Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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Hmm - I thought maybe the CJBP was clarifying and having ICA agree to just what aspects of mental health the Defense Team was going to argue. So I expected them to outline it and have ICA agree. It seems ICA did not like the good Judge's response.

Logicalgirl -- I also thought it was related to the mental health experts issue the first time I watched it (the evening of the hearing), but something about the timing was bothering me. I went back and watched it again the next day when I wasn't so tired and, if I'm not mistaken, JB had announced he was withdrawing the experts PRIOR to the in-camera meeting. That's why I've been racking my brain to figure out what they could have been discussing ... and my brain keeps going back to a plea deal.

I also thought ICA looked like she had been crying when she came out of the meeting, but it's difficult to tell for sure. She definitely did not look happy.
PROS: No way, no how. We have premeditation...

Forgive me for I have not researched this case as much as most board members but what evidence was there of pre-meditation (save for the Duct Tape).

Also does anyone know if the Defense have dropped the accident theory? My opinion looking at the evidence to begin with, was that it could be neglect, abuse or an accident which ICA had attempted to cover up by making it look like a murder (a tactic which had backfired) due to fear, panic or whatever OR it could have been murder. So I would be interested to see if the Defense still has this theory because if I could buy it, it's posssible that more than juror would buy it...

Go cap in hand and beg for a plea? Not JB- this is his ticket to celebrity TV shows, and hangin with Rivera, he's not going to give that up for ICA and NO pay.. Two minutes after she's sentenced he'll be emailing Beth Karas to ask her how he looked.....

This is what bugs me and to a fair degree could end up bugging many board members who think she is guilty of 1st Degree Murder: From what I can see, Jose Baez doesn't seem to be acting in Anthony's best interest nor providing effective representation. How does all this sit for a potential ineffective assistance of Counsel claim?
Forgive me for I have not researched this case as much as most board members but what evidence was there of pre-meditation (save for the Duct Tape).

Also does anyone know if the Defense have dropped the accident theory? My opinion looking at the evidence to begin with, was that it could be neglect, abuse or an accident which ICA had attempted to cover up by making it look like a murder (a tactic which had backfired) due to fear, panic or whatever OR it could have been murder. So I would be interested to see if the Defense still has this theory because if I could buy it, it's posssible that more than juror would buy it...

This is what bugs me and to a fair degree could end up bugging many board members who think she is guilty of 1st Degree Murder: From what I can see, Jose Baez doesn't seem to be acting in Anthony's best interest nor providing effective representation. How does all this sit for a potential ineffective assistance of Counsel claim?

I hear ya on that!
Forgive me for I have not researched this case as much as most board members but what evidence was there of pre-meditation (save for the Duct Tape).

Also does anyone know if the Defense have dropped the accident theory? My opinion looking at the evidence to begin with, was that it could be neglect, abuse or an accident which ICA had attempted to cover up by making it look like a murder (a tactic which had backfired) due to fear, panic or whatever OR it could have been murder. So I would be interested to see if the Defense still has this theory because if I could buy it, it's posssible that more than juror would buy it...

This is what bugs me and to a fair degree could end up bugging many board members who think she is guilty of 1st Degree Murder: From what I can see, Jose Baez doesn't seem to be acting in Anthony's best interest nor providing effective representation. How does all this sit for a potential ineffective assistance of Counsel claim?

No he has not ,since day 32 !

It would not suprise me if an attempt at appeal is made on this issue,but for much of this time JB has had some of the "best" :waitasec: lawyers in the country working on the defense team on behalf of ICA. That makes ineffective counsel a higher hurdle to get over,IMO.
Ineffective assistance of counsel is predicated on two things:

1. the attorney's failure to give adequate counsel thus violating the defendant's 6th amendment rights
2. the attorney's failure to give adequate counsel deprived the defendant of a fair trial; in other words, were it not for the failures of the attorney, a different outcome or verdict would have occurred

Anyone claiming ineffective assistance of counsel must prove both of those facts, not just one.

(I researched this issue very early on in this case.)

No he has not ,since day 32 !

It would not suprise me if an attempt at appeal is made on this issue,but for much of this time JB has had some of the "best" :waitasec: lawyers in the country working on the defense team on behalf of ICA. That makes ineffective counsel a higher hurdle to get over,IMO.
True, and I think AZLawyer agrees with you. He may be a poor Lead counsel, but he gets advice from Cheney Mason, Dorothy Simms, Ann Finnell, and he had Andrea Lyons and others who also have experience, so I also don't think ineffective counsel will fly...
aedrys said:
i've wondered about that too. I wonder if he asked her in chambers if she was still happy with her defense team. It could have involved plea talk as well. They were in there for awhile. But whatever happened, she came back out crying. I just can't believe talking about the jury would make her cry. it would have to be something more about casey, not the jury, which she probably doesn't give two flips about. I wonder if she is finally realizing that a plea may be in her best interest at this point, and she hates it. I'm sure hhjp made her very aware of how real and how close this trial is to starting. No more fun and games is what i am sure he got across to her. Casey when she came out reminded me of that one time she got lectured, i think by hhjs. It was the one time we saw her shed real tears, but only for herself. Who knows. I wish i could have been a fly on the wall for casey in chambers.

whoa...when did this take place? How did i miss this? His honor had her and her team in chambers? Were the sa's there as well? Jmho

justice for caylee

..the last part of the april 15 hearing.

..and once they return from the behind closed doors meeting-----you'll notice kc doesn't say a word to "her boys" for the entire 9 plus minutes that they sit together until court is called to recess.

[ame=""]YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel[/ame]
[ame=""]CMA Hearing 04/15/11 - Part 09[/ame]
Thank you LaurieJ...I don't see any tears, just a perterbed appears she's holding back a 'smirk' tears whatsoever...but I believe she may have lots to comtemplate...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Even if I thought so before, I no longer believe she will offer a plea. If she does, there's no more court outings, no more street clothes, no more seeing and being seen in public, no more checking out blackberrys, no more footsie with her DT, and no more being the center of attention. The moment she pleads, it's straight to prison for her and she knows it.

She took 31 days as far as she could take it. She walked to the end of the hallway before she stopped. She won't plead. What she's got might not be my idea of freedom but she'll keep it as is as long as she can. MOO.
Logicalgirl -- I also thought it was related to the mental health experts issue the first time I watched it (the evening of the hearing), but something about the timing was bothering me. I went back and watched it again the next day when I wasn't so tired and, if I'm not mistaken, JB had announced he was withdrawing the experts PRIOR to the in-camera meeting. That's why I've been racking my brain to figure out what they could have been discussing ... and my brain keeps going back to a plea deal.

I also thought ICA looked like she had been crying when she came out of the meeting, but it's difficult to tell for sure. She definitely did not look happy.

Yes, I think you are quite right. Initially watching the hearing, I was more focused on CJBP not letting the experts in for a conversation with JB, and wasn't really paying much attention to the results of that meeting, but vaguely remember noticing ICA did not interact with "her team" after that. I also wonder if the Judge was reminding ICA of the severity of this trial and the risk to her at trial, and reminding her she has options of a plea right up to the trial.

But it was definitely some sobering moments to everyone who was in the room. And I believe there was no smirk from ICA when she left the courtroom that day. We'll see if there is any big change of attitude on Monday now we've seen the result of all these motions.

Since I don't believe in coincidences, I'm not surprised that this "special" on JB is running at the same time as all of these motions being denied.

Good try JB, but you don't have that kind of "star quality" - we noticed the denied motions "BigTime"!!! Didya hear the corks popping???:great:
Yes, I think you are quite right. Initially watching the hearing, I was more focused on CJBP not letting the experts in for a conversation with JB, and wasn't really paying much attention to the results of that meeting, but vaguely remember noticing ICA did not interact with "her team" after that. I also wonder if the Judge was reminding ICA of the severity of this trial and the risk to her at trial, and reminding her she has options of a plea right up to the trial.

But it was definitely some sobering moments to everyone who was in the room. And I believe there was no smirk from ICA when she left the courtroom that day. We'll see if there is any big change of attitude on Monday now we've seen the result of all these motions.

Since I don't believe in coincidences, I'm not surprised that this "special" on JB is running at the same time as all of these motions being denied.

Good try JB, but you don't have that kind of "star quality" - we noticed the denied motions "BigTime"!!! Didya hear the corks popping???:great:

Ooh, that's a good point. Maybe he's been saying nice things about her like how smart she is because she's very angry at him? I wondered why all of a sudden he's doing this long interview and acting like Casey is a saint and he's a perfect lawyer. I think he's doing it more for Casey than anyone else. Maybe that meeting in camera finally shook her faith in him?

And I'm sorry if I confused anyone. I didn't actually see it, but I thought people said she was crying when she came out. She was definitely upset, though. Whatever happened in chambers did not make her happy at all.
If there is to be a deal, I believe it will take place right after the defense gets a look at the jury. If they suspect they have gotten someone who can be manipulated on the jury, no deal. But if they get a jury of "real" people, a deal will follow, IMO.
Not gonna convince ICA to take a plea deal. ICA doesn't want to go to the Big House, she likes her dorm room here with commissary privileges. ICA simply will not tell the truth about how she murdered Caylee Marie. She wants this trial to linger on, for she is a VIP and the star of the entire country. Everyone will be watching, and she is going to look good. Casey was the “Event Planner” and this event was her punishment for CA. Nobody gets away with choking and threatening ICA, so CA got what she deserved. ICA is sure the jury will sympathize with her when they see CA up on the stand, flaring her nostrils, glaring at the SA, bearing herself like the grief-stricken grandma, and wearing her trauma like a tiara, tissues in hand. The jury will see CA the control freak made ICA do it. The jury will understand that ICA had to "save" Caylee Marie from the same stark raving mad temper tantrums meted out by CA. Maybe CA will cause a mistrial.
For sure, JB wants no plea. He is enjoying the media attention he has worked so hard for. He regards himself as the most coveted attorney in the state, even the entire country, with this high stakes trial. He loves being on camera, showing off with his “posing: and smirks. Smirks aren’t smart, but JB thinks they make the SA nervous, just like his pen clicking.
This is what bugs me and to a fair degree could end up bugging many board members who think she is guilty of 1st Degree Murder: From what I can see, Jose Baez doesn't seem to be acting in Anthony's best interest nor providing effective representation. How does all this sit for a potential ineffective assistance of Counsel claim?

Snipped and BBM

I've questioned reason(s) behind this trial moving forward as it has with all the evidence that has been presented in this case. I wonder if it's not because of a combination of the above mentioned reasons. Is Baez advising her that she has a chance to beat this or is Casey the one deluding herself thinking she can and Baez has no other choice but to defend her like she wants him to? Does that make sense?
Casey believes she will get away with killing Caylee. Nobody has made her be responsible for her actions before and she feels she can do it again. JB feeds into her privelaged attitude and tells her what she wants to hear. Casey loves the attention, as well as JB, and they will go the whole "mile" to stay in the lime light. Casey will pretend to herself until the jury comes back with a guilty verdict. No thought in what she has done or the outcome. To be honest, I see Casey forever telling stories to herself and anyone else that will listenl in jail.

Yes the SA's were in there too. I didn't see her crying though, but to be honest, I didn't really pay attention. I was watching the Attorney's reactions.

I didn't see her crying either, in fact I thought when she got back to the defense table she had that ugly little quirk to her mouth which says to me 'I"m going to pretend to suppress this smile of contempt", of course I maybe a little biased.
True, and I think AZLawyer agrees with you. He may be a poor Lead counsel, but he gets advice from Cheney Mason, Dorothy Simms, Ann Finnell, and he had Andrea Lyons and others who also have experience, so I also don't think ineffective counsel will fly...

I agree. There are lots of experienced attorneys onboard to outweigh those concerns.

Also, it is easier to win an Ineffective Counsel appeal if one's attorney was inattentive and did little to nothing in terms of defense. There have been some attorneys who literally fell asleep during the trial. But Baez has submitted a zillion defense motions and made a gazillion rambling speeches, so it will be harder to prove he was not putting forth an effort.
Why should she agree to any plea deal? If she would doesn't it kill her chances of any appeals to try to wiggle out of the punishment she is given for her crime?
If she is sentenced as a result on a verdict by Jury, isn't she free then to do appeal after appeal and free to get it overturned or get a pardon or the like?
I didn't see her crying either, in fact I thought when she got back to the defense table she had that ugly little quirk to her mouth which says to me 'I"m going to pretend to suppress this smile of contempt", of course I maybe a little biased.

I didn't see anything resembling crying either. She came back and sat straight faced, drumming her fingers on the table.
Pizzed, I would say.:twocents:

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