Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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True --- I think that was KC's intent .... to hoodwink her parents [if it was her?].

However, I think RH is coming from the perspective of, if this was someone playing a ruse on us and hijacked an unused account that was setup June 16 --- we need to try to sleuth that as well to eliminate it.

I am thinking Mr Hornsby may not have read this entire thread. I thought I had read (somewhere back here in this thread) verification from Bond or JWG that the dates on the MySpace page were authentic and could not have been changed.
True --- I think that was KC's intent .... to hoodwink her parents [if it was her?].

However, I think RH is coming from the perspective of, if this was someone playing a ruse on us and hijacked an unused account that was setup June 16 --- we need to try to sleuth that as well to eliminate it.

True - but I hope someone here can give us the odds on how easy that would be to do. It would certainly have to be someone who was not only tech savvy but who wanted it to look like exculpatory evidence, imo, which would be a pro defense type. I haven't run into too many of them on the boards who have both skill sets. Which isn't to say they don't exist.
Forgive me if someone said this earlier and I missed it - I don't think it's an accident that the MySpace ZFG page became active directly following the judge's decision on the DP. Don't be surprised if GA and CA had their hands in this, particularly CA, IMHO.
True - but I hope someone here can give us the odds on how easy that would be to do. It would certainly have to be someone who was not only tech savvy but who wanted it to look like exculpatory evidence, imo, which would be a pro defense type. I haven't run into too many of them on the boards who have both skill sets. Which isn't to say they don't exist.

As a retroactive hijack of an account created June 16 just to pose as ZFG it does tend towards the conspiracy theory angle .... counter to occams razor.

I know there was some activity reported at setup that was compared / consistent to KC's cell phone, need to refresh myself on this thread.

I am actually a security guy so if the original hijacked account was setup with a default password ...... but .... the coincidences are too great. If this was a ruse then surely there would have been more done with it as well as some seeded hype.

IMO it does seem consistent with something KC started, toyed with but, never took anywhere.

ETA: CA could have access to it now given KC shared her passwords
Because, so far in testing the "how does one fake things in myspace" approaches, it does not appear that the last login date has been faked. :)

I am not going to pretend I am an expert in web pages and style sheets, because I am very far from it. But I know just enough to be dangerous. :bang:

If I dig through the page source of my faked myspace page with my last login changed (as well as my sex, age, and location), here is what I see:
<td class="text" width="193" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" align="left"><font class="f1">Female</font><font class="f2">24 years old</font><font class="f3">Miami, FL</font><font class="f4">United States</font><font class="f5">Last Login: 10/14/2008</font><font class="off">
<br />
<br />Male
<br />48 years old
<br />City, STATE
<br />United States
<br />
<br />
<span class="msOnlineNow "><img src="" />Online Now!</span>
<br />
<br />Last Login: <span property="myspace:lastLogin" content="2009-05-28" datatype="xsd:date">5/28/2009</span>
<br />
Here is an image of the spoofed profile. Note the last login date and other information. I did not change any of that in my profile:

View attachment 3926

Notice in the source code that the original information is still there (highlighted in blue). The new information is in red. Why does the new information show but not the original in the displayed page? :waitasec:

Because the hack adds the code <font class="off">, which essentially turns off the display of the original information, but does not remove it. So while we cannot see the original information when displayed in a web page, we can always find it when looking at the page source ("CTL-U" in any browser). :rolleyes: One cannot remove the original information from myspace. They can only obscure it.

When I go into the "zenaida" web page, I find only one set of information in the page source. There is no hidden original information paired with displayed fake information. :thumb:

The same holds true of the blog page that shows the sign-up date. Only one set of information can be found on that page - nothing is "turned off". :woohoo:

The zenaida myspace page, IMHO, is genuine. :eek:

Link to page here.

Which means to me that when LE was given the information by Valhall in late February (is that when you sent it to them Val?), they took the next two months to:

  • Subpoena myspace for the IP addresses used to create and modify the page
  • Discovered those IP addresses were tied to dates and times consistent with KC's location, possibly using cell records as a guide
  • Found enough additional keywords that they could use to search unallocated sectors (deleted files) on the laptop for evidence
  • Found traces of KC accessing the specific myspace page in question from those unallocated sectors
Furthermore, because the myspace page was created on June 16, cell pings and Tony's testimony of what he and KC did that evening, coupled with the Encase timeline reports from both computers indicate that KC created the website while at the Anthony home. Myspace IP logs would confirm this. :mad:

Doesn't this post clear up some of these issues?
I agree with previous posters that Casey made the MySpace page to setup the story that she had planned for her parents when she supposedly got back from her trip.

I'm sure that she cooked up this elaborate scenerio (like all of her overly detailed lies and every person with three names) believing that George and Cindy would buy it.

- kill the baby (Casey's thought: Oh crap! I'm really going to get in trouble now! I had better come up with a story!)
- Create a nanny and web page :eek:nline:
- pretend to be out of town and left the baby with the nanny
- stage the body to look like a sicko nabbed her
- dump the body
- (Casey thought: Oh crap! That stink is not going away!) Plant the car and hope it gets stolen
- return all surprised and blame the nanny :innocent:
- act the poor victim :curtsey: and hope people believe the story :crossfingers:
- win the sympathy, attention of never to be found...the end :angel:

The problem is that she got caught by Cindy NOT out of town...all the rest of the setup story fell apart with that little fact.

Casey then tried to continue with the Zanny story out of order and couldn't keep it up... She knows that if she holds a story long enough, George and Cindy will at least doubt themselves :waitasec: and give up doubting her.

Things are hard enough to follow in this case because it doesn't make sense if you try to follow the facts linearly.

I think Casey really thought she could get herself out of this pickle. I even think that the death might have been an accident due to Casey's negligence. Knowing what trouble she would be in, she staged the body to look like some sadist had nabbed poor Caylee in case the body would been discovered...then created the stories backwards all to cover up. She could blame the nanny (the location of the body if found would have also been very easily explained because of course the nanny would have known the Anthonys' home.)

I don't know... I just work with so many young adults and the "Oh crap! I have to get myself out of this one" thought process is second nature. The difference is that most wouldn't go that far!
By no means am I discounting any person's work. It just blows my mind that if these records were subpoenaed, they were not released yet.

On one hand I am as intrigued as anyone about the seemingly indisputable date the page was created and then last accessed. As am I confused by the recent activity by whomever has access.

On the other hand, I just cannot understand why LE has not obtained the records. Because if Casey did in fact create this page - game over.

I am going to go crawl back under a rock and re-ponder this issue.

See, that's just it. There is NO getting around those dates:

Created 16 June 2008
Last accessed 14 October 2008 (until yesterday)

You are right it is intriguing and that is why we have spent so many hours and pages discussing this, and others investigating this issue - work that can't be lightly discounted, not saying you did this.

This thread is 79 pages long, one of the longest on this case and there is a lot of good work here. However, at the end, it all comes back to the dates - if someone can give me a reasonable answer that explains the dates I will call it day on this issue.

No one can.
I think Casey is Zenaida in her own mind. George claims he saw a resume that Casey had where she listed her occupation as Nanny. I don't think she ever felt any maternal feeling towards Caylee and felt like a Nanny. During her interviews she says with conviction that the last person she saw Caylee with was the Nanny. It was the evil Nanny/Casey that killed Caylee. I think it's a way she justifies what she has done in her sick mind.
If this theory pans out and KC did indeed create the page, it will also blast open any attempt the defense makes to shrink the "missing" timeline. The farther away the creation of this page is to when Caylee supposedly "disappeared" the more premeditated it will look. They would not be able to get by with that tactic.
I'm conducting a little test. I've attached a tracker to this page and am curious if I can see who is visiting the page (since I'm not the "owner" of the page)

Will have to weed through all the curious viewers from bloggers and people just stopping by the page, but this tracker will also show the IP of the owner of the acct, should they visit it. Or in this case, maybe the hacker.

I know we talked about trackers way back, but curiosity has me this morning.

Stupid question 101 -- I just found my ip (it was under the refrigerator) and traced my ip, and it leads to Atlanta, GA. I'm not in Atlanta, GA. I'm about 120 miles away. I've always been confused about exactly *what* an ip can tell you. What can it tell you?

Stupid question 101 -- I just found my ip (it was under the refrigerator) and traced my ip, and it leads to Atlanta, GA. I'm not in Atlanta, GA. I'm about 120 miles away. I've always been confused about exactly *what* an ip can tell you. What can it tell you?


Yeah, mine says a town about 10 miles away. I think maybe it tells the location of the nearest main server for your internet service provider?? I am not sure.
I agree with previous posters that Casey made the MySpace page to setup the story that she had planned for her parents when she supposedly got back from her trip.

I'm sure that she cooked up this elaborate scenerio (like all of her overly detailed lies and every person with three names) believing that George and Cindy would buy it.

- kill the baby (Casey's thought: Oh crap! I'm really going to get in trouble now! I had better come up with a story!)
- Create a nanny and web page :eek:nline:
- pretend to be out of town and left the baby with the nanny
- stage the body to look like a sicko nabbed her
- dump the body
- (Casey thought: Oh crap! That stink is not going away!) Plant the car and hope it gets stolen
- return all surprised and blame the nanny :innocent:
- act the poor victim :curtsey: and hope people believe the story :crossfingers:
- win the sympathy, attention of never to be found...the end :angel:

The problem is that she got caught by Cindy NOT out of town...all the rest of the setup story fell apart with that little fact.

Casey then tried to continue with the Zanny story out of order and couldn't keep it up... She knows that if she holds a story long enough, George and Cindy will at least doubt themselves :waitasec: and give up doubting her.

Things are hard enough to follow in this case because it doesn't make sense if you try to follow the facts linearly.

I think Casey really thought she could get herself out of this pickle. I even think that the death might have been an accident due to Casey's negligence. Knowing what trouble she would be in, she staged the body to look like some sadist had nabbed poor Caylee in case the body would been discovered...then created the stories backwards all to cover up. She could blame the nanny (the location of the body if found would have also been very easily explained because of course the nanny would have known the Anthonys' home.)

I don't know... I just work with so many young adults and the "Oh crap! I have to get myself out of this one" thought process is second nature. The difference is that most wouldn't go that far!

I like all this until the point of the "accident" - Uh-uhh.
FYI: I spoke to a reporter friend today who will make a Public Records request specifically for any discovery related to this MySpace page. I will let you all know what comes of it when I find out (if I do).
FYI: I spoke to a reporter friend today who will make a Public Records request specifically for any discovery related to this MySpace page. I will let you all know what comes of it when I find out (if I do).

Look forward to hearing what comes of it!
Look forward to hearing what comes of it!

Thanks for all your hard work particularly on this one area, Valhall-This has been my single most favorite thread because of its true sleuthiness-if this all points back to girlfriend KC, this is BIG-An effort to cover her crime.
BTW, this would pretty much seal the deal in the ZG lawsuit-KC lied and created a ZG, and her actions directly harmed another (the real ZG).

Anyway, just wanted to thankya for the millionth time, I am waiting to see what happens with the public records request as well!
In re: to the Zenaida traffic ticket:

More copies purchased on 04/10/2009.....Was this LE, or JM? Sleuther?

I guess I know the answer to this now....Mr. Hornsby?....I wondered about this back in May of this year, but forgot about this until I linked to a certain blog site just now...
Just thinking...

Zenaida Myspace created 6/16/08
Accessed 10/14/08
KC Booked 10/14/08

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Booking Number:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]08049710[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Race:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]White[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Gender:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Female[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Date of Birth:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]03/19/1986[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Last Known Address:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]4937 Hopesprings Drive[/FONT], [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Orlando[/FONT], [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Fl[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]32829[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Cell:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]F-DORML-22[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Date Booked:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]10/14/2008[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Time Booked:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]07:04pm[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Number of Holds:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]HOME CONFINEMENT[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Notes:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]None[/FONT]

When was the Myspace page frozen?

ETA~ Link to booking info.}&BookNumber=08049710&ID=5649253333835
Valhall also mentions in her blog that in Cindy&#8217;s deposition at the end of July 2009, she stated that Dora was one of Caylee&#8217;s favorite videos/shows to watch frequently.

I thought the connection was also made on Dec 11th when Caylee's remains were found and with her remains were "toy horses" that were part of a Dora the Explorer toy set.

Someone please correct me if i'm wrong..? :waitasec:

There was supposed to be a pony or horse found with the remains, but I've not seen anything released on that since it was first stated.

Yes, Dora has ponies. But the references between the two are speculative at best since we haven't seen pictures of the toy horse found at the scene.
Good point Val and you are right. Thanks for refreshing my mind! I don't know why I thought that piece of evidence was confirmed. I also mis-understood the initial question... so I'm just going to slowly back out of this thread and hit the ole dusty trail ;)
Move a long people... nothing to see here ..

I'll blame it on stress at work and lack of sleep. Yeah, lets go with that.

Anywho, thanks for the correction and take care, friend!
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