GUILTY Italy - Ashley Olsen, 35, American, strangled in Florence, 9 Jan 2016

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There's too many different versions of what he supposedly stated. And how she supposedly died. Jmo. Too many articles are saying totally different things.

But my gut says that since he can't blame it on Amanda Knox nor anyone else ; They will give him the maximum unlike the other guy in Meridiths case that only got 15 years. Jmo.
It's that she was cheating on her boyfriend that produces a negative reaction toward Ashley from some of us who are a bit old-fashioned.

Cheating on a boyfriend/lover/spouse may rub you the wrong way. It's not something I would do/have done but in some cultures it is almost a way of life. Italy and France, for instance have a long history of being quite accepting of such things.

My Dad, born in 1952, was the product of an awful marriage and my Grandmother had an affair with my Grandfather's best friend.

My mom was still married to my bio dad when she met my stepdad. In 1981ish.

Affairs, love problems are nothing new and I think unless it's directly involving you, it's unfair to judge. To be quite honest, there are likely more affairs going on around anyone than most people realize.

Cheating/mistresses/love triangles have been around as long as humans have existed and will continue until we are gone.

There is no reason to think negatively because she/he may or may not have been cheating. Some articles say she and her boyfriend had broken up. Perhaps it was just a fling while on a break from her boyfriend. At any rate, a very wise man once said, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."...The townspeople walked away, laying their stones in the dirt because no one could call themselves sinless.

Plainly, if she was having an orgy every night her boyfriend was away or some more "outrageous" actions, nothing would justify her murder. Not at the hands of her boyfriend, nor any other.....

She had the right to live, whether we agree with her actions or not. I pray for her and her family, as well as her boyfriend. Heck, I'll add in the murderer's family because as far as we know, they are not culpable in this either [their son/brother/nephew is also gone to them]. They've all lost a beautiful person, whether she slept around and did drugs or was a saintly woman on Earth. Murder is not justified in any case. It is sick. Throw the book at him but leave the victim and those who surround the case with a sense of peace.
Ashley's funeral was held today. I feel particularly bad for her boyfriend Federico. He was the obvious suspect early on. In the end, he was nothing more than another victim of her senseless death.

Olsen's boyfriend, Federico Fiorentini, entered the basilica holding a bouquet of flowers and held Scout on his lap during the service.

Olsen was being buried in a Florentine cemetery. Family attorney Maria Gallo said because of the ongoing murder investigation, Olsen's remains could neither be cremated nor returned to the United States for burial.
I have purposely left out quotes from the Priest who did nothing more than grandstand and blame everyone else for Ashley's death (specifically friends and family) other than the man who actually murdered her. Appalling thing to do at her funeral, IMO.
Ashley's funeral was held today. I feel particularly bad for her boyfriend Federico. He was the obvious suspect early on. In the end, he was nothing more than another victim of her senseless death.

Why has her funeral happened so quickly? Not normal, especially in a murder case.
Why has her funeral happened so quickly? Not normal, especially in a murder case.

The Italian authorities did not allow her family to cremate her or take her home to the U.S. It seems they've insisted she be buried there in Florence and one can assume it is in case they need further access to her remains.
The Italian authorities did not allow her family to cremate her or take her home to the U.S. It seems they've insisted she be buried there in Florence and one can assume it is in case they need further access to her remains.

I read that, I suppose her parents live in Florence too and they might have decided she would want to be buried there rather than back in America. My friends grandma died of natural causes before Christmas and only managed to get "a slot" at the crem yesterday!
I have purposely left out quotes from the Priest who did nothing more than grandstand and blame everyone else for Ashley's death (specifically friends and family) other than the man who actually murdered her. Appalling thing to do at her funeral, IMO.

Yes! How about instead of blaming the victim and her friends and family, we blame the violent criminal who took her life?

Also from the same article:
Authorities have been at pains to not jump to conclusions in the case, given the intense international media interest that harks back to the Amanda Knox case. Knox and her Italian boyfriend were convicted in the 2007 death of her British roommate. They were then acquitted, convicted again and finally exonerated after an eight-year saga that cast a poor light on Italy's police and investigative magistrates.

Creazzo seemed almost apologetic that he hadn't been able to provide more information before Thursday's arrest. (BBM)

Oh really? They were at pains not to jump to conclusions? What about that theory that she died as the result of a consensual kinky sex game? The media is to blame, no doubt, in running with the lurid details of this case, but the investigators sparked the fire with their theories about the role of drugs and sex in this case before they even had an autopsy report. As Coquette and others have pointed out, how could they possibly know what Ashley did or did not consent to? What they do appear to know, is that the suspect lied about an alibi and his version of events do not match the evidence. It is horrible that his story is being reported as the facts of this case.

That said, I am also guilty of jumping to (or at least sticking my toe in the water of) conclusions too soon, thinking that the case was all but solved after a quick glance at her instagram posts. The few snapshots of her life that we have been exposed to may suggest that her life was not perfect, but they also left me with an impression of someone who looked for the good in people and beauty in the world around her.

I'm sad for Ashley that her adventures and life ended too soon, and my thoughts go out to her family and friends.
I have purposely left out quotes from the Priest who did nothing more than grandstand and blame everyone else for Ashley's death (specifically friends and family) other than the man who actually murdered her. Appalling thing to do at her funeral, IMO.
I have purposely left out quotes from the Priest who did nothing more than grandstand and blame everyone else for Ashley's death (specifically friends and family) other than the man who actually murdered her. Appalling thing to do at her funeral, IMO.

I know you've not posted them on purpose, but could you post the link with the actual quotes in? I read the article you posted and I don't see any which specifically blame the friends and family. I can see a general statement about the need for the community to be more supportive though. Maybe I'm missing it or the quotes were in a different article?

It's an awfully insensitive thing to say at a funeral, like the loved ones aren't suffering enough.
Keep questioning the ever-evolving stories from diaw, as this murderous (IMO) chameleon will likely change his story again based on the evidence.

The investigation has not been completed. What is undeniable is that Ms. Ashley Olsen was the victim of this crime. The victimology of this case may open her up to the court of public opinion, but it should NOT expose her to any sort of victim blaming, especially here at WS, a victim-friendly forum.

She did not deserve to be killed.




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I know you've not posted them on purpose, but could you post the link with the actual quotes in? I read the article you posted and I don't see any which specifically blame the friends and family. I can see a general statement about the need for the community to be more supportive though. Maybe I'm missing it or the quotes were in a different article?

It's an awfully insensitive thing to say at a funeral, like the loved ones aren't suffering enough.

They were in the Daily Mail article I posted. I see some have now been taken out and a far more palatable one has been added, perhaps because of the comments in reaction to them. This site has a few. And his comments were condemning of friends and family, just as the article stated.
A good article from the Daily Beast on the ugly trend that has begun in this case to start shaming the victim.

Even if the prosecutor’s theory results in a guilty verdict against Diaw, no one will ever know what truly transpired between the pair because Olsen took her version of events to the grave. That’s why victim-shaming her, even if we don’t agree with the behavior, isn’t fair—because she will never get the chance to speak for herself. Making a blanket statement that Olsen consented, based on one-dimensional forensic evidence, silences the victim.
They were in the Daily Mail article I posted. I see some have now been taken out and a far more palatable one has been added, perhaps because of the comments in reaction to them. This site has a few. And his comments were condemning of friends and family, just as the article stated.

Thanks for clarifying. I was hoping that the comments had been taken out of context. What a vile and incompassionate thing to do to grieving loved ones at a time they must desperately need support and love.
The Daily Beast did a lousy job of reporting. They did not even write captions under the pictures to inform readers who the people were.

I am so annoyed. The illegal immigrant murdered a beautiful American, Ashley Olsen, who was living in Italy. He gives the Police a statement admitting they scuffled, then, he shoved her and she landed on the hard floor, at which point, he lifted Ashley up, by her neck, to the mezzanine floor to place her on the bed. It sounds more like he treated her like a dog. He stayed long enough to steal her phone yet claims she was alive when he left Ashley. I want to scream.

If that is not horrific enough, here is the most annoying part. He has admitted to doing this deadly damage to her. He has been arrested but NOT charged with any crime.

Not that it matters to the Italians but I promise to never live in Italy. RIP Ashley :rose:
The Daily Beast did a lousy job of reporting. They did not even write captions under the pictures to inform readers who the people were.

I am so annoyed. The illegal immigrant murdered a beautiful American, Ashley Olsen, who was living in Italy. He gives the Police a statement admitting they scuffled, then, he shoved her and she landed on the hard floor, at which point, he lifted Ashley up, by her neck, to the mezzanine floor to place her on the bed. It sounds more like he treated her like a dog. He stayed long enough to steal her phone yet claims she was alive when he left Ashley. I want to scream.

If that is not horrific enough, here is the most annoying part. He has admitted to doing this deadly damage to her. He has been arrested but NOT charged with any crime.

Not that it matters to the Italians but I promise to never live in Italy. RIP Ashley :rose:

Respectfully, I posted the Daily Beast article. I managed to get who was who from the three photos posted, save for the casket photo, and I have not seen one news story that has posted the names of those who carried the coffin. That being said, it was the focus of the article that I appreciated.

Italy is a beautiful country. I have had the pleasure of spending periods of time in Florence and have always felt as safe if not safer there than any city in America. I have American friends who live in Italy and friends who were born and raised there. They all love it tremendously and enjoy very rich lives. It seems rather strange to write off an entire country because one doesn't agree with how one or perhaps two famous murder cases involving American women have been handled. Your choice, of course. I'll keep visiting, myself. And their legal system is not identical to ours. The mere fact that they already have this man in custody so quickly is rather amazing, IMO. While much of this case does not sit well with me, I am willing to wait to see how this plays out. It's only been a week, after all. MOO.
I'm grateful for's article, because the writer was willing to stand up for the victim. IMO, this is far more important than the captions to the images. Perhaps the article will be updated with image captions in the future. Maybe media there does not cover the same details in the same manner we do in the States. This case has garnered worldwide attention, so this was a non-issue for me.

What is at issue is this:
Victim-blaming is wrong.

We don't always see it voiced so eloquently or vehemently. It should be commended when we do.

Entirely MOO....


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When I looked through the article, the top image is that of her mourning paeents.
Yes, between the toes, etc. But accusing a total stranger--who can't defend herself-- of being a heroin addict is just beyond the pale. And saying "she should have known better" comes perilously close to victim-blaming. There are plenty of victims on these boards who "should have known better" than to associate themselves with the persons who became their- or their children's- abusers or murderers.

Thank you!
Personally, I found that comment inappropriate and just plain rude. Imvho!

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When a person, think race car driver, chooses a dangerous occupation & dies because of it, I don't consider it victim bashing to point that out. Also, when a person partakes in risky behavior & pays the price for it, I don't think we have to ignore it. I think Ashley knew the dangers and was willing to accept the risk to enjoy the payoff. I'm not judging. Her choices would not have been mine. That doesn't make them wrong, only different.

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