IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #35

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This case is the first one that drew me in to Webseluths, and I followed it from the beginning though I didn't become a member or post back then. I remember when there was a search in Martinsville very early on, and I felt both relief that they might find her and fear that they might find her. Now I wish so much that she had been found back then. It is so sad to check in on this case and she is still missing after 5 years. I never imagined it would go on this long. My heart goes out to her mom, her dad and her sister. The loss and the not knowing must be unbearable.
This case is the first one that drew me in to Webseluths, and I followed it from the beginning though I didn't become a member or post back then. I remember when there was a search in Martinsville very early on, and I felt both relief that they might find her and fear that they might find her. Now I wish so much that she had been found back then. It is so sad to check in on this case and she is still missing after 5 years. I never imagined it would go on this long. My heart goes out to her mom, her dad and her sister. The loss and the not knowing must be unbearable.

Some unwitting people(on other sites) ask, why Lauren? What makes her disappearance any different than other missing women? The answer is , everyone counts the same. But, being from BTown, and
seeing her anguished family during the search, having spent alot of time in the exact crime scene area, etc, it devastated me. I have really never been the same, not even an iota of the pain her parents feel, but just the way I look at things now, as a parent I never think my child is safe.

I know there's evil out there but even more, I can see what good kids just thinking they're having a great time can end up doing to themselves and others. We can educate them about bad people and safe tactics, but can we save them from themselves? On a positive note, there is a widespread movement on campus both for sexual assault/date rape awareness and blacked out drinking.Hopefully, it will take hold.

Edited again to say, it should be mandatory for all drinking establishments to post X amount of signs around the premises delineating what sexual assault is, watch your drinks, do not leave drinks unattended, please notify security if someone is harassing you etcetera.
Also, anyone who for some reason is stranded in their premises should be dealt with by sending in a cab and either pay or sign a receipt saying they will pay or be banned.
When intoxicated people get stranded, they do things they would never do. I've been there.
In many of these tragic events, we see the stranded person become a victim.

And yes, these people making millions of dollars from these kids should be responsible.
The "Pathway to Disappearance" video (last one) is the one I found super interesting, because the private detectives talk about what they were told and what they had seen from the videos that night. It starts with a journalist narrating, but then cuts to Michael Ciravolo (from BO Dietl's office), and he gives information I had not seen anywhere else before. Also interestingly, this 6/3/16 newspaper article quotes that Ciravolo is "looking at someone in prison to see if there is a possible connection to the LS case." Not sure if that's JW, DM or DH, or someone totally different, but interesting anyway....
The problem I have with the video with the reporter interspersing details is that we don't know where he's getting his information or how accurately he's repeating it. Has he seen the SW video? Who has he interviewed? For that matter have the PI's seen any video? I doubt LE would show them any so they would probably have to source a backup version if they have.

The reporter very matter of factly doles out details but there's no source attached. And here is an example of where reporting can lead us astray. This is from the linked article above. Either it's a bombshell type leak and the reporter didn't realize the scoop they had, or it's just another example of misreporting that has plagued this case all along.
Spierer was last seen on surveillance video leaving another friend's home, Jay Rosenbaum. Her keys were found in an alley she may have taken to get there.

There's video of her LEAVING JR's afterall?
The problem I have with the video with the reporter interspersing details is that we don't know where he's getting his information or how accurately he's repeating it. Has he seen the SW video? Who has he interviewed? For that matter have the PI's seen any video? I doubt LE would show them any so they would probably have to source a backup version if they have.

The reporter very matter of factly doles out details but there's no source attached. And here is an example of where reporting can lead us astray. This is from the linked article above. Either it's a bombshell type leak and the reporter didn't realize the scoop they had, or it's just another example of misreporting that has plagued this case all along.

There's video of her LEAVING JR's afterall?

wish i didn't read this right before work now i'll have to wait to research! wow akh!
I noticed the cameras at 5 N in August, 2011. I too, wondered if there might be video. However, I was corrected here on Websleuths by posters who said the cameras were installed the week after Lauren went missing.
Interesting video. If Dietl has any hard leanings he doesn't give them away in that interview. Although, he doesn't cut the boyfriend any slack and all but directly says he lied about being home all night and watching the game.

I've become more interested in JW over the years, not necessarily thinking he's a main suspect but rather that he knows more than he'll share (and I wonder why). I also agree that he most likely knew what went down at SW during the night, which opens up possibilities. If nothing else, I think his loyalties switched from protecting his girlfriend to keeping silent on someone or something else's behalf. Sad if true.
The problem I have with the video with the reporter interspersing details is that we don't know where he's getting his information or how accurately he's repeating it. Has he seen the SW video? Who has he interviewed? For that matter have the PI's seen any video? I doubt LE would show them any so they would probably have to source a backup version if they have.

The reporter very matter of factly doles out details but there's no source attached. And here is an example of where reporting can lead us astray. This is from the linked article above. Either it's a bombshell type leak and the reporter didn't realize the scoop they had, or it's just another example of misreporting that has plagued this case all along.

There's video of her LEAVING JR's afterall?

That must be a mistake or mean she was captured on video after leaving JR's the first time - there is no video of her leaving after she is last seen on video being carried by Corey towards 5 N.
That must be a mistake or mean she was captured on video after leaving JR's the first time - there is no video of her leaving after she is last seen on video being carried by Corey towards 5 N.

But I read it on the internet so it must be true! ;)

Plus, reporters never get their reports wrong or mishear or misunderstand what they've been told and thus are reporting....
Been a while, just checking in.

I was glad to visit Bloomington and see friends over the memorial day weekend this year.
I came into town via Columbus early in the morning and was reminded of how dense and wooded
That stretch of 45 between Nashville and the east side of Bloomington is. I spent many years fishing at a lot of remote
Places in or near yellowood and the T.C steele area and crooked creek.

I still think my gut feeling is that her friends had something to do with her disappearance and that DM or JW are not connected
to this case. But the case with Hanna and DM is so eerily similar to me that anything is possible.
Still praying something will come to light soon.
Been a while, just checking in.

I was glad to visit Bloomington and see friends over the memorial day weekend this year.
I came into town via Columbus early in the morning and was reminded of how dense and wooded
That stretch of 45 between Nashville and the east side of Bloomington is. I spent many years fishing at a lot of remote
Places in or near yellowood and the T.C steele area and crooked creek.

I still think my gut feeling is that her friends had something to do with her disappearance and that DM or JW are not connected
to this case. But the case with Hanna and DM is so eerily similar to me that anything is possible.
Still praying something will come to light soon.

i think you mean 46? but...45 would've been the road DM was on. however, 46 when it gets to Nashville would then be easy to loop around the forest to 45, i think....did you see the map we (lol) yeahbabs and IMH put together?
You can go from Bloomington to Nashville via E45/S135 as well as directly east on 46.
Yup, this seems like sloppy reporting, "last seen" isn't right, since multiple reports have said that the last video of her captured her exiting the alley on her way back TO 5N? From the Herald Times: "Security cameras mounted to apartments in the area also show her exit the alley toward an empty lot, north of 10th & College Village at 2:51 a.m. [LS]’s keys and purse were found along this route through the alley, [Bloomington Police] confirmed on Thursday, but did not have specifics on where. From there, statements from witnesses provide the rest of the timeline...."
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