Is one of the reasons Casey is "unpopular" (per Baez) because she is pretty?will re o

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But...the other cases ---they really aren't as covered as this one. Entire forums (like WS) are dedicated to *this* case because of the huge interest.
And the deep interest can't have everything to do with the outrageous crime itself.. there was one case that is so gruesome I can't even type the words here what that Mother did. However, I had not heard word one about that "other" Mother before I researched for my question.

I am having a hard time believing that the press interest is because of the Anthony's antics. To me, it seems more obvious that the media interest is because they have a well above average looking person as the eye of the hurricane. If you consider replacing KC with Linda Hunt..would there be the amount of interest/coverage that there is?
(apologies to Linda Hunt, just using her as illustration for the sake of discussion).

My question (once again) is not whether or not you or your sons and neighbors think that KC is pretty. My question is more about if Baez has a point, that his client is under different scrutiny than others (in her position) have been. I'm just a newbie trial watcher, my query has to do with if KC's having a backlash because people are envious of her youth and appearance. This is no scientific article, but it touches on some of what I am trying (apparently poorly) to get at.

To those who think KC is homely, plain, not a 10 you think it is odd that there is this much attention paid to this case? If it is "just" the 31 day issue...can you tell me why there was not the HUGE media circus (like this one) pertaining to the other "killer" Mothers?

If you went back in time and removed the Anthony's antics and the defense team's conduct, I don't believe I'd be on WS today. I would have heard a story on the news about a mother who didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. That would have gotten my attention. Those 2 things really happened. Then, her lawyers and family would have continuously made "no comment" responses to the media, the media would've moved on to something more interesting, and I'd forgotten about the story. Once in awhile I'd hear the news reporting on a hearing in the case, and it would perk my interest to hear the update, and I'd move on again. I don't think KC looking differently would have made much difference. I found the family and defense team so bizarre and fascinating that I couldn't resist. There are pro and cons to KC being attractive. I think the pros and cons sort of cancel each other out, if that makes sense.
I don't think it's obvious that the media find her good looking. Imo, they are attracted to this case for other reasons; her behavior and her family's behavior keeps this in the news. There are attractive mothers who've killed their children and didn't get the media attention KC has.

I don't have higher expectations of KC because of her looks. I don't care how good or bad you look; you have a responsibility to your children and that doesn't include murder. If anything, attractive people are held to lesser standards, i.e., they get by on their looks alone.

The problem KC may have as it relates to her looks is that those who are investigating, prosecuting and/or judging this case may think "How dare you assume that your looks will help you get away with murdering your daughter." and, thus, throw the book at her to prove otherwise. I think KC's looks are only mediocre but I think she thinks of herself as a "ten" and may feel privileged as a result. I get that same feeling, "How dare she..." and this makes her even more unpopular with me. I guess I'm trying to say that it's not her looks that make her unpopular but that she feels she can get by with all her lies and, ultimately, Caylee's murder because she thinks she's so attractive. Does that make sense? :crazy: lol

I think those in this thread who are saying she isn't attractive just don't agree with the premise (KC is attractive) so that they see no validity in the argument.

Yes, agree Marine2 - the problem I have is my belief system - that one I haven't been able to overwrite with something sensible. And there is a huge difference between expectation and actual behavior. In my world we say that potential is just failure to succeed. As in that person has lots of potential, but did they actual put that potential into high gear and get on with it?
Casey is "unpopular" because most believe she is guilty.

And, also because of her sociopathic personalty:

  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Extreme narcissism and grandiose
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world
I think that if KC were only facing the check charges and none of the other had ever happened, then I believe her looks may have helped her. She could have stood there and opened her eyes real wide and delivered her "I take responsibility.." speech with an unwavering voice. I think that the cracking and nervousness we heard in her voice is due to some uncertainty creeping in after spending so much time in jail. However, as far as her looks in the murder case, I think if anything, they might help her. The jurors are going to look at her, fresh-faced, hair pulled back, a young woman with so much life left to live, and they will have to picture her doing horrible things. Unmentionable things. The "ultimate" bad deed for any mother to do. I think the fact that she is pretty will help her here as long as she doesn't get that
"Stepford" look. MOO
Casey is unpopular because she didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days, period. That's why everyone hates her so much! JMO

Her YOUTH may have an impact on a jury sentencing her to life in prison, or the death penalty though.
If you went back in time and removed the Anthony's antics and the defense team's conduct, I don't believe I'd be on WS today. I would have heard a story on the news about a mother who didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. That would have gotten my attention. Those 2 things really happened. Then, her lawyers and family would have continuously made "no comment" responses to the media, the media would've moved on to something more interesting, and I'd forgotten about the story. Once in awhile I'd hear the news reporting on a hearing in the case, and it would perk my interest to hear the update, and I'd move on again. I don't think KC looking differently would have made much difference. I found the family and defense team so bizarre and fascinating that I couldn't resist. There are pro and cons to KC being attractive. I think the pros and cons sort of cancel each other out, if that makes sense.
I agree. I don't think the interest in this case is because of KC's looks. The young mother in California accused of the murder of her daughter is at least as attractive as KC and I can't even remember her name. Imo, it's everything that unfolded as the story came out that has held interest. The entire cast of characters, so to speak. I don't think her looks are what has led to her unpopularity or intense media scrutiny. I think her looks are irrelevant to the way she is being treated.

Imo, there is no way that KC's having a backlash because people are envious of her youth and appearance. No offense to anyone but, to me, that sounds ridiculous.
I worked with a very pretty girl once who felt inclined to tell me that pretty girls get things handed to them their whole life. She went on to say it is so much easier when you are attractive and you don't have to work as hard as everyone else. :waitasec:


She got fired and I didn't. I guess sometimes pretty girls finish last.
What I think the reason for KC getting all the media attention and why she is so unpopular is because people look at her and say she had everything going for her. Beautiful child, nice home, family support (obviously), faithful friends, a car, boyfriends at the drop of a hat, active social life and she threw it away because she could.

The A's are an average American family whether you feel they are dysfunctional or not. They loved their granddaughter and niece and they love their daughter and sister. So what went wrong. That is what is grabbing and pulling us in. What the he!! went wrong? We think about it and it disturbs us, not because of her looks but because KC made a decision that affects us all. We all know of someone like her. Maybe not to the degree she has taken it but we all have someone around us or know of someone who is totally self absorbed. So I think it hits home to everyone.

While I'm sure JB's intentions are well intended he clearly should have done what was best for his client and stepped down long ago and let someone with more experience handle KC's case. Johnny Conkrin defended OJ but was very well respected before and after the trial. Smart man and it showed. JMO
If you went back in time and removed the Anthony's antics and the defense team's conduct, I don't believe I'd be on WS today. I would have heard a story on the news about a mother who didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. That would have gotten my attention. Those 2 things really happened. Then, her lawyers and family would have continuously made "no comment" responses to the media, the media would've moved on to something more interesting, and I'd forgotten about the story. Once in awhile I'd hear the news reporting on a hearing in the case, and it would perk my interest to hear the update, and I'd move on again. I don't think KC looking differently would have made much difference. I found the family and defense team so bizarre and fascinating that I couldn't resist. There are pro and cons to KC being attractive. I think the pros and cons sort of cancel each other out, if that makes sense.

Yes, remember recently after Casey was incarcerated that young mother said she had been attacked outside her car, and she passed out and woke up a few miles away and her baby about a year or 18months old was missing? The baby was found dead and tossed on the side of the freeway not that far from the scene of the crime? She was also a very good looking girl - I think more attractive than Casey, and her baby was gorgeous. I think the difference was she confessed fairly quickly. She tried a fairly elaborate tale, got caught out and instead of deny deny deny including her family denying on her behalf, she folded. I guess another difference was the child's body was found fairly quickly. But we heard almost nothing about it after the initial news reports.
I think Casey may have been treated differently because of her and the family's antics. I mean - who sells pictures of the child they murdered to fund their own defense? Who else starts a charity on behalf of their missing grandchild and lives off the proceeds? We could go on and on - as "they" say - you couldn't write this - no one would believe it even for fiction.
LOL> Wow what a statement!! Well I for one don't see her as being attractive at all, not saying she is ugly. Just nothing special. As for her popularity among the men, I think it had much to do with the way she conducted herself.....shall I say loosely, easy, sleazy or slushy? It wasn't her charming personality that made the guys like her.
I would say her unpopularity is based on 31 days and her lies to LE while they were trying in vain to find her child.

I so totally agree and if I may add that she has continued for all this time to leave that original bull story, it's outrageous and what I think makes her unpopular. Her looks have nothing to do with it, for me 'what she has done & not done' which is so out of the norm is what makes her news and unpopular.
I don't think it's obvious that the media find her good looking. Imo, they are attracted to this case for other reasons; her behavior and her family's behavior keeps this in the news. There are attractive mothers who've killed their children and didn't get the media attention KC has.

I don't have higher expectations of KC because of her looks. I don't care how good or bad you look; you have a responsibility to your children and that doesn't include murder. If anything, attractive people are held to lesser standards, i.e., they get by on their looks alone.

The problem KC may have as it relates to her looks is that those who are investigating, prosecuting and/or judging this case may think "How dare you assume that your looks will help you get away with murdering your daughter." and, thus, throw the book at her to prove otherwise. I think KC's looks are only mediocre but I think she thinks of herself as a "ten" and may feel privileged as a result. I get that same feeling, "How dare she..." and this makes her even more unpopular with me. I guess I'm trying to say that it's not her looks that make her unpopular but that she feels she can get by with all her lies and, ultimately, Caylee's murder because she thinks she's so attractive. Does that make sense? :crazy: lol

I think those in this thread who are saying she isn't attractive just don't agree with the premise (KC is attractive) so that they see no validity in the argument.
To add to your points, Scott Peterson's "attractiveness" didn't factor into the fact he murdered his wife and son. The jury had no problem sentencing him to Death Row!
If Casey had a huge festering boil in between her two eyes, a butt as big as a sofa, and one arm longer than the other, and she killed her daughter, went partying, lied, lied and then lied some more while never reporting her daughter missing, then tried to blame it on some one else and only continue to lie once her former lies were discovered by law enforcement...

and had a mother that looked just like Cindy and acted like her too...

she would be so widely disdained right now that some one would be starting a thread asking if it were possible she was so unpopular simply because she was so ugly.

LOL> Wow what a statement!! Well I for one don't see her as being attractive at all, not saying she is ugly. Just nothing special. As for her popularity among the men, I think it had much to do with the way she conducted herself.....shall I say loosely, easy, sleazy or slushy? It wasn't her charming personality that made the guys like her.

Slushy? LOL!:eek:
Many studies have been done addressing how physically attractive defendants are given lighter sentences. The findings also show that this doesn't always apply to serious crimes. The more serious the crime, the attractive defendant is treated more harshly. From a jury pov there is the attractive defendant KC but attractive KC is charged with a horrific crime, the murder of her beautiful 2 year old daughter. Because of the seriousness of the crime and the beautiful victim, Caylee, KC has lost any chance of the jury being swayed by her being attractive. The defense is continuing it's public relations tour. JB arguing that his client, has been discriminated against because "she is an unpopular individual" is an attempt to sway any prospective juror into leaning towards the "KC is attractive" side during deliberation. (of course, if convicted)

http: //
Anthony Apologizes In Open Court
Anthony Sentenced On Check Fraud Charges
POSTED: Monday, January 25, 2010
UPDATED: 7:11 pm EST January 25, 2010
(JB statement)
Psychology and crime
By David Putwain, Aidan Sammons
"Unattractive people are deemed more likely to be criminals and so receive harsher sentences whereas attractive people are seen as less likely to be criminals and so receive lighter sentences."

Monday, April 02, 2007
Suzanne Fields :: Columnist
A Crime Most Foul
"Our findings confirm previous research on the effects of defendant characteristics, such as physical attractiveness," says Dr. Sandie Taylor, the psychologist who conducted the study. "Attractive defendants are rated less harshly than homely defendants."
Dateline: August, 2008, Issue 4
When are attractive defendants convicted more than unattractive defendants?
Psychology and Crime News
A place to collate information of interest in a forensic psychological context
"Jurors biased in sentencing decisions by the attractiveness of the defendant"
Leaning Over Backwards Jurors 'Responses to Defendants' Attractiveness
by Ronald M. Friend and Michael Vinson
Perceptions of beauty and jury trial outcomes
(Numerous links to case studies)
Defendant's Attractiveness as a Factor in the Outcome of Criminal Trials:
An Observational Study

John E. Stewart
Mercyhurst College

(any quotes above are from the stated articles)
My own personal "I've got the - is this ever going to trial so there can be justice for Caylee - blues" opinion.
All I have to say is, she could have all the looks in the world, but having to watch her smile, laugh, and be cold as ice everyday in court in a murder trial is going to strip all of that away from her. I mean, just seeing her for an hour or so in those hearings makes me madder than hell and makes her so much uglier to me.

She'd have to be a relatable human with good looks to have it work for her. Instead, she's a monster with good looks and those looks aren't EVER going to cover the ugliness inside of her. Looks don't mean anything after you see a person's true personality for long enough. And there's not enough acting, training, or makeover in the world that the defense can do to make her human enough that her looks would ever matter one bit. I actually feel sorry for the eventual jury that's going to have to deal with her antics and inhumanness everyday in that courtroom for the murder trial.

I really wonder how Baez and company think they're going to get her acquitted when she has such an ugly and inhuman personality that they know they can't control. It doesn't matter how much you scream innocence, you act like a monster or sociopath or both in the court room and you'll get convicted even if you are innocent!

I also still ask myself, everyday, how something as beautiful and angelic as Caylee came out of something so demonic and ugly as Casey...
Baez stated at least twice in open court yesterday that KC is "unpopular". He stated this when he argued that a 600+ dollar forgery/fraud charge would be treated differently... were it someone else's crime --instead of unpopular Casey Anthony's.

Here is something that I hope deserves it's own thread...KC definitely is a sensation. If you can imagine her much older and perhaps you think that she would be treated differently? Do you think one of the reasons for her unpopularity (aside from the demise of her beautiful daughter) also has to do with KC's attractiveness? It is a valid question.

This young women's COMPLETE lack of emotion about her own daughter missing is what drew me into this case. She is unpopular because no loving mother would act like she did and still does. My opinion is that she was put so far up on a pedestal by her family that she THINKS she is some sort of starlet that should be given special privileges or that other women are just jealous. Other women despise her because of her actions and non a mother. She may have been used to getting away with such narcissistic behavior in the past, so it is actually nice to see a person like that get a nice dose of reality. MURDERING a child is not acceptable, and batting eyelashes is not going to get her out of it. Seeing that narcissistic sociopath who probably thought red carpets were made for her, rot in jail is the joy of justice.
I just don't think she's good looking. Before and especially after her incarceration.

Her eyes have always spooked me out. They're dead
. She's neither pretty on the outside or inside.

BBM. I completely. When you look at her in the courtroom or in her mug shots her eyes look completely without soul.

What turned the public against KC from the first minute was her failure to report her child missing for 31 days, leading OCSO on a wild-goose chase, blatantly lying to everyone in sight, partying during the time Caylee was missing and last but not least - the behavior of her parents. I don't care what she looks like on the outside. I find her hideous.
But...the other cases ---they really aren't as covered as this one. Entire forums (like WS) are dedicated to *this* case because of the huge interest.
And the deep interest can't have everything to do with the outrageous crime itself.. there was one case that is so gruesome I can't even type the words here what that Mother did. However, I had not heard word one about that "other" Mother before I researched for my question.

I am having a hard time believing that the press interest is because of the Anthony's antics. To me, it seems more obvious that the media interest is because they have a well above average looking person as the eye of the hurricane.

My question (once again) is not whether or not you or your sons and neighbors think that KC is pretty. My question is more about if Baez has a point, that his client is under different scrutiny than others (in her position) have been. I'm just a newbie trial watcher, my query has to do with if KC's having a backlash because people are envious of her youth and appearance. This is no scientific article, but it touches on some of what I am trying (apparently poorly) to get at.

To those who think KC is homely, plain, not a 10 you think it is odd that there is this much attention paid to this case? If it is "just" the 31 day issue...can you tell me why there was not the HUGE media circus (like this one) pertaining to the other "killer" Mothers?

(p.s. for clarification, I am not siding with Baez, KC, CA or the is just a very interesting thing that I had not really considered until Baez brought up the "differences" in how (from his perspective) KC is being treated).

There's no question that the media is attracted to white, good-looking people, unfortunately. However, I think the media interest in this was brought about by KC's behavior immediately following her daughter's disappearance. Add her family's and lawyer's antics and you have a recipe for a "story with legs."
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