GUILTY IN - Melinda Lindsey, 23, shot to death, Porter County, 16 Jan 2015 - #1

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I would imagine that the insurance money will go to the baby for her living costs, education etc. too bad some couldn't go to ex-wife for child support too. I don't think that the gov't pays child support if a parent is in prison. Another victim of this man. Heartbreaking all around.

actually, if its anything like tx and ok.. she will still get CS, he will work in prison && a cut of that will do go her. ( at least thats how it works back home)
you seriously just brought tears to my eyes... <3

she deserved her dream wedding, she always talked about her white dress and cowboy boots.. i couldnt believe that she got married in a court room, it broke my heart.. she . god i miss her..

I'm so sorry for your pain. Of all the people, I've read about or gotten to know, over the years I've been on line, none have captured my heart so much as your friend. I feel so darn impotent! I truly wish there was something I could do to help. The whole world is so much less now. I can feel it from here. We were all robbed. What a gift, in her Daughter, she left us! I sure pray that little girl has the lovely life her momma dreamed about.
I'm so sorry for your pain. Of all the people, I've read about or gotten to know, over the years I've been on line, none have captured my heart so much as your friend. I feel so darn impotent! I truly wish there was something I could do to help. The whole world is so much less now. I can feel it from here. We were all robbed. What a gift, in Ellie she left us! I sure pray that little girl has the lovely life her momma dreamed about.

Thank you, truly.. More than anything I want her story to be shared.. I want people in abusive (both physically and mentally) relationships, to get out before it's too late.. I want Her daughter to be with melindas family and to know her mother as the amazing person she was.. I still find myself rereading old text or fb messages, thinking I'll see her name pop up and get "redneck woman" ringtone go off.. It's so surreal, you hear about this kind of thing but you never think it could happen to someone you know.. I will do everything in my power to make sure Her daughter has the life Melinda dreamed of for her.

I'm so sorry for your pain. Of all the people, I've read about or gotten to know, over the years I've been on line, none have captured my heart so much as your friend. I feel so darn impotent! I truly wish there was something I could do to help. The whole world is so much less now. I can feel it from here. We were all robbed. What a gift, in the baby she left us! I sure pray that little girl has the lovely life her momma dreamed about.
Safeguard, you should edit your post and take the name of the baby out. It's against the rules, and the mods have said that if it happened again they would pull this thread.
A million $ insurance policy, in itself, is not suspicious. That is under normal circumstances. A father needs enough money to raise kids if mother should die.... the cost of a nanny has to be covered. But for this family, I just can't imagine they could afford this policy. They had money problems. It was mentioned that they fought over money. He owed past child support was mentioned. His general perceived lack of responsibility does not jive with being responsible for the families future financial stability. In my opinion he has an uphill battle trying to prove himself innocent.

I would imagine that the insurance money will go to the baby for her living costs, education etc. too bad some couldn't go to ex-wife for child support too. I don't think that the gov't pays child support if a parent is in prison. Another victim of this man. Heartbreaking all around.

This is indeed VERY suspicious. The policy would be "affordable". I'm guessing under $100 per month due to her age & health. But since neither of them were working, it may as well have been $10,000 per month! Who was paying the premium? And I also wonder if he had a policy on his own life?

My husband and I both have life insurance. I am a stay-at-home Grandmother. We were able to get one on me, enough to cover my current debts (for a pricy personal hobby ;) ) enough to bury me and provide me with a proper send off. And for him we were able to get a fairly substantial policy. HOWEVER; It was only after jumping through numerous hoops. It had to coincide with his income, our mortgage; replacing his income; how many years I might live past him (he's older), etc. And we are required to revisit this policy annually.
I remember when she got back together with him, she made the announcement on facebook. One poster said "he is cheating on you" and I think there was at least another post from a friend that indicated the friend was not happy about the reconciliation. Melinda made excuses for him throwing her out, and tried to take the blame herself.
You are a true friend to keep her memory alive and to care so much about her daughter. I am so sorry for your loss.
I think your estimate of the premium would be about right. But still - no income, hard to juggle that. Your question about whether he had life insurance on him is a very good one.

I wouldn't be surprised if the only life insurance coverage he had/has is through his union. He was engaged in one of the top 10 most hazardous occupations. The cost to insure him on an individual life insurance policy would be very high because of the hazardous occupation. In terms of a union policy, he may have had some coverage, but likely not anywhere close to what was purchased on her life.

It will be interesting to see if the details on this are brought out in trial.
Right. But don't forget he was fired from that job he had. And I seriously doubt he was paying for his own insurance, etc if he was "contracting" on the side.
Safeguard, you should edit your post and take the name of the baby out. It's against the rules, and the mods have said that if it happened again they would pull this thread.

You should probably edit yours too Tina, since you quoted me, and left the name of the minor in. ;)
Melinda's facebook page was haunting. I found it and looked at it after she died, so some of the red flags were standing out to me. The courthouse wedding pictures struck me and the fact there were no pictures of a nicer wedding celebration posted later on made me feel sad for her. I got the feeling he was distant and removed, but she tried to make him look good by bragging up on facebook any nice little thing he did for her.

She probably thought that he was taking an interest in the future of their family when the insurance policy on her was purchased. My guess is that he had everything to do with arranging for that policy. Did I read correctly that there was a $1M policy on the baby, too?
A 33yr. old husband, earning $80,000 to $100,000, insuring his wife for $1mill is not unusual considering the expense of housekeeping, nanny, etc. he'd need to expend for 17 years before their child would be independent. Union written policies don't, usually, require rigorous review, and are quite reasonably priced compared to individual term-life policies, or policies extended to smaller groups than electric linemen, union, policies.

There have been comments regarding SL's making it a point to inform the judge regarding his medications being a ploy towards some insanity plea. Maybe. However, Xanax addiction in combination with an alcohol addiction, is a very desperate situation. It may be more accurate that SL was desperate to make sure that he remain medicated for his addiction, that he doesn't admit to, than any other motive. Once his addictions are satisfied he may then focus on "freedom".

Regardless, SetHerSoulFree, I grieve for your loss and pain, and for that of Melinda's daughter, and loved ones. i pray for you all.
My reasoning for thinking the position he was found in is odd, is due a few things. I've seen some pictures of him and he is only 35 years old and looks to be in very good physical shape. His occupation also requires physical agility.

His hands are zip tied behind his back. He has no injuries. Perhaps he has already made the 911 calls. Perhaps not. He doesn't know if the intruder is still in the house. His baby is in the room with him and he is the only thing standing between her and possible death. My thoughts are that it would a natural instinct to get up on his feet, and there is apparently nothing that is preventing him from being able to do that. This would give him the best chance of trying to protect his daughter, if the intruder returned to the room before the police arrived.

Just my thoughts. It seemed "off" to me. Like so many other things with this case.
My reasoning for thinking the position he was found in is odd, is due a few things. I've seen some pictures of him and he is only 35 years old and looks to be in very good physical shape. His occupation also requires physical agility.

His hands are zip tied behind his back. He has no injuries. Perhaps he has already made the 911 calls. Perhaps not. He doesn't know if the intruder is still in the house. His baby is in the room with him and he is the only thing standing between her and possible death. My thoughts are that it would a natural instinct to get up on his feet, and there is apparently nothing that is preventing him from being able to do that. This would give him the best chance of trying to protect his daughter, if the intruder returned to the room before the police arrived.

Just my thoughts. It seemed "off" to me. Like so many other things with this case.

Curious, I just jumped out of bed to try this myself. Keep in mind, I'm almost 60 years old. I held my hands behind my back, knelt down on the floor and then tried to get up. It was quite easy to get to my feet....rather quickly.
Certainly there are MANY things "off" about this case.

Depending on the length of zip-ties, it isn't difficult to zip-tie yourself. To be more believable SL Would have tied his ankles tightly, and his wrists, as well. SL appears to be a man, an addict, that has run out of options, period.

SL strikes me as a man severely damaged in childhood that "self medicates" his problems with alcohol, drugs, and women willing to make life easier for him. From his perspective, SL ran out of options.
A 33yr. old husband, earning $80,000 to $100,000, insuring his wife for $1mill is not unusual considering the expense of housekeeping, nanny, etc. he'd need to expend for 17 years before their child would be independent. Union written policies don't, usually, require rigorous review, and are quite reasonably priced compared to individual term-life policies, or policies extended to smaller groups than electric linemen, union, policies.

There have been comments regarding SL's making it a point to inform the judge regarding his medications being a ploy towards some insanity plea. Maybe. However, Xanax addiction in combination with an alcohol addiction, is a very desperate situation. It may be more accurate that SL was desperate to make sure that he remain medicated for his addiction, that he doesn't admit to, than any other motive. Once his addictions are satisfied he may then focus on "freedom".

Regardless, SetHerSoulFree, I grieve for your loss and pain, and for that of Melinda's daughter, and loved ones. i pray for you all.

If this was a policy that he got while employed, these benefits would have ended shortly after his employment. Was he just recently fired?
"If this was a policy that he got while employed, these benefits would have ended shortly after his employment. Was he just recently fired?"

This was true before rulings that policies must be "portable" regardless of current employment. Insurance companies' actuaries priced that mandated "portability" into the premiums. So, regardless of SL's fired from employment date, as long as the premium was paid the policy would be in force.
Certainly there are MANY things "off" about this case.
SL strikes me as a man severely damaged in childhood that "self medicates" his problems with alcohol, drugs, and women willing to make life easier for him. From his perspective, SL ran out of options.

He's not getting the "my Mommy didn't love me" pass from me. There is Plenty of evidence that Narcissistic Personality Disorder/Psychopathy is NOT caused by "Childhood Abuse."
Here is the rub regarding collecting on the life insurance policy on Melinda's life:

The insurance company will claim that SL kept it in force in order to collect through "fraud" (murder) and declare the policy void and return premium payments made to the person that paid the premiums (SL). It will be an uphill battle for Melinda's family to prove different and collect the benefit for Melibda's beneficiaries (her daughter, etc,).
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