IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #7

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Seems to me Mr. Gatto is getting his sources from some of what is posted here. (*waves :seeya: to Mr. Gatto*)


Unfortunately those stories don't seem to fit with an official timeline released by the police. I also don't recall as to when police confirmed that LS and CR have entered her apartment building at 12:30 am. What's been reported is that she left the apartment complex at 12:30 am with DR and went to JR's.

"The 20-year-old sophomore went missing early June 3 after a night of partying. She left her off-campus apartment building about 12:30 a.m. with fellow student David Rohn and went to friend Jay Rosenbaum's apartment up the street."
Unfortunately those stories don't seem to fit with an official timeline released by the police. I also don't recall as to when police confirmed that LS and CR have entered her apartment building at 12:30 am.

I never said they did. I was eluding to the fact that someone posted here about the coke and xanax and now it's all of a sudden posted by Mr. Gatto. Hmmmmm....<modsnip>?
Re: wide opens post inquiring about who it was that saw or found the coin pouch and keys .. Can't put finger On it but thinks somethings there..

ITA with this!! I mean what are the chances that supposedly IMMEDIATELY after Lauren drops the coin purse w/keys??
LE says she is on video enroute from Smallwood to 5 North at 2:48am..3 mins later is the last known Video of Lauren at 2:51am with her coming out of the alley almost to 5 North

And then Amin happens by within literal single digit minutes from when she dropped them.. Because he states it was before 3am when he saw them and we know that Lauren was seen on the video coming out in the same exact area at 2:51am..

But it's the chances of the next person to have come across coin purse w/keys was none other than a friend of Amins.. He, too(Amins friend) does not take the ouch/keys with him but rather picks them up amd sets them on a nearby railing..

I just find that to be a pretty odd coincidence about Amin and his friend.. Amin's story came out very soon.. Immediately into the case and it was reported in an article about his and his friends experience in finding those keys.. But had not yet spoken with LE to give their account of how they came about finding the keys.. All so strange..*

IMO something so benign as finding keys on the ground of college apts wouldn't even be important to even have come home and made mention of, "oh I found some keys and picked em and put on a railing!".. And then friend says, "hey me too. I found those keys on the ground"

I just don't see anything like that go on about finding these keys.. I mean he!! They didn't even tell their acct to LE IN THE VERY BEGINNING..

I dont Know exactly how I feel about it but the coincidence seems unlikely to me.. Very well could just be me tho..

While speaking about this Amin guy..
In the description the controversial "new found" bartender witness stated she saw a dark skinned male with Lauren at 3:38am.. That description didnt fit any of our POI.. I believe that Amin is of ethnic descent and would most likely have a dark complexion similar to what this witnesses states.. Long shot, I know.. But would be curious to know if at the time Lauren went missing did Amin by chance have his sideburns trimmed into points just like witness described.. IDK??
I don't believe this supposed witness story is credible at all. And certainly this new story about LS supposedly being kicked out of the bar just after midnight doesn't fit with the timeline as we know it either. I think too much value is put on these stories posted by a blogger.
Been following this thread since day one. I had to join, so that I could share my observation of what I see in the back of the truck bed. The image I put together should be attached.. hope it works.

I outlined in black what looks to be a person sitting low in the truck bed with a mask covering his/her face.. possibly a paintball mask or something.
Then the smaller outline in red, looks like the head of another smaller person, possibly LS being held down by whoever is wearing a mask.

It's weird because what I'm seeing really fits with the scale of the truck and it seriously looks like a paintball mask or something.. but it would also mean that two or more acted on this. The random abduction theory never seemed likely until I saw this photo.. It goes against what I originally thought happened. So, I'm not sure what to think right now.. I'm just praying for everyone involved.

I also just wanted to add. And by no means am I saying any of the POI's are guilty. But some of the comments on here really seem to be downplaying what young adults (college students) are capable of doing.


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I also thought HT said that she was with Lauren at Smallwood until 12:30 am. This Tony Gatto guy is confusing me and this article makes me trust him less.
Here you go, Ingra. :ignore:

Yes, what is up with this guy? Posting scurrilous tales about Lauren from anonymous sources amounts to gossip and victim bashing. So what's his agenda?
I understand people thinking that they are seeing people inside that truck, but remember that the FBI has looked at this photo and enhanced it. I hate to say it but if they aren't finding anything on their expensive computers with their experts, I don't think some random person without the equipment or expeirence is going to find anything. IMO
I understand people thinking that they are seeing people inside that truck, but remember that the FBI has looked at this photo and enhanced it. I hate to say it but if they aren't finding anything on their expensive computers with their experts, I don't think some random person without the equipment or expeirence is going to find anything. IMO

During the press-conference, LE simply said the image is to blurry to know anything for sure. But LE didn't say they ruled out that there could have been a person in the bed of that truck.
Been following this thread since day one. I had to join, so that I could share my observation of what I see in the back of the truck bed. The image I put together should be attached.. hope it works.

I outlined in black what looks to be a person sitting low in the truck bed with a mask covering his/her face.. possibly a paintball mask or something.
Then the smaller outline in red, looks like the head of another smaller person, possibly LS being held down by whoever is wearing a mask.

It's weird because what I'm seeing really fits with the scale of the truck and it seriously looks like a paintball mask or something.. but it would also mean that two or more acted on this. The random abduction theory never seemed likely until I saw this photo.. It goes against what I originally thought happened. So, I'm not sure what to think right now.. I'm just praying for everyone involved.

I also just wanted to add. And by no means am I saying any of the POI's are guilty. But some of the comments on here really seem to be downplaying what young adults (college students) are capable of doing.

Or a hockey goalie mask :)

And I agree with the bolded part...
So now, the only new info we have from the Gatto article is:

A person close to the case says Spierer was in a &#8220;stupor&#8221; as early as midnight and that she &#8220;was pouring her heart out&#8221; about being drunk and high on Cocaine and Xanax. This same person says Spierer was at Kilroy&#8217;s Sports for at least 45 minutes alone, not with her friend Corey Rossman. News reports to this point had placed Rossman with Spierer at the bar, but sources who were at Kilroy&#8217;s Sports at that time say they never saw Rossman.

Mostly rumor...and the question of whether CR actually went into Kilroy's with LS or not? I wish they would just confirm publicly whether CR was with her or not.
Well, I found AA's fb page (sigh...incorrectly spelled in the article, as most of my peoples' names are). Can't see any sideburns, but the guy does appear to be average to smaller in height and dark-skinned to fit nearly everyone's definitions. Is not fb friends with LS, or any of the POI released/people we've heard about so far (HT, CR, MB, JR, JW, DR, or KT) so it doesn't look like he was obsessed w/ LS or her group. Just appears like any other Indian kid let loose from mommy and daddy's watchful eye.
I've convinced myself that LS died in the company of at least one POI, word spread along with depravity, and they disposed of the body. I'm guessing she was dead by 3:00/3:30.
Conveniently, both CR and JW claim to be sound asleep by then. JR uses 4:15 because that is when the body was taken or there about. I guess he might possibly be honest in saying "I watched her turn the corner (in the bed of a pick up truck).
respectfully snipped for clarity

You've got a point. Alcohol and/or drugs would contribute to distorted judgment and irrational behavior. But then would they have been able to dispose of evidence and concoct a solid plan to avoid detection so quickly and efficiently? With all of those cameras everywhere? Anything's possible, but Lauren was reported missing the next afternoon. The POI's came under scrutiny almost immediately. If there are conspirators in this case, they had very little time to pull it together. Are they capable of doing that? It's hard to say because we know so little about them.

Then there's the argument that if JR is involved, why would he make himself the last person to see Lauren, when as far as we know, no one has mentioned seeing him with Lauren after she left CR's, or seeing Lauren go into his apartment. It just doesn't add up to a conspiracy for me. But if it is, then I wish to heavens one of them would be decent enough to take mercy on her parents and reveal her whereabouts. One solid tip submitted anonymously is all it takes.

Seems to me the main reason to hide a body this well is to destroy evidence.

Seems to me there are at least 3 possible conspiracies floating here:
1) CR/MB/JR and others who were present at CR's
This one seems to have too many people and therefore seems unlikely, it's still possible however.
2) JR/JW
This one seems far fetched to me, but also possible. It would involve few people making it easier to keep a tighter lid.
3) JR/Unkown persons
This one could take on a lot of permutations. For example, JR could be taking the heat claiming he was with her to deflect attention from someone else and/or to keep the investigation stymied.

If it wasn't planned, but was an accident of some sort and yet there was a quick clean up, it's not out of the range of possibility depending on what any of these people may have been had going on otherwise. For example, if even one of these people was connected to serious drug world figures or ran even a small crime operation they could know someone to trust for a clean-up.

Ask anyone some people on WS if they needed to find Pot, how long it would take them. Then Cocaine or prescription drugs, see how long that would take. I'll bet most people could find these things within an hour if they went looking. It's so pervasive that most people would know someone they think might be able to connect them. If you know for a fact people who "use" then you know you could get it fast. Now consider, where does that stuff come from? It's not little old ladies baking cookies who run drug distribution. And people involved in using sometimes are profoundly dangerous or connected themselves. There are 2 Million people in Prison in the USA = they all have people and families who are not in prison, and those people have friends too. That's a lot of people. Then there are those who never get caught, or ones who get caught for minor things and get away with big things, or just get caught and get out of them because they have the money to do so. The person you may know that does Coke is maybe just 1 or 2 degrees of separation away from organized crime of some sort.

So while it doesn't seem likely, such a conspiracy and efficiency is possible. So far the peculiar circumstances, evidence and odd behaviors do not rule it out... right?
So now, the only new info we have from the Gatto article is:

Mostly rumor...and the question of whether CR actually went into Kilroy's with LS or not? I wish they would just confirm publicly whether CR was with her or not.

It doesn't even matter if she went with him to Kilroy's, imo. She walked back into Smallwood with him at 2:30 and left with him.
Just thought of this scenario: What if someone offered her a ride, she said yes but by the time he asked her the address she passed out. Maybe the person took her to his home and then she died there? Then God knows what he did with her. Or, being hopeful, took her to a hospital that is not near Bloomington. Hopefully LE has checked all hospitals within an hour drive of town.
It doesn't even matter if she went with him to Kilroy's, imo. She walked back into Smallwood with him at 2:30 and left with him.

In the grand scheme of things, you are right. Though it just seems odd that she would be there by herself. Just thinking about what her roommate said (if true)...that she went to JR's around 12:30, stayed there for awhile (presumably snorting xanax/cocaine if we believe the rumors from Kilroy's bartenders), CR and LS head to Kilroy's, DR heads home. Just curious, I guess.

Just thinking out loud here. Maybe she/they did get kicked out of the bar shortly before 2:30, perhaps this is the reason she forgot/didn't have her shoes and phone?? After they got kicked out, maybe that's the reason they went to Lauren's apt. to get more shoes, but instead met up with JW's friends and never made it that far?
Does IU have facilities trucks that match the surveillance video trucks? My uni did, and while it was not common, every once in a while you'd see them at ungodly hours, mainly because there's a lot of construction in the area and I guess they might have to move the cones and barrels to wherever they were building next. The uni may not think to check their own vehicles because the work might be contracted and thus can't find the workers or they assume that their employees wouldn't have anything to do with the disappearance of the student.
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