Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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Sychronicity or what lol! The january one?? IIRC they were mentioned and the SAO said they were not going to object to the jib jab video or the past sexual history prior to June 16 but wanted limited ability to discuss her history with TL as she was supposedly searching, while she played house. The SAO submitted a written response to the other motions and the judge ruled based on the submissions of both sides, no doubt after researching every claim made LOL!

Yeah I remember them having to hold back from rolling their eyes like please, of course we are not going to submit the jib jab video...Duh
Let's not forget that not one single story or tall tale peddled by LP to the media, LE or anyone has turned out to have so much as a single thing in common with reality. if LP is saying something on TV, immediately bet on the opposite being true.

Very very true. I for one would be completely pizzed if a plea deal took place. I want to see her have to face all the facts and all the witnesses.
Well, and let's really not forget, that an attorney who wants to suck up every last penny, waits to the very end to do a plea deal.
Well, and let's really not forget, that an attorney who wants to suck up every last penny, waits to the very end to do a plea deal.

Very true ~ And in this case, I'm surprised that we don't see Baez walking around with a brown paper bag from sucking so hard that he's hyperventalating........or something.

He should have jaw cramps.:floorlaugh:
I hope the prosecution isn't open to a plea, not after all the grief this defense has heaped on everyone. Remembering too that KC is agreeing to all of this palaver, just watching that door open in the courtroom and seeing KC strut to her seat preening and flirting, makes me want this to play out through a trial.
I hope the prosecution isn't open to a plea, not after all the grief this defense has heaped on everyone. Remembering too that KC is agreeing to all of this palaver, just watching that door open in the courtroom and seeing KC strut to her seat preening and flirting, makes me want this to play out through a trial.
Other than sparing the cost of a trial, what would be their reason??? I don't see it happening. :snooty:They got Caylee's body recovered with zero help from Casey, they don't need her. I don't see them agreeing to a plea deal, and even if she cops to it, she can still get the Death Penalty.
A plea deal ended September 2008...all ICA can do is change her plea from not guilty to guilty, if she truly wants to save her own life. Baez being the lead attorney could approach the State with ICA's permission to have her change her plea with a "promise" of LWOP but she would still have to tell what she did to Caylee...I don't see it happening though for ICA believes she can beat those charges. I can see her wanting a chance for parole but that won't happen either.

I believe the State is prepared right now to go to trial and have compelling evidence stacked high against her. It truly would be suicide to take this to trial but ICA believes she's smarter than the average bear....:maddening: so maybe it's what she deserves served hot on a plate she can control that outcome but she's too narcisistic to admit to what she's done...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
If it were up to the attorneys, yes, I think a plea deal would happen , at the last possible minute to milk this for every penny the attorneys can get(if the SA would agree, which I think they might, based on a costly trial). Do I think ICA will agree to a plea deal? It would take some heavy-handed "advice" from Jose, but yes, I think it's possible. Later on she'd always say she didn't do it but just pled not to get DPenalty.
I hope like heck the jury gives Casey the DP. I just will NOT understand how they can not. If I was on that jury, I'd have no problem giving her the DP.

Esp. seeing her behavior.

Crimes against little children are the worst of the worst.

I'm sorry but she needs to pay with her life.
I'm starting to think the defense is going to go in the direction of Lindsay Lohan's lawyer with the felony case for theft against her right now. The lawyer basically said, "This case is fully defensible, but we'll accept a plea only if there's no jail time."

I swear, I can totally hear Baez saying that same thing to the SA and expecting to get what he wants. He and Casey don't seem to get that things aren't going to work out the way they want them to. He'll either do that, or he'll think he can still get a plea and be woefully disappointed when the SA says no. I just want to smack the both into reality and stop the nonsense! Less than three months now...come on time, move faster!
Was Dr. Krop's visit prompted by a possible plea deal in the works? I mean wouldn't the state want an their own expert opinion before they'd consider any deal if the defense opened up that dialogue.
Thought I'd bump up this thread in light of all the evidence Judge Perry allowed in yesterday.
I think a plea is her only hope at this point. But would the SA agree to a plea?
I think a plea is her only hope at this point. But would the SA agree to a plea?

I think the Defense Strategy has been plea all along. Thinking back to the beginning, even when Terry Lenamon was involved, this "accident theory" was being pitched by the defense in media appearances, court documents, etc. (but not being directed to public, but to prosecution as explained below)

I believe there has been continuous discussion between defense and prosecution (initiated by defense on ALL occasions) for quite a while.....but while prosecution may have been willing to discuss a lesser with LWOP, the defense has been pushing for involuntary manslaughter (or similar) with the "defense" being an accident and subsequent cover-up due to various versions of abuse by Anthony's, as alleged by ICA.

I imagine a conversation similar to the this...

BAEZ: We are willing to discuss a plea based on an unfortunate accident.

PROS: No way. We have duct tape.

BAEZ: Not if HHJP grants our motion and it is excluded....

PROS: We have 31 days....

BAEZ: Not if HHJP grants our motion and it is excluded....

PROS: No way. We have.....(continue above scenario for remainder of evidence)....

BAEZ: We have mental health experts who will testify to ICA's emotional abuse allegations...

PROS: No way, no how. We have premeditation...

I think plea negotiations have never progressed due to Baez' inexperience. They are too far apart to even negotiate due to the evidence the SA has.

While many have speculated that the defense "pitching" the accident theory in the media recently (think 48 Hours show) is being directed to the public and potential jury members, I think it is being directed at the PROSECUTION TEAM by the defense, as a last ditch effort before HHJP rules on these last motions to exclude.

BAEZ: Look, Jeff, our pro bono jury consultant had no problem pulling together a mock jury that agreed with the accident theory. Did you happen to catch 48 Hours recently? If WE could so easily get a "jury" to agree, we can do it again in the courtroom.

PROS: No comment by JA as he picks himself up off the floor after collapsing in a fit of laughter.

We are just days from jury selection, weeks from Trial Day One. I think all efforts by Team Baez have been directed to try to badger SA into a plea of THEIR choosing, but they have also been aware that they were gambling, and if this didn't work, they would have to negotiate a change of plea that will involve a long incarceration.

I think they will try for a charge with sentence of several years (20 - 40), but will eventually to concede to LWOP when they :truce:.

Yesterday was the final straw for the defense....their last ditch hopes and dreams.

ICA begrudgingly accepted that the evidence was too damning in the fraud case (and took a plea) and I think it will happen here too, especially if CA has any influence with her in protecting family secrets.

HHJP denying these last motions also gives Mason, Finnell and Baez some "ammunition" in dialogue with ICA that the gig is up...she can no longer say, "...but when HHJP grants our motion, THEY can't use that evidence against me!" I just cannot imagine that any of these attorneys have ANY desire to be made fools of during a trial, and walk away with any previous reputations tarnished. I think they are willing to do ANYTHING at this point to avoid a very public trial that will be played out nightly across the country in national media updates.

And I still say the Anthony recent motion is an attempt by CA to make sure she is in the courtroom to "support ICA" when Baez states...

"Judge, may we approach? My client would like to change her plea....."
This has probably already been discussed (I can't keep up!), but I keep wondering if that in camera meeting in the jury room at the last hearing was about a potential plea. I can't figure out why Casey needed to be in there ... the mental health experts had already been withdrawn ...
I think a plea is her only hope at this point. But would the SA agree to a plea?

They could consider LWOP...they will go for broke, IMO...If, big IF, ICA wants to now change her plea to guilty, it's not on her terms to what her sentence would, she should be prepared for a lifetime behind bars, for I don't believe the SA's would agree to anything less...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I think a plea is her only hope at this point. But would the SA agree to a plea?

They could consider LWOP...they will go for broke, IMO...If, big IF, ICA wants to now change her plea to guilty, it's not on her terms to what her sentence would, she should be prepared for a lifetime behind bars, for I don't believe the SA's would agree to anything less...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The SA's could save the cost of a trial, but unless they are getting financial pressure from their superiors, :snooty:I just don't see any incentive for them to agree to a plea...
This has probably already been discussed (I can't keep up!), but I keep wondering if that in camera meeting in the jury room at the last hearing was about a potential plea. I can't figure out why Casey needed to be in there ... the mental health experts had already been withdrawn ...

I've wondered about that too. I wonder if he asked her in chambers if she was still happy with her defense team. It could have involved plea talk as well. They were in there for awhile. But whatever happened, she came back out crying. I just can't believe talking about the jury would make her cry. It would have to be something more about Casey, not the jury, which she probably doesn't give two flips about. I wonder if she is finally realizing that a plea may be in her best interest at this point, and she hates it. I'm sure HHJP made her very aware of how real and how close this trial is to starting. No more fun and games is what I am sure he got across to her. Casey when she came out reminded me of that one time she got lectured, I think by HHJS. It was the one time we saw her shed real tears, but only for herself. Who knows. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for Casey in chambers.

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