GUILTY IN - Melinda Lindsey, 23, shot to death, Porter County, 16 Jan 2015 - #1

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We are not "supposed" to believe her. Whether we believe her or not is up to us. She has a right to express her thoughts and opinions on this case just like everyone else.

I have not and will not give you my opinion or thoughts on this case. I only want to give you what I know as the facts while you are forming your own opinions. I have no desire to sway those opinions.
I was thinking about this. Was Melinda's personal text posted on the other site AFTER the murder. If so, that wasn't too kind. But if it was before she was murdered, ex-spouses go through years of anger and betrayal pain after the event (believe me, I know). The spouse of course deserves the majority of that anger. But, the one he cheated with generally gets some anger thrown in their direction as well. Who knows if the wife knew that Steve did not tell Melinda that he had a family while he was cheating with her. If so, that should deflect pretty much all of the anger back at the spouse. But in anger people behave in ways they would never have before.

I hope the ex-wife has lost the anger. Her child lost Melinda too, so she needs to protect him from her anger. I'm sure she has enough anger at Steve for a very long list of things he's done that has hurt her and their child.
Even if the test was posted before the murder, was there anything that would identify Melinda? If the ex was simply posting about the woman who slept with her husband, I don't see that she did anything untoward.
I would bet this "stalker" is Steve Lindsey, or someone helping Steve Lindsey. And this stalker seems to want people to believe his stalking has something to do with the club because he threw a bag of lingerie into the house. Really? How lame.

First of all, Melinda hadn't worked at that club for YEARS. Stalkers don't go dormant and then spring back into some wild obsession. They usually "Stalk and harass" the entire time. Then, we're suppose to believe that this violent "stalker", who's real intent is to kill, is going to risk being caught and arrested throwing a bag of lingerie into the house. What does that mean anyway? Violent stalkers are usually calling on the phone, leaving threatening messages, slashing tires, vandalizing your property, following you relentlessly, leaving dead animals on your doorstep. That's what real stalkers do.
Throwing lingerie into your living room?? That's original. And complete BS if you ask me.

I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone implied the Stalker was someone Melinda met at her place of employment years ago..I believe the post was about her being naive...anyway,the stalker COULD BE someone from her x boyfriend,secret admirer,who knows...or, it could very well be Steve as you all seem to think...I don't even know how long she had been with Steve...I think someone said two years...A beautiful woman like Melinda must have had other boyfriends before him...maybe even got dumped for Steve...I was reading facts about Stalking...I believe Starshine4U posted some of these things that occurred....
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, stalking is defined as "a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear." Stalking behavior can include

  • Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications, by phone, mail, and/or email....Didn't Starshine4U say this occurred?
  • Following or laying in wait for a victim at places victims tend to frequently visit, including home, school, or work....Someone spotted in a car and Starshine4U says they know who that person was.
  • Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim's children and family, friends, pets, and even co-workers...According to what starshine4u said...Someone was out beating her dogs...Steve was in the bathroom.
  • Damaging or threatening to damage a victim's property.....garage remote was stolen and the screen on a window cut...
  • Harassing a victim through the Internet, including email, social networking sites, and other sites....This I didn't see posted...although I thought she said E-Mails...
Even if the test was posted before the murder, was there anything that would identify Melinda? If the ex was simply posting about the woman who slept with her husband, I don't see that she did anything untoward.

And if people are posting their private business on the INTERNET, the privacy thing goes out the window. Even *IF* they're using a forum "handle", it's pretty easy to figure out who somebody is by the details.
I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone implied the Stalker was someone Melinda met at her place of employment years ago..I believe the post was about her being naive...anyway,the stalker COULD BE someone from her x boyfriend,secret admirer,who knows...or, it could very well be Steve as you all seem to think...I don't even know how long she had been with Steve...I think someone said two years...A beautiful woman like Melinda must have had other boyfriends before him...maybe even got dumped for Steve...I was reading facts about Stalking...I believe Starshine4U posted some of these things that occurred....
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, stalking is defined as "a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear." Stalking behavior can include

  • Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications, by phone, mail, and/or email....Didn't Starshine4U say this occurred? NO she didn't.
  • Following or laying in wait for a victim at places victims tend to frequently visit, including home, school, or work....Someone spotted in a car and Starshine4U says they know who that person was. This could have been anyone. Like a census taker
  • Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim's children and family, friends, pets, and even co-workers...According to what starshine4u said...Someone was out beating her dogs...Steve was in the bathroom. Information straight from Steven Lindsey
  • Damaging or threatening to damage a victim's property.....garage remote was stolen and the screen on a window cut...Again highly suspicious of Steve Lindsey
  • Harassing a victim through the Internet, including email, social networking sites, and other sites....This I didn't see posted...although I thought she said E-Mails...No. There weren't any

You must be seeing something the rest of us can't see.
I agree. The man is a predator. He has destroyed everyone's life around him.
It will be very interesting to see what the trial proves as the truth and the real story. My gut tells me that the stalker story was a creation of the murderer as an elaborate attempt to create a cover before the murder took place. I think it will end up proving nothing more than premeditation.

I think the stalker was invented to terrorize Melinda. It goes far beyond premeditation.

Ok I have to ask this. Why on earth did she stay with him? When did her family find out how deceitful he is? What was it about him that gave him such power over her??

She stayed with him because she was young enough--and hopeful enough--to believe he would change. She was obviously raised in a loving family and was naive to believe the rest of the world was, too.

If a stalker killed Melinda...

-Why was there no evidence of a struggle in the house?
-How did the stalker know where Melinda kept her gun? And bullets?
-How did the stalker get into the house (no forced entry, no foot prints)?
-SL woke up to a gunshot, yet didn't leave the bedroom to check on his wife? Or to stop the intruder? Yet he was able to call 911 and his brother...while hands are zip-tied...

Any chance his brother did it?
If anyone is disparaging Melinda in any way online now, police investigators should be notified.

It's my understanding that it is not going on right now.
If a stalker killed Melinda...

-Why was there no evidence of a struggle in the house?
-How did the stalker know where Melinda kept her gun? And bullets?
-How did the stalker get into the house (no forced entry, no foot prints)?
-SL woke up to a gunshot, yet didn't leave the bedroom to check on his wife? Or to stop the intruder? Yet he was able to call 911 and his brother...while hands are zip-tied...

Any chance his brother did it?

I think all possibilities are open. This murder may be a conspiracy and the current suspect could make a plea deal in order to get the death penalty off the table.

How long should Melinda get a "get out of human decency" card once she found out SL was married? I'm sorry, but human decency goes both ways. I'm am sure that even at the worst of her anger, the ex never wished Melinda dead and I know she was horrified when it happened and hasn't posted anything since.

This isn't to insinuate in any way that I think Melinda deserved what happened to her. No one deserves that. I want justice for her as much as anyone else. But if you're going to start trashing the ex-wife for reacting negatively to the woman who was sleeping with her husband then you have to look at the fact that even after she found out he had a wife and child, Melinda stayed with him. That is just as bad as anything the ex said about her.
You have to keep things in perspective. Even though someone is "verified" doesn't make what they say here "truth". I am not saying they are lying. But the information they bring could be skewed. They could be getting the information from the accused. Familiy of violent offenders are notorious for seeing things through rose colored glasses. They defend their loved one, even when faced with cold hard facts.

Respectfully ArabianLover, I believe I do keep things in perspective...I like to read both sides if possible and in this case which is rare on Webleuths we are getting that...I'm not saying I believe Starshine4U anymore than I believe what you say...What I don't like is being talked down to and explained things that I'm well aware of concerning the accussed family member or for that matter the victims friends on here....I form my own opinions,do my own research and wait for trial ...thats what we do on here...
How long should Melinda get a "get out of human decency" card once she found out SL was married? I'm sorry, but human decency goes both ways. I'm am sure that even at the worst of her anger, the ex never wished Melinda dead and I know she was horrified when it happened and hasn't posted anything since.

This isn't to insinuate in any way that I think Melinda deserved what happened to her. No one deserves that. I want justice for her as much as anyone else. But if you're going to start trashing the ex-wife for reacting negatively to the woman who was sleeping with her husband then you have to look at the fact that even after she found out he had a wife and child, Melinda stayed with him. That is just as bad as anything the ex said about her.

Steve is a grown man and made his choices. It is wrong to blame Melinda in any way for the choices he made.

Steve is a grown man and made his choices. It is wrong to blame Melinda in any way for the choices he made.


And Melinda was responsible for the choices she made. And she made the choice to stay with a married man.
Steve is a grown man and made his choices. It is wrong to blame Melinda in any way for the choices he made.
That's not what I am seeing at all.
No one is blaming Melinda for choices Steve made. Steve made the choice to cheat on his ex. Melinda made the choice to stay with him after that information was brought to light.
They are each responsible for their own choices.

Is there a possibility the ex-wife and SL were considering getting back together?
From what I was able to find, I sincerely doubt it.
All signs point to the ex wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole after finding out the depth of his lies and deception.
It's heartbreaking that Melinda wasn't able to get to that point of clarity regarding SL.
That's not what I am seeing at all.
No one is blaming Melinda for choices Steve made. Steve made the choice to cheat on his ex. Melinda made the choice to stay with him after that information was brought to light.
They are each responsible for their own choices.

From what I was able to find, I sincerely doubt it.
All signs point to the ex wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole after finding out the depth of his lies and deception.
It's heartbreaking that Melinda wasn't able to get to that point of clarity regarding SL.

Maybe Melinda had finally reached that point and that's why things turned out the way they did.....
Respectfully, Melinda is the victim. That's not a choice she made.


Melinda made the choice to stay with a married man. Unfortunately for her, it was a fatal choice. But just because she was brutally murdered doesn't erase her poor choice. It just makes it all the more tragic.
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