Inconsistencies in DB's Story

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I am not sure where this belongs but it is a great article by Ron Rugen. It gets rid of any questions I had about Ron and I think he is doing a fantastic Job to find Lisa.

Rugen Team Investigations, LLC Missouri Private Investigator
Having met him once, James Brando will now not talk to me. He offered to look at Megan Wright's cell records with me once I got them. Was that to genuinely help or to control my analysis? I've told him if he really cares about finding Lisa Irwin, let's sit down and go over some of the events. His response was he already has told everything he knows to LE and FBI. Ashley Irwin has publicly criticized any attempts to discuss James Brando saying he's "been cleared". If he is "cleared", why wouldn't you want to help your neighbor? Is he mad because Mike LeRette has been seeing Samantha Brando for a few months? ...............................

Oh, my.:what:
Not too sure if this would be The "correct" thread but it did resurface in my mind as "inconsistent" not only today as I was reading the posts in this thread, but also seemed "inconsistent" all the other very many times that this detail/issue has come to my mind... My apologies if this doesn't fit correctly in this thread(will be happy to move it if anyone knows where it would be most appropriate to post it:))

It's regarding something that has been stated numerous times since Lisa's disappearance and while it may not be a literal inconsistency of their own words/accounts of the events of that night but Imo it is very much an inconsistency regarding how the events have been portrayed to have happened that night/morning... Hopefully I'll be able to explain what I mean in a halfway decent and therefore understandable way..

QThe detail is not ALWAYS described in the parents version of the events as they occurred, but it has been told by Jeremy on several occasions in his describing the events that occurred as he arrived home at that early morning hour and for each and every of those times that he has included it or explained it... well it every single time jumps out at me as "inconsistent" with what it is he is attempting to recall and describe to us, the media/public about the events that occurred.. I always attempt to stay of an objective frame of mind each and every time I read and/or hear both new info/details of that night just as well I do for already known details/info about the night/morning in question.. It is possible in my striving to always do so(keep objective frame of mind) that I am just being overly sensitive/aware in my pinpointing this issue I'm now calling "inconsistent".. I am aware of that as a possibility but feel there is no harm in my making mention of this detail that continues to "pop out" at me..

When Jeremy describes the events as they occurred upon his arriving at the home sometime shy of 4am we know he enters the unlocked front door, immediately recognizes that all(or a good many) of the lights are on inside the home, as well as he sees the computer room window is open& attempts to shut it but is unable to do so due to the screen being bent/damaged in a way that it obstructs the window from being able to completely close... He then heads towards the family bedrooms.. Initially passing Lisa's and instead checks the boys room first where he sees only his son asleep in that bedroom... He then enters their(he& db) bedroom where he realizes that the other son(Debs bio son) is in bed with mom asleep..

From this point he has described more than once that he begins to converse with Deb(he doesn't specify awaking her so I've always assumed that he just sorta started speaking to her and his voice awakened her.. Jmo, tho!) and he describes the subject of the conversation to not be concerned, questioning, angering (again that's how I personally take it) and that it's at this point that he may inquire why did she have so many lights on or did she forget to lock the front door.. It is during this seemingly calm convo between the two of them that what he says next is what "pops out" to me each and every time I've read or heard his recalling this account..

He says that DB unexpectedly springs up from the bed already Imo seeming to be anxiety filled and immediately worried/scared... She is all in one motion sprung from the bed, feet on the ground, and body set forward in motion in heading directly to Lisa's bedroom while making statements like "oh my God, Lisa!! Oh my God where is Lisa? "... It is this event and statements, combined with the demeanor that each and every time this detail "pops out" at me and what I've deemed as *inconsistent* with what we've been told is to have occurred and exactly how/why it occurred..

Again, I'll say that maybe it is just me in my being hypersensitive and aware and attempts at keeping an objective frame of mind rather than subjective.. It could very possibly mean nil... But it is something that doesn't "fit" for me, atleast..

Because the long-short of it is that it appears to me as if nothing per se was "discovered" that caused this very visceral reaction from deb... It appears as tho out of the blue as Jeremy is talking with her, that at the same time she is beginning to really awaken from a deep sleep, with alcohol intoxication as well.. And to me it seems as tho as she is awakening and coming out the haze that she all of a sudden of her own doing recalls *SOMETHING* that immediately incites a massive onset of pure panic regarding Lisa, Lisa's whereabouts, and Lisa's well-being.. This occurs rapidly for deb and Imo it is this action/reaction of Debs that then sets in motion the events as we know them to have unfolded from that point on including soon thereafter Jeremy making the call to 911..

So.. Have others picked up on this as well??. And if so what are you all's opinion/feelings about that *possibly* strange or odd occurance??. MEANING THAT to me it seems very much as tho deb and Jeremy DID NOT *discovser* Lisa's bed empty thus determining her to be *missing*... But that Imo seems much more that deb, alone quickly and with a sudden onset of sheer anxiety and urge to find Lisa, determine her whereabouts and her well being immediately.. As in she,alone came to this scared/fearful conclusion that *something* had happened to Lisa and that deb upon waking had memories flood her of what it was possibly that happened...

I hate to even type that because I don't know that deb had any direct involvement or knowledge of harm to Lisa but I felt with as many times as this detail/issue has *popped out* at me that maybe, just maybe there is something there.. Idk??. But I'd certainty like to get others opinions as well as feedback of any who may have noticed this issue/detail.. And if not having ever noticed or thought nothing of it then what now is your opinion on this detail that I've attempted to describe as best as possible?? :crazy:..

TIA and I welcome any/all opinions/views regarding these details..

*sorry for my long windedness.. :D
Great Post! :clap:

I completely agree with your analysis of DB and her reaction to the lights and door. She over-reacted. Remember she is dramatic...however, this was over the top and doesn't fit with what Jeremy is saying.

He is likely hedging on what he really did and said when he got home. I also think he is hedging on the time. They had a good x15 min before calling 911 and I bet it was longer.

It took me a minute to call LE when my little one wondered off. I know how fast Mommy's react. They are using the excuse "The bogie man took out phones so we couldn't call". Jeremy tells us he forgot he had a phone in his pocket. Really?

....Way too much time wasted before they called for help. If you discover your child is missing, you call 911 first, then go to a neighbor. I don't like the fact of this time gap, not at all. He should have called @ 3:46. I want to hear that call."..
I am not sure where this belongs but it is a great article by Ron Rugen. It gets rid of any questions I had about Ron and I think he is doing a fantastic Job to find Lisa.

Rugen Team Investigations, LLC Missouri Private Investigator
Having met him once, James Brando will now not talk to me. He offered to look at Megan Wright's cell records with me once I got them. Was that to genuinely help or to control my analysis? I've told him if he really cares about finding Lisa Irwin, let's sit down and go over some of the events. His response was he already has told everything he knows to LE and FBI. Ashley Irwin has publicly criticized any attempts to discuss James Brando saying he's "been cleared". If he is "cleared", why wouldn't you want to help your neighbor? Is he mad because Mike LeRette has been seeing Samantha Brando for a few months? ...............................

I get this message when I click on your link. I wonder if the page was taken down? If so, why? Or am I doing something wrong? I don't have problems with any other FB page. :waitasec:

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I get this message when I click on your link. I wonder if the page was taken down? If so, why? Or am I doing something wrong? I don't have problems with any other FB page. :waitasec:

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I think Mr. Rugen's page is set up that you need to be a member to view the page.
Now we have some dots to connect. I knew this benefactor thing was going to be important. Mike LeRette....well, my, my, my. He was like white on salt with this case in the beginning...then he took off back to Texas....

I have been asking about this connection since Day 1, doc. I have been reading and reading about her. There are Pics of her w/BS before this ever happened...but LeRette is somehow linked. How he got her invovlved would be interesting to know.

The benefactor was revealed? Who is it? Can you link the photo? TIA
I think Mr. Rugen's page is set up that you need to be a member to view the page.

You can't send a request if the FB page is unavailable. Usually the page is up and you can send a "friend" request but none of that shows up so I believe his page was taken down for some reason. Did you try? Did you get the same message
What about inconsistencies in JI's story too?

One inside, he..
went to computer room and tried to shut window?
went straight to MB?
checked boys room?
What about inconsistencies in JI's story too?

One inside, he..
went to computer room and tried to shut window?
went straight to MB?
checked boys room?

Exactly - there are many from the first day on - I think he changes his story a bit to fit DB's. Why?
Ron (if you happen to come back), do you know if JB or SB know Jersey? Or Megan? Dane? TIA

I dont know if they know Jersey or not. They told me they did not but if Jersey went around the neighborhood looking for work, I wonder if they could have had his number. Since yesterday, I have discovered the SB knew Mike LeRette prior to Lisa going missing and had contact (possibly phone) with him, having an "emotional affair". Did JB feel betrayed?
One is his personal page, and the one in your post is his business page. The link before, that you, or whomever, was having trouble getting onto was just a post from his business page. Anyone can "like" and join that one.

vlpate is correct. To follow my comments on the Lisa Irwin case, my business page is I turn people down on my personal page if we arent truly "friends". On my business page, as long as people don't use it to start trouble or arent lurking so they can attack me, they can "like" it, otherwise I'll ban them. I know one can still see the page even if banned but they wont be notified when I post. It takes an effort to stalk me then. :)
vlpate is correct. To follow my comments on the Lisa Irwin case, my business page is I turn people down on my personal page if we arent truly "friends". On my business page, as long as people don't use it to start trouble or arent lurking so they can attack me, they can "like" it, otherwise I'll ban them. I know one can still see the page even if banned but they wont be notified when I post. It takes an effort to stalk me then. :)

I had trouble with the link Doc posted but now I know why. All is good. I "liked" your page and I can finally read your wall. :seeya:
I think Mr. Rugen's page is set up that you need to be a member to view the page.

I turned off the page overnight so comments left by all nighters wouldn't linger before I could view them. It seems I have pissed off both DB supporters and haters equally. Must mean I'm doing my job. :)

A couple of family members messaged me and was pissed that I said the things I did on my blog and on JVM re the Dr Phil appearance. They seemed to take it as if you say anything negative (I said the show was a bad idea), you must be against us. I was pretty much cut off from contact with family members. So be it. I'm not going to compromise my opinion when asked by JVM or anybody else just so I can have "access". I mean, hell, who is doing who the favor here?
You wouldnt want on my personal FB page anyway. It's boring. I talk about my hobby a lot...I like to cook. VLpate can tell you Im a boring person. :) Single, middle aged, live alone, work a lot and cook. Very boring. :)
Ron, do you know whether Jeremy and JB are/were close friends or whether it was just the two women who were good friends? Trying to get an idea of the dynamics of the relationships among those four. Thanks.
Ron, do you know whether Jeremy and JB are/were close friends or whether it was just the two women who were good friends? Trying to get an idea of the dynamics of the relationships among those four. Thanks.

I'm told the women aren't even that good of friends. I think DB became friends with SB so make sure she wasn't flirting with JI. Then, SB has since admitted she carried on an "emotional affair" with Mike LeRette even prior to Lisa going missing.
I'm told the women aren't even that good of friends. I think DB became friends with SB so make sure she wasn't flirting with JI. Then, SB has since admitted she carried on an "emotional affair" with Mike LeRette even prior to Lisa going missing.

:waitasec: Wow. No offense to Jeremy, but um, really? DB must be a very jealous person, or very insecure, or something.
:waitasec: Wow. No offense to Jeremy, but um, really? DB must be a very jealous person, or very insecure, or something.

I keep coming back tot he fact that the night the baby went missing is the very same night that DB LEFT HIS WIFE. And we know he drove around, lurking, and watching them for awhile. :what:
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