Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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Okay thanks! On the two video clips I referenced, she specifically refers both times to "the" Helio .... and Nurmi himself references the phone that took the injured hand pics as "the helio we've previously talked about" ....

As far as I know, there is only one helio phone that we've been told about...

I think so too. I wonder what phone she took on her trip?
Simple! Just put together names from her two obsessions ... TA & herself:
travis VICTOR alexander + jodi ann ARIAS = Victor Arias.

If she had to come up with another name on the spot, and she was in the police interrogation room, she would look at the silk plant in the corner and then take note of Det. Flores' hair color to come up with the new character: Fern Black!


Remember Juan asking if they were related in any way:what::great::floorlaugh:
I just want to say that I'm glad that I have WS to come to to engage in following these horrendous crimes. I try to discuss the trials' happenings with my two daughters and get total silence. No one wants to let me talk about murder and mayhem. Can't figure out why? LOL.
I've kind of given up on the hair thing. The only reason I can't put this in the solid win category is because that rental guy could be mistaken. I only say that because he looked at her DL during that transaction and she was blonde in her picture.
Routine transaction, then he is asked later to remember and I think there's a chance he got those 2 things----seeing her and her DL picture----mixed up.

I did that once myself in a situation and was shocked I was wrong, but I was.

This one is more like 60/40 for me.

But there are others along JA's murder trip who, AFAIK, have not yet stated the color of her hair.

Example: On 6/2 and 6/3 she saw the following people and I haven't heard them say the color of JA's hair on those days:

JA's sister in Hollister CA
MattMcC and his roommate in Monterey CA area
Possibly PaulS who said he loaned JA money in Monterey CA area
DarrylB and son in Pacific Grove CA
WAMU security photos while making deposits
"Nail" salon personnel
Walmart-Salinas security photos while making purchases

Hope JM will clear this hair color issue up soon!
Uhh...Matt? He wouldn't mind stashing a phone.

that was my first thought - possibly on june 2... and he'd probably be willing to plant that phone in her grandfathers car...
Okay thanks! On the two video clips I referenced, she specifically refers both times to "the" Helio .... and Nurmi himself references the phone that took the injured hand pics as "the helio we've previously talked about" ....

As far as I know, there is only one helio phone that we've been told about...
Well, if the jurors haven't already asked in their next batch of questions, maybe JM will attempt to clarify?

Are the juror's allowed to review court transcripts? Does someone know? Certainly with a pathological liar like this one, they should be able to review her testimony. We're even having trouble keeping track here and we have the luxury of time and leisure...
could be she had a warranty on the phone that fell into the hot chocolate, and that phone was replaced... ?

i'm more interested in where the helio was actually stashed, since i do NOT believe for a second that it was stolen, or that she wouldn't have searched her grandfather's car for it... 2 years after she reports it stolen it magically appears in the car she said she last saw it in, only to be found when she needs it... really?! ... gee, what are the astronomical chances that NO ONE cleaned that car in 2 years and then her aunt "finds" it while doing so... gmafb.


Hey, I'm 48 too.

I commute to work by bike ten miles a day. I row an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and lift Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Every morning when I wake up I walk like a clothespin.

Weekends I nap. However, I still wake up to tell kids to get off my lawn.

I don't have a lawn.

At first I was mesmerized by the spectacle of a full-blown psychopath taking the stand, lying, lying and lying and then pivoting to another lie when prior lies are pointed out.

By now, all the novelty aforementioned psychopath has worn off.

I'm thinking of starting an annual event, the "Travis Alexander Memorial Door Head Bang" to commemorate the patience of a modern saint. Every year until the psychopath gets the needle.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I'll join!!!!
that was my first thought - possibly on june 2... and he'd probably be willing to plant that phone in her grandfathers car...

I guess we'll find out soon enough about MM...I really do wonder what he did and whatever it was, I'm not surprised that he's disappeared off the face of the internet.

Okay thanks! On the two video clips I referenced, she specifically refers both times to "the" Helio .... and Nurmi himself references the phone that took the injured hand pics as "the helio we've previously talked about" ....

As far as I know, there is only one helio phone that we've been told about...
THIS is what I want. I don't know about all the phones, but I do know I want Juan to be able to prove she's lying about...something about them. lol
Dear Family,

As Travis's "offical" girlfriend of Five Months I have a few thoughts I'd like to share... :banghead:

Ehem. She gives these dates. No one else. For all we know, they were never even really "official". She is the only person who has given those dates.

Except for that courtroom demonstration with JA's arm around Wilmott which was a huge mistake, IMO, in that it showed how much larger JA is than her attorney.
Even with Willmott's ONE INCH heels. Does she think the jurors are blind as well as dumb?
could be she had a warranty on the phone that fell into the hot chocolate, and that phone was replaced... ?

i'm more interested in where the helio was actually stashed, since i do NOT believe for a second that it was stolen, or that she wouldn't have searched her grandfather's car for it... 2 years after she reports it stolen it magically appears in the car she said she last saw it in, only to be found when she needs it... really?! ... gee, what are the astronomical chances that NO ONE cleaned that car in 2 years and then her aunt "finds" it while doing so... gmafb.


If she used insurance to replace it, that would have to be Gus' insurance, so he would have had to help her with that. There's been no evidence that he was involved, but he's secretive, so who knows?
Simple! Just put together names from her two obsessions ... TA & herself:
travis VICTOR alexander + jodi ann ARIAS = Victor Arias.

If she had to come up with another name on the spot, and she was in the police interrogation room, she would look at the silk plant in the corner and then take note of Det. Flores' hair color to come up with the new character: Fern Black!

Keyser Soze lies!!!
Nice, you're very organized. Do you have a more complete timeline?

Yes - but I'm struggling with posting it here as I have it in an Excel spreadsheet and that is not a compatible format to upload into posts here. So I copy it to a jpeg and upload but then it's too small to read. Working on solution.

Any suggestions? TIA
I just want to say that I'm glad that I have WS to come to to engage in following these horrendous crimes. I try to discuss the trials' happenings with my two daughters and get total silence. No one wants to let me talk about murder and mayhem. Can't figure out why? LOL.

I'm compared to "Debbie Downer" at the dinner table...
IF.... I'm at the dinner table and not in front of the TV watching HLN..
Tee Hee Hee
I just want to say that I'm glad that I have WS to come to to engage in following these horrendous crimes. I try to discuss the trials' happenings with my two daughters and get total silence. No one wants to let me talk about murder and mayhem. Can't figure out why? LOL.

Same here. Some peeps think it kinda strange that I'm so interested in how people were killed. Hope nothing weird ever happens to a friend or family member. My 'puter searches alone would convict me. :floorlaugh:
I am sure this has been answered many times, so I apologize in advance, but ...

Can someone give the dates again that her phone was lost, when she got the Helio, and when she found her other phone again? And what is the significance? Could she not take pics on the non-helio phone?


When JM confronted her as to why she kept the tape, she stated that she had only kept it for about a week (until May 17th or 18th) because she LOST the phone after that. She lost the phone with the tape for about two years until her aunt found it in her Grandfather's car. She goes on to state that she replaced the lost Helio and that she and TA had had subsequent sex-phone tapes on the replacement phone but, being the good person that she is, she HAD erased those.

She also could have been wearing a wig...

This entire matter with the hair color, in my opinion, is a matter of perspective. I don't believe her hair was that atrocious platinum blonde when she rented the car, however, her CDL photo may have been. Her hair color may have been something like it was when she was booked into jail, or perhaps a little lighter, or had blonde streaks in it. When she arrived in Utah, it may have been darker than it was the last time she saw Ryan. In other words, there are varying shades of blonde, brown and what one would consider brunette. I doubt it was as dark as it is now since this is now her natural color.
Oh ... so the May 10th sex tape Helio phone that was lost, was then replaced with another Helio phone? TIA

Did JA just not want that precious May 10th sex tape anywhere near TA when she went to visit/murder him?

Ugh! She makes my head spin!
OK, I'm REALLY not getting into this phone thing, did she have insurance if Gus GAVE her the phone? Did it come free with his PPL plan?
Ehem. She gives these dates. No one else. For all we know, they were never even really "official". She is the only person who has given those dates.


Right. It's not like he gave her his class ring and asked her to go steady and 5 months later took it back.
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