Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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I hear ya Logical, but as soon as I heard that he corresponded with Dave Marinade and told Dave he liked the way he handled the case, I knew he was in trouble. Actually, Marinade gave KC a very fair handling - but the defense had not had a win in a while and Cheney just sloshed in looking for "fun" and there you go.

But me thinks I will end up in trouble if I continue. :seeya:

No I agree with you - I think ole Davey didn't help matters by really blowing up what was a casual comment into a huge media play for himself - he had it going on for days. So no trouble, from me anyhow - just clarifying that first bit more for myself than anything..
I can't imagine eating a meal with Geraldo. That mustache would slay me.

Bad Gram! :lol:
On his show...think it was last week...maybe longer...he thought it was just soooooooo funny that some of his wife's friends didn't want to come to his kid's birthday party because they thought Casey was staying with him. I mean it...he got all loud and started laughing like it was the most ridiculous thing...still not sure which part he thought was ridiculous...Casey staying with him...or people not wanting to be even remotely near her.
Sorry...back to the thread.
Funny, he's pretty close to the line on "actionable" - here kittykittykitty

Even more so by the first line of his rant. I didn't want to post it because it's so disgusting, but...

"Already labeled in court papers "a self-aggrandizing media *advertiser censored*," I mean "media hound", Florida Circuit Court judge Stan Strickland has further debased...

Yeah... he went there! He knows a great deal about media *advertiser censored*, though. Although he failed to mention that it was Strickland himself that did the labeling.

What a putz.

Reports are things are delayed

I am sure BeanE will post it in the Tweet sticky shortly
These laws in this country are way too complicated. defense attorneys have way too much privilege. We have a court system that is failing. The way the privileged are handled is not justice. We have a person here who killed a baby and the baby is being tossed aside in the courtroom just like she was in real life.

How many motions has Baez filed in three years? Isn't there a limit? When does all this end? We are a nation of laws and it has turned into chaos! Stop the Wheels of Justice from turning, I want to get off!
I think there were still some outstanding fraud charges that could be brought up if KC violates probation, oh, and JB wants to sell some sort of pictures that only he is allowed to take of KC before anyone else sees her. :giggle:

Is she clothed?
Kerry Sanders, NBC reports that JB/CM filed their probation motion, but Judge S is on vacation this week and has no plans to return specially to hear it....:great:
So as it stands now the <modsnip> has to return to OC and report to her probation officer by 5pm tomorrow!
Kerry Sanders, NBC reports that JB/CM filed their probation motion, but Judge S is on vacation this week and has no plans to return specially to hear it....:great:
So as it stands now the murderer has to return to OC and report to her probation officer by 5pm tomorrow!

Ruh roh, hope random drug/alcohol screening don't begin tomorrow. :innocent:
Kerry Sanders, NBC reports that JB/CM filed their probation motion, but Judge S is on vacation this week and has no plans to return specially to hear it....:great:
So as it stands now the murderer has to return to OC and report to her probation officer by 5pm tomorrow!

You know, I was looking at the court schedule and saw he had conferences and such listed - but more like three weeks worth.

and some of those conferences were in TX - which gave me all kinds of funny thoughts yesterday.

In any event, if I may borrow an expression:

Thwart cake anyone?
Kerry Sanders, NBC reports that JB/CM filed their probation motion, but Judge S is on vacation this week and has no plans to return specially to hear it....:great:
So as it stands now the murderer has to return to OC and report to her probation officer by 5pm tomorrow!

Now that seems fitting to me. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
No question the order should be enforced bringing FCA back to Orange County where she can start punching the probationary time clock. After all, she earned this when she stole Amy's checkbook and helped herself to her former friend's money for an all-expenses-paid shopping excursion around town.
No question the order should be enforced bringing FCA back to Orange County where she can start punching the probationary time clock. After all, she earned this when she stole Amy's checkbook and helped herself to her former friend's money for an all-expenses-paid shopping excursion around town.

But, but, but she said she was sorry for not being a better friend. Wasn't that enough? This case is a joke, next thing JB will be asking to have her record expunged!
Kerry Sanders, NBC reports that JB/CM filed their probation motion, but Judge S is on vacation this week and has no plans to return specially to hear it....:great:
So as it stands now the murderer has to return to OC and report to her probation officer by 5pm tomorrow!

Well this just made my day!!!:great:
[ame=""]&#x202a;Murdered Tot&#39;s Mom Sentenced for Check Fraud&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]&#x202a;Casey Anthony Check Fraud Plea Court Hearing 1/25/10 6&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube[/ame]
It doesn't matter if the judge is on vacation or not if the Appeals court holds it up. As per BS:

Sheaffer said if the Court of Appeals takes the case, the judge's order will be on hold.
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