IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #3

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Hi Rosco! It is good to hear from you. It sounds like a lot has been happening.

I think you definitely did the right thing not accepting "A''s attempted at Myspace friendship. After all this time and everything she has done and importantly hasn't done she cannot expect you to just accept her back into your life in any way. If she does expect that then she is purely delusional. I am sure it was hard to say no when there are so many questions and unsaid things still left but I think you did the right thing.

Meth and Morphine are a very dangerous combination. I thought she never showed up for her last court date so when they arrested her this time they didn't hold her?

I don't think you are bashing LE at all. You are expressing frustration and disappointment that 3.5 yrs later your parents murders are unsolved. I think after all this time there is a possibility it is not a priority any more and pointing that out is not offensive. You would think that when Amanda was arrested again that LE might use that opportunity to talk to her while she is vulnerable and maybe try to work something out with her but they didn't. Why?
Hey Yall' Been pretty busy with everything.

Sad - We had to put my Flea Flickin' Flyod (aka Flea) to sleep last thursday. He was our youngest of four at 12yrs old. He was a rescue and at 8weeks old when we found each other... we gave each other 12 wonderful years together...
We now have 3 that are over 15yrs. (YIKES)
Broke our hearts to have to make that choice. Had tumor in his mouth - found a few weeks back. Big surprise for us as we thought it might have been a bad tooth.
Had gotten bad enough and grew so large that we decided it was for the best. :(


My Flea.

Sorry for such a HUGE pic... Dont know how to make is smaller..
It's the only pic i have on my PC at work.

So hard to say goodbye. Just miss him so much....

(( now you all know my computer at home and who hangs (used to) out with me when I am typing LOL.. ))

All my love

Aww, Rosco, I'm so sorry. I haven't been to this thread for a couple of months now. I can understand what you mean: work, home, DH, kids, furfaces! Sorry to hear about Flea. I am more of a dog person, but my FIV positive cat scared me a month or so ago. She had a huge hard lump under her jaw, but thankfully it was an abcess and antibiotics cured her. But she and my best friend, Beavis - a 15 year old mixed terrier sleep together under my computer when I work and surf. My DH has been unemployed since Sept and all my critters need to see the vet, either for yearly stuff or other things that Im putting off until I can afford it. I can relate. Sorry for your loss, RIP Flea.
Hugs hugs hugs... and more hugs.

You did the right thing. It's just my opinion but I don't think you've missed any opportunity regarding A. Maybe I'm hard-hearted or something but I don't feel you can make any kind of headway with anyone who is in the throes of addiction. Whatever is left of A, the girl she was before drugs, is the only one who can make any headway and that goes hand in hand with that bottom you were talking about. She's the only hope she has. That can be real sad to think about... if she never realizes it herself.

I'm so sad about the property. I pray it's not what you think about LE and the bidding and hunting thing. Is it an auction where people/entities can actually bid on Thursday as well.. or all the bids technically already placed? ugh... the property issue is just one part of all this that gets to me ... I guess because it's easy to know it's Terry and Darleen's legacy... and that in itself deserves respect. Whatever becomes of it.. I want it to be respectful of Terry and Darleen's life and love and efforts there...

Anyway... spring must be springing up your way. You take nice deep breaths... look into that loving dh's face and that adorable ds's face... and hug and cuddle those furbabies...relax your shoulders a bit and do what Sassy Texasbelle said.. let yourself heal some. This isn't going anywhere and no one will ever think you're walking away from it anyway. Gather your strength. We'll all be sending you some via prayer!


OK... it's really something I was looking for on the net and could not find.. so I will tell WS anyway..

From a source....
Miss "A" has recently posted bond in Sturgis MI. She was arrested (( yet again )) for Meth, Morphine and Pot just weeks ago.

I have no other details pertaining to the current arrest. I do not know where ( home or friend ~ traffic stop ) she was arrested or if anyone else was with her.. like BW.

SO she has current charges in LaGrange for Feb 2008 charged 'pending' and now Sturgis MI for April 2009 charges "pending'

Dad's house is up for sale this Thursday and I have been told by a 'source' that LE is one of the bidders!~:furious:

Been told that LE rents/leases/pays Fischer ( Fischer owns the farm/woods behind Dad's place) for 'hunting with friends' on many occations.

I am starting to think that Dad and Darleen's homicides are not priority to LE. I know some here on WS will bash me for saying anything negitive about LE (DK for one) ... but it's been 3 1/2 years and for gosh sake... SOOOO much carp and still not a soul in jail.:mad: It's truly starting to piss me off and I am really trying to keep on the 'nice guy' side of the fence.

I am begining to get very low in my desires for answers. It's very difficult to keep truckin' when other are falling thru ~ and are the most important to keep it going.

I am just sooooo confused and upset these past few weeks. These homicides are just getting so untouchable and unsolvable everyday WS...


I have decided to let WS know something....
'A' sent a MySpace friend request to the Terry and Darleen Anderson MySpace. This was just days after she had her second daughter and did not name it.

Did not accept the friend request. Some prolly think that there has been loss of an opportunity to reach out to her (DK might say). Some may also think that we should have accepted and tried to ask her questions.
Sorry... DH and I do NOT feel we have lost anything by not accepting her myspace. We feel there were hateful thoughts/doings by her asking for Dad and Darleen's myspace.
How do we actually know it was HER who asked anyway? Cyber-world.. cant see the face for sure. She has done nothing possitive for us since we left the funeral...

Both DH and I thought :waitasec: for a long time how to work this out and we BOTH decided it was best to let her alone. 3 1/2 years is a very long time and we truly DO NOT know what she is capable of doing.

We feel she has NOT reached her bottom yet (( she is still a METH head ))and if she truly wanted to reach out for the possitive she would CALL us... not request a myspace friend. How can we be sure it's really her asking for the request? Maybe she was high and asked for the request and then later might have some alter-motive?

She is a Meth user and drug head and truly I fear what she can or might bring around my home and DS. :furious::eek:
I MUST keep my family safe FIRST and the search for justice second. I dont have a badge to protect me. Just Rosco, shot-gun and my WITTS!

Since then she has gotten herself arrested again ~ so she is still very much into drugs and prolly was during her PG. I think it was a good choice.

Hi Rosco,
Just wanting you to know I am still reading and supporting you.
I just have nothing to offer except prayers.
Hi Rosco,
Just wanting you to know I am still reading and supporting you.
I just have nothing to offer except prayers.

Awwww..... prayers are the best!!!
Thanks so much.
ALWAYS welcome:)


All my love ~
You're diligent determination and courage is an inspiration to me.
You're diligent determination and courage is an inspiration to me.

:blowkiss: First let me WELCOME u Cilene to WS. The most wonderful bunch of human kind are here on WS. I am proud to be part of WS and will forever be grateful for their help and encourgment.
They will lift ur soul...

Thank you so much for your words...:blowkiss: Becauz of ppl like you ~ HELPS keep the search for the truth growing stronger everyday..

I truly trust in my love for my Dad and Darleen that helping to find the truth is such a mission I cant even explain. I miss them bpth terribly and it becomes such a modivation to get down to the bottom of what happend.
It gives me the drive to continue for these past 3.5 yrs and WS has been such a key part in that determination for JUSTICE.

All the best cilene... thanks for reading and posting those wonderful words..

Rosco.... all my love
:blowkiss: First let me WELCOME u Cilene to WS. The most wonderful bunch of human kind are here on WS. I am proud to be part of WS and will forever be grateful for their help and encourgment.
They will lift ur soul...

Thank you so much for your words...:blowkiss: Becauz of ppl like you ~ HELPS keep the search for the truth growing stronger everyday..

I truly trust in my love for my Dad and Darleen that helping to find the truth is such a mission I cant even explain. I miss them bpth terribly and it becomes such a modivation to get down to the bottom of what happend.
It gives me the drive to continue for these past 3.5 yrs and WS has been such a key part in that determination for JUSTICE.

All the best cilene... thanks for reading and posting those wonderful words..

Rosco.... all my love

Roscoe...:bowdown: I pray for the course of justice to begin to move swiftly. I was trying to add your FB to mine as a friend and couldn't find it. Is it Terry Anderson? TIA
Roscoe...:bowdown: I pray for the course of justice to begin to move swiftly. I was trying to add your FB to mine as a friend and couldn't find it. Is it Terry Anderson? TIA

Thanks :blowkiss: TIA... Me tooo.......

FB for Dad and Darleen..

Gone Too Soon Memorial Page

My Space Page:

AMW page:

Terry and Darleen Anderson Foudation Web-site:

~ Posted them all so everyone new here can also have them.

All the best TIA.

As ya'll know Thursday was the Auction for Dad's property. Nobody purchased. The Bank now owns the property per LE's statement on Thursday after the house was not purchased. ANYONE on the property is consider traspassing..and will be arrested.

Sunday I received a call from 'someone' stating there are moving trucks and trucks w/trailers in the drive of dad's place.

Knowing what LE said just Thursday I placed a call to LE regarding the activity. Just send some cherries there to 'check the scene out for me'...

LE called me back to advise that it was THE BANK and they were taking anything and everything out of the house. :eek:

I didnt even have a chance to research IF I could contact 'the bank' and ask for permission to go on the property and get some pictures or a fishin pole for my DS.

LE advised me that 'the bank' will then be getting a dumpster today or tomorrow to put all of the 'trash' and clean the house out.

It all comes down to Dad's stuff is now TRASH and will be dumped like garbage within the next 48hrs.:furious:

I am devistated... Simply crushed...:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Everything is TRASH... and will be detroyed in a matter of days..and I cant do a lick about it... :cry::censored:

DAMN 'A"... for what is now TRASH....:furious:

I am completly drained and my soul is crying so bad now..

Just soooo much to deal with ALONG with two UNSOLVED homicides.

I am just ....:shakehead::frown::cursing:

Oh Rosco heart aches and aches for you...I feel your pain through everything that you type. You are an inspiration to so many including myself. I truly wish I had the answers that you and yours deserve. Just know that there isn't one person on this Earth that can take your memories from you. You will always have that no matter what. I think you need a break sweetie. Just a step back from all of this to clear the mind, soul. You didn't ask for this and you deserve a break too, Dad and Darleen would totally understand. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you Rosco for everything you have been through and all you have accomplished. If I were a millionaire I would buy the property and deed it to you for free with all the "trash" the bank claims is in there....ugh the nerve of some people to call your father's stuff trash. The only trash in there was Miss "A" and that has now been removed. I'm really starting to dislike LE on this one...I wish they would just do one thing to make me like them and they don't. **shakes head**

And as far as "A" is concerned I"m not going there because I don't want to be banned from WS.

All I can say is, I'm so sorry, Rosco. Just so sorry. Perhaps there is still something that can be done. Contact the bank, do a legal form, I don't know... something. :confused:
All I can say is, I'm so sorry, Rosco. Just so sorry. Perhaps there is still something that can be done. Contact the bank, do a legal form, I don't know... something. :confused:

Thanks so much... :blowkiss:

I am just sooooo devistated... so low.. so sad and crying all day...

Crying for ~
Dad and Darleen
For their unheard justice
For their unsolved murders
For their lost souls
For the baby girls without a mother
For everything that is 'garbage' and 'junk'
For the family left to keep 'it together' in heart and soul
For Dad missing my DS's growing years
For Darleen not being able to hold her grandbabies
For the DRUGS
For the journey and the heartache that continues to fall.....


(except 'A' and everything about her and that ~ right now..:furious:)

Oh Rosco, I have tears falling down my face. I ditto cassiusleuth and RhytmicSuns's post. Perhaps calling the bank, they will allow you access to what's there.....

(((Giant hugs))))- My heart is breaking with you. Like Cassi said, no one can take away your memories. Treasure the most wonderful. Maybe write a journal for your ds of all the wonderful things you and your dad and Darlene did together. Make a keepsake for him so he can know your dad and Darlene through the special memories. It might be healing for your soul to take a break and sit down to write all those memories, which on paper will last forever.


Oh Rosco, I have tears falling down my face. I ditto cassiusleuth and RhytmicSuns's post. Perhaps calling the bank, they will allow you access to what's there.....

(((Giant hugs))))- My heart is breaking with you. Like Cassi said, no one can take away your memories. Treasure the most wonderful. Maybe write a journal for your ds of all the wonderful things you and your dad and Darlene did together. Make a keepsake for him so he can know your dad and Darlene through the special memories. It might be healing for your soul to take a break and sit down to write all those memories, which on paper will last forever.



Thanks so much EVERYONE :blowkiss::(:(.

I have a oak chest for all my dad memories. Already 3.5yrs deep w/stuff/life/memories.
I also have a diary that I have been writting in for about 2.5yrs.:)

These things do help in their own little ways ~ but never close enough ...
It's just such a devistating journey beyond the homicides that simply crushs the remaining force/drive you get/give/have/develope.....

There really is no simple way to help ur heart...and your soul from the heartbreak. Walking away from the search for justice isnt that simple with me. It's a part of life for me. Has been for 3.5 yrs now. It has to be there to keep the modivation. It's now part of my person. A part of my soul. An (( seems like forever )) empty hole where Dad and Darleen's homicides remain unsolved.

I lost the person I was before Dad and Darleen where murdered. That Rosco is GONE and is different now. :confused:
DH knows it... DM knows it.... DB knows it.
It's a fact...

I dont even know 'which' bank location. Also ~ the dumpster is already in process... They were already there on Sunday with moving trucks and trailers.
It would take me sometime to first found out which bank the loan was taken out and then to try and cut thru the privacy act and try to get someone to talk to you. :hand:

I know that 'A' would have that information... but she is MIA and would never provide ME.. her sister...that kinda of information.:crazy:

Time is/was not on my side with the house and all Dad and Darleen's belongings...
It suxs and certainly shul have NEVER gotten to this level...:furious:

Shuld have never gotten to the level of MURDERS either...:furious::furious::furious:


~ Rosco
Thanks so much EVERYONE :blowkiss::(:(.

I have a oak chest for all my dad memories. Already 3.5yrs deep w/stuff/life/memories.
I also have a diary that I have been writting in for about 2.5yrs.:)

These things do help in their own little ways ~ but never close enough ...
It's just such a devistating journey beyond the homicides that simply crushs the remaining force/drive you get/give/have/develope.....

There really is no simple way to help ur heart...and your soul from the heartbreak. Walking away from the search for justice isnt that simple with me. It's a part of life for me. Has been for 3.5 yrs now. It has to be there to keep the modivation. It's now part of my person. A part of my soul. An (( seems like forever )) empty hole where Dad and Darleen's homicides remain unsolved.

I lost the person I was before Dad and Darleen where murdered. That Rosco is GONE and is different now. :confused:
DH knows it... DM knows it.... DB knows it.
It's a fact...

I dont even know 'which' bank location. Also ~ the dumpster is already in process... They were already there on Sunday with moving trucks and trailers.
It would take me sometime to first found out which bank the loan was taken out and then to try and cut thru the privacy act and try to get someone to talk to you. :hand:

I know that 'A' would have that information... but she is MIA and would never provide ME.. her sister...that kinda of information.:crazy:

Time is/was not on my side with the house and all Dad and Darleen's belongings...
It suxs and certainly shul have NEVER gotten to this level...:furious:

Shuld have never gotten to the level of MURDERS either...:furious::furious::furious:


~ Rosco

Never give up on justice for you and your family! I pray that righteousness and justice will flow like a river over this situation and bring the criminals to justice.

RE: The bank and property in the home. If they have a dumptser there anything anyone throws away from a property once it is in the cans or dumpster is public domain. I know it sounds bad but dumpster diving might recover some things. Just an idea.

Keep the prayers are with you.
Never give up on justice for you and your family! I pray that righteousness and justice will flow like a river over this situation and bring the criminals to justice.

RE: The bank and property in the home. If they have a dumptser there anything anyone throws away from a property once it is in the cans or dumpster is public domain. I know it sounds bad but dumpster diving might recover some things. Just an idea.

Keep the prayers are with you.


I'm not prideful and would certainly consider dumpster diving. :crazy:

However... I'm 3hrs away and this is taking place right about now..
Just can't up and leave my life as a mom, wife and worker...

I placed a few calls around town/locals.... see if anyone would consider 'diving' for me ~ or going over to the house and asking for permission to 'dive'...

Wont hurt..huh?

Friend called me. Went by the house. No dumpster 'yet' .. so that's possitive.

Calling DB ~ see if maybe he might have idea who to call to get Bank information...
Not sure what I could do after.. but maybe a 1day road-trip this weekend... PRAYING....
Dear Rosco- we would never suggest walking away from seeking justice. We are with you for the long haul friend.

The bank info should have been published in the classifieds. I thought all forclosures were published in local newspapers.

Do you know what kind of mortgage was on the house? It might be worth calling a local realtor to see if they can find the property in the MLS, or one of the various HUD or forclosure databases which are only available through licensed realtors.

To be honest, I would imagine the house may be difficult to sell 1)In this economy and 2) because of the murders it would be considered a stigmatized property.

You might even want to ask a local realtor what the disclosure laws are for Indiana. Some states have disclosure laws which require the seller- in this case the bank, or realtor handling the sale to disclose what they know. Now, a bank will always say unknown on certain things, but as your dad and darlenes murder is public record the bank and or realtor may be required to disclose that info to any potential buyers. ( There may be a realtor who was handling the sale of this property for the bank) You would need to find a realtor who is in the MLS which covers that town.... They would have access to the databases for that area as opposed to another realtor elsewhere in Indiana.

hth - pm me if you need help. I used to be a realtor and can still call some locals here for assistance if need be. Might be a little more difficult to find not being local, but always willing to help my friend.

Dear Rosco- we would never suggest walking away from seeking justice. We are with you for the long haul friend.

The bank info should have been published in the classifieds. I thought all forclosures were published in local newspapers.

Do you know what kind of mortgage was on the house? It might be worth calling a local realtor to see if they can find the property in the MLS, or one of the various HUD or forclosure databases which are only available through licensed realtors.

To be honest, I would imagine the house may be difficult to sell 1)In this economy and 2) because of the murders it would be considered a stigmatized property.

You might even want to ask a local realtor what the disclosure laws are for Indiana. Some states have disclosure laws which require the seller- in this case the bank, or realtor handling the sale to disclose what they know. Now, a bank will always say unknown on certain things, but as your dad and darlenes murder is public record the bank and or realtor may be required to disclose that info to any potential buyers. ( There may be a realtor who was handling the sale of this property for the bank) You would need to find a realtor who is in the MLS which covers that town.... They would have access to the databases for that area as opposed to another realtor elsewhere in Indiana.

hth - pm me if you need help. I used to be a realtor and can still call some locals here for assistance if need be. Might be a little more difficult to find not being local, but always willing to help my friend.


Sorry Cub.. I guess 'walking' away was worded wrong on my part... "stepping aside' is more what I had wanted to convey...and on that note... I continue with what I said on my other post... that it's part of me...and it's hard to just 'step aside'.

I have some calls made to pps. Dumpster was not there this afternoon ~ had someone do a drive-by. Nobody was there when pps looked.. but grass was mowed and mailbox was gone. Some other property was on the porch ~ but otherwise quiet.

The Bank posted the forclosure in the local newspaper some weeks back before the auction. I'm not local so never seen it and nobody ever called me on it (when seen in the paper). LE mentioned that to the party we sent to the auction.

The auction took place at LE's office ~ along with 16 other properties and done by the Sheriff himself... It was all very bizzare according to the party that attended for us.

LE did tell us that once the bank 'cleans' the place up/out...then a reality company will be called upon to try and sell the property.
Place will/is getting cleaned up so this can be done rather quickly.

It's VERY possible the house/structure will be torn down Cub... The house might not be worth anything due to the Meth lab, water damage (LE said there is 2ft of water in the basement), unsolved murders..
.. and the property alone might be a better selling tool without that house standing...

Thanks Cub... :blowkiss:

Keep the faith!
Someday this will all come about with all the answers.
I know it must be awful on your end.
Sometimes justice is so slow, but I believe what goes
around comes around.......eventually.
Take care of your spirits!

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