IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #28

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What about ZO's gang?
Ever since the very beginning I found ZO's absolution by LE and reverence by the press was very strange. Who was with ZO. Was it AB? Who else? Don't ZO and AB live at 10th and College? AB isn't a student correct? What friends did they have over that night? Any out of town guests? Where do the rest of these ZO people live? What do they look like? Are they all students? Where do they live? What do they drive?

What if one of these people saw what was going with LS (that she was very hot but very out of it... couldn't even talk) but then later also happened to be watching when she fell exiting the alley? Perhaps they helped her up and put her into a vehicle while CR went stumbling to 5N... then CR comes back with MB only she is gone. They call JR at 3:30 because they are not just next door and can't just knock. JR looks out from his balcony and sees nothing. CR explains her condition to him. Meanwhile this onlooker who may have been part of ZO's crew drives off and realizes he has a dead girl, maybe helping her toward that end. The strange immunity of the 10th and College building and of ZO and crew has bugged me. While I think CR/MB and JR are liars, just what they are lying is the question. If they came forward and admitted that she disappeared back in the gravel lot, that would be very interesting.
Sure JR would protect CR/MB because he wouldnt' want them pointing fingers at him for drugs or digging up other dirt.
So who were those guys with ZO?
What was AB's alibi that night?
Also, does anyone know JR's real name? Few people are really named Jay. It's usually short for something else like Joseph.

Although I don't have answers to all your questions, I wonder how HT fits into the equation of ZO, AB, JR, and CR (not absolving him of anything). She seems to have sided with ZO (FB friends after the fact) and JR (re: interviews), yet not CR. Subsequent articles (last June) mention coke found in LS' apartment, which could also be HT's. IDK. I do feel drugs played a part in LS' disappearance. And I guess I usually associate that with the male POIs. But ... just saying.
LE states that JR called two different guys at 4:15: DR and..? The unknown person was watching the game earlier at LS's apt, roommates present. That
person could have been ZO and/or one of his roommates BB or AB.

ZO was not welcome by SW security either, but there he was at SW,
chances are he was not just hanging out in the lobby, he was on Lauren's floor when the altercation happened, he must have been in an apt.

HT and BW backed up ZO, and they all seemed to get a free pass. Coke was found in Lauren's room, seems like a good roomie would get that out of there, if they didn't plant it there in the first place. IMO they know who this unnamed guy is, and are protecting him, for what reason? But just in case, the coke was in LS room, if he came up in the investigation he must have been just dealing to her. Or else why not get the coke out of there? MOO, the coke was their's too.

So JR states he called two people at 4:15. Why not tell us both of their names? Either this guy is a serious suspect they are watching, or this is the guy who implicated JR and gang as uber guilty and got a free pass too. True
what he says, or taking the heat off himself? In turn, JR must have implicated this mystery man , this might be why JR hasn't been named as an official suspect, maybe LE thinks this guy is more of a suspect. If this person not DR lived or was partying at 10th and College, they would be in the direct path of Lauren's way home, able to be in the position to intercept her a single minute after receiving the phone call. If they stood in the shadows they could pull her into the walkway before the camera caught her, and JR would not be able to see that.

So, someone could have left ZO's apt and intercepted Lauren. Doesn't have to be him. Videos on U Tube show his roommates partying with older junkie types, and they are effed up in the video, AB making out with a woman
old enough to be his mom.

When I saw HT and BW on national TV, I thought three things: they were scared, they were lying, and their clothing was inappropriate for the exposure and the occasion. Because they were the only ones talking, everyone immediately thinks they are telling the truth.

ZO is probably innocent of intercepting LS but may know who is likely to have done it. In this scenario, someone on the edges of their circle, someone Lauren doesn't know but this person has seen her, left his apt. and intercepted her. At the beginning, there was a rumor of him being afraid of a scary coke dealer, the rumor still exists among kids here that it was a dangerous dealer who did it. all this IMO, MOO.
LE states that JR called two different guys at 4:15: DR and..? The unknown person was watching the game earlier at LS's apt, roommates present. That
person could have been ZO and/or one of his roommates BB or AB.

ZO was not welcome by SW security either, but there he was at SW,
chances are he was not just hanging out in the lobby, he was on Lauren's floor when the altercation happened, he must have been in an apt.

HT and BW backed up ZO, and they all seemed to get a free pass. Coke was found in Lauren's room, seems like a good roomie would get that out of there, if they didn't plant it there in the first place. IMO they know who this unnamed guy is, and are protecting him, for what reason? But just in case, the coke was in LS room, if he came up in the investigation he must have been just dealing to her. Or else why not get the coke out of there? MOO, the coke was their's too.

So JR states he called two people at 4:15. Why not tell us both of their names? Either this guy is a serious suspect they are watching, or this is the guy who implicated JR and gang as uber guilty and got a free pass too. True
what he says, or taking the heat off himself? In turn, JR must have implicated this mystery man , this might be why JR hasn't been named as an official suspect, maybe LE thinks this guy is more of a suspect. If this person not DR lived or was partying at 10th and College, they would be in the direct path of Lauren's way home, able to be in the position to intercept her a single minute after receiving the phone call. If they stood in the shadows they could pull her into the walkway before the camera caught her, and JR would not be able to see that.

So, someone could have left ZO's apt and intercepted Lauren. Doesn't have to be him. Videos on U Tube show his roommates partying with older junkie types, and they are effed up in the video, AB making out with a woman
old enough to be his mom.

When I saw HT and BW on national TV, I thought three things: they were scared, they were lying, and their clothing was inappropriate for the exposure and the occasion. Because they were the only ones talking, everyone immediately thinks they are telling the truth.

ZO is probably innocent of intercepting LS but may know who is likely to have done it. In this scenario, someone on the edges of their circle, someone Lauren doesn't know but this person has seen her, left his apt. and intercepted her. At the beginning, there was a rumor of him being afraid of a scary coke dealer, the rumor still exists among kids here that it was a dangerous dealer who did it. all this IMO, MOO.

I think this is very close to exactly what happened. Even if none of the details end up being right, I think the 'who' and 'how' he came across Lauren is point on; an older bad news junkie/dealer on the fringes of their group of acquaintances. I think LE knows this but don't have anything because he's being covered for due to fear and intimidation by him (and possibly his associates). This theory ties up all the loose ends.
Can you post the YouTube links?
I think this is very close to exactly what happened. Even if none of the details end up being right, I think the 'who' and 'how' he came across Lauren is point on; an older bad news junkie/dealer on the fringes of their group of acquaintances. I think LE knows this but don't have anything because he's being covered for due to fear and intimidation by him (and possibly his associates). This theory ties up all the loose ends.
Can you post the YouTube links?

Let's see I saw it on PT so it will take a bit of looking. While I'm at it, (actually I'll have to ask someone else to find it for me!) I'll find the one of HT sticking out her tongue with a zannie on it. On the counter next to her is the lemonade, vodka and plastic shotglasses to make lemon drops. In essence, she and others are partying for a blackout. Vodka+valium/xanax=blackout.
Saying you can't remember what you did the night before at all is very common and they don't question it.

Today I heard people telling this one person what they did the night before and couldn't remember-- they all thought it was so funny. In this case no drugs were involved, just serious drinking. Still, it's a rampant pasttime around here, and people really do lose memories of the night before. Problem with CR is that even if it's not true, he can claim memory loss because so many people saw him get punched.
I think the second person wasn't named because they didn't pick up the phone and could be ruled out as having anything to do with Lauren's disappearance.

I can see how it's tempting to believe Lauren was 'intercepted' by some scary drug dealer, but I haven't seen a shred of evidence that would support that, or that would explain why JR, CR and MB told so many conflicting stories if they had nothing to do with it.
Let's see I saw it on PT so it will take a bit of looking. While I'm at it, (actually I'll have to ask someone else to find it for me!) I'll find the one of HT sticking out her tongue with a zannie on it. On the counter next to her is the lemonade, vodka and plastic shotglasses to make lemon drops. In essence, she and others are partying for a blackout. Vodka+valium/xanax=blackout.
Saying you can't remember what you did the night before at all is very common and they don't question it.

Today I heard people telling this one person what they did the night before and couldn't remember-- they all thought it was so funny. In this case no drugs were involved, just serious drinking. Still, it's a rampant pasttime around here, and people really do lose memories of the night before. Problem with CR is that even if it's not true, he can claim memory loss because so many people saw him get punched.

On PT? If you can remember about which thread it's on, I can find it myself but I'd like to see the other one of HT.
I've already talked about my history with drug and alcohol addiction on this thread so I won't get into it all again except to say that I'm all to familiar with the lifestyle and know all about black outs and how common they are and how common it is for this age group to not take them seriously. Unfortunately the heavy and irresponsible use of drugs and alcohol IS the reason we're here talking about LS (although I do believe that Lauren was drugged without her knowledge and wouldn't have gotten herself into that state on her own) and it will be the reason for many more of the same conversations about missing girls. The statement by CS that has touched me the deepest was when she talked about seeing all the girls out partying and walking off alone, as if nothing had happened to her daughter. It must be so painful to feel your loss has been in vain.
Many months ago, when I had the audacity to suggest that HT was popping pills on that video I was practically shouted off the forum. Ht has never come across to me as honest. The more she talked, the worse it got. But she certainly had her fan club on here for awhile.
If Tony Gatto's site still has all the old posts, I am sure he had the video linked there.
I apologize if this has already been discussed sometime in the earlier 27 threads...

Has anyone viewed the Associated Press video posted June 6, 2011 about Lauren's disappearance? It is on Youtube, and I see that a user has commented twice under the video firstly claiming to be HT's sister and then saying (paraphrasing here) that Lauren went to a party and got drunk so that is why she is gone. This user has also "liked" some other LS videos on Youtube. This person appears to be younger based on their other video "likes", I doubt it is truly HT's sister (do we know if she has one?) but I thought I'd dig around a little bit regarding that.

HT does not seem all too sincere to me... seemed very non-chalant in the aforementioned video, taped just a few days after LS went missing.


ETA: I hope I haven't violated any TOS in this post... I don't have a lot of experience in regards to quoting or referencing other sites, etc.
Compounding that frustration, the Spierers say, is the "code of silence" kept by the young men who saw Lauren last that night. Within days of her disappearance they had all acquired lawyers; to this day they've refused to take FBI-administered polygraphs -- tests investigators say would help them narrow the field of persons of interest. "these are all still actively people that we and the police have not been able to question to the full extent," Bo Dietl, the Spierers' lead private investigator, tells PEOPLE. WHy they won't just take the tests is something the Spierers can't understand. "I don't think Lauren survived the night, but I don't think this was some random abduction," says Charlene
(People, Jan. 13, p. 72)

..the Spierers say that [JR] and the other [POI]'s actions following Lauren's disappearance raised questions. Within days, Rosenbaum, Rossman and two other friends who had been with her hired lawyers and cut contact with the Spierers. Rossmans' silence left them particularly upset. He claims the punch he took at Lauren's apartment complex fogged his mind and he can't recall the night beginning 15 minutes before he was hit, a statement the Spierers find absurd
On JW:
The Spierers aren't convinced Lauren's boyfriend, Jesse Wolff, has been entirely forthcoming either. It was Wolff and two other students, investigators say, who reported Lauren missing June 3 after Kilroy's contaqcted him with Lauren's cell phone. At first he seemed eager to help. "That Monday he was texting me, 'We've got to have everyone take polys,'" says Charlene. But according to the Spierers, the next day, as search parties fanned out for miles around IU, Wolff left for home, which struck Robert and Charlene as odd. Since then he's refused to take a police polygraph... "He was in love with Lauren as far as we knew," says Robert, "so we can't understand why he's chosen not to do everything possible to help us"
This article hurt my heart to read. You can just see how much Lauren's family adores her and the empty space that has been left in her absence.

...the Spierers are pressing on, dedicated to finding their child-- if only to say goodbye. "She deserves that respect," says Charlene. "And I promise you," adds Robert, "We're far from giving up."

I hope the Spierers know how many people out there support them. We won't forget and we won't give up either. xo
Sending love & light out to the Spierers. Their strength amazes me. May they get answers soon!
Lauren Spierer: Family still seeks closure in daughter's disappearance
The tips have dwindled and police in Bloomington, Ind., seem no closer to solving the June 2011 disappearance of Lauren Spierer, an Indiana University student from Greenburgh.
But her parents are continuing their efforts to keep the case alive through national media appearances, hoping to pressure those who were with her early on June 3, 2011, to be more forthcoming with them and law enforcement authorities.
“We know there is a person on this earth that knows what happened,” Robert Spierer told People magazine in an article published this week.
It appears Jesse Wolff split town several days earlier than we have previously believed.
I was surprised he did not stand next to Lauren's family through this.
How long had Jesse & Lauren been together when she disappeared?
On JW:

Yes, it's a cowardly thing to do. But no doubt like the immediate POI's (last either known to be with her or admit to it) he was advised by parents to get home immediately. The #1 suspect/POI in any disappearance / murder case is the significant other. So of course JW would be hot to LE. Yet, there is not one piece of evidence to even suggest he had anything to do with it. At the same time, if it were me, I would not have waited so long to lead a charge to solve the case. So, he really wasn't that into her was he? If it's one thing that is a common thread with all of the POI's it is their incredible selfishness.
Nice article in People. I haven't forgotten about you, Lauren, nor you, her parents and sister. God bless you, and I pray that those boys come forward with everything that they know. It's time. Do NOT let up on the pressure on them.
So of course JW would be hot to LE. Yet, there is not one piece of evidence to even suggest he had anything to do with it. .

Which as far as we know is the exact same situation the 5N POI are in as well, other than their clearly admitting to be the last known people to have seen her that evening/morning.

Everything else is just speculation, rumors, and more speculation. It still ends up being not one shred of known (public) evidence that they were involved in her disappearance or connect them to it. And from that angle JW would have arguably the the most clear cut motive of the bunch (jealousy) although we have no idea whether he'd have opportunity.

OTOH, we have to speculate about what even might've happened to even find a motive for the 5N PsOI. And part of that speculation still has an open-ended question "Why wouldn't they just call an ambulance?".

Really, it's doubtful any of us following this forum have any idea what happened let alone access to much if any official and vetted information so I don't know how anyone can begin remotely 'clearing' any of the POI let alone excluding the potential that random abduction still must remain in the realm of possibility.

The 5N PsOI certainly make the most obvious suspects from appearances but by the same token the absolute fact LE hasn't found anything to connect them to any crimes and acted upon it when they're clearly in the crosshairs due to those same appearances means that other possibilities can't and shouldn't be discounted.

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