Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #12

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49min ago

Israel Police slams ‘Haaretz’ claim IDF helicopter may have harmed civilians on Oct. 7

The statement calls on news outlets to “take responsibility for their publications and only base stories on official sources.”

Elements of the Haaretz article were taken widely out of context on social media and used to blame Israel for hundreds of civilian deaths on October 7, none of which has any basis in fact and in extensive reporting about the massacre.
Here's a related link on Telegram: Amir Tsarfati
I've had the same concerns of pregnancy for the women and teenage females taken hostage.

I get so upset, I can't read some of the horrific acts that were committed.
This is so disturbing to think about. They have been held for so long and we know the atrocities committed on Oct 7th so what's to stop these terrorists from continuing to commit the same things over and over to these women? I wonder if there has been ANY proof of life sent for any of them since they were taken? Perhaps these "deals" keep getting shut down because there is no proof of life and a cease fire just gives HAMAS more time.. Why would they want to release women they have brutalized so they can tell the world what happened? These are things I think about when I see things about deals for women and children. Are they even alive and what has been happening to them all this time. HAMAS certainly didn't hold back on Oct 7th.. so I doubt they just decided to be decent humans after that.
“Every Palestinian knows that Shifa hospital is full of them, but nobody can talk. From the day they (Hamas) arrived we have endured catastrophe.”

Listen to Palestinians in Gaza share what it’s like living under Hamas in their own voices:
Seems like Israel eradicating HAMAS benefits the Palestinians as much if not more than Israelis. If they wish to have elections and not live under HAMAS's rule then this will benefit them all. If they couldn't get rid of HAMAS on their own and nobody wants to go against them or talk about where they are or what they do, then Israel is certainly helping them by eliminating them so they can make changes and establish a government that actually wants to help them better their lives.
For perspective on the W.H.O. and the U.N., and how they value women and infants, this article was published 5 days ago. Since we have been shocked at the lack of moral standing and action to protect women and children since October 7, it helps to know that their current actions (and lack thereof) are not inconsistent with broader global policies and decisions.

3min ago

Netanyahu slams ‘preposterous’ Palestinian Authority claim Israel carried out Oct. 7 massacre


“Today, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something utterly preposterous. It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza,” Netanyahu says in a video statement released in Hebrew and English. “It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth.”


Netanyahu says that PA President Mahmoud Abbas, “who in the past has denied the existence of the Holocaust, today is denying the existence of the Hamas massacre and that’s unacceptable.”

The US and others have pushed the idea that the PA will rule the Gaza Strip following the Israel-Hamas war, something Netanyahu has pushed back against strongly, a sentiment he now reiterates.

“My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civil administration in Gaza does not deny the massacre, does not educate its children to become terrorists, does not pay for terrorists and does not tell its children that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel,” he says. “That’s not acceptable and that is not the way to achieve peace.”
This is so disturbing to think about. They have been held for so long and we know the atrocities committed on Oct 7th so what's to stop these terrorists from continuing to commit the same things over and over to these women? I wonder if there has been ANY proof of life sent for any of them since they were taken? Perhaps these "deals" keep getting shut down because there is no proof of life and a cease fire just gives HAMAS more time.. Why would they want to release women they have brutalized so they can tell the world what happened? These are things I think about when I see things about deals for women and children. Are they even alive and what has been happening to them all this time. HAMAS certainly didn't hold back on Oct 7th.. so I doubt they just decided to be decent humans after that.
I agree, have had those exact thoughts.

To add, a whole team of extraordinary international attorneys are waiting in Israel to file war crime claims with the ICC.

I don't see the women being released, unless elderly.
9min ago

IDF, Shin Bet say they have arrested over 100 Hamas operatives in Gaza in recent days

The Shin Bet security agency and the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate’s Unit 504 — which specializes in HUMINT (human intelligence) — arrested more than 100 terror operatives in the Gaza Strip in recent days, including members of Hamas’s Nukhba forces who participated in the October 7 onslaught.

A joint Shin Bet and IDF statement says forces have been carrying out interrogations of suspects in Gaza, and have taken more than 100 operatives for questioning in Israel.

It says members of Hamas’s Nukhba forces, rocket array, sniper array, explosive experts and logistics officers were arrested, and in their interrogation, they provided information on the locations of the terror group’s tunnels and weapons caches.

Hamas spent 15 years building its battlefield beneath homes, beneath cities, beneath a million children.

It did so with one purpose: To protect itself from reprisals for its atrocities.

Hating us isn’t enough. If that’s your only response, you’re not paying attention.

The @IDF continues to expose the Shifa Terror Complex under the hospital.

Soldiers exposed a 55m-long terror tunnel 10m deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex.

A deep staircase leads to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, with a blast-proof door and a firing hole.
A bomb squad in Lakewood, New Jersey, found and removed a grenade that was taped to a pole near a synagogue on Sunday morning.

According to police, at about 8 a.m., the grenade was found strapped to utility pole at the intersection of Forest Avenue and 4th Street in Lakewood, near the Satmar Shul synagogue.

The bomb squad removed the item and, as reported by the Lakewood Scoop, the grenade was found to be empty and uncapable to detonating.

The IDF calls the hijacking of the GALAXY LEADER cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea "a very grave incident of global consequence."The IDF says the ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. "It is not an Israeli ship."
Wow and the US is providing humanitarian aid while they buy missiles and pirate ships. HUM....

FEBRUARY 27, 2023
Today, I am announcing our contribution of more than $444 million, exemplifying the continued generosity of the people of the United States for the people of Yemen. As one of the largest donors, this brings our total to the humanitarian response in Yemen to over $5.4 billion since the conflict began. The United States’ commitment to alleviating the suffering of millions from the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen remain.
From your post
BREAKING: The IDF calls the hijacking of the GALAXY LEADER cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea "a very grave incident of global consequence."The IDF says the ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. "It is not an Israeli ship."

9:21 AM · Nov 19, 2023
The director-general of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has confirmed that 31 “very sick babies” were evacuated from al-Shifa hospital, along with six health workers and 10 staff (and) family members. He also said further missions were being planned to evacuate other remaining patients and health staff out of the hospital, pending guarantees of safe passage.

View attachment 462255
@WHO has led a second @UN and @PalestineRCS mission to Al-Shifa Hospital in #Gaza today, under extremely intense and high-risk security conditions. 31 very sick babies were evacuated, along with 6 health workers and 10 staff family members. 6 Palestine Red Crescent ambulances were used for the transfer. The babies were taken to Al-Helal Al-Emairati Maternity Hospital, where they are receiving urgent care in the neonatal intensive care unit. Further missions are being planned to urgently transport remaining patients and health staff out of Al-Shifa Hospital, pending guarantees of safe passage by parties to the conflict. We’re deeply moved and impressed by the extraordinary bravery and service of the health workers in Gaza, who continue to serve under the most dire and difficult circumstances. We are grateful for the collaboration with Palestine Red Crescent, UN, and other partners.

I thought they were meaning family of the babies, but I guess they mean family of the staff? So have they ever mentioned family of the babies??
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Quote from the Israel Defence Forces (IDF): "Today, Hamas's tunnelling infrastructure was exposed inside the hospital," the Israeli military said.

Details: CNN notes that the military has also posted photos and videos.

The Israeli special forces carried out a raid on the largest hospital in Gaza early in the morning on 15 November, after asserting several weeks ago that an underground command and control centre of HAMAS was located there.

Doctors and health officials in the enclave controlled by HAMAS consistently deny these accusations.
Red bolding mine.
Would like to know which doctors and health officials are under orders from Hamas ?

Also from the link :
Reportedly, the video provided by Israel shows bare ground and a hole in it. The sides of the shaft appear to be reinforced with concrete. Close to the surface, exposed pipes and cables are also visible.
At a certain point, the camera changes angle to show one of the main hospital buildings, approximately 30 metres from the opening.
My opinion on this paragraph from the link is that since the IDF is there in person and we are not, I'm going with their assessment and photographic proof.

The IDF mentioned that military personnel also found a booby-trapped car nearby with numerous weapons and ammunition inside.

In a televised briefing on the evening of 16 November, IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that Israeli engineers were working to identify the tunnel's infrastructure.
Red emph. mine.
First bolded : It's important that the IDF films this accurately to show where they are and how close the tunnels are to a hospital.
Second bolded : Like the IDF is wading through a minefield.
Kudos to the IDF for placing their lives on the line.

The CNN link for this article is much longer and covers more information, so it's nice to have this part encapsulated for easier reading.

43m ago / 9:59 AM PST

Nearly 800 people evacuate through Rafah crossing​

Almost 800 people traveled through the Rafah crossing out of Gaza and into Egypt today.

A total of 790 people evacuated, including at least 63 medical patients, while 40 aid trucks departed to help with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

12m ago / 10:30 AM PST

IDF releases footage it says shows tunnel under Al-Shifa Hospital​

“The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles,” the IDF said. It said its forces were continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel. Earlier in the day, IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari had said special forces were operating a “shaft that we discovered last night” at the hospital.

The IDF and Shin Bet security agency release new footage showing part of Hamas’s tunnel network underneath Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, where the terror group is believed to have a main command center.Clips are published from two separate devices that were lowered into a tunnel entrance discovered by the IDF on Thursday in the Shifa complex.The tunnel shaft had been located on the hospital grounds under a canopy, where IDF troops had also found a Hamas pickup truck with weapons in it, similar to those used by the terror group in the October 7 attacks.The new videos show that the tunnel shaft has a winding staircase from around three meters deep, continuing down for another seven meters until it reaches part of the tunnel network. The tunnel continues for five meters, before turning to the right and continuing for another 50 meters.At the end of the tunnel, the footage reveals a blast door with what the IDF says is a gunhole for Hamas to shoot through.“This type of door is used by the Hamas terror organization to block the ability of our forces to enter the organization's headquarters and underground assets,” the IDF says.“The findings prove beyond all doubt that buildings in the hospital complex are used as infrastructure for the Hamas terror organization, for terror activity. This is further proof of the cynical use that the Hamas terror organization makes of the residents of the Gaza Strip as a human shield for its murderous terror activities,” the IDF adds.The IDF and Shin Bet say they are continuing to operate at Shifa to expose Hamas’s tunnel network in the area.

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