Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Good evening everyone! :seeya:

Watching NG...........cross examination of JA!!! Juan is making her brain scramble. :great:

It's even more fabulous the second time around.
Did they reschedule court tomorrow? :confused: That will be 4pm for me as well! So does that mean the trial is only going to be 3 and 1/2 hours tomorrow? Because we all know that 4:30 is the DROP DEAD end time.
Oh lawdy I'm having withdrawls as it is, and now I have to wait all day long!!

One more time: lol

Court starts tomorrow at 10:00 am Pacific Time.
11:00 am Mountain time
12:00 noon for Central
1:00 pm for Eastern
I'm already having an anxiety attack at having to work the next three days till supper time....I wanted to clean the house on Saturday but there will be so much to catch up on I'll have to give up sleep. It's WAY not enough to just watch the trial videos, I look forward to all the posts here just as much! Thinking I may have to bump my start time at work to earlier in the day for next week.... I think I'm obsessed.
That 'group' is clinging to their story and now they are accusing the Riverside PD of LYING to cover up their incompetency. And they want Project Innocence to come on board for poor Jodi. [ that'll ever happen...]

Would we really expect anything else from them? I wish there was a way for the family to go after that least some of the derogatory things they post. Unfortunately TA family has much more important things to deal with now.

BTW, there has been a few videos posted on about this arrest. You can find them by putting in (travis alexander's police record)
I think 10am is 6pm for me!
But to be safe I'll log in at 5
Oh who am I kidding, I'll be popping in and out as soon as I wake up lol.
You are awesome for posting this, but to me it's pretty simple, add an hour to whatever time difference you were before DLS.

I don't get why this is so hard. It isn't rocket science! :giggle:

Since this is an anonymous bulletin board, I will admit that I can't tell my left from my right. It's apparently some kind of learning disability. I'm going to blame this time change problem on the same thing. :floorlaugh:
Correct for start time. I think some were trying to figure out the afternoon start time (after lunch)

Ah, gotcha! Judge Stephens typically breaks for lunch at Noon (3:00 EST), and resumes about 1:30 (4:30 EST), iirc. :)

As a psychiatrist, the question I get almost daily is, “so what’s the deal with Jodi”? Is she a battered woman, an obsessive woman, a femme fatal or a sociopath?

Here is the real problem with labeling Arias as a sociopath. This condition starts in the young teen years, if not before. It is a persistent and consistent behavior over the first three to four decades of the individual- some say for a lifetime. No one has come forward with any prior behavioral issues, legal issues, problems with work, family or friends. She was reportedly a very "good girl" in high school and very “normal.” At this time there are no known problems with previous boyfriends.

Jodi Arias, as you can see, fits the sociopath profile in many, many ways, except for the most important criteria. There is no past history. Based on this, unless there is much we do not know she does not technically meet the DSM IV criteria as a sociopath.


If you listened closely to JA's testimony about her teen-age years then I would not exactly call her a "good girl". The physical abuse she claimed was nothing more than regular discipline for an out of control teen. At 15 she was dating an 18 year old unemployed illegal immigrant named Bobby Juarez and her parents did not approve of the relationship. At 17 when she was grounded for 3 months for skipping school she decided instead to move in with Bobby and got to work to support them. She ended up quitting school at the end of her junior year which she finished with D's and F's for her grades. I would be willing to bet that the car she was driving at the time was given to her by her parents. She have a fairly normal middle class childhood. She claimed that they moved around a lot so it was hard to make friends, yet then we learned that she only moved twice. Just another example of Jodi's embellishment of facts.
This may have been mentioned already, I can't keep up, these threads move fast.

The image on Jodi's blog is not hers.
Here is a link to the original image.

I am a professional landscape photographer and it makes me cringe whenever she is described as a professional photographer. She was a girl with a camera who perhaps wanted to become a professional photographer someday, but she had a long way to go before she could legitimately claim to be a "pro".


She was/is a lot of things, but a professional photographer was not one of them. IMO
I bet there is video of her buying the gas can. The local cases here, there is ALWAYS a security photo from Walmart.
They found the pictures of an accomplice here walking out of Walmart with a prepaid phone. He was carrying it, without a bag, holding the receipt. They know he carried it to the parking lot, to the suspect waiting in his vehicle.

Also, the realization that Jodi was living with DB and a 5 year old son?? I can not get past the thought of if the child was abused by her in any way.
Emotional abuse, taunting him, neglect.
I hope DB had him checked, or if his mother is in the picture, that she was vigilant.

The stupid criminals always seem to show at Wal-Mart .... thankfully! :giggle:
LOL @ Bravo ~ you got me good....and I've got feeling you got yourself too.
So the trial starts at 10:00 Arizona time, which is 1 pm here in KY
The above poster (me) wanted to just make sure people were paying attention to me me me :floorlaugh: by stating the wrong time. :doh: I corrected my original post.

The judge told the jurors to be back on Wed March 13 at 10am AZ time (1pm EST)

Yes, I live in EST and was only thinking of myself when I posted that. :floorlaugh:

Thanks TigerBalm....on EST here too and went into a panic when I saw the later time....I wondered if you had an inside track on a time change so glad still 1p EST.....I am ready to see Juan Rumble! :great::great:
Thanks for the info, however wouldn't there still be a stock inventory record of the return?

Yes indeed, and I look forward to hearing that part!

Folks, I hope you all read my last line, I don't believe she returned it, I don't think JM would put that out there, just the big IF she did return it AND JM was calling her bluff, she could've gotten cash for it, even without a receipt. I was seeing a lot of folks convinced she could not get cash if no receipt, that's the only point I was speaking to.

Unless she was just pumping gas onto the ground, she needed another can to get as much gas as she did before leaving CA. hmmm, maybe all those gas fumes in the car induced the fog?

I am soo ready for tomorrow :rocker:
This may have been mentioned already, I can't keep up, these threads move fast.

The image on Jodi's blog is not hers.
Here is a link to the original image.

I am a professional landscape photographer and it makes me cringe whenever she is described as a professional photographer. She was a girl with a camera who perhaps wanted to become a professional photographer someday, but she had a long way to go before she could legitimately claim to be a "pro".

Which is a good segue to this question; why did Jodi have two bank accounts? When asked about those deposits, she said one was for her 'business'. Now what would that be? Waitressing? Photography? Stalking?
Or her budding Pre-Paid Legal business that netted her 1700.00 in 2007? (why didn't she use one of her own lawyers instead of Nurmi? What?..what's that you say?'s a pyramid scheme? I see!)

Also......someone earlier said they hoped JM can obtain video surveillance of Jodi with the gas can at Walmarts? Why? She's not denying she bought it. She's denying she kept it.

As petty and inconsequential as this lie is, I hope this will do her in. She won't be able to un-ring this bell once it goes off.
I can not believe this group continues to want to slander an innocent man! And support the thing that slaughtered him! What in the world is wrong with these people??? :furious:

IDK..They seem to be like a cult.
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