Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I really hate that she's able to offer all this testibaloney about a guy she murdered, who can't possibly refute it. Just sit there, smile and chat away. Make it up as she anticipates a problem, alter a little here and there, be as vague as possible. Throw collateral people (especially TA's female friends, MM who's turned on her) under the bus.

Grrrrrrrrr!!!! That's so unfair. If I were on this jury, I'd want to throw out every single thing she's said. Nothing she has said is corroborated by any credible evidence. The only truth she's told (and it took her years) is that she killed him. Beyond that, I wouldn't consider ANY of her testimony.

Thank you for my new word of the day ......TESTIBALONEY....

I love this term
I can't find a floorplan, but here is a picture of the house. It has 5 bedroomsand is a 3,691 sf home. Very big house, so the bedrooms might be rather big, therefore not as close to each other as it sounds
If you click on the picture on the left, the right side becomes a huge pic.

11428 E. Queensborough Avenue, Mesa, A - Google Maps

Do you have a link for the bolded info. tia
I have hacked my mom's passwords a lot (not for nefarious ends but because I need to install software or apps for her and she doesn't know how or because she needs me to handle some affair.). I have no idea how careful Travis was, but I know with my mom, I just go down the list, birthdate, pet names, children's names, grand kids' names,...and then, bing! I'm in.

Thanks. This is a good example of why we should all try to make passwords nothing too obvious. We never know when a not so close relative or even a visitor could try to do some damage to us.

The worst part about passwords is we have to write them down somewhere otherwise we ourselves forget what they are. :floorlaugh:
Ok, can't find it yet, but I always end up getting sidetracked when I go to the minutes. Here's a good one - 1-12-10

IT IS ORDERED denying Defendant’s Motion to Strike State’s Death Notice Since
Death by Lethal Injection will Result in Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
The Court has received and considered Defendant’s Motion to Exclude Fingerprint

HAHA nurmi said the needle is cruel and unusual punishment!!
AND he wanted any fingerprints excluded.

What a waste of the court's time.

PS LQ - still looking for the computer stuff
Can anyone refresh my memory and remind me who the Rachel is that Jodi speaks often about? IIRC Rachel is the one who took Jodi to the PPL meeting where she first met Travis.

IIRC Rachel is a fellow morman that lives in Mesa and let JA stay there for 1 or 2 weeks when she moved from Ca. to arizona AFTER the breakup.
Here's another lie I have caught JA in. She said (of course) that TA WANTED her to move there. It was something they had talked about, and she already had plans to move there and live with Rachel??? I find that hard to believe as Rachel made her move out pretty fast because she was getting married? PLEASE NO one wanted here there. How she have already had plans to move there with no where to live? Plus she just up and quit her job. No money, no where to live = desparate to not let Travis out of her sight = stalking
Floridas laws of discovery were awesome but better yet is the jury asking the killer questions. I hope they ask why she says passing. Away, she murdered him in cold blood.

I know she didn't take the stand, but anybody here wonder what the Casey Anthony jurors would have asked her??
What ever happened to Brian Carr? Did I miss something?

Well, this was posted on another page (whose url shall not be listed) on the 5th:

"First up, Jodi would like me to let you know that Bryan Carr is a loser. Everything he says is a lie and he is NOT a friend of Jodi’s. All the info he’s putting out in his TV interviews is BS.

Jodi also has a Twitter account @"
Thanks. She always panics when asked to create a password, and I'm like, "mom, just pick, then,,...ok, then, cilantro,...."

I often use the name of the street I grew up on. It would take somebody a tremendous amount of time to figure out what it is, except my sisters.
I have hacked my mom's passwords a lot (not for nefarious ends but because I need to install software or apps for her and she doesn't know how or because she needs me to handle some affair.). I have no idea how careful Travis was, but I know with my mom, I just go down the list, birthdate, pet names, children's names, grand kids' names,...and then, bing! I'm in.

Well, I can understand if you're in the same household (or visit frequently) it's easier. Software and other means are available when you have access. My ex could hack mine bc the machine was there. Once we separated he tried hacking into my work email via their remote web site...he managed to lock me out with failed attempts. :) I'm telling you, there is no reason someone who KNOWS they were hacked to not choose something new that is GENUINELY new...Especially if she is not living with you.

Now, if she had key logging software on his computer, then all bets are off. I give up there. :)
Us oldsters frequently resort to writing down our passwords, which sort of defeats the purpose.

You might suggest to your mom that she use things from her childhood that might be easy for her to remember but others might not easily know. I use the phone number I had as a little girl and our R.R. Box No.

It wouldn't hurt for you to have the passwords anyway. I know people recommend against anyone having them, but there are just as many stories of people who died and their loved ones were unable to retrieve important documents & info because they didn't have any passwords. I went through this when my husband died. You kind of have to weigh the chance your child (or whoever) will steal from you against the problems it will cause if no one can access your computer.

My brother is the admin of all the computers at my mom's house, and he actually created a password for her and forgot to tell her what it was - she finally got it.

He also set my computer up for me several years ago, and I later found out that all my emails were going to him AND me. I was going through a divorce at the time and I was furious.

He also monitored my kids' use of the computers at Grandma's house, and would shut them down or make comments if he didn't 'approve' of the site they were on (FB/MS). He'd shut down the network at 10pm because it was his bedtime - which affected me, an adult.

He used to spy on me (with recording devices, etc.) when we were younger, but the computer stuff really caused a problem. He was not entitled to have access to my personal data, but he decided he was.

Guess that's why I had such a strong reaction. My mother has her pw posted on her desktop, but he gets into it remotely. I do not like bringing my computer there - I don't trust my brother. It's very sad. He never gave me the admin password to my OWN computer... I just had a user account. I did NOT ask him to do this, but that's when I trusted him and assumed he would be helpful because he really knew his way around Macs.

I still don't know why he did this things, but he was really into covert surveillance type stuff, and I think it was just - he enjoyed being able to do it... pretty unsettling.
IIRC Rachel is a fellow morman that lives in Mesa and let JA stay there for 1 or 2 weeks when she moved from Ca. to arizona AFTER the breakup.
Here's another lie I have caught JA in. She said (of course) that TA WANTED her to move there. It was something they had talked about, and she already had plans to move there and live with Rachel??? I find that heard to believe as Rachel made her move out pretty fast because she was getting married? PLEASE NO one wanted here there. How she have already had plans to move there with no where to live? Plus she just up and quit her job. No money, no where to live = desparate to not let Travis out of her sight = stalking

Your right, and I believe I read where the roommate Zach said in his police interrogation that he had heard TA arguing with JA about her moving to Mesa after the breakup.
On Dr. Drew.......

Dustin Summer, friend of Travis, was asked how Travis reacted when he found out JA had "wrecked" the BMW.

"He was pretty calm...."

There you go. He lunges at JA when she drops the camera (which wasn't even dented) yet is calm when she blows out the transmission of his car???

I suspect Jodi just totally lied to Travis that she knew some other person that told her some dirt on him.

IMO, I think Jodi accused Travis of the false pedophile accusations and was threatening to tell other people. I think she has done this before and used this lie as a weapon to get guys to do what she wanted. She knows the accusations are false but she also knows a lot of damage can be done even with false accusations.

I think you're probably correct. She was very possibly trying to blackmail him with this, certainly was trying to manipulate and control, but he wasn't about to bow down to her over something that was totally untrue. May be part of the reason he called her a 'sociopath' and said those other things to her.

BTW, I can't remember the date of that email he sent to her that said those things. Does anyone else remember? TIA
I don't think Jodi's case will be a setback to people with real self defense claims or domestic violence defenses (I hate to say "battered woman" because it does not apply solely to women). Jodi will be unsuccessful with her defense claims, so this is not going to be precedent setting by any stretch.

It's just another case with a defendant who has no adequate defense so they assert an outlandish defense because there's nothing else to do -- maybe if it weren't a death penalty case, she might not be fighting so hard, and she might not have come up with this defense. But when death is on the table, you really can't expect a defendant to just take responsibility and plead guilty, and accept the death penalty without a challenge.

I think we would see a different defense if this were not a death penalty case. Being what it is, however, I think most rational people can see the defense for what it is - a desperate Hail Mary to save the defendant's life. When real domestic violence defendants are in this position, the evidence will be there to support their defense.
I think you're probably correct. She was very possibly trying to blackmail him with this, certainly was trying to manipulate and control, but he wasn't about to bow down to her over something that was totally untrue. May be part of the reason he called her a 'sociopath' and said those other things to her.

BTW, I can't remember the date of that email he sent to her that said those things. Does anyone else remember? TIA

May 26, 2008
Well, this was posted on another page (whose url shall not be listed) on the 5th:

"First up, Jodi would like me to let you know that Bryan Carr is a loser. Everything he says is a lie and he is NOT a friend of Jodi’s. All the info he’s putting out in his TV interviews is BS.

Jodi also has a Twitter account @"

Who uses her twitter account? Or is it just to receive tweets, not post them? Unless it's for donation requests... not sure what donations are for, appeals process?
I completely agree about making up the person as a "source" of info when the real source was HER hacking into his account or doing some other spying. I don't doubt that she confronted him about something she found out from hacking/snooping/following and that would be the ONLY way she knew.... He was totally on to her and, similar to CA, she made up imaginary people to fit into her story.

I also don't doubt that the reason he said 15min was b/c if he let her take her sweet time she'd create some fake email/profile...etc to create this fictitious character.

Lizard, you get the prize! Very very very good deduction. it is scary that you are starting to think like that.:eek:

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
I may be wrong, but I don't believe there was a hint of any accusation of pedophilia until 2010, when Jodi had been in jail for two years. But with her fertile imagination, I bet she came up with something almost as bad.

I think her atty who represents sex andvpedophilia crimes came up with that
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