we just don't know now....those are the questions we all have.

All of the theories are very interesting, because until we know.....we are all just speculating, and anything is possible. The more open minded we are, the better chance we have of finder her, because someone else pointed out, if it was an easy case we'd have had found her already.

Some more musings....

I find the walk home interesting. At this point I'll believe that LE believes JR so I will too....she left and headed toward College. Why? She didn't come that way, it's out of the way as opposed to a direct line route? So, where was she going....waffle house, another friends to party, JW's?

Then there is MB. Innocent of the crew, he was writing 2 papers. If so, why did he allow LS to linger for what was reported as "about an hour" from the last ally video at 2:51 AM, most likely minutes later MB was putting CR to bed, and LS just hung around to about 4:00 AM while MB, who didn't want to party per his report, was writing his paper. What else took place in that hour?

Lastly, I'm intrigued with the Romance. JW and LS relationship, but maybe ended or nearing end per rumors, a possible new romance with CR and LS. Or possibly an old flame/lust relationship from childhood between JR and LS, that could have been one sided and just exposed that night or at the 500. And of course there's the possibility of just a non-relationship lust upon an opportunity, by anyone involved. And what about HT...was she jealous of LS relationships, was she offended, betrayed......did HT have any insight into the relationships that LS might have had....because with what info we have, we havre the makings of a perfect love triangle that mixed with alcohol or substance, it may have turned ugly.

Lot's of questions, few answers. No Lauren.
Just saw Mr. Spierer walking in this heat with 2 men at the corner of [ame=",-86.532369&spn=0.000735,0.00142&gl=us&sqi=2&t=h&z=20"]8th St. & Washington St[/ame]., headed North. One had a shirt on that said Team Stark.
I find the walk home interesting. At this point I'll believe that LE believes JR so I will too....she left and headed toward College. Why? She didn't come that way, it's out of the way as opposed to a direct line route? So, where was she going....waffle house, another friends to party, JW's?

Good point about the route. One more reason to doubt JR's story -- he wouldn't have known she came via the alley.

It's hard to believe she would be wanting to face JW at the end of her night out with the boys.
Just saw Mr. Spierer walking in this heat with 2 men at the corner of 8th St. & Washington St., headed North. One had a shirt on that said Team Stark.

It's so nice to have you local and willing to show your pics (which are great and "MrTT"?...i think it is?)....
and your information that we wouldn't know otherwise.
I hope this "walk" w/ these two men lead to something.....
I see you point, but I don't think we have enough information to 'verify' very much. From what I know/remember, I can't verify JW's alibi anymore than I can verify JR's story. CR, MB and JR have outright stated they saw her and were with her....whereas JW is said he didn' is that truth, lie or alibi, we'll know someday but we just don't know now....those are the questions we all have.

All of the theories are very interesting, because until we know.....we are all just speculating, and anything is possible. The more open minded we are, the better chance we have of finder her, because someone else pointed out, if it was an easy case we'd have had found her already.

Some more musings....

I find the walk home interesting. At this point I'll believe that LE believes JR so I will too....she left and headed toward College. Why? She didn't come that way, it's out of the way as opposed to a direct line route? So, where was she going....waffle house, another friends to party, JW's?

Then there is MB. Innocent of the crew, he was writing 2 papers. If so, why did he allow LS to linger for what was reported as "about an hour" from the last ally video at 2:51 AM, most likely minutes later MB was putting CR to bed, and LS just hung around to about 4:00 AM while MB, who didn't want to party per his report, was writing his paper. What else took place in that hour?

Lastly, I'm intrigued with the Romance. JW and LS relationship, but maybe ended or nearing end per rumors, a possible new romance with CR and LS. Or possibly an old flame/lust relationship from childhood between JR and LS, that could have been one sided and just exposed that night or at the 500. And of course there's the possibility of just a non-relationship lust upon an opportunity, by anyone involved. And what about HT...was she jealous of LS relationships, was she offended, betrayed......did HT have any insight into the relationships that LS might have had....because with what info we have, we havre the makings of a perfect love triangle that mixed with alcohol or substance, it may have turned ugly.

Lot's of questions, few answers. No Lauren.

I'm only speaking for myself, but i absolutely have a hard time being "alone" w/ other guys. I get very emotionally involved w/ them very easily. Especially if the other guy shows me any attention.
I think a lot of comes from stuff that i'm still dealing w/ my childhood abuse, but i know i can't use it as an excuse forever.
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is there is no way i could have been alone w/ all these guys for so long that night and nothing physical not to have happened. That's ME.
I really don't know how most girls are. And especially under the influence of drugs/alcohol. In my experience, putting guys/girls in those situations is dangerous. One i have a really hard time staying out of. :( So i am so not judging anyone.
But especially if, LS and JW were having problems......if LS and JR knew each other that long, she could have leaned on him and things could have happened. JW could have found out quickly (maybe from HT?) that she was over at the guys' apts. and waited for her and they could have fought about it. I'm not saying that JW went over to "lie in wait" to KILL her. But they could have fought and things could have gone "too far" :( Especially w/ her heart condition.
What a horrible situation all the way around.
What could have been a night of jealousy and heartbreaks and then a horrible "accident" has turned into a horrible tragedy.
This is of course just a "theory". :( :(

Police are expanding the search for Spierer, as well as retracing their steps. Parker confirmed that dumpsters and landfills have been searched and encouraged stores in Spierer's path last Friday morning to give their security tapes to police for analysis.

If I were the Spierers I would detail what I thought this meant and have it confirmed.
1. Did a group of individuals go to the land fill and all consolidation points on June 4th and sift through everything including untying all trash bags one week back. Who?
2. Were cadaver dogs stationed at each of these points from June 4 - June 15?
3. Were trucks servicing the immediate area of college and 11th on June 3rd identified and pulled over in time to rule out at least, the dumpster at 5 college?

I would be interested in knowing with what % certainty LE can say she is not in the landfill. 80????? 10??????
All of your bolded type seems like a normal night. It is only when we know what happened that you associate suspicion with it. If I told you that I spent a night hanging out with buddies and went to bed at 2:30 you would say OK and think nothing more of it. I wish people would be more honest and just say they think JW is the culprit because he is a jilted boyfriend.

Fortunately, most of the folks here are not that narrowly focused. I doubt they are being dishonest but rather are really struggling in an attempt to understand.

There really is no evidence that points to him, except when people create their own stories or associate their emotions with his behavior. This is different than JR where a lot of his story doesnt make sense AND can not be verified.

These "stories" and "emotions" are what make up MOTIVE--an important part of the investigative stage of a case such as this, hardly something to dismiss. JW has motive; JR does not based on what little we know.
The one thing that seems strange to me is the idea that JW would have known absolutely nothing about LS hanging out with CR that night. Many different friends see her hanging out with this other guy in multiple locations including an altercation that ends in physical violence and not a single one of them sends a text? That seems more unbelievable to me than a lot of things about this case.

I also have to believe that his story hasn't been verified or cannot be. I have seen in other cases where police have said his story checks out or we checked his alibi or this individual has been cleared. Police here have repeatedly said that absolutely no one has been cleared unless I missed a recent press release that states otherwise.

After saying all that, I don't really think JW did anything. I am guessing he hasn't been cleared because he cannot be really. If he went to sleep in his room with his door shut technically he could have crawled out a window or something. He is pretty far down on my list of suspicions, but I don't really feel comfortable ruling him out completely.
So for the first time, I'm really getting a different take on JW as a result of reading the excerpt below from this site

Wolff's friend told Fox59 News that Wolff was watching basketball several hours before Spierer disappeared and was under the impression his girlfriend was staying home at her apartment at Smallwood Plaza. He said Wolff went to bed at 2:30 a.m., about the same time Spierer and Rossman were coming home from Kilroy's Sports Bar.

The friend said Wolff received no phone calls or visitors in the hours after his fraternity brothers confronted Spierer and Rossman at Smallwood. The friend said Wolff called Spierer's cell phone the next day when it was answered by an employee of Kilroys'.

Just seems all too convenient that he knew so little and had such little info and activity while all this was happening.
Police did say that LS wasn't involed in the altercation. Did they mean 'physically' involved or not involved at all? It seems to me, that if the guy a girl is with, is getting beaten up because of Her, she'd step in and get involved. Maybe not to the point of throwing punches, but at least to the point of putting her hands on the puncher in an attempt to separate the guys, push him away, something. And I would also think she'd be in his face, pointing her finger, waving her hands, etc...this IMO, is 'involved'. What I can't see, (and this is whether the girl is sober or drunk), is her just stepping aside and waiting. It sounds IMO, like the fight was over something else...maybe him being in the complex after being banned? Them leaving, without LS even getting shoes, makes me think, he had been kicked out and made to leave. If this is close, I wouldn't necessarily expect the guys to call JW...especially if the guys were some kind of security. If the guys were security, it would explain why LS stayed uninvoled, didn't get her shoes, and then got him out of there. Maybe she was told to 'get your friend out of here NOW!" IDK, and that's speculation on my part, but I'm trying to figure out why JW's friends wouldn't inform him. Maybe they weren't his friends and there was nothing to inform. Or even if one of the guys was a friend, maybe he didn't want to cause problems or be the bearer of bad news...or if they were 'broke up', the friend didn't want to rub JW's nose in another guy. Honestly, I've been in similar situations, and it's a hard decision, but I usually mind my own business and keep quiet. MOO.
To me it is the same as we have with JR. What we know, according to MSM, is that JW's friends had a confrontation over LS with CR at a little after 2:30. It DOESN'T make sense that he was not informed of this. His room mate says they all went to bed. As far as I am concerned, as long as the room mate is asleep, there is no alibi, and there certainly is no way to know whether or not JW had any incoming calls or texts.
Hearing your GF has left her phone at a bar, not being able to find her the next day, then calling her parents and alerting LE within hours - it is not normal or expected behavior given the facts that we know.
Add to that, JW has left town, does have a lawyer and is having his home still searched by LE as of last week.
Honestly, he's not my first suspect, but in no way is he my suspect just because of my emotions or feelings. He is a suspect because there is no reason NOT to suspect him given all that we know.
If we assume that he didn't know about LS's night, then a lot of JW's later actions seem logical. He gets up, tries to call, gets her phone, goes through texts and calls, talks to her friends, starts hearing stories about the guys, the fight, her taking off, being last seen walking barefoot into the night...yes, I think he'd be worried enough to call police for help. I don't have details of that call, but the 1 time I called for help in searching for my daughter, LE asked me to go to the station and make a report. There was no waiting period at all and she had only been 'missing' for a couple of hours...but under suspicious circumstances. Her bf had put her out of his car to walk, (drunk and no phone), and kept changing the location. My husband and I and some neighbors searched for about 40 minutes, but in a panic, I called the cops. We did find her...walking to the bf's at 3 in the morning. idk, but IMO, JW's actions are pretty logical. After he found out about her night and started hearing the rumors, and he, himself was named a POI, I don't blame him for getting a lawyer and leaving..all actions from an innocent man, IMO. But with that said, the bf is always scrutinized, and if we consider that he WAS informed about LS's night and the fight, then everything changes. But as of now, I haven't seen any evidence point in his direction. MOO.
What does the Team Stark mean?? Also where do you think they were headed on 8th & Washington? Is that headed towards JW's place?

JW's is 9th and Fess, about six blocks away. Hard to say if they were going there. I would have turned east by that point to go to JW's. Sports is just one block away.
Can I ask why....what's your thought on this? Did you man said they were heading north?

Just curious. Thanks in advance.

I jumped to the conclusion that this was an investigative walk therefore they probably started further south than the intersection where Btown saw them. In fact they could have just been having lunch south of there and wanted to walk back to Smallwood in the shade. Washington is more shady than Walnut or College.
What does the Team Stark mean?? Also where do you think they were headed on 8th & Washington? Is that headed towards JW's place?

In order asked:

I've no idea.
I've no idea.

Its the second time I've been within arms length of him, yet unable to stop.

I wanted to stop and talk with him, perhaps express sympathy, offer him what little assistance I can.

But, time is again my enemy.
Who COULD be Team Lannister? :p

**off-topic** I wonder if it is just a random Game of Thrones reference or we are just being nerds?

I hope her parents are doing as well as can be expected.
Fortunately, most of the folks here are not that narrowly focused. I doubt they are being dishonest but rather are really struggling in an attempt to understand.

These "stories" and "emotions" are what make up MOTIVE--an important part of the investigative stage of a case such as this, hardly something to dismiss. JW has motive; JR does not based on what little we know.

It just seems to me like the "motive" people are talking about is also the result of story telling. 1) We do not know that the altercation between CR and others had anything to do with the relationship between JW and LS. 2) We do not know how close JW was to the guys who fought CR (from all reports it doesnt seem that they were real close 3) There is no evidence that indicates JW was anywhere near LS that night

Look at above posts- someone sees Mr. Spierer walking in Bloomington and someone asks if he could be headed to JW's house. He could be headed to by more shampoo for all we know.

No one has seen a clear motive in this case. JW is coming up because the "boyfriend/husband/ wife/ lover" motive is the most typical one in all cases, including those in TV shows and movies.

If JW were to have killed her it means he knew she was cheating on him. If this were the case, I see the crime as one of passion. If he was enraged I sincerely believe there would have been more evidence and at least some sort of crime scene. the 2 most likely scenarios when looking at what we know about this case are OD and disposal or stranger abduction.
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