Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #13

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Israel may just have to swap Marwan Barghouti this time when it comes down to Hamas/ilk releasing Israeli soldiers and men.

There's quite a few articles on him now pertaining to future leadership.
He has been and remains President Abbas's worst nightmare for losing power to.
I read that.....
I don't know anything about the guy, well now I know a little bit. Pretty bad when it comes down to someone like him.

Hussein al-Sheikh, as secretary of the PLO executive committee, is favoured by the US because he is at least seen as practical. He speaks fluent Hebrew, and knows senior Israeli military officers and politicians well.

Marwan Barghouti would be a more plausible candidate, except he has been in prison since 2002, serving a life sentence for murder after leading the second intifada. He would probably have beaten Abbas in the cancelled 2021 elections for PA president, and according to recent polls would also beat the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh 60% to 37% – Abbas would not.

Another Abbas rival is Mohammad Dahlan, the former leader of Fatah in Gaza, who has the benefit of being born in a Gaza refugee camp. He is however seen as a creature of the UAE, one of the countries that normalised relations with Israel, something that Abbas regarded as a betrayal. Abbas expelled Dahlan from the Fatah movement in 2011, and has refused to reconcile with him despite pressure from Egypt and Jordan.

Those that challenge the authority of Abbas pay the price. Nasser al-Qudwa, Arafat’s nephew, was removed from Fatah’s central committee in May 2021 after he said he would form a joint list with Barghouti to challenge Abbas.

Similarly, the one internally generated attempt at PA reform – launched in 2010 and entitled Last Stretch to Freedom – ended in disaster for the then prime minister Salam Fayyad. His attempt to root out corruption ended with him being rooted out in 2013. He now lives in Princeton, New Jersey.
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Any word today on how Elma Abraham is doing?

"Elma was in Hamas captivity for 51 days and nights. She was kept in a harsh condition. She was denied lifesaving medication. She was not visited by the Red Cross."A message for the
@ICRC from IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari:
At the very least, it's my hope and wish that Elma Abraham regains enough consciousness to know that she is back in Israel, her home, with her own people who are caring for her. At the least.
That is what terrorists do. It is expected of them.

It is not expected that a civilised heavily armed modern state indiscriminately kills thousands of unarmed and unprotected civilians and expels survivors into the elements without any means of survival.

Being terrorists does NOT excuse them from being responsible for the people of Gaza. Hamas governs them. I believe we have all seen photos of weapons being stored under children's beds, in schools, around schools, in hospitals... which civilians were armed and which were not?? Who is wearing a suicide vest and who is not?? And, the thought that Israel (because it is NOT a terrorist state/organization) is responsible for EVERYONE is not possible during a war started by Gazan Hamas citizens.

45min ago

Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi said on list of 50 prisoners set for release in truce extension

Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, as she waits to meet with the Tunisian president in the capital Tunis on October 2, 2018. (FETHI BELAID / AFP / File)
Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, as she waits to meet with the Tunisian president in the capital Tunis on October 2, 2018. (FETHI BELAID / AFP / File)

Prominent Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi is said to be on the list approved earlier of 50 female Palestinian prisoners okayed for potential early release as part of an extended truce agreement with Hamas, according to reports in the Hebrew-language media.

Tamimi was arrested just three weeks ago after posting on social media that Palestinians will “slaughter” settlers and “drink your blood.”

“Our message to the herds of settlers is that we are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities, from Hebron to Jenin,” Tamimi wrote “We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke, we will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Come on, we’re waiting for you.”


I doubt she will be out for very long with the kind of venomous and violent threats that come out of her mouth.

"Truce between Israel and Hamas is extended for two days:

Relief in Gaza as deal is struck just a few hours before

four-day peace expired -

with additional hostages now due to be freed."


I doubt she will be out for very long with the kind of venomous and violent threats that come out of her mouth.
Her mom said her Instagram account was hacked.

There are links to articles about her in the AP article above.
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17min ago

Blinken to visit Israel again this week on 3rd trip to region since October 7

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will return this week to the Middle East as the US hopes to find a way to further extend a temporary ceasefire in Gaza and get more hostages released, the State Department said Monday.

It will be his third trip to the region since Hamas launched a war with Israel on October 7, when thousands of terrorists invaded southern Israeli communities, massacring 1,200 people, mostly civilians in their homes and at a music festival, and taking some 240 hostages.

Blinken will travel to Israel and the West Bank after attending Ukraine-focused meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels and Skopje, North Macedonia, where foreign ministers from NATO and the Organization for Peace and Security in Europe are gathering.

I don't think anyone disputes that - imo too - doesn't absolve Israel from what they are doing to innocent children.
ITA. Thousands showed up at the Israel PM's house the other day (link upthread) to protest what the IDF are doing to innocent civilian families, including children. It reminds me of the protests against the Vietnam War and all the civilian casualties. It was so bad, Pres. LBJ decided not to run for re-election. There is no justification for striking residential areas, schools, hospitals, refugee camps.


As the war dragged on, several factors crystallized American opposition to the war: the massacre at My Lai (1969) where up to 500 civilians were killed by US forces; expansion of the war to Cambodia (1970); and leak of the Pentagon papers (1971) revealing considerable discrepancies between government actions and public statements. As a result of increasing American public pressure on the U.S. and military pressure on the North, the parties to the conflict began negotiations that resulted in the Paris Peace Accords in January 1973, which governed U.S. withdrawal. Fighting continued between Vietnamese forces, with North Vietnamese forces gaining ground. They took the capitol, Saigon, on April 30, 1975, marking the definitive end to the war and the period of mass atrocities.

"Palestinian student shot in Vermont

will likely never walk again after having bullet lodged in his spine -

as cops say they don't have evidence yet to charge suspect Jason Eaton with hate crime."


Palestine is, on their own and quite separately from Israel, a signatory to the Geneva Conventions.

They have even acceded to the Rome Statute which others did not; but at the moment the humanitarian crisis within Gaza is as a result of direct Israeli actions which will resume immediately the ceasefire ends.​

What should Israel do to comply with international humanitarian law?

Israel has fundamental legal obligations to abide by during its campaign against Hamas. Heavily charged statements by some Israeli officials need to be separated from sound legal policy. In brief, Israel must meet several standards:​

  • It must not use starvation (including deprivation of food, water, and other essentials for survival) of Gaza’s civilian population as a weapon of war against Hamas or for any reason.
  • It must take every possible step to target only Hamas militants and their military infrastructure, and to minimize civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The Israeli air and artillery campaign, as well as its ground warfare, must be guided by the immutable legal principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity.
  • It must allow for the return of displaced civilians after the conflict. While a temporary evacuation of civilians from a theatre of combat can be legally requested, it would be unlawful to permanently displace the civilian population from their homes. The circumstances in Gaza today create enormous hardship for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and Israel should take measures to ameliorate these difficult conditions. The visits of U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East this week focused in part on what Israel and other nations and organizations can do to address the humanitarian plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

Thai nationals kidnapped to Gaza were taken for their ‘own protection,’ claims Hamas official​

The Hamas official claimed that Hamas terrorists were trying to protect the Thai nationals from Israeli authorities on October 7.​

Hamas Official Hisham Qasem, in an interview on Turkish station TRT TV on November 26, claimed that the Thai nationals kidnapped to Gaza were taken for their own safety.

Qasem, in a talk translated by the Middle East Media Research Interview, claimed that Turkey and Hamas had “discussed the release of some of the [Thai] detainees.

“As we said at the beginning of the October 7 operation, these [Thai nationals] were detained for their own protection, because on October 7, the forces of the Zionist army were shelling the houses with people inside - whether members of the Al-Qassam Brigades, [foreign] laborers, or even the Zionist inhabitants of those settlements.”

Qasem also claimed that the release of hostages was thanks to the “blessed mediation by Turkey” despite media reports stating that Iran had brokered the deal to have the foreign nationals released.

I guess that’s why they beheaded some of them with shovels.

"Palestinian student shot in Vermont

will likely never walk again after having bullet lodged in his spine -

as cops say they don't have evidence yet to charge suspect Jason Eaton with hate crime."

View attachment 464247

Give it time.

‘I’ve been waiting for you’: Vermont shooting is being investigated as a hate crime.'

14m ago

Death toll of journalists killed in Israel-Hamas war reaches 57, CPJ says​

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says 57 journalists have been killed since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

The first month of the Israel-Gaza war was the deadliest month for journalists since CPJ began documenting journalist fatalities in 1992, the New York-based non-profit said in a statement.

It said that as of Monday:

  • 57 journalists and media workers were confirmed dead: 50 Palestinian, 4 Israeli, and 3 Lebanese.
  • 11 journalists were reported injured.
  • 3 journalists were reported missing.
  • 19 journalists were reported arrested.
  • Multiple assaults, threats, cyberattacks, censorship, and killings of family members.
The CPJ said it was also investigating numerous unconfirmed reports of other journalists “being killed, missing, detained, hurt, or threatened, and of damage to media offices and journalists’ homes”.

Sherif Mansour, the organisation’s Middle East and North Africa programme coordinator, said:

CPJ emphasizes that journalists are civilians doing important work during times of crisis and must not be targeted by warring parties. Journalists across the region are making great sacrifices to cover this heart-breaking conflict.
Those in Gaza, in particular, have paid, and continue to pay, an unprecedented toll and face exponential threats. Many have lost colleagues, families, and media facilities, and have fled seeking safety when there is no safe haven or exit.


Thai nationals kidnapped to Gaza were taken for their ‘own protection,’ claims Hamas official​

The Hamas official claimed that Hamas terrorists were trying to protect the Thai nationals from Israeli authorities on October 7.​

Hamas Official Hisham Qasem, in an interview on Turkish station TRT TV on November 26, claimed that the Thai nationals kidnapped to Gaza were taken for their own safety.

Qasem, in a talk translated by the Middle East Media Research Interview, claimed that Turkey and Hamas had “discussed the release of some of the [Thai] detainees.

“As we said at the beginning of the October 7 operation, these [Thai nationals] were detained for their own protection, because on October 7, the forces of the Zionist army were shelling the houses with people inside - whether members of the Al-Qassam Brigades, [foreign] laborers, or even the Zionist inhabitants of those settlements.”

Qasem also claimed that the release of hostages was thanks to the “blessed mediation by Turkey” despite media reports stating that Iran had brokered the deal to have the foreign nationals released.

I guess that’s why they beheaded some of them with shovels.
I'm really worried about how many people will just eat this nonsense up. Lol.
51m ago
Reged Ahmad

A survey out of Princeton has been published looking at how Palestinians in Gaza felt about Hamas. Agence France-Presse reports that the survey showed many were hostile to Hamas before the group’s attack in Israel on 7 October

“We find in our surveys that 67% of Palestinians in Gaza had little or no trust in Hamas in that period right before the attacks,” said Amaney Jamal, dean of Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs.

“This is especially important because of the (erroneous) argument that all of Gaza supports Hamas, and therefore all of Gaza should be held accountable for the actions, atrocious actions of Hamas.”

Jamal is one of the driving forces behind the Arab Barometer which conducts surveys and polling in the region, including in Gaza where fieldwork concluded on the eve of the attacks on Israel.

She said that Hamas, which won elections in the Palestinian territories in 2006 and is designated a “terrorist” organisation by Washington and the EU, was seen as “corrupt” and “authoritarian” by many respondents.

“Seventy-five per cent said in the previous 30 days, they could not afford to feed their households. So again, this is an impoverished society, a society that is basically saying the Hamas-led government has some levels of corruption,” said Jamal.

“When we ask people, who do you blame? … we thought that the number-one culprit was going to be Israel because of the blockade. But most people cited Hamas corruption, more so than they cited the Israel blockade.”

Being terrorists does NOT excuse them from being responsible for the people of Gaza. Hamas governs them. I believe we have all seen photos of weapons being stored under children's beds, in schools, around schools, in hospitals... which civilians were armed and which were not?? Who is wearing a suicide vest and who is not?? And, the thought that Israel (because it is NOT a terrorist state/organization) is responsible for EVERYONE is not possible during a war started by Gazan Hamas citizens.

I agree.

They are responsible and must be held accountable ... as both the governing wing of Palestinian Gaza and as it's Armed Terrorist wing.

---Hamas are the ones providing the Gazan casualty numbers via their Palestinian Health Ministry;
---Hamas are the ones doing the official dealing and bartering for hostages and ceasefires;
---Hamas are the ones denying access to the hostages by the IC Red Cross as required by International Law;
---Hamas are the ones taking in the billions of dollars a year in internatonal aid monies and diverting it from innocent Palestinans and making the decisions about where that aid is utilized;
--- Hamas are the ones who are the official Gazan State Spox constantly quoted in the media as "Hamas denies" or "Hamas says".

Hamas. The can't have their cake and eat it too. They make the decisions for Palestinian Gaza, and they get the official funds from the world intended for disbursement and they provide the "official" casualty numbers being cited by the UN and other entitites .... if all of that is legit, then Hamas is indeed the government and responsible and accountable for their actions.

They simply can't be half pregnant.
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