Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #12

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The IDF calls the hijacking of the GALAXY LEADER cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea "a very grave incident of global consequence."The IDF says the ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. "It is not an Israeli ship."
Just curious. Do we think that operational tunnel shaft at al-Shifa is "bait", or one Hamas just neglected to block?
It very well could be bait and the IDF knows it. People have been calling out Israel because they have not revealed the Hamas Command Center which is reported to be under the hospital. Early reports indicated that IDF forces had located hospital areas that were blocked by concrete and which they believed may lead to tunnels.
I imagine the logistics here were extremely complicated. They entered this vast compound and have thousands incredibly sick and injured patients, medical staff, people who have sheltered there, and who only knows how many Hamas terrorists dispersed among them.
IDF did not enter the hospital shooting everyone in sight and blasting away the concrete barriers.They methodically sorted and vetted the people they found inside then slowly examined the infrastructure. If they inadvertently detonated a booby-trapped corridor or tunnel, they would be blamed for the deaths of innocents.
Now that it appears all remaining patients and medical staff will be evacuated from the hospital, IDF forces can be more indiscriminate in how they approach these barriers and tunnels.

For the first time, one of the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue battalions, made up of male and female combat soldiers, is operating in the Gaza Strip.The soldiers of the mixed-gender unit have been carrying out tasks “according to their expertise,” the IDF says, including breaches into buildings and searches for Hamas weaponry.Dozens of soldiers from the unit are currently operating in the Gaza Strip, and around 40% of them are women. The Search and Rescue Brigade also sent engineers to Gaza to advise ground forces on whether or not a damaged building is safe to enter.
“But new polling shows that aligning strongly with Israel is becoming an increasingly difficult sales pitch with Biden’s own base.
Three new polls this week showed how views of the war have shifted since last month. And in all three, there’s evidence of Democrats souring in their views of Israel’s cause and conduct.”

“A new Quinnipiac poll released Thursday showed that has flipped, with Democrats now sympathizing more with the Palestinians (41 percent to 34 percent).”

“The Quinnipiac poll also showed Democrats disapproved of Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attack more than 2-to-1, 60 percent to 27 percent. And it showed the percentage of Democrats saying the United States is too supportive of Israel rising from 28 percent to 39 percent.”


Former Iranian Ambassador to Australia and Mexico Mohammad-Hassan Ghadiri-Abyaneh: The Jews Are Evil; They Drink the Blood of Muslim Children, Rip Open the Chests of Wounded Prisoners, Take Their Hearts Out, and Sell Them

**Pro-Palestinians really believe this idiot? (My personal question!)

Former Iranian Ambassador to Australia and Mexico Mohammad-Hassan Ghadiri-Abyaneh: The Jews Are Evil; They Drink the Blood of Muslim Children, Rip Open the Chests of Wounded Prisoners, Take Their Hearts Out, and Sell Them

**Pro-Palestinians really believe this idiot? (My personal question!)

Sounds like he has seen that indiana jones movie. Temple of doom?
I've spent hours looking for the government office Hamas or Gaza website. Nope not one, all are from organizations.

Would you happen to have any information regarding Gaza constitutional structure and laws they operate under?

I'm interested in direct confirmation, seek information on why no elections or how to invoke a new election.

Thanks for your help!! Yea, I'm one of those nerds who loves reading government documents.
ETA... If anyone in our community has a link or information, please hit me up
This is the Charter of Hamas from 1988

Hamas 2017 Principles and Policies

#Iranian Politician: 'We Are Holding Hostages From The Superpowers Located In The Region That Might Strike Us – And We Can Eliminate Them Within 30 Or 60 Minutes'; Later He Clarifies: I Was Talking About #Israel, US Military Bases In Region


Former Iranian Ambassador to Australia and Mexico Mohammad-Hassan Ghadiri-Abyaneh: The Jews Are Evil; They Drink the Blood of Muslim Children, Rip Open the Chests of Wounded Prisoners, Take Their Hearts Out, and Sell Them

**Pro-Palestinians really believe this idiot? (My personal question!)

i think the term pro Palestine means different things to different people, IMO.

For example, I am anti Hamas and horrified by their actions in October. However, I am also against the slaughter of innocent Gazan and West Bank Palestinians.

I don’t believe a word that former ambassador said, and am disgusted by it.

Hamas continues to document its own war crimes. Today it released this footage of its terrorists blowing up the Rantisi Children’s Hospital!
A bit more info:

2hr ago

Hamas publishes video showing terror operatives storming Gaza’s Rantisi Hospital

This screenshot from a Hamas video published November 19, 2023, shows terror operatives storming Gaza's Rantisi Hospital. (Screenshot: X)
This screenshot from a Hamas video published November 19, 2023, shows terror operatives storming Gaza's Rantisi Hospital. (Screenshot: X)

A video published by Hamas shows three armed terror operatives running into Gaza City’s Rantisi Hospital after apparently spotting Israeli forces there.

Hamas describes the trio as “martyrdom fighters,” possibly indicating they had suicide vests.

The video shows two blasts, the first apparently following an RPG fired by Hamas at the hospital building, while the origin of the second is unclear.

The IDF has previously shown evidence of Hamas suicide vests found in the Gaza Strip.
2hr ago

IDF confirms Houthis hijacked ship in Red Sea, says it is not an Israeli vessel

There are no Israelis among the crew aboard the Galaxy Leader ship. Arabic-language media outlets say there are 52 crew members aboard the vessel.

The Bahaman-flagged vessel is registered under a British company, which is partially owned by Israeli tycoon Abraham Ungar, who goes by Rami. The vessel was leased out to a Japanese company at the time of the hijacking.

The Iran-backed Houthis have vowed to target Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea.

2hr ago

Israel slams ‘Iranian terrorism’ as responsible for hijacking of ship by Houthis

The PMO says the vessel is a British ship, being operated by a Japanese company that was “hijacked on an Iranian whim by the Houthi militia in Yemen.”

The statement says there were 25 crew members on board from Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Philippines and Mexico, but no Israelis on the ship.

“This is another act of Iranian terrorism which expresses a leap forward in Iranian aggression against citizens of the free world, and creates international implications when it comes to the security of global shipping routes,” the statement adds.
1hr ago

US official says sides ‘closer than we have been’ to hostage deal, but gaps remain

US deputy national security adviser Jon Finer tells NBC’s “Meet The Press” that “we are closer than we have been” to a deal securing the release of hostages in Gaza but there are still several outstanding issues.

He tells CBS’s “Face the Nation” that “gaps have narrowed” in recent days in the talks.

1hr ago

West Bank highway collapses due to heavy rainstorm

A portion of the West Bank’s Route 449 collapsed under pressure from an intense rainstorm that is causing extreme weather across Israel, said the Israel Police.

The road is currently closed between the Israeli West Bank settlements of Rimonim and Mevo’ot Yeriho.

53min ago

Tens of thousands in Pakistan call for jihad against Israel

Amid anti-Israeli and anti-American slogans, the emotionally charged crowd also calls for jihad, or holy war.

Earlier this month, Jamaat-e-Islami held massive rallies in the port city of Karachi and the capital, Islamabad.

Supporters, including women and children, march for several kilometers to reach the location of the rally, holding banners and posters with slogans opposing Israel and the United States and in support of the Palestinians.
Entrenched in the The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” Document of General Principles and Policies is a definition of the territorial land of Palestine. I suppose this is why a two-state solution has been repeatedly rejected by the Hamas government. That is, they dispute the the two-state border because it does not align with what is written into their official documents as their definition of their land.

"2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to UmmAl-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity."

Unanswered questions...

How will citizens travel from Gaza to the West Bank?
Will Israel be forced by the UN to open the border?

Will Egypt keep their border open ?
“But new polling shows that aligning strongly with Israel is becoming an increasingly difficult sales pitch with Biden’s own base.
Three new polls this week showed how views of the war have shifted since last month. And in all three, there’s evidence of Democrats souring in their views of Israel’s cause and conduct.”

“A new Quinnipiac poll released Thursday showed that has flipped, with Democrats now sympathizing more with the Palestinians (41 percent to 34 percent).”

“The Quinnipiac poll also showed Democrats disapproved of Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attack more than 2-to-1, 60 percent to 27 percent. And it showed the percentage of Democrats saying the United States is too supportive of Israel rising from 28 percent to 39 percent.”

But the new poll also shows that -

An overwhelming majority of voters (73 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States, while 19 percent think it is not in the national interest of the United States. This is largely unchanged from Quinnipiac University's October 17 poll.
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