IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #28

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DNA Solves
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You probably know how many people die from Heart Disease and Cancer per year right? What about other leading causes of death?
150,000 people per year (and rapidly growing) die from prescription medicine, written by Physicians and distributed by Pharmacies.
45,000 people per year die from auto accidents.
(25,000 of those people die from drunk drivers.)
5,000 people die from illegal drugs
11,000 people die from hand guns (the overwhelming majority of those are domestic disputes or accidents in the home)
On average over the past 100 years about 30 people per year die from foreign terrorist attacks on US soil.
Pot apparently doesn't kill anyone (although one guy this past year claims it caused him to bite someone's face off)

Do we as a country spend to attack these causes of death proportionately?
You know the answer... We spent $12 Trillion in the past 12 years on the non-existent threat of terrorists. While the population has grown by several million, LE and airbags have managed to cap the number of traffic deaths so one could say the % of traffic deaths is going down. But what are we doing about the epidemic of deaths due to prescription medication? Next to heart disease, stroke, or cancer it's the most likely way we will all die.

Right. It also bears mentioning that The U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services reports 75,000 yearly (2007) alcohol related deaths 40,000 of which are due to injuries inflicted from alcohol related accidents. They also report that alcohol "plays a role" in 50% of traffic deaths, 50% of murders and 25% of suicides.

As far as what can we do about it? A paradigm shift. An elevation of the "default" human condition.
I'm, not convinced that any amount of money will fix the problem, because the problem is rooted in our collective obliviousness to our inter-connectedness to each other and to the universe as a whole. It's in the multi-generational ideologies that have deeply instilled within us profound falsehoods about what it means to be human. The end result is a society of people that are spiritually lost, lonesome, filled with sadness and often rage, and who are misguided by the idea that accumulation of stuff is indicative of success and the way to achieve that success i.e. all the stuff, is through aggression, competition and setting oneself apart. Until we learn and begin to teach the value of cooperation and empathy above economic success I fear we will only continue to create a society from which we feel the unhealthy need to escape. Money will most likely only breed even more bureaucratic programs that frustrate and fall short. The solution is absolutely all about wealth however it's about wealth of spirit. Individually we'll have to open our hearts, live our lives rooted within kindness and love for all people, especially those of us who are the easiest to judge. It will be through taking responsibility for our lives, our actions and our own happiness and recognizing and become conscious of who we really are and how we are all connected that we'll begin to fill the emptiness that we presently are attempting to fill up with food, money, belongings, pills, alcohol, sex, drama etc, etc.
We'll heal this country/the world of it's addictions and all of it's other faults only when we've healed ourselves individually.
I'd bet that no one has used this method to search. Some swear it really works. Recently, a plumber used it to find pinhole size leak in a buried water main and he found the spot.

I don't know about this, but I have seen some postings on youtube about some people doing "digital dowsing" for information on/from LS with this electronic device called an Ovilus. I'll find the links if you want them but it's all very strange and I can't say that I personally found any of it be very helpful or believable, but I'm the first to admit that I don't know the first thing about it so I may not be the very best judge.
There have been no searches in a long time. I did not come here to PLAY footsie or sit and spin. We must find her or no one will talk. SO, I WAS WONDERING, WHO IS WILLING TO GO TO INDIANA AND HELP LOOK?

I wish I could come to Indiana. Since I can't I have been doing this one thing, and maybe some more people that can't come out there could do it also...or I'll just once again sound like a jackass. Anyway, ever since they updated google maps in the Bloomington area to 2012 images, I've been spending some amount of time every day looking. First I started with areas of interest that have been mentioned in some context here or elsewhere, and then I just started by beginning at 10th and college and randomly choosing a direction for that day and just go. Street views and low "flying" aerial views. I've never expected to see much, but I figured, why not at least look, there MAY be something somewhere that would visible. And I can, so I do.
Possibly someone less spatially challenged than me could do something with the maps, like a real foot search, break into some sort of grid for some other people that live to far to come...I don't know if that is possible, but it's just a thought.
There have been no searches in a long time. I did not come here to PLAY footsie or sit and spin. We must find her or no one will talk. SO, I WAS WONDERING, WHO IS WILLING TO GO TO INDIANA AND HELP LOOK?

I am willing if the search is properly organized as I have never participated in one. What were you thinking - over a weekend?
Somewhat off topic:Bo Dietl, "legendary detective" now appears to have been investigating where sandwich shops slice their meat. He is now appearing in a television commercial for one such chain.

I wonder whether his firm is still searching for LS.
I wish I could come to Indiana. Since I can't I have been doing this one thing, and maybe some more people that can't come out there could do it also...or I'll just once again sound like a jackass. Anyway, ever since they updated google maps in the Bloomington area to 2012 images, I've been spending some amount of time every day looking. First I started with areas of interest that have been mentioned in some context here or elsewhere, and then I just started by beginning at 10th and college and randomly choosing a direction for that day and just go. Street views and low "flying" aerial views. I've never expected to see much, but I figured, why not at least look, there MAY be something somewhere that would visible. And I can, so I do.
Possibly someone less spatially challenged than me could do something with the maps, like a real foot search, break into some sort of grid for some other people that live to far to come...I don't know if that is possible, but it's just a thought.

People are still searching.
If you happen to have an idea or see something in an aerial photo that looks suspicious you should of course report that...but you can also post here and it will be looked at.
If you have ideas that you want to explore privately then you are welcome to message me with detailed locations to explore.

I'll be searching again next week.
People are still searching.
If you happen to have an idea or see something in an aerial photo that looks suspicious you should of course report that...but you can also post here and it will be looked at.
If you have ideas that you want to explore privately then you are welcome to message me with detailed locations to explore.

I'll be searching again next week.

My gut feel is that these guys are more clever than average. Even so, they are people, and think like people and so if you can get into their head, you might get somewhere. Today, I considered the vastness of the internet as a place to search. I googled "where would someone clever hide a body?" It returned a site where someone had listed 25 Fun things to ask Siri (Apple's artificial intelligence application) someone had asked Siri "Where can I hide a body" I found the list interesting.
Metal Foundries

Contrast this with my own list of possibilities:
an existing Mausoleum at a cemetary
garbage bags / dumpster --> dump
large cooler in a storage place or buried in the ground
buried in the ground covered with natural materials
placed in cement at nearby construction
burned / incinerated
fed to large dogs or other beasts
acid / chemical decomposition

Then some others posted here
held captive on private property

I've never analyzed these things in depth before, but this Siri thing got me wondering. LE must have some kind of logical protocol to sort through these possibilities else they would only find bodies by accident. Not sure what that is, so perhaps if someone knows that could be useful too.

So, let's look at these possibilities (and please post if I missed something)

1) Mines / Caves / Sewers / Mausoleum
I'm not aware of any mines or caves in the area. This sort of thing may have been old and forgotten. Sewers would seem really tempting since there was a lot of construction in the immediate area. Early on, this was brought up and no one ever confirmed searches of sewers in the University area... but consider just how extensive sewers are even in a place like Bloomington. If submerged under water in a sewer, the body would eventually decompose. Not sure how long this would take. I've never heard of a body being found in a sewer, but it seems a place that is quickly accessible and one that would both limit searchers and be very time consuming. Similar to this idea is that of being placed inside of an existing Mausoleum or tomb. Possibly one of the least likely places anyone would search. Some have suggested it's not so easy to do this because tampering would be obvious. So, while this might be clever, it might have been too much work. Out of this group, sewer seems the most likely to me.
There seems to be no end to sewers to search...

2) Metal Foundries / burned / incinerated / crematories / acid / chemical decomposition / pet food - rendering plant

It's no secret that high temperatures, acids, even simple burning would not leave much except jewelry and dental work. I would guess that there are many places in bloomington area where someone could burn a body. She was small and just a small bonfire would do it. A lot of people have fires in the country, campsites, etc... not sure how long this would take, my guess would be that using quickstart charcoal as the base with charcoal lighter fluid and then putting firewood on top it might take a couple of hours to eliminate the body, but then many more hours for the whole thing to burn down to ash. In a metal foundry, the body would burn up in minutes, same with incinerator. I would bet that some of those nice buildings in the university area, maybe even ones close to 5N have an incinerator (unless it's illegal in that area). Next to that would be the body specific incinerators: crematories. Would it be so strange that someone might have access to a crematory? my understanding is, 5 minutes to warm it up, 5 minutes later the body is ashes. (are you thinking... nah... people that run crematories would never have ties to these guys, would never take money for body disposal, never get broken into, never have mob ties, no they are all perfect human beings.) Finally, industrial acids and other chemicals can destroy human tissue very rapidly. Metal production and heavy manufacturing facilities often have huge vats of these chemicals. This certainly would be a little more obvious, but maybe there are smaller shops with acid baths, or 55 gal barrels full of stuff that would work just as well.
Out of this group, the simpler and less involved is to just burn the body outdoors and make it seem like a large campfire. However, if there were an incinerator nearby that would have been the fastest.

3) Reservoirs / dumps / swamps / lakes
By now those of you searching maps know very well where all of the reservoirs, quarries, dumps and lakes are. It seems that if she is in some of these places, we will never know. As discussed the garbage dump gets so much garbage so fast, it would be pretty much impossible to ever find her at this stage. Similarly, deep reservoirs and quarries filled with water are not places people dive, the bottom is very murky, equipment doesn't always work, and PH levels in quarries can speed decomposition. So what do you do? Any chance someone got into a car with LS in the trunk and drove not just to a quarry or lake... but drove down to a gator swamp and fed the gators? A lake seems a bit risky to me. bodies seem to turn up in lakes, they can be drained, and divers can easily search. But maybe these guys didn't know that. Out of this group the most daunting would seem to be the dump and the quarry... just no way to do it.

4) Buried. There is a lot of land out there, a lot of woods, LS is very small.
A narrow trench maybe less than 2 feet by 4 feet and a couple feet deep would leave little surface area... covered with branches, leaves, grass... and now 1 year later and you have another needle in ten thousand haystacks.
But, this would require a little time, risk of being seen, and at least one shovel. Also is then the risk of coming back very dirty. Some people have shovels in their camping gear or even in their trunk. Guess if you know what these types of graves look like you might be able to spot one. Seems very difficult. If the grave is on private property I can't see how you would ever know unless there was tip or link to one of the POI's.

5) fed to dogs or other beasts. This is pretty sick as would be pet food factory. Yet, I don't doubt that some low life people with those large dogs bred to be killers could do the job, however about as messy as it could get.
I've seen these types of dogs tear and eat a family cat in minutes. Dismembering a body and feeding the parts to dogs, pigs or other animals might leave bones and other evidence. But if this is done on some well hidden or private property how can you ever know?

6) held captive / frozen in a freezer / in storage
This too seems another one of those things where unless you have a tip to go on, you may never know. People who escape captors often have lived around other people who had no clue. In someone's spare freezer? Storage barn? all the same thing to me.
My gut feel is that these guys are more clever than average. Even so, they are people, and think like people and so if you can get into their head, you might get somewhere. Today, I considered the vastness of the internet as a place to search. I googled "where would someone clever hide a body?" It returned a site where someone had listed 25 Fun things to ask Siri (Apple's artificial intelligence application) someone had asked Siri "Where can I hide a body" I found the list interesting.
Metal Foundries

Contrast this with my own list of possibilities:
an existing Mausoleum at a cemetary
garbage bags / dumpster --> dump
large cooler in a storage place or buried in the ground
buried in the ground covered with natural materials
placed in cement at nearby construction
burned / incinerated
fed to large dogs or other beasts
acid / chemical decomposition

Then some others posted here
held captive on private property

I've never analyzed these things in depth before, but this Siri thing got me wondering. LE must have some kind of logical protocol to sort through these possibilities else they would only find bodies by accident. Not sure what that is, so perhaps if someone knows that could be useful too.

So, let's look at these possibilities (and please post if I missed something)

1) Mines / Caves / Sewers / Mausoleum
I'm not aware of any mines or caves in the area. This sort of thing may have been old and forgotten. Sewers would seem really tempting since there was a lot of construction in the immediate area. Early on, this was brought up and no one ever confirmed searches of sewers in the University area... but consider just how extensive sewers are even in a place like Bloomington. If submerged under water in a sewer, the body would eventually decompose. Not sure how long this would take. I've never heard of a body being found in a sewer, but it seems a place that is quickly accessible and one that would both limit searchers and be very time consuming. Similar to this idea is that of being placed inside of an existing Mausoleum or tomb. Possibly one of the least likely places anyone would search. Some have suggested it's not so easy to do this because tampering would be obvious. So, while this might be clever, it might have been too much work. Out of this group, sewer seems the most likely to me.
There seems to be no end to sewers to search...

2) Metal Foundries / burned / incinerated / crematories / acid / chemical decomposition / pet food - rendering plant

It's no secret that high temperatures, acids, even simple burning would not leave much except jewelry and dental work. I would guess that there are many places in bloomington area where someone could burn a body. She was small and just a small bonfire would do it. A lot of people have fires in the country, campsites, etc... not sure how long this would take, my guess would be that using quickstart charcoal as the base with charcoal lighter fluid and then putting firewood on top it might take a couple of hours to eliminate the body, but then many more hours for the whole thing to burn down to ash. In a metal foundry, the body would burn up in minutes, same with incinerator. I would bet that some of those nice buildings in the university area, maybe even ones close to 5N have an incinerator (unless it's illegal in that area). Next to that would be the body specific incinerators: crematories. Would it be so strange that someone might have access to a crematory? my understanding is, 5 minutes to warm it up, 5 minutes later the body is ashes. (are you thinking... nah... people that run crematories would never have ties to these guys, would never take money for body disposal, never get broken into, never have mob ties, no they are all perfect human beings.) Finally, industrial acids and other chemicals can destroy human tissue very rapidly. Metal production and heavy manufacturing facilities often have huge vats of these chemicals. This certainly would be a little more obvious, but maybe there are smaller shops with acid baths, or 55 gal barrels full of stuff that would work just as well.
Out of this group, the simpler and less involved is to just burn the body outdoors and make it seem like a large campfire. However, if there were an incinerator nearby that would have been the fastest.

3) Reservoirs / dumps / swamps / lakes
By now those of you searching maps know very well where all of the reservoirs, quarries, dumps and lakes are. It seems that if she is in some of these places, we will never know. As discussed the garbage dump gets so much garbage so fast, it would be pretty much impossible to ever find her at this stage. Similarly, deep reservoirs and quarries filled with water are not places people dive, the bottom is very murky, equipment doesn't always work, and PH levels in quarries can speed decomposition. So what do you do? Any chance someone got into a car with LS in the trunk and drove not just to a quarry or lake... but drove down to a gator swamp and fed the gators? A lake seems a bit risky to me. bodies seem to turn up in lakes, they can be drained, and divers can easily search. But maybe these guys didn't know that. Out of this group the most daunting would seem to be the dump and the quarry... just no way to do it.

4) Buried. There is a lot of land out there, a lot of woods, LS is very small.
A narrow trench maybe less than 2 feet by 4 feet and a couple feet deep would leave little surface area... covered with branches, leaves, grass... and now 1 year later and you have another needle in ten thousand haystacks.
But, this would require a little time, risk of being seen, and at least one shovel. Also is then the risk of coming back very dirty. Some people have shovels in their camping gear or even in their trunk. Guess if you know what these types of graves look like you might be able to spot one. Seems very difficult. If the grave is on private property I can't see how you would ever know unless there was tip or link to one of the POI's.

5) fed to dogs or other beasts. This is pretty sick as would be pet food factory. Yet, I don't doubt that some low life people with those large dogs bred to be killers could do the job, however about as messy as it could get.
I've seen these types of dogs tear and eat a family cat in minutes. Dismembering a body and feeding the parts to dogs, pigs or other animals might leave bones and other evidence. But if this is done on some well hidden or private property how can you ever know?

6) held captive / frozen in a freezer / in storage
This too seems another one of those things where unless you have a tip to go on, you may never know. People who escape captors often have lived around other people who had no clue. In someone's spare freezer? Storage barn? all the same thing to me.

There are a number of caves in the Bloomington area. There are also quarries.,ftc,2,fid,2634364,n,bloomington quarry.cfm
People are still searching.
If you happen to have an idea or see something in an aerial photo that looks suspicious you should of course report that...but you can also post here and it will be looked at.
If you have ideas that you want to explore privately then you are welcome to message me with detailed locations to explore.

I'll be searching again next week.

I will do that, thank you.
The Bloomington area is known for limestone. That means lots of quarries and lots of caves.
Their locations aren't necessarily easily found unless you know where to look though. Landowners don't necessarily want spelunkers on their property, especially amateur spelunkers. And serious spelunkers believe in preserving the natural beauty of the caves and not having them spoiled with graffiti and trash of teenagers and others.

But anyone familiar with the outdoors and hiking probably could likely point to a cave or two, or several.

So caves, yes... but there are no gators or crocs native to Indiana so that idea would be a non-starter without a LOT of driving.
People are still searching.
If you happen to have an idea or see something in an aerial photo that looks suspicious you should of course report that...but you can also post here and it will be looked at.
If you have ideas that you want to explore privately then you are welcome to message me with detailed locations to explore.

I'll be searching again next week.

It raises my hopes and spirits that people are still searching, Tr. Thanks so much for doing that, for Lauren, the Spierers, and those of us who wish we could.

I've wondered lately about any abandoned landfills/quarries in the area. I'd heard of Bennett's Quarry ... but found two landfills also contaminated by Westinghouse with PCBs. Here's a link:

Perhaps these have tight security and couldn't be breached? Or perhaps they're checked for contamination on a regular basis? Just wondering ...

Thanks again!
There have been no searches in a long time. I did not come here to PLAY footsie or sit and spin. We must find her or no one will talk. SO, I WAS WONDERING, WHO IS WILLING TO GO TO INDIANA AND HELP LOOK?

I need to update my response. I AM willing to come. My ability to come will be determined by the length of lead time I have and the timing of the search. There would be a few other obstacles but minor ones; the lead time and timing are definitely the major factors. So, if you do plan a search, if at all possible -and I realize that it may not be- but if you can, would you please notify me by private message. I get behind in the threads occasionally and I wouldn't want to miss the information until it was too late.

I've done some checking and it looks like it's about a 13 hour drive from down here (I'm not too far from New Orleans) - and this is a drive that I can do. IF I have time to prepare and make arrangements for my kids.

I really would like to come and help look for her, I almost feel like I have to or rather that I need to.
It's depressing to come here and realize we've kind of run out of things to talk about. There's got to be some information out there... someone has got to know something...

At least people are still searching. Thanks, Tr., on behalf of those of us who are too far away to help.
Bo Dietl's commercial makes me cringe, I see it every day. I took a bit of a hiatus to focus on school and person stuff, but living in Bloomington not a day goes by I don't think I about LS. I recently found out that a friend of mine was with them at 5 North much earlier in the night, she doesn't know anything, trust me I've asked. I wish she knew more, but she confirmed that those guys partied hard. She wasn't there for long, just brought by a mutual friend but it was definitely a party that night.
Bo Dietl's commercial makes me cringe, I see it every day. I took a bit of a hiatus to focus on school and person stuff, but living in Bloomington not a day goes by I don't think I about LS. I recently found out that a friend of mine was with them at 5 North much earlier in the night, she doesn't know anything, trust me I've asked. I wish she knew more, but she confirmed that those guys partied hard. She wasn't there for long, just brought by a mutual friend but it was definitely a party that night.

Not surprised. I posted before what haunts me is all the information that we don't know, and don't know if LE or BO & Co., know.

I have this image of LS going to or being taken to JRs that night and him and her there alone....very likely that JR and friends were still partying while LS was there around 3:30ish to 4:30ish.....that's was her motivation was anyway, according to MB? You're friend I'm sure would know who the others were that were their earlier, and they would know if any of them came back later after the bar.....

Hope this connections and possibilities like these are being pursued and followed up on.
Bo Dietl's commercial makes me cringe, I see it every day. I took a bit of a hiatus to focus on school and person stuff, but living in Bloomington not a day goes by I don't think I about LS. I recently found out that a friend of mine was with them at 5 North much earlier in the night, she doesn't know anything, trust me I've asked. I wish she knew more, but she confirmed that those guys partied hard. She wasn't there for long, just brought by a mutual friend but it was definitely a party that night.

As someone who knows (all? some of?) these people personally, does your friend have a theory? Or have any thoughts as to who is less likely to be involved? I mean I doubt any of these guys are "do no harm" Buddhist types but - some people just have very obvious and apparent 'less of a dumbass' kinds of natures about them. If you know what I mean. I also know to take "friend of a friend" info with a grain of salt, but I'm still very curious about the take on the different personalities from someone that knows them and saw their frame of mind that particular night and what the dynamics of the group of friends are...who doesn't trust who, who is the natural leader bringing everyone together, who is barely tolerated, who gets *advertiser censored**cked up and causes problems every single time they go out, who sleeps around, all those nuances that tight groups have that can't be easily discerned from outsiders; those are the details I'm the most interested in at this point.
Also, are there any low key, quieter rumors, not at IU or in Bloomington as a whole but, just among the tighter group of friends? Like, not the big facebook rumors but the kind that aren't totally secret but not openly discussed within a larger groups but are discussed discreetly between 2 or 3 friends and remain guarded within the smaller group as something that is 'known' but is carefully kept from getting out to the masses? I know you've already mentioned that you have already asked her, I'm not questioning that at all, but if she doesn't know for a FACT what happened, do you think she would tell you that she simply doesn't know anything, BUT, if you asked her what she THINKS happened or what she has HEARD happened (specifically from within this smaller group of friends), do you think she might, in the right setting, give you an answer other than 'she does know anything'?
Like I said earlier, I 'm asking, not to question that you have already asked. I'm asking because often, an honest person who is not ok with lying, especially to a friend, but really does not want to answer a direct question, because they are conflicted by answering one friend to the betrayal of a privileged conversation with another friend, they will often internally rationalize a way out of answering 100% truthfully but still not actually tell the asking friend a lie. In this case, if you ask very specific questions, using qualifiers and excluders in the wording of your question, they will run out of rationalizations and will open up-usually under the condition that you promise not to share the information or disclose them as your source of information to anyone, ever.

I really think the sort of situation you are in by having a friend who was actually there earlier in the evening, who is at least somewhat a part of LS and JR's inner circle, is exactly the kind of situation that it is going to take to find LS and to find out who did what to her.

*btw...totally NOT asking-or would expect for you to go be a pain in the *advertiser censored* constantly needling friends for answers, so I hope I didn't come off like that.
As someone who knows (all? some of?) these people personally, does your friend have a theory? Or have any thoughts as to who is less likely to be involved? I mean I doubt any of these guys are "do no harm" Buddhist types but - some people just have very obvious and apparent 'less of a dumbass' kinds of natures about them. If you know what I mean. I also know to take "friend of a friend" info with a grain of salt, but I'm still very curious about the take on the different personalities from someone that knows them and saw their frame of mind that particular night and what the dynamics of the group of friends are...who doesn't trust who, who is the natural leader bringing everyone together, who is barely tolerated, who gets *advertiser censored**cked up and causes problems every single time they go out, who sleeps around, all those nuances that tight groups have that can't be easily discerned from outsiders; those are the details I'm the most interested in at this point.
Also, are there any low key, quieter rumors, not at IU or in Bloomington as a whole but, just among the tighter group of friends? Like, not the big facebook rumors but the kind that aren't totally secret but not openly discussed within a larger groups but are discussed discreetly between 2 or 3 friends and remain guarded within the smaller group as something that is 'known' but is carefully kept from getting out to the masses? I know you've already mentioned that you have already asked her, I'm not questioning that at all, but if she doesn't know for a FACT what happened, do you think she would tell you that she simply doesn't know anything, BUT, if you asked her what she THINKS happened or what she has HEARD happened (specifically from within this smaller group of friends), do you think she might, in the right setting, give you an answer other than 'she does know anything'?
Like I said earlier, I 'm asking, not to question that you have already asked. I'm asking because often, an honest person who is not ok with lying, especially to a friend, but really does not want to answer a direct question, because they are conflicted by answering one friend to the betrayal of a privileged conversation with another friend, they will often internally rationalize a way out of answering 100% truthfully but still not actually tell the asking friend a lie. In this case, if you ask very specific questions, using qualifiers and excluders in the wording of your question, they will run out of rationalizations and will open up-usually under the condition that you promise not to share the information or disclose them as your source of information to anyone, ever.

I really think the sort of situation you are in by having a friend who was actually there earlier in the evening, who is at least somewhat a part of LS and JR's inner circle, is exactly the kind of situation that it is going to take to find LS and to find out who did what to her.

*btw...totally NOT asking-or would expect for you to go be a pain in the *advertiser censored* constantly needling friends for answers, so I hope I didn't come off like that.

i know two girls from the wider group of friends, the one i was speaking of who was there that night is just as in the dark as all of us. she doesn't know if they were involved, but wouldn't be surprised. we don't talk about it because she knows so little. she doesn't really know the guys involved, and it sounded like a typical bloomington party with that scene.
Out of the people involved with that night: did anyone work?

I wonder if any of their workplaces would make a good hiding/disposal place.

For example: I used to work in a large industrial/research facility that was comprised of several large warehouses and office buildings. They had large dumpsters in the back, chemicals, lots of nooks and crannys, etc. I can see someone attempting to hide a body at that place.

So, did these guys work? Maybe even somewhere on campus that would have access to large dumpsters (like for food waste)?
Out of the people involved with that night: did anyone work?

I wonder if any of their workplaces would make a good hiding/disposal place.

For example: I used to work in a large industrial/research facility that was comprised of several large warehouses and office buildings. They had large dumpsters in the back, chemicals, lots of nooks and crannys, etc. I can see someone attempting to hide a body at that place.

So, did these guys work? Maybe even somewhere on campus that would have access to large dumpsters (like for food waste)?

I do not know for sure, but my feeling - based upon going to a college full of wealthy, entitled, kids from the NYC area who were in the same fraternity as some of these guys (different chapters of course) - is that probably none of them worked, at least not while in school. Maybe they had internships over the summer in NYC but I doubt any of them had jobs typical of college students while they were at college- I doubt there were any waiters, pizza delivery guys, sales people at Abercrombie in this group of friends.
Lately I've been thinking of the Spierer family. Wasn't LS's sister to be married this month? It seems like I read recently (twitter Find Lauren maybe?) that October would be a difficult month for the family ... in my mind I was thinking that comment referred to the upcoming wedding. If the Spierer's were having a wedding, I imagine they would turn their focus on that happy event ( maybe take some time to do some healing too?) and then maybe, hopefully come back with a vengeance ( time for a civil suit?..)
Just thinking out loud. Good night!
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