Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #12

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I found the PLO website , a little bit ago.
I'm going to link the President Page an easy to read, the two state approach.
Two states, one-former Israel and the WB and Gaza would be the second state. It would be called the Nation of Palestine.
The capital for each state would be east or west Jerusalem.
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5 hours ago

The IDF carried out what it says are two "brigade-level" raids in the West Bank's Jenin refugee camp and Balata refugee camp, detaining suspects and seizing weapons.

In all, 38 wanted Palestinians were arrested in overnight raids, including some 20 in Jenin and Balata.

The IDF says troops clashed with Palestinian gunmen in both camps.

It says that in Balata, troops seized several firearms and explosive devices. In Jenin, troops found a destroyed a cache of explosive devices near a mosque, three command rooms, and seized several firearms.

Troops also clashed with Palestinian rioters in the West Bank village of Tamun, near Tubas, and in the Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem.

According to Palestinian media, one Palestinian was killed in Jenin, and a second in Dheisheh.

Since Oct. 7, the IDF says troops have arrested some 1,800 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank, including more than 1,100 affiliated with Hamas.

westbank1.jpg westbank2.jpg

5 hours ago

IDF says several "suspicious aerial targets" entered Israeli airspace earlier. Air defense missiles were fired, and the IDF says the incident is over.Separately, several mortars and missiles were fired from Lebanon at areas along the border, causing no injuries, according to the IDF.It says troops are responding with artillery shelling at the sources of the fire.

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for at least seven attacks on Israeli army positions along the Lebanon border today.

3 hours ago

IDF says two rockets fired from Lebanon at the Margaliot and Kfar Giladi areas on the border. Both landed in open areas, causing no injuries. Troops responding with artillery shelling.
Hamas doesn't want peace... they WANT terrorism. The only thing that will save the Palestinian people is to obliterate Hamas and all terrorist organizations. Hamas has not (and will not) protect the people nor the land of Gaza. Hamas has declared the Palestinians of Gaza expendable... they didn't get them out of harms way... they told them to stay. It's too late for hand-wringing for Gaza citizens... Hamas created the death and destruction there. And, Hamas will repeat the process if given a chance. Protesting against Israel after a Hamas-led massacre as occurred on 10/7 is not beneficial to a world that wants peace. To truly show support for peace throughout the world is only done by standing together with Israel, standing firm... against Hamas.

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Police deny the Haaretz report claiming an IDF combat helicopter hit partygoers at the rave near Re'im while attacking Hamas terrorists on October 7.

"Contrary to the report, the police investigation does not refer to the activity of IDF forces and therefore no indication was given of harm to civilians as a result of aerial activity at the site," a statement says.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi following an assessment at the Southern Command approved plans for the continuation of the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip, the military says.
COS Halevi.jpg
An overwhelming majority of voters (73 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States, while 19 percent think it is not in the national interest of the United States. This is largely unchanged from Quinnipiac University's October 17 poll.

That is political expediency, IMO. People are most concerned with their own well being and safety first; so it will be interesting if the changing opinions will eventually affect that number.

“A similar question elicited an even bigger shift in a new NPR/PBS/Marist College poll. While last month 35 percent of Democrats said Israel’s response was “too much,” that number has now risen to a majority: 56 percent.”

“The Marist poll also showed Democrats’ approval of Biden on this issue dropping from 77 percent to 60 percent. Biden came out strongly in support of Israel early on and has mostly stuck to that, though he and his administration have moderated their tone somewhat in recent weeks and taken issue with certain actions by Israel.”
I found the PLO website , a little bit ago.
I'm going to link the President Page an easy to read, the two state approach.
Two states, one-former Israel and the WB and Gaza would be the second state. It would be called the Nation of Palestine.
The capital for each state would be east or west Jerusalem.

But what does Israel want? I think that has to be the determining factor. The UN can pass whatever resolution it wants, but they can't tell a sovereign nation what to do. They can impose sanctions, etc. but that is about it. And I doubt that the U.S. will vote against what Israel wants, although they could abstain if a vote by the UN Security Council was ever taken.

There are Arabic countries, of course, in the Middle East that want the two-state solution, but the Iranian axis wants a one-state solutuion and to obliterate Israel as a sovereign nation.

All the Arabic sovereign nations like Egypt, Jordan, etc. don't want more Palestinians in their countries, they want stability and not to have Hamas terrorists infiltrate their countries along with other Palestinians.

I also don't think Israel will agree to dividing Jerusalem as part of a two-state solution.

Police deny the Haaretz report claiming an IDF combat helicopter hit partygoers at the rave near Re'im while attacking Hamas terrorists on October 7.

"Contrary to the report, the police investigation does not refer to the activity of IDF forces and therefore no indication was given of harm to civilians as a result of aerial activity at the site," a statement says.

49min ago

Israel Police slams ‘Haaretz’ claim IDF helicopter may have harmed civilians on Oct. 7

The statement calls on news outlets to “take responsibility for their publications and only base stories on official sources.”

Elements of the Haaretz article were taken widely out of context on social media and used to blame Israel for hundreds of civilian deaths on October 7, none of which has any basis in fact and in extensive reporting about the massacre.
36min ago

France says it is sending warship to provide medical aid to Gaza this week

France is preparing to send its Dixmude helicopter carrier to the eastern Mediterranean to offer medical assistance in Gaza, the office of the French president says.

The Dixmude will set sail “at the start of the week and arrive in Egypt in the coming days,” President Emmanuel Macron’s office says. A charter flight carrying more than 10 tons of medical supplies is also planned for the start of the week.

“France will also contribute to the European effort with medical equipment on board European flights on November 23 and 30,” the presidential office says.

7min ago

Home Front Command says schools in Tel Aviv, central area should return to normal

The Home Front Command issues new regulations saying that schooling in Tel Aviv and other towns in the Dan area of the center can return to fully normal operations starting tomorrow.


Rocket fire from Gaza has lessened significantly over the past couple weeks compared to the early weeks of the war, although there is still sporadic fire toward the center of the country.
Video at link..
Nov. 19, 2023, 11:59 AM EST
By Raf Sanchez
''TEL AVIV — The video shows a drab office, a young Palestinian man sitting hunched and grimacing in front of a desk.
He’s in handcuffs, his left hand wrapped in a bandage, and is wearing a brown prison uniform''.

''In response to questions from an unseen interrogator, the man at first acknowledges being a member of Hamas. Pushed, he says he’s part of the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing. Pushed again, he says he is from the Nukhba Force, an elite commando unit.
The young man is one of around 50 suspected Hamas commandos who were the focus of one of the most intense and high-stakes interrogation programs in Israeli history, according to the Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security agency''.

''This account of the interrogation program is based on a series of videos released publicly by the Shin Bet as well as an interview with Shalom Ben Hanan, a veteran intelligence officer who retired last year but returned to service after Oct. 7 and sat in on the interrogations. He was authorized by the Shin Bet to speak publicly.
“Sometimes you feel like you want to kill him with your bare hands, but you do nothing,” Ben Hanan told NBC News.''
11min ago

New IDF footage reveals part of Hamas’s tunnel network under Shifa Hospital in Gaza

These images taken from an IDF video published November 19, 2023, show a Hamas tunnel found under Gaza City's Shifa Hospital. (Israel Defense Forces)
These images taken from an IDF video published November 19, 2023, show a Hamas tunnel found under Gaza City's Shifa Hospital. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security agency release new footage showing part of Hamas’s tunnel network underneath Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, where the terror group is believed to have a main command center.

Clips are published from two separate devices that were lowered into a tunnel entrance discovered by the IDF on Thursday in the Shifa complex.


The new videos show that the tunnel shaft has a winding staircase from around three meters deep, continuing down for another seven meters until it reaches part of the tunnel network. The tunnel continues for five meters, before turning to the right and continuing for another 50 meters.

At the end of the tunnel, the footage reveals a blast door with what the IDF says is a gunhole for Hamas to shoot through.

“This type of door is used by the Hamas terror organization to block the ability of our forces to enter the organization’s headquarters and underground assets,” the IDF says.


The IDF and Shin Bet say they are continuing to operate at Shifa to expose Hamas’s tunnel network in the area.

''Nov 19, 2023 #GlobalNews #Israel #Gaza
Israeli forces continue to pound what it says are Hamas targets — but behind the scenes, the two sides appear to be talking through intermediaries. Mediators from U.S. and Qatar have been working for weeks to broker a deal on the release of hostages and a potential pause in the fighting. The Washington Post is reporting that an agreement is done and could come into effect within the next several days.Some of the details are still being worked out, but it would reportedly mean Hamas would release 50 hostages. In return, Israel would freeze combat operations for five days and allow more aid into Gaza. The Qatari prime minister said Sunday there have been ups and downs in the negotiations, but that he’s confident the two sides are close to a deal.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still saying he won’t buckle to international pressure for a ceasefire, but he has also been under pressure at home. There have been several rallies this weekend calling on Netanyahu to free the hostages.If there’s a deal, it would mean a pause in fighting that would open the flow of aid into Gaza. If there isn’t a deal, it looks more and more likely that Israel’s preparing to expand its ground offensive into southern Gaza. Global’s Mike Armstrong reports.''
I am not gonna lose track of the wee ones.
Patients pleaded with WHO for evacuation on Saturday.

KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip (AP) — Thirty-one “very sick” premature babies were safely transferred from Gaza’s main hospital to another in the south on Sunday, and will be moved to Egypt on Monday, health officials said, as scores of other critically wounded patients remained stranded there days after Israeli forces entered the compound.
World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on social media that the “very sick” babies were evacuated along with six health workers and 10 staff family members. They were taken in ambulances of the Palestinian Red Crescent to a hospital in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where they were receiving urgent care.

The babies suffered from dehydration, vomiting, hypothermia and some had sepsis because they didn’t receive any medication, and they had not been in “suitable conditions for them to stay alive,” said Mohamed Zaqout, director of Gaza hospitals. They’ll go to Egypt for more specialized care, he said.

A WHO team that visited the hospital on Saturday said 291 patients were still there, including the babies, trauma patients with severely infected wounds, and others with spinal injuries who are unable to move. Four babies died in the two days before their visit, according to Zaqout.
About 2,500 displaced people, mobile patients and medical staff left Shifa Hospital on Saturday morning, the WHO said. It said 25 medical staff remained, along with the patients.

“Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health, and pleaded for evacuation,” the agency said, describing Shifa as a death zone
Following the operation, items seized were put on display and they included guns, ammunition, rockets and lap tops and other documents which were being examined by intelligence chiefs.
In addition, 35 tunnel shafts were discovered and a training camp used by Hamas military intelligence was also stormed with 'several terrorists' killed.

The Rimal neighbourhood is considered the luxury district of the Gaza Strip, where senior commanders of Hamas lived and used the civilian space for activity and directing terrorism.
Red emphasis mine.

But of course the senior Hamas would live in a luxury area.
Never mind about putting civilian in harm's way.
35 tunnel shafts... Bet there are many more !
36min ago

France says it is sending warship to provide medical aid to Gaza this week

France is preparing to send its Dixmude helicopter carrier to the eastern Mediterranean to offer medical assistance in Gaza, the office of the French president says.

The Dixmude will set sail “at the start of the week and arrive in Egypt in the coming days,” President Emmanuel Macron’s office says. A charter flight carrying more than 10 tons of medical supplies is also planned for the start of the week.

“France will also contribute to the European effort with medical equipment on board European flights on November 23 and 30,” the presidential office says.

7min ago

Home Front Command says schools in Tel Aviv, central area should return to normal

The Home Front Command issues new regulations saying that schooling in Tel Aviv and other towns in the Dan area of the center can return to fully normal operations starting tomorrow.


Rocket fire from Gaza has lessened significantly over the past couple weeks compared to the early weeks of the war, although there is still sporadic fire toward the center of the country.
WHO can't even get the babies out.

How in the world is WHO gonna pull off airlifting patients out?

Don't think Hamas is going to let anyone go voluntarily.
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