Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I think I understand now what your post was referring to, that they were going to play the sex audio tape in it's entirety, versus only the bits and pieces she wanted played. Another reason for her tears.

My post was in response to the other poster regarding the death penalty, that she was crying because the judge refused to take the death penalty off the table. This was reportedly the same day they played the sex audio tape.

Well, if nothing else, we can both be confused together, lol.

Thank you for clarifying I was having a fognesia brain scramble episode.
Must have been some good times......


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Before age 15 and continuing, a history of antisocial behavior:
Here is the real problem with labeling Arias as a sociopath. This condition starts in the young teen years, if not before. It is a persistent and consistent behavior over the first three to four decades of the individual- some say for a lifetime. No one has come forward with any prior behavioral issues, legal issues, problems with work, family or friends. She was reportedly a very "good girl" in high school and very “normal”. At this time there are no known problems with previous boyfriends.<snip>
Some experts claim she's a sociopath and it would be easy to bend the rules and say she is close enough to the diagnosis. She lied, disregarded everyone but herself, manipulated, conned, deceived, took a life and refuses to express remorse. But all this occurred after she met Alexander. There was nothing before that.<snip>
The final answer is that there is no mold or diagnosis that defines Arias’s behavior. She was obsessively in love and was willing to do whatever it took to keep and control her man. Chillingly, this is a much worse situation, because there would be no way to predict this or ever see it coming. Not for Travis, not for the pundits, not for me and not even for Jodi, herself. A cautionary tale indeed, if you find yourself in an obsessive relationship.
Interesting little piece, thanks to who posted and linked this earlier today..

Interesting indeed as well as I agree with a good many of the details stated and points made by this psychologist.. But IMO I do personally believe that he missed the mark a bit WRT the snipped portions above.

Firstly, IMO he is inaccurate in his stating that PRIOR to Jodi meeting Travis Alexander we have zero information except that of Jodi being completely "normal" in every aspect of her life, including in all her previous relationships with boyfriends.. IMO this is totally missing the mark due to the fact that IMO Juan has done an excellent job of illustrating and bringing out that there was in fact a pattern that lies in Jodi's previous relationships.. a pattern that includes obsessiveness, need for control, double standards, and lack of appropriate boundaries, ESPECIALLY HIGHLIGHTED in the inappropriate boundaries crossed AFTER the relationships had ended in her obsessive behaviors including stalking, confrontations, and even making contact with the females that her exes would have moved on from her with..

IMO these factors are not only important in this trial and IMO are the exact reason why Juan went about bringing out all of these inappropriate actions and behaviors THAT WERE ALL PRIOR TO Jodi Arias ever even meeting Travis Alexander.. but IMO they are also important in the way in which the psychologist is speaking WRT to characteristics of socipathy or anti social personality disorder..

Therefor IMO the psychologist actually misses the mark WRT his stating that due to there being zero prior inappropriate behavior and actions before meeting Travis Alexander and that in his opinion that only leaves the abnormal behaviors on her part that seem to only be present since meeting and becoming involved with Travis... this IMO is just flat out inaccurate strictly due to IMO it being a clear pattern of prior history of Jodi's abnormal behavior in multiple relationships ALL PRIOR TO TRAVIS..

IMO WITH HAVING THE HISTORY that the psychologist inaccurately states is absent IMO clearly shows that Jodi Arias absolutely not only just closely resembles traits of sociopathy, anti social personality disorder...but IMO clearly fits this catagory in all the areas of necessary criteria ..jmo, tho.

Lastly, one other main area of disagreeing is in his stating,
..there would be no way to predict this or ever see it coming. Not for Travis, not for the pundits, not for me and not even for Jodi, herself.
IMO this is not accurate, either due to IMO Travis Alexander, himself expressed to more than one person in the time leading up to when he was murdered, that behaviors and events had escalated to the point that he had voiced concern about what possibly Jodi was capable of doing... and not only just doing in general, but what Jodi Arias was capable of doing to him as in physical harm...even death.. Travis had voiced this to friends in weeks leading up to his murder.. and IMO not only was Travis aware and voicing concern of what harm could come to him at the hands of Jodi, but months, and even more than a year prior in some instances those closest to Travis' concern grew for what this unbalanced woman could do to their friend...with some of those friends even voicing this concern to Travis well over a year prior to his death..

These facts IMO are stark in contrast from what the psychologist seeems to suggest, IMO with his statements that NO ONE..NOT TRAVIS, AND NOT EVEN JODI, HERSELF COULD HAVE KNOWN OR PREDICTED THIS COMING PRIOR TO THE MURDER.. IMO the fact that so many people were in fact fearing and predicting not only harm, but even Travis Alexander, himself prior to the murder predicted that Jodi Arias would in fact murder him.. So, it is for these type of examples and reasons I do believe that while this psychologist was spot on in many of the areas WRT Jodi Arias.. but IMO his main points made regarding the absence of prior history being the critical criteria for sociopathy/ASPD that Jodi did NOT meet, therefor making her NOT an appropriate candidate for sociopathy/ASPD ARE ABSOLUTELY INACCURATE AND TOTALLY MISSING THE MARK.. along with his stating that NO ONE..including the victim or the perpatrator, herself could have known, seen, or predicted that she would murder Travis IS ANOTHER ISSUE THIS PSYCHOLOGIST TOTALLY MISSED THE MARK ON AS WELL..

but of course ALL OF THE ABOVE is nothing more than just my little, ol' opinion, tho..and admittedly am not a psychologist myself.. nonetheless I do believe that we have been provided more than sufficient information, including history that IMO would absolutely make Jodi Arias a viable candidate for sociopathy/ASPD..JMO
I think she has something incriminating on both of them and they are scared chitless. JMO

I agree but I can't "reasonably" work it out? Like what? Do they have other things (non TA-related) that they are trying to cover up? If so, wouldn't it just be best if they lawyered up and dealt with it up front???
No matter how WalMart does refunds, one thing would be universal. the item would have been scanned to the register somehow. The cash drawer needed cash in/out receipts to balance at the end of the shift.

If you are 'banned' then does it mean that you cannot even read the site ? Because it will not load or come up for me anymore. Maybe they didn't like the link to the HuffPost article with the mugshot that I tried to post? . :giggle:
I was banned, too, and when I go to that site on my computer I get a totally white screen with nothing on it. I can still look at the site on my iPhone with no problem. I did read there today as I was wondering what they had to say about the arrest record being cleared up. They're NOT buying it at all.
Watching ng
I DIDNT know that she tried to claim that TA masterbated ! before not his first time like he said on the tape! This evil vindictive tried to say that she was told by others that he had masterbated before. Like the made up people she created that told her other stuff about him having sex with other girls! No end to her vindictive lies and made up stories.
She couldn't deal that he DIDNT want her! Not wife material! There went her opportunity to move out of her grandparents home. She lived in poverty! Than she meets travis and thought she hit the mother lode. Evil beyond what we can even imagine. I wonder if she tortured travis in his last moments! And now she's torturing his family! Because they wouldn't accept her plea to manslaughter! To spare them hurtful details.I'm so curious about the18 page letter she sent travis family. What can you possibly Say that would take ! 18 pages! I can't even began to fathom what she could have ranted about.
Sounds like after today, they WILL have those hard copies of the evidence to meet Juan's "bluff". Juan knows what the records say, and IMO, is just getting her to lie some more before he smacks her down.
I hope it's tomorrow - I can't wait to see her face and hear her wild explanation.

Guarantee you Jodi will have the last word and will say the companies made a mistake!
Walmart return policy: If you do not have a receipt, they will give you a "gift card" with the value of the return.

Speaking from experience.

They WILL NOT just give $$$ for a return. It's needs to be tracked.

Just jumping off your post. . . .

I wonder if there are policy differences based on the area. Where I am, you can forget cash without a receipt. It doesn't matter how much the purchase is for.

Also, you have to give your ID and they fill out a form if you don't have a receipt.
Guarantee you Jodi will have the last word and will say the companies made a mistake!

On her support site, they are all ready with their comeback. They are saying it was a kerosene can, not a gas can, so Juan is mistaken if he just says that there were no returned gas cans. I will be curious to see if that is their explanation in court too.
Guarantee you Jodi will have the last word and will say the companies made a mistake!
She already has said this. When he asked her if she would be surprised...She answered "yes" because she got a refund and it was cash.
:waitasec: NEUUS85BNS = sunscreen ?
Thank you for clarifying I was having a fognesia brain scramble episode.

Gosh I hope you weren't spinning too. Cuz that would be really really bad :floorlaugh: I cant wrap my head around how many times Jodi said she was "spun around" :what:
Has someone already investigated this? And are they for certain that it is sunscreen?

It was much discussed a while back. I thought it could be hair dye as well but after a bit more research, I also came to the conclusion that it was a spray on sunscreen. We don't have definite proof though and I am still curious. Mostly, as to why she would be purchasing two spray-on sunscreens.
Gosh I hope you weren't spinning too. Cuz that would be really really bad :floorlaugh: I cant wrap my head around how many times Jodi said she was "spun around" :what:
It's a "harlequin romance" kind of thing, I think...
She had a RECIEPT .... we all saw in in court. The above does not apply. IMO

The issue of her returning the 3rd gas can isn't about the receipt. It's the fact that Walmart has no record of the return. Whether and item is returned for cash or credit, with or without a receipt, there still has to be a store record of the return as well as the item being logged back in to inventory. She couldn't have gotten any cash for the gas can without the checker having to write up some kind of paperwork to verify why that cash amount is missing from her register. I don't even think they can get INTO the cash drawer without havign to do the refund paperwork in order to give her the cash. As far as I can recall in any store the manager is the only one with the register key that will make the cash drawer open without having to input information that records a financial transaction of some type (purchase, return, etc.).

The reason that her story that she returned the 3rd gas can for cash at Walmart is the fact that Walmart has no record whatsoever about it, no record of the gas can being logged back into inventory, and no extra gas can. There's just no possible way she could have gotten cash for the return or returned it at all without Walmart having these records.

Jodi seems to have always forgotten about the paper trail at the other end of her transactions believing that her receipt or her lack of having one is the only part of the trail... the gas station records, the Walmart records (lack thereof in this case), her own bank records, etc. Everyone knows that whenever any financial transaction occurs that both the customer and the business is going to have records of it... Jodi only ever thought about HER end of those transactions even though it's always the business that furnishes the customer with their part of the paperwork. Just because you buy that Slurpee at 7-11, paid cash for it, and didn't get a receipt doesn't mean that 7-11 has no record of it being purchased, the date and time it was purchased, whether it was purchased with cash or credit, etc.

It's really strange how meticulously she planned out certain elements of her plan to kill Travis yet made so many totally epic mistakes like leaving the camera in the washer.
I am really perplexed by DB's unwillingness to admit to loaning her the gas cans. It took JM asking him at least a couple of times and then he answered VERY quietly. The same when first asked about the remote. He said he didn't remember her coming back at all. Then he said he did. Why on earth would he not just tell the truth when first asked? JM also asked him if when JA came back, she was with MM. He answered "no". Why would JM ask him that? And where has MM disappeared to? He was supposedly posting on the innocent JA website in January and has not been heard from since then. JM asks JA about a statement that MM made in January 2013.

Lots of "weirdness" from these two!


She had taken pictures of DB in the shower that he was not happy about (and did not know about). I also think the one photo of the "peen" is him - if you look at still photos of his hands and compare the fingers in that picture - they are identical (see attachment - hopefully I attached it!).

I truly believe that, just as she made recordings and took photos to ruin any future relationship for Travis, she has dirt on DB and MM to make them WELL beyond nervous.

Just my 2 cents.


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