IN -Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #1

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Rosco dropped me a quick note. She's busy at work today but wanted me to let you know that she did talk to "Q" the XBF and said she will take the conversation to heart and hope he is true to form.

Thanks for the update, DK! I don't know why this case has consumed me. I just want to see Rosco get the answers she deserves and see justice served. I pray daily that "A's" baby is being cared for.
Thanks for the update, DK! I don't know why this case has consumed me. I just want to see Rosco get the answers she deserves and see justice served. I pray daily that "A's" baby is being cared for.

Thank you DK for the important update.

Kahskye, I think and feel as you do.

I think you might need to increase your prayers in this particular matter.

DK, has anyone heard anything about A's baby? No problem increasing prayers for the sweet little one...

Also praying that the contact with xbf that Rosco has had may answer many questions.
I think you might need to increase your prayers in this particular matter.

I most certainly will. Just reading what you wrote brought tears to my eyes. How I wish I had some super powers to reach in and grab that precious baby out of that environment.
I think you might need to increase your prayers in this particular matter.

Oh my, that does not sound good..... :(

Prayers to the baby and all of this family ~ the victims of this terrible crime.


Thinking of you....


I hope Rosco is ok.....We havent't heard from her since the XBF came into the picture...Is it maybe she made an agreement with XBF not to comment in order to get his trust and help? I can certainly understand that. The most important thing is to get this horrible crime solved. It's just amazing that the XBF is willing to help the foundation and to call Rosco and the Anderson's OWN daughter won't even do that.....That speaks volumes. I hope all is well with Rosco. I am also praying for the baby, I can't stand anything to happen to babies, children the elderly or animals. The most defenseless of us all.....
I hope Rosco is ok.....We havent't heard from her since the XBF came into the picture...Is it maybe she made an agreement with XBF not to comment in order to get his trust and help? I can certainly understand that. The most important thing is to get this horrible crime solved. It's just amazing that the XBF is willing to help the foundation and to call Rosco and the Anderson's OWN daughter won't even do that.....That speaks volumes. I hope all is well with Rosco. I am also praying for the baby, I can't stand anything to happen to babies, children the elderly or animals. The most defenseless of us all.....

She is fine and is simply bogged down at work this week. I am letting her decide what to post about the convo rather than telling everything she said, in case she doesn't want something made public yet. But she needs a break at work before she can do that.

It sounds like the baby is allegedly always being handed off to anyone who will take her from what XBF told Rosco.
She is fine and is simply bogged down at work this week. I am letting her decide what to post about the convo rather than telling everything she said, in case she doesn't want something made public yet. But she needs a break at work before she can do that.

It sounds like the baby is allegedly always being handed off to anyone who will take her from what XBF told Rosco.

I'll take her!
I'll take her!

I can understand how you feel, kahskye. Even if A had nothing to do with her parent's murder, I hope and pray that baby is taken away from A before A damages her. No baby or child should be raised with an active drug user.

I can understand how you feel, kahskye. Even if A had nothing to do with her parent's murder, I hope and pray that baby is taken away from A before A damages her. No baby or child should be raised with an active drug user.

I'm afraid some damage has already been done to the little doll. If "A" was on drugs during pg. (and every thing indicates she was) she was brought into the world w/several strikes against her. One of them being her mother.
Social Services asked me to take 4 grandkids (hubby's adopted daughter's, much the same situation we are talking here) while their mother was incarcerated. After over 9 months of security, scheduled meals, clean clothes, & lots of love..........the mom came back & took them from me. She's the mom & we had no rights. Only to get herself back on welfare & then shipped the kids off to another state. Some very insecure little kids & becoming very hostile. Last I heard the 7 yr old was going to juvie for arson.
Some one really needs to get that baby away from "A" permanately. It's no good to be bounced around like that.
My heart goes out to all the victims from this horrible ordeal.
Thank you for the updates DK.
I hope Rosco is ok.....We havent't heard from her since the XBF came into the picture...Is it maybe she made an agreement with XBF not to comment in order to get his trust and help? I can certainly understand that. The most important thing is to get this horrible crime solved. It's just amazing that the XBF is willing to help the foundation and to call Rosco and the Anderson's OWN daughter won't even do that.....That speaks volumes. I hope all is well with Rosco. I am also praying for the baby, I can't stand anything to happen to babies, children the elderly or animals. The most defenseless of us all.....
I hope some good comes from XBF's call.
I have felt that "A" & XBF have been following the forums since day one. So, they know everything that has been said. "A" playing the people for sympathy on the other forum & when her credibility started to fail, she just dropped out. Altho I'm certain she continues to read. But, her failure to answer direct questions said a lot. That & the fact (maybe) that she can't stay focused long enough to post.
Guess what I'm saying is I treat what I post as knowing LE, "A" & XBF are all reading it.
Hey everyone. Gosh - buried at work this week. I'll try and post something here just to let everyone know I'm ok and I spoke to XBF.
Conversation was stable and non threatening - to either him or I. I did and do not want XBF to feel that I am against him. We/I just need him to clear up the questions that we/I have had since the moment we left. I think having him in our ballpark might be a compliment to this case. I am not completely sure of the innocence tho. I just can't read into it. I did try to explain the situation myself and my family has been in since the moment I/we walked off the property and how his connections with everything since... that our thoughts and questions are bound by those reasons for the posts and forums. Being tied at the hip with "A" in the house and in the heart of the group, he was/is needed to fill in the gaps and holes of the questions. He seemed to understand and was willing to talk. Some/most questions were answered with 'i can't remember' or 'I don't know why I said that or that was done' - so how do you come to terms with those? 'XBF' stated that he did not see or hear any unusual behavior before or after the murders with "A" or anyone in that crowd. XBF Said the spending was just unbelievable after the murders and he was surprised that there would be any $$ left over today. He also said that all of his actions - from ignoring us and the no contact - was because of "A"'s request. Also said his actions was because he was trying to help and please her due to her circumstances - parents being murdered. He felt LE and family looked at him as suspect becuz he was 'the new guy'. I certainly can't ask XBF the reasons for 'A" behavior. He would/could not be accounted for her actions. I simply wanted to know about his and what he might have seen or heard before or after. Pretty vague. Almost like there was absolutely nothing strange or bizarre that happened in his eyes. How does one take that? XBF also said he asked several times for "A" to look into stones for grave and he was told not to ask anymore.
On the note with stones... brother did some investigating and located the place where "A" requested stones in Aug 2006. She went in and asked, chose and was given an invoice for a $5,000 stone. Person remembered her personally. Company asked for deposit before it can be ordered. She never went back nor paid a deposit. Brother and I can't find anywhere else in the surrounding areas that 'A" might have ordered from somewhere else - for a better price? Why go to a different county or state? Called the funeral home and asked for them to place markers on each grave - they will do that free of charge - we didn't know that. Why didn't "A" do that????? They are on a medal stand with their names. At least Dad and Daleen can have SOMETHING there... Funeral home has not heard of any pending order either. Company said that the stone that was to be ordered would still take 3 months to ship and then time to etch and engrave. I don't see anything happening by June - NOT SPRING FOR SURE... House is all done tho. Roof, sidding, plumbing, carpet, new piano AND organ, new sterio for house and her car and truck, new tires and rims for car and trucks, tricked out truck w/chrome rims and grill with flames and ect.., computer in house, bucket truck, paid off notes on quad's and mini bikes......ect..ect..ect... No stones.
OK - so maybe all the actions from everyone is all based on selfishness and greed? I just don't get it WS... I did not feel the conversation cleared anything - really. I just can't see NOTHING unusual not going on and nobody seeing it??? Am I really loosing it and some stranger REALLY did have something to do with their demise? LE did not appear to be very interested in my communicating to XBF. I just seem to feel that it's no big deal to "A", XBF or LE anymore.. Took 2 days for LE to call us back after leaving a VM with the info of XBF calling and us speaking. Makes me feel like it's on the last page of everyone's books of 'to-do's...
Frustrated these past few days. Might be reasons for me not posting. I really wanted to be careful on what I posted too. Anger never helps when your posting.
I hope XBF welcomes the Foundation and the efforts to help find the killer/s. He said that he will help support the Iron Man in June. I'll see him face/face then.
I am sorry honey I was hoping you would get some answers. "A" has to be the most shallow person in the world. You can have everything for yourself and do nothing for the people that brought you into the world. Maybe when you see him he will be able to help you with more answers. God Bless! Hang tough.

Love D
Hi Tazette, I noticed you had posted something on one of the other fourms asking what kind of town etc is this. I am thinking there are ALOT of Amish in that area of northern Indiana. There was a theory posted on the Sharon Marshall thread about Amish. Stating how they do not go to police they handle things themselves. Perhaps Rosco knows better about Amish in the area.
Rosco, all I can say right now is WOw....REGARDING THE xbf INFO. I wonder what she was spending ALL that money on when she was with XBF? Why did they breakup? Maybe he feels guilty for something or by the way he acted. Was he just covering for the person he loved. Maybe it was a drug induced fit of rage on "a's part and he just helped her cover up and feels he would be in trouble too. If that is the case then he needs to make a call to LE to ask for an immunity deal in exchange for his testimony. From what I have read about meth it can make you almost schizophrenic.
When I was young my babysitter and her husband were killed by their son. In their home with a shotgun one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. His sisters had to clean up the mess themselves too. One of the sisters continued to live in the house for years. It was determenied he was Schizophrenic. I remember him being there at funeral home in handcuffs telling people his mom and dad where in there sleeping. He was sent to Central State Mental Hospital and released years later. This case just really drew me in I think because alot of the similarities......
ps this is TINA from topix!!!!
Hi All... YIKES what crazy 2 weeks here at the office. LOL! All I can say is THANK GOD FOR FRIDAY!:woohoo:

thanks phenolred (Tina) for your post. Amish land around by Dad's place.. yep. Amish all over and were friends with Dad too. Helps build some of Dad's things. I would not know anything about their beliefs and cultures. I could not imagine an Amish person murdering two senior people in their home.. but can't picture anyone (humm) doing it either - BUT IT HAPPENED.

I did not ask reasons why A and XBF broke up from HIM. I found out from LE in June 2006 that they broke up and the reasons were that XBF wanted off the drugs and 'A" didn't. That is what was told to LE from XBF. All the money was spent on HER and the re-doing of the house. Not a dime has/was gone to stones. I also feel XBF knows things. Most questions were left unanswered or "I don't know" was the answer. I am not all keen on allowing XBF to close. Trust on my end is NOT there with XBF. Understand that he was glued at the hip to "A" since the MOMENT we walked off the property, which was 10days after they were murdered. Swimming in the money and fruits of my families murders. Driving my father's truck just days after we left...and he had (at the time) no DL! Almost 18months later comes the communication and promises. HUmmm.... Been on TV and billboards and newspapers... never a contact. But... maybe $20K? Could be...

I keep having this re-occuring dream. Dad and I are yelling/fighting and Dad is screaming at me.... asking me why? I am begging him to understand and how would he feel if HE was left without answers.
"You are dead DAD.... You can't tell me... HOW would YOU feel Dad!?"

I wake up in cold sweats...


Hi Rosco, I just wanted to respond to your prior post about what I had said about the AMISH and BTW I had forgotten you had mentioned in earlier post about the Amish building things for your dad. I think maybe I hadn't made myself very clear. I DO NOT think the Amish had anything to do with this. It was just something that had popped into my head when I saw a post from another board by TAZETTE regarding the murder of your Dad and Step Mother. here is a portion of that post.

TAZETTE=I have a silly question? What kind of population are we talking here?
Seems like all the posts are coming from people outside of the area!
Don't you care about what goes on in your community?
So that post got me to thinking that alot of that area of Indiana is Amish which in turn got me to thinking of a post I saw on the SHARON MARSHALL THREAD. Regarding maybe Sharon could have been an Amish child that was abducted and her being Amish they didn't turn to the LE for help.
And with a large population of Amish they wouldn't have computers and Internet.

Hope this makes sense and clears things up.
Roscoe The XBF Knows more then what he is telling you. I feel it in my gut. I also feel that A days are numbered. Either she cracks or someone that knows will. The story about the CC clinched it for me. A wanted the money for herself. But then found two sigs were needed and never did a thing with it.
Roscoe The XBF Knows more then what he is telling you. I feel it in my gut. I also feel that A days are numbered. Either she cracks or someone that knows will. The story about the CC clinched it for me. A wanted the money for herself. But then found two sigs were needed and never did a thing with it.

First - Thanks phenolred for the clearification. I understand now regarding your Amish thought. Hey - never know about anything. Thoughts and ideas are the key to closing cases. Thanks again.

JDB - YEPP.. agree with you regarding both XBF and "A". I am hoping to hear from mortuary soon - see if there will be another cc printed for him or if bank will be required to ask "A" for the approval of new check and to complete the transaction to mortuary for ordering of the stones (that were chosen by her)
:furious: Can't wait for the answers to this puzzle.

Did not hear good news regarding baby these past few days. Baby is pawned off alot said an informant. Informant is concerned with baby and her well-being. Said (quote) "baby does not have a chance in that house". Neglect is the big issue as well as the riff-raff that flows thru those revolving doors of the home that was once my dad and step mothers - is disturbing to the informant regarding the saftey of the baby girl. I have yet to confirm the girl's name. I was told she named her Terry (spelling unknown). Still unsure if baby was born with drugs in her system. XBF told me that "A" is very big pill popper. Xanax is her choice of pill.

Link says "will cause birth defects in unborn".

I will try and see if I can get information to informant and see if child services can be called to maybe have a 'well being' check for the child? What information would CS need to follow up with a door/door check on the baby girl? Informant nor locals will step-up for me and family due to fear. Without concrete information/proof LE nor CS will bother.

Rosco, I am sorry to hear about your little niece. I hope and pray that she is taken away from A and that she goes to a loving, stable family.

I am so sorry to hear that you are having disturbing dreams about your dad. Bless you dear friend. I hope they subside.

I also cannot wait to find out what we probably already know about the bank funds.

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