IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #8

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And that may be the only reason why JR needs to place LT where he does at 4:30 AM. I say, she wasn't walking where he says she was at that time. IMO, nonsense.

The two pieces of information that are suspect:

- Witness who says Lauren simply walked up the block and around the corner at 4:30am.
- The person whose phone was used to place at phone call at 4:15
I agree. And why call rather than text? My 20 year olds would only call if they had a very long tale to tell or needed me to do something immediately.

My 20 year old IU rising junior made that SAME observation. She NEVER calls unless she is forced to do so (ie - call mom:crazy::crazy::crazy:). She and all her friends TEXT almost exclusively. I am sure this is the case for LS and all her friends. This "tale" of the call LS (or someone) made at 4:15 just doesn't make sense..
There's been a lot of recent speculation about LS's purse and the other homicide victim's purse.

I always understood this as the following:

LS's purse was the purse found in the alley. However, search crews found another purse at an entirely different location a few days after LS went missing. This second purse belonged to the other homicide victim. I believe the perp in the other homicide victim's case has been caught and arrested (a boyfriend of the victim).

I may be wrong... I'm at work and don't have the time to search the exact article(s) that released this information. It would have been somewhat early in the investigation.
Oh to have all the calls and texts of the evening.

Wouldn't you just call your own phone? And if LS was capable of calling anyone, perhaps she'd have remembered where her phone was (not to mention her shoes).

IMO - Lauren couldn't have and certainly didn't call DR at 4:15 and it sounds like a weak adolescent explanation.
My 20 year old IU rising junior made that SAME observation. She NEVER calls unless she is forced to do so (ie - call mom:crazy::crazy::crazy:). She and all her friends TEXT almost exclusively. I am sure this is the case for LS and all her friends. This "tale" of the call LS (or someone) made at 4:15 just doesn't make sense..[/QUOTE

That's where I got my info - my (other) university students.
I have read since day one and I have my own thoughts about what happened...but just something I think I could add. My own experiences so I clearly do not know what happened to Lauren.

When I was an undergrad on the east coast I had a great off campus life. I was able to never have to live in dorms. I had decent apartments my entire undergrad which maybe was a mistake on my parents part but they did what they thought was safer. I "partied", but back then partying meant drinking so maybe I am naive there.
During my college years I was a victim of a very violent crime, I was lucky to survive. All I want to get out there with this is that crime is "random"
and that even though my roomies, associates, friends were in no way involved, nearby,etc....they all reacted differently.
I was hurt when my "friends" didn't visit me often or at all....and my father was the one who made me understand that people can't always handle things and that doesn't express what they feel inside.
OK, off my soapbox. Not sure it relates at all to this case, hope I won't get chastisted.
My only thought is that college kids don't know how to deal with things the way we might as older adults
This has bugged me from day 1.

The Indy 500 was on May 29th, only 4 days prior to the night LS disappeared. But that night she spent most of the night with CR (much of it alone), and per HT statement, LS met CR at the Indy500...(unless it was only qualifying...doubt it). But HT's statement is that they had met '2 weeks' before at the Indy, that would put the statement form HT on June 13.

About CR....I believe he is the one that took and passed the poly, if this is incorrect please advise, but I believe I read that. However, he was the one that escorted her to the Kilroys and then later back to smallwood, and then on to his apt. He was present when she left her shoes at the bar (whether you take them off or not, it's an easy item to remember upon leaving). He was described in one MSM as 'inappropiate attention' in Smallwood, and they both were reported by MSM as intoxicated (alcohol or drugs).....but all this leads me to the fact that they were VERY impaired.

So, he's I guy (CR) she meets only a few days ago, starts her evening at around 12:30 with a group of friends, including CR, but not in the same circle as boyfiend JW. And then proceeds to quickly get impaired, and upon confrontation, rather than staying 'home', she makes a very important decision to go stay with CR.

The question (now, without the wht truck) is was this an accident cover-up or a boyfiends rage due to jelousy? So to try and answer that question, I would want to understand a couple of thing:
1) MB and JR....what was the relationship between CR and LS like before and after the bar that night? Or even prior to that night?
2) What are the wtinesses saying from Kilroy's...I've heard nothing?
3) What was EO and other JW friends motives in punching CR that night....why were they where, who let them in and why punch him? Was it spontaneous, planned or old business? You mean a fight broke out and there were no other witnesses????? Come on!
4) What do the videos (specifically the 'activity' vids) show....romance, flirting, impaired. From the vids, was CR that messed up or was he capable of more?
5) And I'm with Mom on this one...but I think she's talking/requesting HT to talk....HT was the one person that knew 'both circle of friends' and should be objective about everything. She knows JW enough to give him her key the next morning, but was hanging out with JR, LS and CR??? And also to HT, shirley she had noticed LS's relationship since Indy?

What was it....JW jealousy or accidental death covered up by JR/CR/NB?
there's been a lot of recent speculation about ls's purse and the other homicide victim's purse.

I always understood this as the following:

Ls's purse was the purse found in the alley. However, search crews found another purse at an entirely different location a few days after ls went missing. This second purse belonged to the other homicide victim. I believe the perp in the other homicide victim's case has been caught and arrested (a boyfriend of the victim).

Thank You!
My 20 year old IU rising junior made that SAME observation. She NEVER calls unless she is forced to do so (ie - call mom:crazy::crazy::crazy:). She and all her friends TEXT almost exclusively. I am sure this is the case for LS and all her friends. This "tale" of the call LS (or someone) made at 4:15 just doesn't make sense..

What if LS felt unsafe or threatened at JR's apartment and called DR for help or to pick her up? In that case, she would surely choose to call rather than text. There might not be time for her to wait for a text response. She might not want to call JW because she might not want him to know she was there. She wouldn't call her roommate, because it wouldn't be safe for HT to go walking in the dark to get her. DR might be her best option.

Now, I don't believe this theory, but it could explain calling instead of texting.

Personally, I texted a fair amount in college. But whenever I needed to know something right away, I would call.
Friends - Of all the POIs and secondary tier of POIs, how many (and who) is still in Bloomington? There is a deafening silence from all of them since the HT interview last week.....Is HT searching? Or did she go home, too?
Agree that she wasn't walking home at 4:30. BUT one unanswered phone call shouldn't be enough to force JR to say that Lauren was with him until 4:30, should it? Wouldn't the story be easier to say that she left the other guys' place at 3:30 for home (or that the guys parted company with her before she went to 11th and college)?

And that he butt-dialed his friend or wanted to ask about something stupid?

CR's attorney, Salzmann, states that LS asked Mike B if he wanted to party after they visited for awhile; he demurred and then LS went (don't recall exact words Chapman used) to JR's.

So in my mind, JR knows MB is/was gonna place LS, in the least, as looking for JR. That, and the call from his cell phone to DR may have forced JR to place LS as last seen by him.
So...the white truck is ruled out. I get that.

But let me get this straight. Camera times were off. Truck only went around block once. Then HOW can they have someone turning right from 11th onto Morton blowing through the stop sign and then circling the block and going straight thru the stop sign on 11th and Morton the second time????

I'm not saying the white truck is involved, but how can the police put this statement out there if it simply wasn't the case????????????
Exactly... It contradicts their continued statements. In addition, wouldn't the time stamping be the very first thing they would check to make sure it was accurate. Something is amiss....

We have also been hearing that she was in the alley on film with an "undisclosed" individual but at the same time we hear she accompanied CR back to his place. Can anyone clear this up for me...? I'm trying to keep up with all the posts!
My take on all this after the white truck has been ruled out, is that something bad happened at JR, wether it was intentional or not. LS would have called the next person besides JW (bc she was with another man) to get help that was "strong" enough to help her out of a bad situation or to walk her home. Her options were to call a guy friend besides JW or stay at JR, she choose to leave on her own and not even JR walking her back so obviously something happened at JR that set this in motion. JR has something to do with all this.... I am sure of that.
I didn't get that. Cops had said flat out that it was two shots at two different times from the same camera. IT's a waste to talk about this cause the vehicle is out of the investigation -- but it seems like the cops messed up some basic facts.

It is quite simple. There were two shots from two different cameras operating on two different computer system. The time difference occurs when one or both of them do not have the same time in their computer system. It would be like me setting the time for my computer at 12:37 when in reality the time was 12:43. Couple that with another company setting their time at 12:47 when in reality it was 12:43 and you have the same vehicle in two different pictures seemingly ten minutes apart.

They did not know that was the case until the tested the time stamps. They wanted to get the information out as quick as possible in case someone remembered the white truck that night.

The kid(s) did this and LE is trying to pressure/trick someone into talking. When they find the body, it will be too late for someone to come forward. The first one that talks wins in this situation. One of them will sell the others out.
MB later says through his attorney Chapman that LS asked him if he wanted to party after they visited for awhile; he demurred and then LS went (don't recall exact words Chapman used) to JR's.

So in my mind, JR knows MB is/was gonna place LS, in the least, as looking for JR. That, and the cell phone call from his cell to DR may have forced JR to place LS as last seen by him.

I'm not sure. She left MB's place, I'm not sure he knew where she was headed, and I'm not sure JR knew where she had come from just prior to arriving at his place.

I think a lot of these comings and goings were put together much after the fact, and those LS encountered all night long didn't know the whole timeline until it was constructed much later.
Exactly... It contradicts their continued statements. In addition, wouldn't the time stamping be the very first thing they would check to make sure it was accurate. Something is amiss....

We have also been hearing that she was in the alley on film with an "undisclosed" individual but at the same time we hear she accompanied CR back to his place. Can anyone clear this up for me...? I'm trying to keep up with all the posts!

LE said they met with the owner of the truck (business owner), drove the route with him, checked him out, and cleared him. I don't see any ambiguity there.
I have read since day one and I have my own thoughts about what happened...but just something I think I could add. My own experiences so I clearly do not know what happened to Lauren.

When I was an undergrad on the east coast I had a great off campus life. I was able to never have to live in dorms. I had decent apartments my entire undergrad which maybe was a mistake on my parents part but they did what they thought was safer. I "partied", but back then partying meant drinking so maybe I am naive there.
During my college years I was a victim of a very violent crime, I was lucky to survive. All I want to get out there with this is that crime is "random"
and that even though my roomies, associates, friends were in no way involved, nearby,etc....they all reacted differently.
I was hurt when my "friends" didn't visit me often or at all....and my father was the one who made me understand that people can't always handle things and that doesn't express what they feel inside.
OK, off my soapbox. Not sure it relates at all to this case, hope I won't get chastisted.
My only thought is that college kids don't know how to deal with things the way we might as older adults

So true about "kids". You look at their FB pages. One minute it's a heartfelt post about Lauren, the next says something about Lebron and the game, filled with profanity. Older folks might think that out, how things might appear. These kids are not thinking about appearances. They are not yet quite mature adults -- and then they find themselves thrown into this awful situation.
LE said they met with the owner of the truck (business owner), drove the route with him, checked him out, and cleared him. I don't see any ambiguity there.

There is no ambiguity -- the truck has nothing do with it. The ambiguity -- and downright messing up of fact by police -- is eveident. They originally claimed that the two photos were from the same camera. The said it blew the stop sign and was on Morton and 11th. I think the bottom line is they don't worry about the facts -- they just wanted to get the photo of the truck out and they really weren't watching what they were saying.
I'll be quite shocked if JW is involved in LS's disappearance. Personally, I don't have a problem with either his hiring of an attorney nor returning home. His actions could have been predicated upon HT's withholding of info from him (where and with whom LS actually was-as female roommates and good GFs might do for one another when other males are involved), as well as HT's not responding to possible calls/texts from him (JW) that morning because she knew who and where LS had gone that morning.
Friends - Of all the POIs and secondary tier of POIs, how many (and who) is still in Bloomington? There is a deafening silence from all of them since the HT interview last week.....Is HT searching? Or did she go home, too?
Has anyone here participated in the searches? And if so, has HT been present at the searches. Why is she not "present" in general. I would say that we would all be in the forefront of the searches if the same thing happened to someone close to each of us... Do you suppose she's also been told not to participate? And why would that be if she's not a POI?
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