Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Who uses her twitter account? Or is it just to receive tweets, not post them? Unless it's for donation requests... not sure what donations are for, appeals process?

I'm not sure but it seemed to me like the same person responsible for creating that site also created the Twitter account and presumes to speak for the murderess.
This made me chuckle.

I don't know if it's been posted yet. It came from another site entitled BOMBSHELL Unseen footage.

Jodi Arias Trial: unseen footage - YouTube

ive seen this 100 times and i am still creased from laughing :floorlaugh:

Ok, can't find it yet, but I always end up getting sidetracked when I go to the minutes. Here's a good one - 1-12-10

IT IS ORDERED denying Defendant’s Motion to Strike State’s Death Notice Since
Death by Lethal Injection will Result in Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
The Court has received and considered Defendant’s Motion to Exclude Fingerprint

HAHA nurmi said the needle is cruel and unusual punishment!!
AND he wanted any fingerprints excluded.

What a waste of the court's time.

PS LQ - still looking for the computer stuff

i said it before and i'll say it again,where did nurmi get his law degree the back f a pop rock pack or cereal box?:waitasec:

Who uses her twitter account? Or is it just to receive tweets, not post them? Unless it's for donation requests... not sure what donations are for, appeals process?

i think its just a fake account :waitasec:
My brother is the admin of all the computers at my mom's house, and he actually created a password for her and forgot to tell her what it was - she finally got it.

He also set my computer up for me several years ago, and I later found out that all my emails were going to him AND me. I was going through a divorce at the time and I was furious.

He also monitored my kids' use of the computers at Grandma's house, and would shut them down or make comments if he didn't 'approve' of the site they were on (FB/MS). He'd shut down the network at 10pm because it was his bedtime - which affected me, an adult.

He used to spy on me (with recording devices, etc.) when we were younger, but the computer stuff really caused a problem. He was not entitled to have access to my personal data, but he decided he was.

Guess that's why I had such a strong reaction. My mother has her pw posted on her desktop, but he gets into it remotely. I do not like bringing my computer there - I don't trust my brother. It's very sad. He never gave me the admin password to my OWN computer... I just had a user account. I did NOT ask him to do this, but that's when I trusted him and assumed he would be helpful because he really knew his way around Macs.

I still don't know why he did this things, but he was really into covert surveillance type stuff, and I think it was just - he enjoyed being able to do it... pretty unsettling.

Well, I'm definitely not advocating that people should hand their passwords over willy-nilly. Holy cow, your brother sounds like a real piece of work! Don't you wish you could think of yourself as so smart and wonderful you could rule over everybody else?!

It had never occurred to me to ask my husband what his passwords were, and after he got sick, I just didn't think about it. After he died, I took his key ring and tried to identify all the keys on it. Got them all but one, which was this really odd looking thing that I'd never seen before. I was pretty sure it was work related, but they didn't recognize it either. We never did figure out what it was. He also somehow lost all the papers relating to our mortgage and I never found those either.

I used to work for a man who gave his kids the password to his work computer. We used to complain loud and long about it, but he refused to do anything about it. Somehow I think there's got to be a middle ground.
Ok, can't find it yet, but I always end up getting sidetracked when I go to the minutes. Here's a good one - 1-12-10

IT IS ORDERED denying Defendant’s Motion to Strike State’s Death Notice Since
Death by Lethal Injection will Result in Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
The Court has received and considered Defendant’s Motion to Exclude Fingerprint

HAHA nurmi said the needle is cruel and unusual punishment!!
AND he wanted any fingerprints excluded.

What a waste of the court's time.

PS LQ - still looking for the computer stuff

You know the defense tried to keep TA from being referred to as the 'victim' during the trial, right? Talk about nerve. Thankfully that motion was denied. Just when you think 'OMG, ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!', it gets worse.
Does anyone know why she is saying Brian Carr is not a friend or hers? Maybe he was trying to cash in on the interviews and figured out that maybe he was just using her.
My brother is the admin of all the computers at my mom's house, and he actually created a password for her and forgot to tell her what it was - she finally got it.

He also set my computer up for me several years ago, and I later found out that all my emails were going to him AND me. I was going through a divorce at the time and I was furious.

He also monitored my kids' use of the computers at Grandma's house, and would shut them down or make comments if he didn't 'approve' of the site they were on (FB/MS). He'd shut down the network at 10pm because it was his bedtime - which affected me, an adult.

He used to spy on me (with recording devices, etc.) when we were younger, but the computer stuff really caused a problem. He was not entitled to have access to my personal data, but he decided he was.

Guess that's why I had such a strong reaction. My mother has her pw posted on her desktop, but he gets into it remotely. I do not like bringing my computer there - I don't trust my brother. It's very sad. He never gave me the admin password to my OWN computer... I just had a user account. I did NOT ask him to do this, but that's when I trusted him and assumed he would be helpful because he really knew his way around Macs.

I still don't know why he did this things, but he was really into covert surveillance type stuff, and I think it was just - he enjoyed being able to do it... pretty unsettling.

OMG!!! That would make me LIVID!!!! :furious: Helllllllll NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Hi Minor4th. Have a question for you. Since DT is pushing this gunshot first scenerio, I wondered why they were not calling a expert forensic pathologist or ME to contradict the state's ME?
I wouldn't be surprised in Daryl's son didn't wear spiderman underwear and they called them spidies. He was at that age when she was living w/ him wasn't she? I would love to have Daryl speak the whole truth - I'm sure there's alot he could have said to really slam her.

Oh wow that's sounds plausible! Good catch!
Hi Minor4th. Have a question for you. Since DT is pushing this gunshot first scenerio, I wondered why they were not calling a expert forensic pathologist or ME to contradict the state's ME?

Good question. I have not seen their witness list. Are we sure that there are no such experts on their list?
Can anyone refresh my memory and remind me who the Rachel is that Jodi speaks often about? IIRC Rachel is the one who took Jodi to the PPL meeting where she first met Travis.
I'll try to explain to the best of my ability...When JA had broken up with TA and had therefore decided that she was definitely moving to Mesa, she had no money and nowhere to stay. She asked her "friend" Rachel if she could stay with her (according to JA - Rachel, a Mormon, was having sex with her boyfriend at the time)...So, Rachel agreed. I think JA stayed there all of about two weeks (or something like that - rent free by-the-way) and then Rachel told her that she felt so sinful about her ways that she and her boyfriend had decided to make it "official" and had married...So Rachel said they were married and JA was no longer welcome in their home. This "friend" Rachel is also the woman that JA supposedly confided in about her anal and other such forays with TA. This Rachel ("who was having sex with her boyfriend before she married" according to JA) advised JA to speak to her bishop about what was going on with JA and TA.

Got that?


Rachel, so far, has not been called by either side and I sincerely hope that she has managed to go on with her life, as a healthy and happy law abiding citizen.

My take - JA ingratiated herself into the home of a kind person, dragged her through the dirt that her own life is, and is now on the stand living to tell her tale of bs.

Hiya Rachel! I sincerely hope that you're happily married with children and ignoring most (if not all) of this trial!

P.S. Don't give a single interview or you will be sucked into the JA vortex of complete and utter bs!
That's what she says NOW, but that accusation couldn't have been what prompted the angry email on 5/26/2008, because she hadn't thought it up yet. Only another psychopath could keep all her stories straight. We really need one on this board. :great:

Absolutely. IMO, The pedophile stuff came up after she fabricated the self defense claim in 2010. Since she knew the domestic violence claim would be weak, she needed something to really make him look bad to blame the victim (maybe they won't convict/kill me since there's one less pedophile in the world thanks to me!).
I can't find a floorplan, but here is a picture of the house. It has 5 bedrooms
and is a 3,691 sf home. Very big house, so the bedrooms might be rather big, therefore not as close to each other as it sounds
If you click on the picture on the left, the right side becomes a huge pic.

I know Juan is doing a good job but I wish Juan would make more use of visiual aids. Like having a replica of the closet. It would not take much effort to have an exact closet replica built and brought right into the courtroom. I think it really would help show the jury how ridiculous her story was of her climbing to the top corner in such a short time. It seemed very high up there in pictures.

I know I mentioned before but if they would do this and have either Jodi or someone her size try to climb it, I think it would be amazingly detrimnetal to her story. I doubt Jodi could even climb up there and reach that corner. Even if she could, she surely could not do it quickly.

Also, he could create a small scale model of the floor layout and have it available during the questioning. Her story is so confusig and if he had a small model of the bathroom area where he could put figurines and stuff it would be amazing to show how she lied about her running around.

Things like this would really help him show how her story is false with all the running around she said she did.
If Enrique is remembering correctly, he talked to TA that morning. Right there, that doesn't fit with JA's story that they slept until Noon.
I've always wondered about this too! The whole "we swapped passwords" just cries of BS to me.

That being said...unless she watched him or was more computer savvy than I realized, how did she hack his pw? I mean, I can see her getting lucky once...but after that, there is no way in hell that I'd keep my pw to ANYTHING she could guess. It would be like out of left field crazy...

For example, "jodicannothackthispassword1" or if that's too long "jchtp1" - I mean, it's not that hard to create something impossible. FGS!!

It makes no sense to me either. IIRC, Travis had already realized the control issues concerning JA according to those who knew him well. That sort of thing would be in contradiction, imo. And I as well, think it's nothing but more Arias lies and BS. jmo
Absolutely. IMO, The pedophile stuff came up after she fabricated the self defense claim in 2010. Since she knew the domestic violence claim would be weak, she needed something to really make him look bad to blame the victim (maybe they won't convict/kill me since there's one less pedophile in the world thanks to me!).

I think many people on this board and elsewhere see Jodi as a great public servant and a true humanitarian.
Disappointed in Beth K on Dr. Drew tonight...She knows the author looked into that stolen identity case, but still sounded skeptic.
If Enrique is remembering correctly, he talked to TA that morning. Right there, that doesn't fit with JA's story that they slept until Noon.

I figured TA got up while JA was sleeping. She just assumed he was asleep the whole time she was.
If Enrique is remembering correctly, he talked to TA that morning. Right there, that doesn't fit with JA's story that they slept until Noon.
I'm pretty sure Enrique got his days mixed up, so I'm always get confused about what the final outcome of his statement to Det. Flores is. First he said he'd seen Travis on June 4th and later realized it was June 3rd. Something like that.
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