Jail Video 2/9: Tommy Croslin, Hank Sr. Part 1 & 2

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Some years ago my sister, her husband a 2 little ones were on vacation when their house was broken into. The predators took all of their spare keys, and sure enough about a month later came back for their cars!
They were so scared that they moved!
When my friend and her husband were victims of a home invasion,,it was 4 thugs strung out on drugs ,,who when they couldnt get in, went to the barn and armed themselves with shovels, picks and a swing blade and came back to the house...with guns drawn on them from inside (my friends hubby was a sherrifs deputy ) they refused to leave and were still hanging on the side porch trying to get in when the police arrives. They all were later charged and are now serving a long time for attempted murder....The reality is, if they could have gotten into the house as they slept, they surely would have killed both Sue and her hubby...the dog alerted from inside and they still went and armed themselves determined to go inside and kill both of them.....I still feel the fear of that night, the trial and the continuing saga of fear everyone has.
When my friend and her husband were victims of a home invasion,,it was 4 thugs strung out on drugs ,,who when they couldnt get in, went to the barn and armed themselves with shovels, picks and a swing blade and came back to the house...with guns drawn on them from inside (my friends hubby was a sherrifs deputy ) they refused to leave and were still hanging on the side porch trying to get in when the police arrives. They all were later charged and are now serving a long time for attempted murder....The reality is, if they could have gotten into the house as they slept, they surely would have killed both Sue and her hubby...the dog alerted from inside and they still went and armed themselves determined to go inside and kill both of them.....I still feel the fear of that night, the trial and the continuing saga of fear everyone has.

OMGosh, they sure could have been killed by a drug crazed bunch like that!
My sisters car was found in a shopping mall parking lot, her strollers still in the trunk, she didn't want anything to do with it. They were never caught, and probably went on to do it again. I am grateful justice was found for your friends, BUT that fear will always be with them!
OMGosh, they sure could have been killed by a drug crazed bunch like that!
My sisters car was found in a shopping mall parking lot, her strollers still in the trunk, she didn't want anything to do with it. They were never caught, and probably went on to do it again. I am grateful justice was found for your friends, BUT that fear will always be with them!
As well as the fear stays with me.....Home invasion happens all the time and alot of the times they kill the people so there are no witnesses...They do this to steal and rob To support their drug habits...Lock them all up is all I can say.....
Sorry if I upset you with my opinion, LFlorida. I did not mean to upset anyone.

I just have no sympathy for people who do not appear to me to try and help themselves. I know I am taking a hard stance, but it is the way I feel.

Both Tommy and Hank, Sr. know they are being recorded in these visits and will speak accordingly.

It is a shame, tho, that the whole family are involved in one thing or another. I remember the night Hank, Sr. called 911 so many times stating that his prescription had been stolen. I am wondering just where those pills actually went. Then Lisa writing bad checks and stealing a woman's purse at Walmart.

Try as I might, I cannot work up any sympathy for any of them.
wasn't sure if we were supposed to be discussing Tommy in Misty's audio thread, so I bumped.

Tommy sure sounds like he is losing it in these latest video's. Lots of crying, Lyndsey asking if something happened. Tommy saying no, if something hasn't happened, it's getting ready to happen. I don't think any of them are going to be able to last much longer. They are alone now with their thoughts and the truth and they can't handle it in my opinion.
I have to have compassion regardless of what their daughter turned out like. I wasn't there I don't know what kind of parents they were I'm sure they made mistakes what parent does not? But I also know lots of good parents whose kids go bad. It is not always the fault of the parent. I work with families quite often who are devastated when their children take their own lives and do other things that get themselves killed. I don't automatically blame the parent. In fact it is my job to counsel them that they cannot blame themselves.

I would never deny a fellow human being, food for their table or an opportunity to make an honest wage. Poverty is not something most people know. When I work at the soup kitchen I don't judge who should get food based on what their criminal past is. And my point is with Hank and Lisa is what was their record before Haleigh went missing? They did not have criminal records before Misty decided to join up with Ronald and before Haleigh went missing. Before Misty got hooked. I don't think Hank is worried about his drugs. This has been very sobering for him. I think Hank is worried about his children whom he seems to love. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I pray to God that the collateral damage is over, that Haleigh is found and that people can heal. Because regardless of economic standing, education, and difference in cultural upbringing they are my fellow man. And seeing them hurt so makes me sad.

Grandmaj - you are a very, very sweet and loving person. I don't really think many of the posters on here have ever known people like this. I do have a very soft spot for Lisa. God bless them all.
wasn't sure if we were supposed to be discussing Tommy in Misty's audio thread, so I bumped.

Tommy sure sounds like he is losing it in these latest video's. Lots of crying, Lyndsey asking if something happened. Tommy saying no, if something hasn't happened, it's getting ready to happen. I don't think any of them are going to be able to last much longer. They are alone now with their thoughts and the truth and they can't handle it in my opinion.

I agree. I pray nobody bails 'em out!
Hope someone can help me out here. Trying to listen to these Tommy & Lindsy calls. Who in the world is "Bill"? He came to the house to give Lindsy a drug test? He visited Tommy in jail and asked him if he had drugs around the kids and if Lindsy knew about the drugs. (Somewhere in one of these - Tommy acknowledges they found drugs at his house).

Tommy seems a little concerned about all the attention Lindsy is receiving from "Bill". Does anyone know who this is?
I have no sympathy for Lisa (except for being toothless, she needs help getting dentures ASAP). For a mother to say her daughter lied about being sexually "messed with" and to coddle a son so far as to allegedly commit a crime against a blind man with him is outrageous. Tommy deserves no sympathy as if he's a little helpless teen boy. He's a grown man with children and chose to get on drugs, hang around drug users, and go running with them on deals after what happened to Haleigh! Now, it sounds like someone is investigating his wife for allowing drugs around the children and something seems to be going down. I don't feel too sorry for her either because she could have transferred nursing school and got the heck out of there.
Hope someone can help me out here. Trying to listen to these Tommy & Lindsy calls. Who in the world is "Bill"? He came to the house to give Lindsy a drug test? He visited Tommy in jail and asked him if he had drugs around the kids and if Lindsy knew about the drugs. (Somewhere in one of these - Tommy acknowledges they found drugs at his house).

Tommy seems a little concerned about all the attention Lindsy is receiving from "Bill". Does anyone know who this is?

A DCF caseworker? I am guessing as I have not had time yet to listen to the latest audio/video releases.
I recall that on the incident reports released from Tommy's crimes last year some were forwarded to DCF so they could investigate.
It makes sense to me that Bill could be a DCF caseworker going from the info. you posted and from the reports being forwarded to them. Kudos to them for investigating the Croslins! I also recall Misty stating that DCF came to talk to her in jail about Ron and Jr. Ya know her response-Ron's a good dad even if he is a druggie. Insert big eyeroll here.
A DCF caseworker? I am guessing as I have not had time yet to listen to the latest audio/video releases.
I recall that on the incident reports released from Tommy's crimes last year some were forwarded to DCF so they could investigate.
It makes sense to me that Bill could be a DCF caseworker going from the info. you posted and from the reports being forwarded to them. Kudos to them for investigating the Croslins! I also recall Misty stating that DCF came to talk to her in jail about Ron and Jr. Ya know her response-Ron's a good dad even if he is a druggie. Insert big eyeroll here.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that I posted that this afternoon [somewhere] and then again in my notes about the last phone call for Tommy on SKY's site.

The DCF guy's name is in some court dockets we have previously viewed. [Think "take down" & you'll know just which case I'm talking about. lol - I hope. I'm punch drunk at this point.]
Yes, I'm pretty sure that I posted that this afternoon [somewhere] and then again in my notes about the last phone call for Tommy on SKY's site.

The DCF guy's name is in some court dockets we have previously viewed. [Think "take down" & you'll know just which case I'm talking about. lol - I hope. I'm punch drunk at this point.]

I posted my guess on who Bill was before I read the thread with the Lindsy/Tommy phone calls explained. BTW, thanks for doing that so I don't have to listen to them all!
And thanks to you also Dr. F and anyone else transcribing!
I have no sympathy for Lisa (except for being toothless, she needs help getting dentures ASAP). For a mother to say her daughter lied about being sexually "messed with" and to coddle a son so far as to allegedly commit a crime against a blind man with him is outrageous. Tommy deserves no sympathy as if he's a little helpless teen boy. He's a grown man with children and chose to get on drugs, hang around drug users, and go running with them on deals after what happened to Haleigh! Now, it sounds like someone is investigating his wife for allowing drugs around the children and something seems to be going down. I don't feel too sorry for her either because she could have transferred nursing school and got the heck out of there.

I'm 100% with you on the Lisa thing.
Both families. from all outward appearances, seem beyone messed up. I mean could they be anymore dysfunctional?
I feel sorry for the children, all the children, especially Haleigh.

Could we please include the Sheffields with these dysfunctional families?
To me, many clues seem to point back to ToC's involvements, especially the way he keeps saying, "she better quit makin' up stories," and the fact that his bond was revoked, and he was there the night this happened. He seems to be waiting for the guillotine/MC's words to drop.:twocents:
Is it just me, or in all those UC videos, Tommy never appeared on camera? Or did he and I missed it?
To me, many clues seem to point back to ToC's involvements, especially the way he keeps saying, "she better quit makin' up stories," and the fact that his bond was revoked, and he was there the night this happened. He seems to be waiting for the guillotine/MC's words to drop.:twocents:

I think people see what they want to see but the proof is in the pudding.

February 17th tape: I was listening over and over we have this exchange:

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MBqchLH_8Q&feature=player_embedded#

at 1:15 ToC says’s : they took away my bonds, that’s bull**** I ain’t no drug dealer.
Hank Sr : You shouldn’t never have been doing that ****. They just got you cause they want you. ( imagine that, what would they want ToC for papa Hank?)
ToC says: I’m scared for Misty man..
Hank SR says: yeah, I am scared for her too she is talking some stupid ****.
ToC: I know. She’s out of her mind.
Hank SR. : I know she is… I know it ain’t the truth. ( He knows what ain’t the truth?) I don’t know why she would say **** like that. ( Perhaps because the drugs are clearing out and she is able to think, imo)
ToC says: I don’t know….cause she is facing 6 counts of trafficking. 25 years in prison.
Hank SR: I think the cops put her up to that ****. ( what sshi*?)
ToC: I ain’t worried about it cause I know it’s not true
HankSR: That’s all I need to know. ( I really wish this man would have learned by now that his children's words can not be taken as the truth)

Then at 4 minutes in Hank Sr states that the lawyer wouldn’t take Tommy back unless he took a LDT, ToC says he will, but it’s 750.00 to do it.
Hank Sr: Timmy and Lyndsey need to just go in on it and get it done.(why do THEY need to go in on it?)
ToC: yeah cause I don’t want to be stuck with no public defender.

Towards the end we can see how much cutting and snipping they did of this video, In the beginning Hank SR says he is only going to talk for 10 minutes, and there sounds to be a 3 minute chunk taken out at the end when ToC is talking about the cops just trying to scare him. Big old mean cops trying to scare poor ToC, wonder why they would be trying to do that?:waitasec:

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