Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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Neither did the poster who stated that Travis was clearly posing. It's not clear to me that he's posing.:twocents:

If he's not posing then he can only be taking a regular old shower, right? Where is the soap? The shampoo? Why are there no photos of him looking goofy while scrubbing behind his ears? She ain't that great a photographer.
Can someone please post the 5:30 picture of TA looking straight into the camera for me? That was a picture that I just assumed he was STANDING and looking through the clear shower door. Last night I was was rewatching the trial where JM was questioning the Expert that recoved the photo's from the camera. He said Travis was sitting in this picture! Did you guys know he was sitting?? Now, I am rethinking the shower pictures. Maybe she did have a gun pointed at him because he looks frightened to me. What do you guys think?
I just am shocked that he is sitting in this picture. This was the last pic of him alive. Very very sad.

there's one more after that. sitting, can't see his face. and his legs are NOT crossed as someone else said.

that picture drives everyone crazy because no 2 people see it the same. i don't see fear. i would think if you looked up and someone was standing there holding a gun or a knife, the response would be open mouth, big eyes, etc. FEAR. i see irritation. but everyone sees something different. sad to say we'll never know what he was thinking or feeling in that picture.

and isn't it odd that she just LOVED that picture!!! i couldn't believe how she went on about it with det. flores. and she knew exactly what happened right after it was taken, and it didn't phase her at all.
I agree with you that the messages and whatever JA did that caused Travis to send them to her are what caused his murder, not Cancun. Whatever she did caused him to figure out what she really is and she couldn't accept that he wouldn't take her back, so she charmed her way back to him in a plan to kill him. I would love to know what she did that caused him to send her those messages.

I am stuck on "Messages from God to TA that Mimi was meant to be his wife" + Her Not being invited to Cancun + Finding out ( possibly on June 4th by way of sneaking a look at his text messages or email) that Mimi was the "babysitter" = Murderous rage. I'm thinking whatever had him so ticked in April 08 was relatively over by June 08. JMOIMBW.
Are we sure JA didn't respond to any of those? I'm confused why TA would write 'I don't want your apology' if she didn't apologize?
I'm not sure at the moment. Would have to rummage for other texts etc. Probably don't have them, but maybe someone does. Anyone?

I read it as a pre-emptive statement. Could have been said as "don't bother apologizing"

he'd probably heard enough insincere apologies from her
Folks, I just had to :sweep: a few posts for addressing the postER and not the post in reference to opinions. This is a :nono:. All opinions are welcome here. If you don't agree that is fine but address one another respectfully so I don't have to get out the :nurse:. Thanks folks!

Could that be when she alleged to someone that he abused her and was a pedo? Maybe MM and/or that psychologist? The one whose name she can't remember? Listen to JM question her on Thursday about telling others about Travis' alleged pedo problem BEFORE she was arrested.
ETA: MM was before the killing as I remember.

Don't give Nurmi and team ideas! You know they are lurking! ;)
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!
This is NOT the Pinellas 12. This jury is paying attention. This jury asks questions that show they don't believe her lies and want to convict her with a clear conscience, so they ask her to explain- even though it will be more lies. KatieCoolady has told us- none of them look at her. She won't be found not guilty.
They discussed him visiting her in the May recording, and actually, he sounded quite enthused, but obviously things changed.

Maybe because he was tired of her mind games! Sending travis emails she sent to travis supposedly meant for other guys. I think she did this to him about 3 times.
I think the reason so many folks are convinced that the photos were taken without Travis's knowledge or his consent is the same reason many refuse to believe that Travis let her come visit and had sex with her. It is a form of black and white thought- Travis (white) was too GOOD to want to have anything to do with the EVIL (black) Jodi, and therefore, he either had to have been caught unaware, or forced.
Instead, there are shades if grey (maybe even 50 of them lol). And the way I see it, they had a tumultuous relationship, and like times in the past, Travis was able to get past whatever he complained about in the May 26th text, and did go on to have and probably enjoy, sex with Jodi. I never thought of him as saintly, and I did think he used her for all she put out. They both had issues, his were typical run of the mill guy thinking with his penis type. Unfortunately, he had no idea just how out of the ordinary her issues were, and what that would cost him in the end.
I truly think this problem as seeing Travis as super-human perfect and saintly and Jodi as completely undesirable and disgusting to him and all men way, way oversimplifies the picture and is making many people try and come up with outlandish theories to explain the circumstances that seem rather straight forward to me.
I'm probably guilty of being simplistic but I honestly believe a non-disordered person is good (white), a psychopath is definitely evil (black), and everything that happens as a result of such an ill-fated union all falls into gray.

It isn't about morally superior versus bankrupt though. It's about human emotion, the ability to empathize, and not playing headgames compared to the chess-like mastery of someone who has spent the better part of their life learning how to control and manipulate to their gain and many times, simply for their own amusement.

I don't believe they should be held to the same standard for their actions - even those that they share - but it isn't for the reasons that continue to be inferred either. Saint vs. sinner, male vs. female, player vs. lovelorn. For me its all about human vs. psychopath.

If their relationship were anything resembling a normal 'toxic' relationship I may feel differently...but believing so strongly that Jodi is a psychopath leaves Travis even more a victim in my estimation, across the board.

Just My (Admittedly and Unapologetically Totally Biased) Opinion ;)
I am stuck on "Messages from God to TA that Mimi was meant to be his wife" + Her Not being invited to Cancun + Finding out ( possibly on June 4th by way of sneaking a look at his text messages or email) that Mimi was the "babysitter" = Murderous rage. I'm thinking whatever had him so ticked in April 08 was relatively over by June 08. JMOIMBW.

What's JMOIMBW? :what:
Can someone please post the 5:30 picture of TA looking straight into the camera for me? That was a picture that I just assumed he was STANDING and looking through the clear shower door. Last night I was was rewatching the trial where JM was questioning the Expert that recoved the photo's from the camera. He said Travis was sitting in this picture! Did you guys know he was sitting?? Now, I am rethinking the shower pictures. Maybe she did have a gun pointed at him because he looks frightened to me. What do you guys think?
I just am shocked that he is sitting in this picture. This was the last pic of him alive. Very very sad.

Someone put this together, which is even more telling than merely the one pic (thanks to the poster who put it together):


  • 184514_586469241379413_1893859048_n.jpg
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If he's not posing then he can only be taking a regular old shower, right? Where is the soap? The shampoo? Why are there no photos of him looking goofy while scrubbing behind his ears? She ain't that great a photographer.

Yep. 14 hours of Jodi sounds like an eternity to me! But it's another reason he wasn't afraid to let her take the pics...she could have killed him when she arrived-didn't -or before he woke up---didn't. Could have when he was laying naked on his bed--didn't, she just took pics, let him take pics of her..why would he think she's going to hurt him in the shower..his guard was down. I think he was definitely ready for her to leave though. But, hey...she's dressed, her stuff is in her car, what the hell, let her take these pics and she will hit the road and I can get ready for my conference call at 7.
Does not seem like nurmi is watching the jury for reaction. He rambles on and on in his slowwwwwwwww monotone voice! Repeating the same sex questions over and over! Talking heads were saying!
He lost the jury long ago. Even the gallery began to hate him. Can you imagine the jury.
Does anyone know what the picture was that the juror asked JA to give the time and date?
Just heard JVM on HLN say there is a new court document relating to a battery charge and Travis Alexander - but, she says, you have to keep in mind "the context"... which she wouldn't elaborate on.

Guess we'll find out in a few minutes. Whatever it is, the DT will twist it in their favor (if it's admissible, that is). Just an fyi.

She is not being a victims advocate that is for sure!
She'll definitely try to filibuster, lol!

Ha! She could prolly do it!
O/T but the rules for a genuine filibuster are crazy!!!! Strap on a diaper, some Dr. Sholls and stock the candy drawer! Even if I rarely agree with congress- watching a true Filibuster is pretty amazing.....moo.

But JA would/could talk for freakin' WEEKS...:what:
I also think she thought she needed to get those pesky little fibers into the hallway in some JA-logic fashion so they stretched it out along the hall and he cut it for her hand nooses. Nooses? That about cracked me up.

Sorry for just jumping in on my very first post (thanks for admitting me!), I have been practically consumed by this case - and I didn't even know anything about it until she was on the stand a day away from JM's cross examination. I caught up on YouTube and studied the pics pretty carefully and have some thougths about them, but I'll try to catch up on the rest of the thread before going into my thoughts.

Welcome to Websleuths, ahhh your first post. I remember those days.
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