Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #8

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1930's Hatikvah

Archival footage of Munkács from the early 1930s from outtakes of the "March of Time" film series. This segment shows children from the Hebrew Gymnasium in Munkács singing the Hatikvah.

Hope is never lost for Israel (and the US) imo

The Jewish Ultra-Orthodox also known as the Haredi are usually an Anti-Zionist and Anti-Israeli Sect of Judaism with them being Exempt from Mandatory Military Service in Israel as a result of the “Torato Umanuto” Agreement, so the fact that 120 Members of the Ultra-Orthodox Sect decided to Fight for the State of Israel is a Massive Deal.
Beautiful Anthem.

By the way,
the lyrics were written by Polish Jew from Złoczów (now Ukraine).
The poem was published in 1886 in Jerusalem in the book of poetry "Barkai" ("Morning Star").

The author was Naftali Hirsz Imber, a Polish Jew from Złoczów in the Lviv region, a poet passionate about the idea of an independent Jewish state.

The melody for "Hatikvah" is based on
"La Mantovana",
a 16th-century Italian song, composed by Giuseppe Cenci (Giuseppino del Biado) ca.1600.

"As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart,

With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion,

Then our hope -‐ the two-‐thousand-‐year-‐old hope -‐ will not be lost:

To be free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem."
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The Jewish Ultra-Orthodox also known as the Haredi are usually an Anti-Zionist and Anti-Israeli Sect of Judaism with them being Exempt from Mandatory Military Service in Israel as a result of the “Torato Umanuto” Agreement
Not all Ultra Orthodox are anti Zionist per se- though I have seen some who are.

Rather, the usual military exemption was initially given due to the need to re-build their version of Jewish life and religious learning following the Holocaust.

As a side note, the exemption is not absolute. Rather, it is technically given to Ultra Orthodox men and women who are actually actively following and practicing the teachings of Ultra Orthodox Judaism.

There have evidently been complaints from other Israelis regarding the exemption. As they have big families, the number of Ultra Orthodox has grown alot. So, their military exemption is more visible today than in the past.

Likewise, Ultra Orthodox are, of course, human. Evidently some have been seen engaging in, well, "un Orthodox" lifestyles and not being enrolled in religious academies. Yet..... these people are still claiming and receiving the exemption.
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UN human rights office says Jabalia refugee camp airstrike could amount to war crimes​

The United Nations human rights office said on Wednesday that Israel’s airstrike on Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp could amount to war crimes, Reuters reported.

The UN human rights office said that it had “serious concerns” that Israel’s airstrike on the Jabalia refugee camp could be considered “war crimes” given the amount of high civilian casualties and the scale of destruction, in a post on X, formally known as Twitter.

“Given the high number of civilian casualties & the scale of destruction following Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, we have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes,” the office said in a post.

At least six airstrikes hit the Jabalia refugee camp on the outskirts of Gaza City on Tuesday.

More than 50 people were killed and at least 150 were injured, the territory’s health ministry said.

People sifted through the rubble and debris of flattened buildings with their bare hands in Khan Younis, as fighting between Israel and Palestinian militant groups passed its 12th day.

In Khan Younis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, a refugee camp was struck by an apparent Israeli airstrike, destroying several makeshift houses. Footage showed neighbourhoods in other parts of the city levelled.

Rafat al-Nakhala, who had sought shelter there after heeding Israel’s order for civilians to flee Gaza City in the north, said:

We came from Gaza City, they told us to come to the south so we came to the south. We found that the strikes intensified in the south … There’s nowhere safe in Gaza.

Israeli forces continued to bomb the Palestinian territory from land, sea and air as they pressed their offensive. Another blast shook Jabalia, Gaza’s largest refugee camp, on Wednesday, a day after Palestinian health officials said an Israeli airstrike killed about 50 people and wounded 150 there. Israel claims it killed a Hamas commander in the attack. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said it has killed Muhammad A’sar, the commander of Hamas’s anti-tank guided missile array, in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

The only cancer treatment hospital in the Gaza Strip has gone out of service after it ran out of fuel, health officials said on Wednesday. The director of the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship hospital told a press conference: “We tell the world – don’t leave cancer patients to a certain death due to the hospital being out of service.”

How can any country support this ideology? This is literally the question that it all boils down to. If nobody supported HAMAS and it's ridiculous plans, then this would have been over by now. But here we are.. countries backing what HAMAS has done. Other terrorist groups jumping in to attack Israel. Other "leaders" chiming in with support for HAMAS and condemning Israel.. relief organizations more worried about a cease fire and getting aide in to Gaza than the atrocities that were committed on Oct. 7th.. some can't even condemn what HAMAS did.. maybe they refuse to see it for what it is. They can't see that HAMAS is just stealing the aide that is brought in.. the fuel needed to run the hospitals is being stolen, the supplies are being stolen by the terrorists so they can continue to commit their evil acts. At some point cutting off the resources will create a situation where HAMAS will be willing to release hostages because they can't continue to operate without being resupplied somehow.

I do not understand how a group that wishes for the total eradication of Jews (or any population of people on this planet) is okay with anyone that isn't a terrorist.
I think so much of it too is how people frame it in their minds … for instance, the media frames the strike on the refugee camp as though Israel purposely targeted a refugee camp when that isn’t what happened. Israel was targeting the cowardly Hamas fighters who tried to protect themselves by hiding under its most vulnerable civilians. The headline never reads “Hamas cowers behind civilians during Israeli air strike” even though that is what’s happening. I think the framing of these strikes causes many people to see Hamas as a resistance force instead of for what it is, a death cult. Civilian deaths mean nothing to Hamas and in fact, are good for them because these civilian “martyrs” then help them win the propaganda war. It’s sickening.
No US peacekeeping troops in Gaza, White House says

The White House has said the United States would not put US troops on the ground in Gaza in any future peacekeeping role, as it discusses with allies what post-conflict Gaza would look like.

"There's no plans or intentions to put US military troops on the ground in Gaza, now or in the future," White House national security spokesperson John Kirby, pictured, told reporters.

Mr Kirby also said the US does not believe the pro-Iranian Palestinian militant group Hamas can be involved in the future governance of Gaza when the war with Israel is over.

As the region girds for a potential refugee crisis among the people living in Gaza, Mr Kirby said the US does not support a permanent settlement of Gaza civilians outside of Gaza, which has been run by Hamas.

With the civilian death toll rising in Gaza in the Israel-Hamas war, Mr Kirby said Washington does not believe now is the time for a general ceasefire, but that humanitarian pauses in hostilities are necessary.

The Gaza health ministry says at least 8,796 Palestinians in the narrow coastal enclave, including 3,648 children, have been killed by Israeli strikes since 7 October.

As the US and its allies and partners discuss options for post-war Gaza, Mr Kirby said having Hamas in charge would be problematic in the wake of its slaughter of 1,400 people, mostly civilians, in southern Israel on 7 October.

"We do believe that Hamas cannot be the future of governance in Gaza. They can't," said Mr Kirby.

"What comes after the conflict, we don't have all the answers yet but we are working with our partners in the region to explore what governance in Gaza can and should look like," he added.

I think so much of it too is how people frame it in their minds … for instance, the media frames the strike on the refugee camp as though Israel purposely targeted a refugee camp when that isn’t what happened. Israel was targeting the cowardly Hamas fighters who tried to protect themselves by hiding under its most vulnerable civilians. The headline never reads “Hamas cowers behind civilians during Israeli air strike” even though that is what’s happening. I think the framing of these strikes causes many people to see Hamas as a resistance force instead of for what it is, a death cult. Civilian deaths mean nothing to Hamas and in fact, are good for them because these civilian “martyrs” then help them win the propaganda war. It’s sickening.

This is when I just see the media stirring the pot of hatred. If Israel wanted to target a refugee camp, a hospital, or UN workers, they would just do it.. why are the spreading fliers, calling, texting, making announcements to move south, etc. They are trying to prevent civilian casualties. I am not saying every action they take is justified because I don't know that, but when we look at the overall picture of what has been happening and it's been nothing but Israel showing restrain, waiting, warning, holding off, and all we have seen from HAMAS is brutality and refusal to negotiate reasonably. (240 hostages for 6000 prisoners is not reasonable).. NOT allowing citizens from other countries to exit the border crossing into Egypt (prior to today) is not reasonable, asking their own civilians to stay and become martyrs is NOT reasonable. Then we see the reporting and it's inciting violence and rushed judgements in a world that is already overly angry at Jews and targeting them. These headlines do nothing but create more hate.
They have their tentacles in everything!

I wish there was western media in Gaza....

AP were in Gaza. They rebuilt their offices after they were destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in May 2021. Link

Not sure if they are still there right now, or if they have been relocated. But AP is considered an independent news source, with its headquarters in NYC. Link

Apparently, neither Israel or Hamas are letting journalists into Gaza. Link
AP were in Gaza. They rebuilt their offices after they were destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in May 2021. Link

Not sure if they are still there right now, or if they have been relocated. But AP is considered an independent news source, with its headquarters in NYC. Link

Apparently, neither Israel or Hamas are letting journalists into Gaza. Link
Al Jazeera has live reporters and live feeds. These is from a few hours ago. The reporter on the right is stationed in front of the hospital in Khan Younis. Earlier they had a live feed from Rafah terminal. All of their reporters on the ground in Gaza live in Gaza. They have had numerous staff and correspondents die.

The AP has no photographers there and they had said they didn't have teams available to investigate. I think they evacuated and are relying on sources within Gaza via phone and email.

Screenshot Capture - 2023-11-01 - 16-37-25.png
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They've had live reporters and live feeds. These is from a few hours ago. The reporter on the right is stationed in front of the hospital in Khan Younis. Earlier they had a live feed from Rafah terminal. All of their reporters on the ground in Gaza live in Gaza. They have had numerous staff and correspondents die.

The AP has no photographers there and they had said they didn't have teams available to investigate. I think they evacuated and are relying on sources within Gaza via phone and email.

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This article from a couple of days ago says that AP is still there, too. Just that they had to move south.

Israel’s order to Palestinians to evacuate the northern part of Gaza led journalists at AP and AFP [Agence France-Presse], for example, to abandon bureaus in Gaza City and head south.

Outside journalists have been unable to enter Gaza since the Hamas attack in Israel on Oct. 7. The sole entry point for journalists, Israel’s Erez crossing, was attacked in the rampage and remains closed. A handful of news organizations had maintained a regular presence with bureaus there, including The Associated Press, the BBC, Reuters, Agence France-Presse and Al-Jazeera, with a network of stringers helping others.

Journalists in Gaza wrestle with issues of survival in addition to getting stories out

Biden facing tough questions over Israel’s strikes on civilians​

By MJ Lee and Kevin Liptak, CNN

Washington (CNN)
— President Joe Biden and his top national security officials are increasingly confronting questions about Israel’s commitment to minimizing civilian deaths and how scenes from Gaza could affect his domestic political standing.

Even some allies of the administration are worried that defending Israel’s response to the October 7 Hamas terror attacks could become an untenable position for the White House. A massive blast that ripped through Jabalya refugee camp on Tuesday vividly captured the tightrope that the Biden administration is trying to walk: Maintaining in public that Israel is trying to contain Palestinian civilian casualties, even as bloody scenes of destruction pour out of Gaza, fueling public outrage and calls for a ceasefire.

The airstrike, which left catastrophic damage and killed a large number of people, has raised new questions about how effective Biden and his top officials have been in convincing their Israeli counterparts to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians. It is also intensifying concerns within the administration that the mounting civilian death toll could further erode international support for Israel, isolating the country at a moment of deep regional instability.


Jeremy Konyndyk, president of Refugees International who formerly worked in the Obama administration at USAID, said Tuesday that the attack on Jabalya refugee camp was a “clear-cut war crime.”


And the intentional targeting of a refugee camp would appear, on its face, to spurn calls from the United States to tailor operations to protect civilian lives.


Already, Biden had been walking a tightrope in his support for Israel following the Hamas terror attacks on October 7. The stance has caused rifts within his Democratic Party and put the United States at odds with many of its traditional allies in Europe.


There is recognition, one source familiar with the administration’s thinking said, that eventually “public opinion is going to change on Israel.”


Very behind and catching up in here, posting for reference & review re: Israeli Soldier rescued:

1 day ago:

1 day ago:

2 days ago:

More videos:

1 day ago:
First Hamas Hostage Rescued By Israeli Forces | 10 News First

1 day ago:

1 day ago:

2 days ago:
Israeli forces 'on outskirts of Gaza City' and rescue captured soldier

"Thousands of people in Vatican.

The Pope started talking about war.


'Let us not forget about tortured Ukraine,
about Palestine,
about Israel' -
said Pope Francis during a meeting with the faithful in the Vatican for the Angelus prayer on

All Saints' Day.

At the same time, he appealed for prayers for all those suffering because of war.

Addressing the thousands of people who came to St. Peter for the noon prayer, the Pope said: -

'Let us continue to pray for the people who are suffering because of the current wars.
Let's not forget about tortured Ukraine, let's not forget about Palestine, let's not forget about Israel, let's not forget about many other regions where there is war'.

He announced that on Thursday he would celebrate mass at the Roman war cemetery where British Commonwealth soldiers who died during World War II are buried."

Israel has told the U.S, Egypt, the U.K. and other countries that any Palestinian who leaves Gaza for medical treatment will be allowed to return after the Israel-Hamas war, according to two Israeli officials and a Western diplomat.

Why it matters: Israel's commitment was needed to get Egypt, the U.S. and other nations on board with a plan to begin evacuating wounded Palestinians to hospitals in Egypt for treatment while the fighting continues in Gaza, Israeli officials said.

(more at link)

The National Intelligence Service of South Korea briefed Lawmakers recently on Evidence they have received which shows North Korean Leader, Kim Jong Un has ordered for Officials to begin providing Support to the Palestinians in Israel and to begin looking into the possibility of Weapons Shipments to Iranian-Backed Militias across the Middle East; the North Korean Military has provided Weapons, including Anti-Tank Missiles, to Hamas before but this would be the First Time this is claimed to have been done in recent Years.

ETA: Apparently, this was reported in WSJ but I don't have an account
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