IN - Mark Sandifur, charged with child molesting, Flora, 28 Aug 2019

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I just looked in MyCase for his conviction and no he wasn't.

Do you know the dates he was actually in jail? I've heard he was in jail at time of murders but he got 7 years and he's already out... All I see is "the Defendant is sentenced to the Indiana Department of Corrections for a period of 7 years, with 3 years executed and with 4 years suspended to 4 years of probation. The Defendant receives credit for 132 actual days. " Would he have been out by February 2017?
It appears he was released early and on probation. I'm looking back to double check the release of that probation, I thought it was 2018 but this says different.
Converted Event
ORDER: Defendant appears in person and with counsel, Jeffrey P. Little, on Defendant's motion to modify sentence filed November 14, 2013. The State appears by Prosecuting Attorney. The State consents to the Court having authority to determine this motion even though the motion was filed more than one (1) year after the sentence was entered. The Court finds that Defendant's Motion to Modify Sentence should be GRANTED. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the remaining executed term of defendant's sentence entered May 21, 2012 is suspended on the effective date of February 20, 2014 and Defendant's probation period shall be for three (3) years, commencing February 21, 2014. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant shall report to Clinton County Probation Office no later than February 27, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., on standard terms and conditions and on the special conditions that: Defendant attend and participate in alumni program at Turning Point if so directed by the probation officer; and Defendant submit to random drug screens at the direction of probation. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant's assessments shall include a monthly probation user fee of $15.00 rather than $20.00 ordered in the in the May 21, 2012 sentence order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all other terms and conditions of the sentence order entered May 21, 2012 shall remain unchanged. cdr (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 02/14/2014
It appears he didn't pay his fines?
As of today he owes $2500.
Converted Event
Court enters Order transferring probation to Carroll County. (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 03/19/2014

Converted Event
Judge approves Petition to Discharge from Probation unsuccessfully. Probationer failed to report. All fees were paid in full. lw (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 04/24/2018

Converted Event
Clerk scans confidential documents filed prior to 05/16/12. sj (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 07/30/2018

Converted Event
Clerk scans orders filed prior to 03/19/14. sj (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 07/30/2018

Converted Event
Clerk scans documents filed prior to 05/21/12. sj (RJO? N) | JTS Minute Entry Date: 07/30/2018
It looks like the no contact order has been changed IRT AS but not the children.

Order Issued
State of Indiana appears by Nicholas C. McLeland, Prosecuting Attorney. Defendant appears in person and by counsel, Jeffrey Little. Pre-trial Conference is held. Defendant's Motion to Vacate No Contact Order, filed September 6, 2019, is submitted to the Court. Hearing is held and concluded. Trial by Jury currently set for February 10, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. remains set as a second setting. The Court now GRANTS Defendant's Motion to Vacate No Contact Order as it relates to Abigail Sandifur. Defendant shall have no contact with alleged victim, M.S or the minor children L.S. and J. S., per form.

Link to Mycase

Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase
It looks like the no contact order has been changed IRT AS but not the children.

Order Issued
State of Indiana appears by Nicholas C. McLeland, Prosecuting Attorney. Defendant appears in person and by counsel, Jeffrey Little. Pre-trial Conference is held. Defendant's Motion to Vacate No Contact Order, filed September 6, 2019, is submitted to the Court. Hearing is held and concluded. Trial by Jury currently set for February 10, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. remains set as a second setting. The Court now GRANTS Defendant's Motion to Vacate No Contact Order as it relates to Abigail Sandifur. Defendant shall have no contact with alleged victim, M.S or the minor children L.S. and J. S., per form.

Link to Mycase

Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase
MJS can have contact with AS?? You’d think it would cover her as well?? That seems odd to me....MOO
Maybe if we have any locals on here they can pop into the pizza place and see if they are working together? I would be surprised but perhaps they have to pass takings or keys to each other or whatever. Anyone know if it has been open and if he has been working since he was charged?
Any news on if this made it to court yesterday? Wasn't it February 12th that was listed as MJS day in court? TIA
Found out what's going on with this case, it was rescheduled to May 11th. Seems the court was crowded by another child predator case from 2016 and that person finally took a plea deal on this past February 11th when MJS trial was due to start. Same prosecutor involved, I believe.
It looks like there are 3 days set aside for his trial:
Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase

05/11/2020 = Jury Trial
Session: 05/11/2020 9:00 AM, Judicial Officer: Diener, Benjamin A.
Session: 05/12/2020 9:00 AM, Judicial Officer: Diener, Benjamin A.
Session: 05/13/2020 9:00 AM, Judicial Officer: Diener, Benjamin A.
"But what they didn’t realize was that it wasn’t a costume, like they thought. This “thing” had a really sad face, and wouldn’t talk. Now that should’ve given it away, because the “thing” was the Sad Scarecrow. We told the cops it was a mistake and it was just our dad, that he had eaten too much candy and was just a tiny bit drunk. The cops said they understood and we needed to take him home.

On our way to, well, nowhere, the scarecrow looked at us and smiled, then frowned. It was like he was always sad, even if he was happy, and he was never seen to have a smile on his face for no longer than 10 seconds! We felt bad for him, and thought, “Maybe he wouldn’t be so sad, and wouldn’t be called the ‘Sad Scarecrow’ if we made him happy.” After we discussed all of that, we knew right away that before we tried to make him happy, we needed to figure out why he was so sad.

We had finally gotten the courage to ask him, but right off the bat, or right after we asked him that is, we knew we had been stupid. We were so sad for the Sad Scarecrow, that we had just let our stupidity flow right out of our bodies. He can’t talk. But we were wrong about being stupid, because he knew exactly how to act it out. This is what it looked like:

  • Family, friends, etc.
  • Enjoying his time with his family
  • Smiling and laughing, like there was no other day ahead of him
Then he showed us a picture.

The picture had all these other scarecrows, and one of them was him, the Sad Scarecrow. And he was smiling. He seemed happy. We knew that that just had to be his family. We asked him, and he nodded. It was his family. Then we asked him where his family was, and he took out a drawing. We all gasped! We were so sad and sorry for him. His family had been shredded. Literally, and I know that sounds weird. They were near a corn field, and a combine hit them. The only one to live was the Sad Scarecrow. The last question we had for him was really important, if we could borrow his picture. He nodded and let us go."

From the above link..
It was finally Halloween night, and the Smith family was really excited. Every year Jacob went out with his friends to go trick-or-treating. His mom and little brother stayed home to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. His older brother stayed home and listened to rock music and played video games in his room. His dad also stayed home, but didn’t help pass out candy. Instead, he tried to scare off the teenagers that pulled pranks on them every year. Every year Jacob’s dad stayed home, trying to finally get his revenge on the teenagers. But of course, he never succeeded. He’s been doing this for four years now.

Four years ago he sat on the roof with a bunch of soap bars in two one gallon buckets. He thought he had caught the culprits, but it was just a kind little girl in a ballerina costume. And when I say little, I mean little. She was probably about three or four years old. Jacob’s dad felt so bad. Only because the little girl had a really big tantrum.

Then three years ago, he made a costume with green fake leaves on it to look like their bushes. Jacob’s dad really fooled Jacob’s older brother, because, well, he got drenched with dish soap. For some reason, Jacob’s dad was always using some type of soap.

Next is two years ago. Jacob’s dad tried making his own slime recipe, but it didn’t turn out. It was like liquid slime. It was green, gooey, and, well, slimy. So of course, he had the idea to make more and use it on Halloween night. Jacob’s dad hid up in a tree. Once again, he thought he had the teenagers, but he didn’t. Instead he slimed the neighbor who had come to complain about Jacob’s older brother having his music blaring so loud that she couldn’t sleep. Believe me, that one was really bad. It was really ugly in the end.

Finally, last year. Last year Jacob’s dad got some old chicken grease and put it in a bucket. You probably already know, but I guess I have to tell you. He didn’t get the teenagers. This time it was himself. The teenagers apparently did something to it to where it would backfire. It was terrible. He smelled and looked terrible, too.

And, well, now came this year. Jacob didn’t know what kind of crazy idea his dad had come up with this year, but he didn’t really care."

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