GUILTY Italy - Ashley Olsen, 35, American, strangled in Florence, 9 Jan 2016

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When I first saw the pic of her & her dog were she is sitting with a cig in her left hand and her right arm around her dog, I said to my hubby that she looked like a drug/heroine addict. I then read that her and her boyfriend had a argument/disagreement 2-3 days prior. Then that she was at a club and had left with the suspect. Then that he was known to the police/community? as a drug pusher/seller/dealer. Then it has been reported that the sex was consensual. Not sure where it went wrong but from all reports she invited a stranger to her place and she should have known better. jmo

Disagree. Heroin addicts ordinarily wear clothes which cover up possible injection sites.
That would all depend where they inject at. Not all addicts use their arms.
Yes, between the toes, etc. But accusing a total stranger--who can't defend herself-- of being a heroin addict is just beyond the pale. And saying "she should have known better" comes perilously close to victim-blaming. There are plenty of victims on these boards who "should have known better" than to associate themselves with the persons who became their- or their children's- abusers or murderers.
I refuse to participate in any level of victim blaming. She should have known better? That can be said of every single person here at any given time. I do not believe the suspect's version of events. I look forward to Ashley's toxicology results. I don't see her as a dark and dirty drug addict who dragged some nefarious stranger home for sex. There is more to this, IMO.
It's that she was cheating on her boyfriend that produces a negative reaction toward Ashley from some of us who are a bit old-fashioned.
I refuse to participate in any level of victim blaming. She should have known better? That can be said of every single person here at any given time. I do not believe the suspect's version of events. I look forward to Ashley's toxicology results. I don't see her as a dark and dirty drug addict who dragged some nefarious stranger home for sex. There is more to this, IMO.

I don't see it as victim blaming. If what police is claiming is accurate, seems like victim was engaging in some high risk behavior. She didn't deserve to get killed for it.
It's that she was cheating on her boyfriend that produces a negative reaction toward Ashley from some of us who are a bit old-fashioned.

We don't know that she was cheating on her boyfriend.
The only person who would know has been brutally murdered.
He helped her to bed, how kind- could he not have gone the distance and also covered up her naked body with a blanket?

Lawyer: Suspect Left Florence Victim Alive After Fight

A person doesn't always die from head trauma right away. So I guess it's theoretically possible she was still alive and died after he left. Although I don't believe it, since she was also strangled. Also it wouldn't change the fact that he killed her, even if she didn't die right the second it happened.
Much like the Jodi Arias case, we are all stuck with ONE version of the story, HIS version.

Just because the media is making her out to be somebody on the take, that doesn't make it so. She may have simply invited this guy over to drink some more beer and do a little more partying before sun-up. Who can say if this guy slipped her a date rape drug and the sex was FAR from consensual. She may have been passed out the entire time, thus the lack of defensive wounds, especially when he was choking her out and beating her around the head. Maybe she regained just enough consciousness to put up a feeble attempt at defending herself, but it was far from enough. I don't think this has anything to do with her calling him a dog and ordering him to leave. If there was a physical altercation due to that, where's the proof ?

This sounds like something right out of the Joran van der Sloot playbook to me. The toxicology tests should go a long way in answering some of these questions.

Thanks just isn't enough for this post. Great post!
Diaw acknowledged under questioning that he and Olsen had had consensual sex, were drunk and had been high on cocaine, his lawyer Antonio Voce told The Associated Press. But Diaw denied strangling her, left her alive on her bed and never intended to kill her, Voce said.

Voce said Diaw told investigators that they had fought when she tried to push him out of the apartment fearing her boyfriend would be arriving. After being pushed against the door, Diaw responded by punching Olsen in the neck and then pushing her to the ground, where she hit her head, Voce said.
Playing devil's advocate. He may have struck her in the head to render her incapable of fending him off and he may have offered to walk her home and then pushed his way in. I don't buy his story. MOO.
Diaw acknowledged under questioning that he and Olsen had had consensual sex, were drunk and had been high on cocaine, his lawyer Antonio Voce told The Associated Press. But Diaw denied strangling her, left her alive on her bed and never intended to kill her, Voce said.

Voce said Diaw told investigators that they had fought when she tried to push him out of the apartment fearing her boyfriend would be arriving. After being pushed against the door, Diaw responded by punching Olsen in the neck and then pushing her to the ground, where she hit her head, Voce said.

Again, this is only his version of events. These are not facts. This from the man who was illegally in the country to begin with. It is quite easy to drug someone, have sex with them and still have it look like it was consensual sex. MOO.
To me, even if the sex WAS consensual, even if she WAS doing drugs, and even if she WAS cheating on her boyfriend, she still didn't deserve for this monster to take her life. My opinion, anyway.

I look forward to his trial and justice for Ashley either way.
Good many different versions of this story are floating around in the media ??

The media usually just does a copy and paste of each others articles......but not this time, they really seem to be having fun with this one. Every article seems to contain it's own set of "facts", with few of them matching the other articles.
He also denied strangling her, yet, autopsy shows she was strangled.

I don't believe one word that comes out of his mouth.

IMO There was no struggle because she was incapacitated while he was taking advantage of her.

She is the victim. The only victim.
Have been following this case and waiting to see what le has uncovered in Ashley's murder. And yes, I do believe this was murder and not some "accident".

Like we're going to believe anything the perp says ; for all we know, he could have left the club walking directly behind her, making people think they were 'together'. And when she went into her apartment-- he could've forced his way in as she opened her door.
Or she might have invited him in and he became enraged when asked to leave.
Murderers are often liars as well.

Rest gently, Ashley, may there be justice for you soon !
The water is a bit muddy. However, the police have two pieces of good evidence. Boyfriend has a solid alibi (glad about this). The suspect's DNA was on Ashley's body and he was photographed on surveillance cam.
To me, even if the sex WAS consensual, even if she WAS doing drugs, and even if she WAS cheating on her boyfriend, she still didn't deserve for this monster to take her life. My opinion, anyway.

I look forward to his trial and justice for Ashley either way.

Bingo. Leave the judgements at the door. Ashley is the victim here.

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