Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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IMO, Jodi is unaffected by any pain she has inflicted on others.

She would only be hurt by reminders of her failures: Marriage, Love, Motherhood, Recognition of her art/photographic talents. All those are wrapped up in her sense of self-worth.

She has proven that she can "retcon" her story to romanticize it in her favor.

In her mind, Travis actually loved her -- she was not just a receptacle and plaything for his amusement. In her mind, Travis desired her and only pleasured himself to thoughts of her. In her mind, Travis proposed to her "a few times". He wanted HER.

She knows there was never any abuse or pedophilia.

Her years of time alone on DR will be spent reliving the travels and the sex and the gifts.

The stuff she has testified to will all be forgotten as she relives the good times -- whether they were real or fantasy.

Knowing this it seems it wasn't a good idea for JA to take the stand and go through the scrutiny she has been exposed to. She never had a chance. Now she is a sitting duck, an easy target for little big man to rip her to pieces.
There are 2 different exchanges. The April one (which is the Michelle K/Elena one) and then the May one (which was broken up into 3 text messages.)

The May one is the infamous "sociopath" and "you're the worst thing to have happened to me" texts. In the May ones he refers to an email he sent her and tells her she needs to read. This is a FB message that Flores reads to himself when on the stand, but does not read out loud. This FB message is the "dildo w/a heartbeat" message.

I don't believe it's in evidence and we have not seen the full text of it.

Thanks for the clarification. I got the dates confused.
She was justifed in taking a life in her opinion. Those who are sociopaths in prison are always the victim.....always. Its nice to give them human traits but wanting them to live with the memory of what they did isn't going to work. They live with them-and they are the victim. They have a skewered reality.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

So agree. "Folks" like Jodi do very well in prison. Continue to manipulate and form their own social network to suit their needs. It appears she has already achieved this while in Jail. I want her isolated from what she craves and seeks. DP.
Just re-posting this video and article from Fox10 of Jodi's actual jail cell and interviews with her "friends" in jail who are standing behind her.

An exclusive look at Jodi Arias' life behind bars

Watching this just shows me that she will adapt where ever she lands .. not to mention snow all those who she comes in contact with.

I vote for Death Row so she can enjoy her own company and thoughts! :jail:
So you think her behavior is normal?

Absolutely not. Murdering somebody is not normal and doing it in such a horrific fashion is definitely not normal.

We can all sit here and armchair diagnose her but lets face it there hasn't been any whiff of any psych. assessment and if there was anything she was "suffering" from the DT would have been all over it.

Unfortunately there does not seem to be a shortage of people like JA in the world. Do you think that Casey Anthony, Joren Vandersloot, Scott Peterson (to name a few) suffer from some kind of disorder?
I just watched the movie "Leave Her To Heaven." It is an old movie, l947, I believe. The opening a character is commenting about the 7 deadly sins, JEALOUSLY being the worst.
The woman, played by Jean Tierny, was so obsessed and jealous of her husband (wanted him all to herself) that she killed his brother (intentionally letting him drown) and killed their unborn baby (by purposely falling down the stairs). When he finally wised up and was leaving her, she killed herself (with poison) and framed her sister for murdering her, whom she was jealous of because she thought her husband and sister were leaving together. Hard to believe there are woman like that, oh wait, that describes Jodi in my humble opinion. moo
Beth Karas is on HLN now and continues to talk about this identity theft thing. She still sounds skeptical of the explanation that has been given and said nothing has been confirmed. :confused:

I hate that this is being given so much attention. :(
This is the thing that bothers me. This girl obviously suffers from some sort of Delusional Disorder. Is it fair to trick this individual, yell at this individual and play on her weaknesses on an enormous Public scal?. To me we are overkilling JA for her overkill but at least we can see she suffers from some we?

Jodi's only delusion is that she thinks no jury will convict her. She is on trial for a very heinous crime (her very own words to describe what happened to Travis). She did not just protect herself from an unprovoked attack, she slaughtered Travis. There is just no other way to see this looking at the crime photos. Overkill is an understatement. Jodi is just an evil person and not because can't control herself. She has hidden that part of her very well but it only takes a spark to bring that mean streak to the surface.

There are many in the world like her. Most of them do not allow themselves to go so far as acting out those tendencies.

No one is yelling at her. We have heard that what we hear is so much louder than within the courtroom. JM has to project his voice so the jury can hear him. If he sounds rude to us we have to remember he is dealing with someone who is lying on the stand because he already knows what the truth is and knows she is lying. What JM is trying to do is to let her know he knows the truth and he will trump her on it if she is not 100% honest. Even when he presents her with a truth she continues to lie basically stating, "if I say it's so, it so." Jodi is her own worst enemy and a danger to anyone and everyone she would come in contact with. It is very frightening to think this type of person walks among us more often than we know. jmo
*IF JA had been a celebrity black (non Caucasian) male killing a white or black female, ala OJ Simpson, South Africa’s favored son Pretorius (sic), a lesser conviction no death penalty and media coverage.

Snipped to add another...

*IF JA had been a celebrity black (non Caucasian) males killing a white or black male, ala Ray Lewis, a slap on the wrist conviction, maybe some community service but back to playing football in no time.
Sooooo confused but I never could see her leg in any of the photos.
Is this the one? Because I still can't see it even with glasses.

I think it's his sitting shower pic being discussed, as to the shower pic, look at his heel in the lower right, you can see its attached to the body part above, which is his calf turned at a bit of an odd angle because I think he's trying to get up. The one with her leg (rolling him onto the sheet or duvet cover) was hard to see at first but once you follow the sewen seam of the hem of the pants it's easier to make out what's there. At least for me that made it come into focus. lol
I just watched the movie "Leave Her To Heaven." It is an old movie, l947, I believe. The opening a character is commenting about the 7 deadly sins, JEALOUSLY being the worst.
The woman, played by Jean Tierny, was so obsessed and jealous of her husband (wanted him all to herself) that she killed his brother (intentionally letting him drown) and killed their unborn baby (by purposely falling down the stairs). When he finally wised up and was leaving her, she killed herself (with poison) and framed her sister for murdering her, whom she was jealous of because she thought her husband and sister were leaving together. Hard to believe there are woman like that, oh wait, that describes Jodi in my humble opinion. moo

I love that movie! Isn't Tierny amazing? I watched it several times after the KC trial.
So you think her behavior is normal?

I don't think she is normal, but I don't think she is mentally ill either. I think she's just plain evil. A woman who takes revenge to a whole other level when she doesn't get her way with men. There's evidence of this in other relationships. I think with Travis it was completely out of control and the worst of her evil came out.
Dreading jury questions as it relates to nurm up there! It just bothers me that he doesn't seem to understand! That he's lost the jury eons ago.
His dragging his questioning on and on is only helping the prosecution.
I've wondered this, too, and I asked an attorney friend the same questions. The WS attorneys can probably give a more comprehensive answer but this is how it was explained to me: First, her testimony is evidence. The jury doesn't have to believe that it's truthful evidence but it is, technically, evidence nonetheless. Second, slander is a tort whose damages (and remedies) are economic. Since TA is dead, there is no 'slander' per se, since he cannot be economically damaged because he is dead. Ugh. So yes, it appears that she can get away with trashing the reputation of TA for her own narcissistic purposes. Ugh. She is absolutely diabolical.

Its verrryyy tangential, and if I was the judge I would probably have kept it out, but the measure is whether the evidence makes a fact of consequence in the determination of the matter, more likely than without it. Arguably, if JA is claiming that TA was a violent sex pervert who made her do degrading sex acts, then his predilection for little boys is possibly probative of that fact. The prosecution can rebut that evidence with evidence showing that TA is not a pedophile, to an extent that he would not have been able to had she not raised the issue. I also think JM is giving her all the rope she needs to hang herself.
Hln is saying that JA said he was like an earthquake not a volcano right? Did I hear it wrong here! Her own words?
Unfortunately, I believe, most sociopaths adapt quite well to whatever environment they find themselves in. Whether life in prison or on DR, she will survive and reasonably thrive in that constricted environment. They are devoid of shame, regret, remorse. Scott Peterson, for instance, is said to be doing quite well on DR. JHMO

I have always thought that JA does and will continue to thrive as a prison inmate.

She is basically a low- life, clever con artist who could not sustain any meaningful long term relationships and who sauntered from low-paying waitress job to waitress job. She sees herself as an “artiste” and a “digital photographer” hence the lady has some hobbies.

In jail she will not encounter rejection from suitors. She has a captive audience for her palaver. She will never have to worry about paying bills or despair about an overdrawn bank account. She need not ever worry about food shopping or car payments. She will have a lot of spare time on her hands in order to “read and write” (no doubt her memoires).

She will maintain a very active role in managing her legal appeals. She will become expert on the methods of appeal to higher courts. She will develop a coterie of well wishers from the prison population and act as their “spiritual leader” . She is likely to husband a homosexual relationship with another inmate and will befriend ALL of the female prison guards. She will maintain friends on the outside who will speak out for her or report on her to the likes of National Inquirer. She will try to steer the commercial benefits of her notoriety to her family so that they can become enriched from JA “fame”. She will become the jailhouse artist and probably do portraiture when she is not engaged in the practice of law.
Compared to her prior failed life what’s there not to like about the prospects of life in prison?
Just re-posting this video and article from Fox10 of Jodi's actual jail cell and interviews with her "friends" in jail who are standing behind her.

An exclusive look at Jodi Arias' life behind bars

Watching this just shows me that she will adapt where ever she lands .. not to mention snow all those who she comes in contact with.

I vote for Death Row so she can enjoy her own company and thoughts! :jail:

She has other criminals who vouch for her character. Says a lot doesn't it? lol.

I have a dumb question to ask. I never thought of this before. When there are 2 or more criminals living in one room does this mean they use the loo with the others there at the time? Yikes and Ewww.
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