GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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Depends on how many of them are on disability. Four adults on disability could mean that they make enough to pay rent and eat. If they are on disability, they may not have large funding changes unless they get a great job.

I work in a program for mildly to moderately disabled youth. Many of them (even those who get high school diplomas) are eligible for SSI and other benefits. Most will probably be able to have low paying jobs or will be trained to get moderate income jobs if they can pass a vocational and/or junior college program.

They could be receiving SSDI, and depending upon whose benefit they were beneficiaries of, and how it is calculated, they could each have a fairly decent income, plus additional benefits. If their disability income falls below a certain amount, they would also be entitled to state benefits including Medicaid, food stamps, etc.
I thought it was strange in an interview shortly after the disappearance the grandma said 'I don't think I'm ever going to see my granddaughter again.'
Admin Note

Whoa, whoa... Step on the brakes folks.

I had to leave for a bit or I would have slammed down the gavel long before now. :gavel:

I TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand the outrage. I'm human and right there with y'all. HOWEVER, cease all this talk about hoping he is raped and tortured in prison. I understand the feelings, but we don't advocate expressing those thoughts "out loud" here at Websleuths. We don't advocate violence against anyone, even the most despicable. Rise above posting in that manner. Please.

Anyone who has been around Websleuths or followed true crime already knows how child molesters and child murderers are treated by other inmates while incarcerated. It is what it is and he will be forced to endure whatever comes his way while he is incarcerated. Considering the heinous nature of how Shaylyn was tortured and murdered, I'm sure he will he will be dealt with accordingly by his fellow inmates

***I need to do a LOT of clean up in this thread. Please do not quote and respond to anything else regarding the above type posts. Otherwise, I will be forced to temporarily close it. I am trying at all costs to avoid doing that. Please cooperate so that this thread can remain open.

Thank you for this. I'd already responded before I even saw this so feel free to delete anything I've said on this topic if it's out of line at all.
They could be receiving SSDI, and depending upon whose benefit they were beneficiaries of, and how it is calculated, they could each have a fairly decent income, plus additional benefits. If their disability income falls below a certain amount, they would also be entitled to state benefits including Medicaid, food stamps, etc.

wow, those two grown men, JA & AA seem like they could work, but idk, sometimes disabilities don't show. It does appear they are following the example set for them...idk
I've seen it many times, and really, it's perfectly understandable. While I don't suppose most people actually want such inhumane things to happen to another human being, it's a very normal human reaction to be angry and express "an eye for an eye" justice.

I agree. I am not typically a person who supports the eye for an eye justice. I apologize in advance for what I'm about to say if it's disturbing to anyone.

When I think of the physical trauma and internal injuries that this tiny baby suffered, it is torture IMO. It would hurt a sexually active grown woman if she was raped. it doesn't even seem physically possible to do to her what he did to her, yet he did it.

So again, I think the charges against him should include some kind of torture charge. He tortured a tiny little baby. Why should he receive the same type of sentence and treatment as someone who killed someone during a bar fight or robbery or was a drug dealer?

IMO we are not fantasizing over torture methods. We are just devastated about what this little girl endured and wishing he had to experience and endure that same pain so he knows how she felt.

ETA: I just saw the moderators note and if my post falls into that category or goes against TOS, I apologize and please remove it.

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A few posters have mentioned the possibility that she was given to Kyle....I've thought since the beginning she could have been sold. I can't put my finger on why though.
The WTHR Article has been updated with this comment from the prosecutor. :(

"The most stunning observation came when Vandermoere was asked if after interviewing Parker if he was able to come up with a motive for such a horrendous crime.

"Self gratification," he stated.

WARNING article has the graphic details.

"We have applied for other search warrants. This is an ongoing investigation and we can supplement this at a later date," said Vandermoere.

In the probable cause, Parker told authorities where they could find Shaylyn's body but never admitted guilt. In fact, he implied he was not the only one involved. Parker is the only person charged in the case at this point.

"I don't think I want to comment on that at this point," Vandermoere declared
wow, those two grown men, JA & AA seem like they could work, but idk, sometimes disabilities don't show. It does appear they are following the example set for them...idk

I don't think they (the sons, anyway) have physical disabilities. They all seem to have below average intelligence. I honestly don't think any of them have the cognitive abilities to have understood the risks they were taking with safety in that house. I don't think Shaylyn's mother comprehended it, either, or she wouldn't have left her there.
From here

When Justin, Shaylyn's father, woke up the next morning around 8:30 am, Shaylyn was missing from her crib. Her pacifier and blanket were also missing.

I recall grandma being rather adamant in interviews that *nothing* else was missing, just the baby.

Adam Ammerman told police that he saw Kyle Parker leaving the house between 3 and 4 am. Adam saw that Parker was carrying something. Adam told investigators he yelled to say good-bye to Parker, but Parker would not turn around. Adam said he thought he saw a foot dangling from Parker's side but wasn't sure. He went back to bed at that point.

The sections bolded there were never mentioned at all in his earlier interviews. So I have to wonder, DID he actually tell LE this and just leave it out of what he said to local reporters at LE's request?

Adam Ammerman also told police that his mother walked into the house one day and found Kyle Parker sitting in a rocking chair drunk, holding Shaylyn in his lap.

This is also different from earlier comments made to the media. There was no mention of him being drunk, just that he was very helpful when he was there, rocking the baby, cleaning out from under a table, etc.
The WTHR Article has been updated with this comment from the prosecutor. :(

"The most stunning observation came when Vandermoere was asked if after interviewing Parker if he was able to come up with a motive for such a horrendous crime.

"Self gratification," he stated.

WARNING article has the graphic details.

Thanks! I was just about to post that the article has been updated again.

"At this point we will not make an emotional statement about the death penalty or life without parole request. We have a meeting scheduled for next week with my law enforcement officers and my deputy prosecutor who will try this case with me. We will make a decision hopefully in the next month or two in this case," Vandermoere said.

"I am standing in front of five cameras and I can barely maintain my composure," an angry Vandermoere stated. He seemed to be holding back as he met with the media Monday following the live video hearing of Kyle Parker.

"We have applied for other search warrants. This is an ongoing investigation and we can supplement this at a later date," said Vandermoere.

My bolding. I wish msm would publish the actual probable cause document but at least the updates continue to fill in some of the blanks.

I'd also like to know if "other search warrants" means in connection to Kyle or other people.
The WTHR Article has been updated with this comment from the prosecutor. :(

"The most stunning observation came when Vandermoere was asked if after interviewing Parker if he was able to come up with a motive for such a horrendous crime.

"Self gratification," he stated.

WARNING article has the graphic details.
Disgusting! Thanks for the update.

Side note - how many different times (10pm, just before midnight, etc?) did they allegedly put Shaylyn to bed? And was it dad or grandma? I think it's a huge red flag when details like this are reported differently.
KP already tried to pin it on Justin & Adam. LE told him that Justin passed a polygraph test.

We do know, and have seen LE lie about lie detector test results before. So I wonder if this is the case here or if they did in fact pass. Although, I guess I missed the article stating Justin passed I thought they said Adam passed.
I don't think they (the sons, anyway) have physical disabilities. They all seem to have below average intelligence. I honestly don't think any of them have the cognitive abilities to have understood the risks they were taking with safety in that house. I don't think Shaylyn's mother comprehended it, either, or she wouldn't have left her there.
Her mother likely didn't have much of a choice. It can be difficult to have visitation taken away or to require them to be monitored.
From here

I recall grandma being rather adamant in interviews that *nothing* else was missing, just the baby.

The sections bolded there were never mentioned at all in his earlier interviews. So I have to wonder, DID he actually tell LE this and just leave it out of what he said to local reporters at LE's request?

This is also different from earlier comments made to the media. There was no mention of him being drunk, just that he was very helpful when he was there, rocking the baby, cleaning out from under a table, etc.

If LE wanted to control what the family said to the media (which I don't think they did), I would guess LE would instruct them not to talk to the media at all.

JMO, of course
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