IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #6

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THANKs fior all the useful maps, pics. My question: Do you know if the truck was first seen on College, headed South (before it circled)? If so, then if this was around 4:30am, then the truck may have been trying to get to its "normal" construction business somewhere very South of Bloomington. Would that be towards Bedford? What time is "normal" for a construction crew to start....4:30am is too early for anyone, so..maybe drive allows some time for breaklfast, then continues South...thinking that a work shift may start around 7am, .....inferring, perhaps someone who is working on a project 1.5 hours or so....South of Bloomington...does this make sense to anyonw.....have they widend search to 150 miles out of Bloomgton.. Also, BTown, last call at IN bars is 2am....what about strip long are they open in Bloomington...isn't there one farther North on College? or Walnut....? Trying to think of why driver would be out late...Thanks!
The story of the altercation makes a lot more sense if it was JW involved. That may also explain the late night phone call to Rohn -- I wonder if she could have been worried about the possibility that JW was still waiting there and called to check, rather than looking for her cellphone?
But, we don't know. If my child were missing and endangered and I was desperate for info, I wouldn't care what businesses were mentioned.

The LE and Lauren's family have asked us, the public, for any info, no matter how small or insignificant, and that is what we are doing.

If these two businesses are reputable and nice, then it really won't matter if their names are brought up. JMO

The LE and Lauren's family are NOT getting info from what is posted here.

<modsnip>. I am a business owner and I would welcome anyone to contact me with questions but posting it on the internet WITHOUT asking me would be unfair.

I contacted a company yesterday that paints trucks and specifically company logos. I sent them a copy of the pictures with an explanation and asked them to contact the Bloomington Police if they had info.

I also asked them to contact other companies that paint trucks.

I did NOT post their information here. What good would that do?

My suggestion is that if people think it might be a company then why not send the info. to:

Or contact the company and see if they even have a white truck.

Why post their info. without even knowing they have a white truck?
It says it was with JW's friends.... not JW "That confrontation was with a group of friends of Spierer's boyfriend, Jesse Wolff.

I have been also thinking that it could easily be a migrant worker who does not speak or understand much english and could be very unaware of what is happening in the news. My neighbors are migrant workers and don't speak a lick of english. I could say anything to them and they nod and just say "yes,yes" at everything i say.

I have been thinking the same thing since yesterday, after I saw the truck and people questioning what it could possibly be doing out that early, going around the block twice.
I used to work in Monroe County and mostly with illegal immigrants (Monroe County and surrounding counties have very large latino populations). I know that many work construction in the summer, some even drive to Indianapolis daily. It wouldn't be uncommon for them to leave this early, pick up several others, and drive to a site, and hour or two away.
Most of those that I worked with knew little to no English. I wouldn't be at all surprised if most of them know nothing about LS missing.
I am in NO way thinking that they would have anything to do with her disappearance rather this is just an explanation as to what this truck could be doing there at that time... and not coming forward. Most illegals stay as far away from the police as possible because they fear deportation.
~~ just my thoughts ~~
Thank's JennaT. I already knew that there was a fight between Cory and Jesse's friends on the night Lauren disappeared, but that article I just read said that Jesse was actually present for the fight in the lobby.

The other news article have been reporting that Jesse Wolff spent the evening watching basketball and unsuccessfully attempting to reach Spierer.
If this is a business truck with writing on the side, any business with a similar name would be ruled out by not having a white truck associated to its dmv record. I don't think guessing about a name of a business online would have any negative consequences. In fact, the business would have the opportunity to clear its name in the press if it came to it. They could also throw in there that they are sympathetic and have also been looking for evidence, helped in the search, etc. I don't think they would lose customers by helping. No one is pointing a finger at these businesses. And no one is sure that this truck is to blame for Lauren going missing. If anything, this may just be a witness. And maybe a witness that says they saw nothing out of the ordinary.
Respectfully, there is nothing about JW being at LS's apartment in this article. I agree with 123F that this is bad reporting. And if so, very irresponsible.

I just posted a question on the comments section of that article. Hoping she will respond.
yes but the reporters have that whole story wrong.... it also says that CR was the last to see her at 430 but we know JR was

NY Post reports that CR was one of the last to see her at about 4:30 AM. We'll see who passed the polygraph. CR could have been tucked in by MB only when LS was supposedly leaving for a visit with JR, and we know that MB stated that LS visited for awhile:

Spierer, 20, was not involved in the fight. CR, who has taken a polygraph test, was one of the last people to see Spierer alive at around 4:30 a.m. on June 3.
PLEASE read the articles closely, they all say the altercatoin was with JW's friends.... NOT JW.

"There was apparently an altercation at the apartment complex, now believed to be with friends of Lauren's boyfriend, Jesse Wolff.

Continue reading on Police seek mystery truck in Lauren Spierer case, missing cousin of Tamara Braun - Riverside Soap Opera |"
The story of the altercation makes a lot more sense if it was JW involved. That may also explain the late night phone call to Rohn -- I wonder if she could have been worried about the possibility that JW was still waiting there and called to check, rather than looking for her cellphone?

This is the first I've heard of this. Who is Rohn? :waitasec:
PLEASE read the articles closely, they all say the altercatoin was with JW's friends.... NOT JW.

"There was apparently an altercation at the apartment complex, now believed to be with friends of Lauren's boyfriend, Jesse Wolff.

Continue reading on Police seek mystery truck in Lauren Spierer case, missing cousin of Tamara Braun - Riverside Soap Opera |"

They changed the article. It previously said JW was there. I posted a quote directly from the article earlier, before they edited it.
Frat brother of JW recently stated that one of JW's frat brothers was involved in the physical altercation with CR.
In the hopes that someone who knows the answer to the below question, I am going to post this.

I am not going to get into a long drawn out explanation of what I THINK did or did not happen but I am only going to ask for a plea.

If there were drugs involved and if there is someone who supplies drugs who drives a truck like that and someone knows please contact the Bloomington Police or go to a local law firm and have them do it if you are afraid of being found out. Tell the lawyer you want a confidentiality agreement and then give the lawyer the information to turn over. Your identity will be double protected since the Bloomington Police have already stated that it will be protected.

There is a possibility that Lauren is alive and was taken somewhere.

I also do not approve of posting people's business information when you do not even know if they own a white truck let alone it was in the area. This is the age of google and no-one needs anyone to google their business and find a link to this website suggesting that the white truck may belong to their company. This is also exactly why people do not like to come forward with information and want to stay off the radar.

This is my opinion and please do not attack me for it. I am not telling anyone what to post or not to post. I am not threatening to sue anyone. All I am pointing out is that this is not a nice thing to do to another person.

HI Shock..totally agree with you on the business thing. I understand that you don't want to give your opinion on what happened etc., but now you've got me a little curious.

When you first started in this thread you were quite upset at the drug accusations that were going on, and I totally understand that too.

Now, you are asking for anyone that knows a drug dealer with a truck like that to please call in etc.

So I guess I'm wondering if you are hearing more scuttle regarding that or if you've had a change of heart?

Just curious..
The article that printed that the altercation was between CR and JW has since edited the article to reflect the previous information: it was between CR and friends of JW.

It was this Examiner article here:

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Rene' Helm Thurston · Anaheim, California
I received the information from a source, but they are now saying that the altercation was with friends of Mr. Wolff. The report has been corrected to state as such. Mr. Wolff has spoken to police, has provided DNA and has hired an attorney.

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