James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kolar believes the head blow occurred in the kitchen. He speculates JB angered BR grabbing pineapple slices from his bowl. The flashlight was on the counter; he grabbed it and in anger, whacked JB on the head. But, wasn't Kolar's account unclear about where that evening's live sexual episode took place? I own the book and will check.

I agree with most of Kolar's theory....but....I keep thinking both the sexual molestation and head whack took place in JB's bedroom. BR could have brought JB some pineapple slices and climbed into bed with her to await Santa Claus. The flashlight could have been brought along to play and explore under the covers. JB may have been hurt during the encounter and screamed or threatened to tell. The head whack may have been a desperate, but not angry, means to silence her. The rest is redressing and staging by another or others.
Selected from an earlier post by KoldKase:

"But Burke Ramsey would have to have stood on a chair to secure the wooden "latch" at the top of the cellar door once the body was in there."

This sentence clobbered me. JR made an issue of a chair having to be moved from in front of the door of the train room. And there were a couple of chairs shown in photographs.

Is it possible Burke COULD have stood on a chair to unlatch and relatch that door, and JR included it in his statements to remove any suspicion from it having been used by Burke with JR thinking to move it away from the wine cellar door to obscure it's use?

Of course it is possible BR stood on that chair. And his prints would mean nothing because prints can't be time-dated (as far as items in a home that would have been handled many timed by the residents). Prints on that chair (or anywhere else) belonging to the donor of the "rogue DNA" would be the only way that prints could be meaningful on the chair. IF JR was aware of BR using the chair to latch the WC door, that would explain his absolutely nonsensical comments to LE about the intruder being "clever enough to pull a chair through a closed door" to exit through the "broken" window. No comment on why the RST felt the "intruder" would have tried to balance precariously on a suitcase when there was a chair available.
As they say, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Some thoughts:

It's likely the Ramseys expected either LE or one of the kidnapping party guests to find the body in the cellar room very quickly. That no one did until hours later when JR made a beeline for it was a fluke, IMO, no matter if you believe JR knew it was there or not.

A BPD officer tried to open the door after unlatching it at the top, but it was "stuck" and he didn't force it because...it was latched. Fleet White opened the door at one point, but couldn't find the light switch and didn't see anything in the dark after briefly looking in. They both latched the door again, I believe.

But Burke Ramsey would have to have stood on a chair to secure the wooden "latch" at the top of the cellar door once the body was in there.

Here is the crime scene photo taken early that morning, when the body was still behind the door: notice the block turned to secure the door at the top.


Perhaps JR took a shower because he sweated a lot that long and terrifying night. Speculation, of course, but some people do sweat under stress, and if JR was busy helping with the horrors of what took place, I'd say that's extreme stress, even for someone who doesn't show it on the outside.

Perhaps Patsy's jacket was a shedder and it was on JB's clothing from the party. Perhaps the jacket shed on Patsy's top under the jacket and that's what she had on all night. What's she going to do: change into something comfortable to finish her child's life and cover it all up? The jacket fibers then transferred to the ligature cord and got tied into the knots and also stuck to the duct tape from either of those sources.

When the time came to call 911, maybe she just grabbed her jacket because that's what went with the rest of her outfit. I've certainly worn clothing more than one day in a row for various reasons. It's not that strange, IMO. Certainly not if she was indeed dressed in the rest of the outfit and wasn't thinking of much more than her baby was dead and she and her family were up to their necks in a tragedy which was only going to get worse if she didn't keep it together. In her mind, of course.

Still, if the fibers were already on JB's clothing, anyone could have been responsible for tying those knots and putting that duct tape on JB's mouth.

Perhaps and if and maybe.... And there's the rub...so to speak: transference.

But Patsy wrote the note, of that I have no doubt.

JB's blood was on her own pillowcase on her bed in her bedroom.

Even if the head blow happened in the kitchen or in a first floor area, how did the body get into the basement to be strangled?

The same way someone taller than Burke moved that block of wood to secure the cellar door--which is why LE didn't find the body immediately: kidnappers don't lock themselves into a room from the other side of the door.

An adult carried the child down at least one and possibly two flights of stairs, IMO.

This is why I don't believe Burke committed the strangulation. Whatever terrible choices the adults in the home were making that night, I truly don't believe either would have taken Burke with the body into the basement to watch or participate in the strangulation and staging in the cellar room. One or both adults did those deeds, IMO.

And then an adult turned the block to secure the door.

I'm only speculating, of course, based on the evidence, but something was happening in JB's room that night. She bled onto her pillow, on her bed. Her pj bottoms disappeared that night, but the top was still on the bed in the crime scene photos. Drawers were hanging open, a cabinet in the laundry area was open with a bag of diapers hanging out, the same place the maid hid Burke's Swiss knife. Burke's knife ended up in the basement either on a counter or in the cellar room near the body--I've heard both, and there have been claims he owned 2 Swiss knives, but this is another area we never have time to question Kolar about...sigh.

What if JB in fact was sexually assaulted within the three nights after the sheets had been changed, in her own bed? Then the violent strike to her head happened on Dec. 25th/26th. Later her body was carried down to the basement, laid face down by the paint tray to begin the "cover up" the chronic vaginal injuries, and the paintbrush then incorporated into the ligature for one or more demented reasons?

Well, who knows? We've played this murder scene a thousand ways in 17 years, but without a confession, one guess is as good as another because the 3 people in that house are all over it for natural reasons, as well.

But it was Patsy's pen and paper, her handwriting and linguistics--her ransom note; it was Patsy's paint tray and paint brush; it was Patsy's clothing fibers tied into the ligature knots and on the duct tape; her and Burke's fingerprints on the bowl of pineapple and tea glass; and if Patsy was talking about it, she was lying--to LE and to everyone else.


If JR and PR are co-conspirators "the time to make the 911 call" came whenever they wanted it to come. If patsy needed 15 minutes to shower and change she just makes the call at 6:07.
Kolar believes the head blow occurred in the kitchen. He speculates JB angered BR grabbing pineapple slices from his bowl. The flashlight was on the counter; he grabbed it and in anger, whacked JB on the head. But, wasn't Kolar's account unclear about where that evening's live sexual episode took place? I own the book and will check.

I agree with most of Kolar's theory....but....I keep thinking both the sexual molestation and head whack took place in JB's bedroom. BR could have brought JB some pineapple slices and climbed into bed with her to await Santa Claus. The flashlight could have been brought along to play and explore under the covers. JB may have been hurt during the encounter and screamed or threatened to tell. The head whack may have been a desperate, but not angry, means to silence her. The rest is redressing and staging by another or others.

Well something happened in the bedroom, hence the blood.
Selected from an earlier post by KoldKase:

"But Burke Ramsey would have to have stood on a chair to secure the wooden "latch" at the top of the cellar door once the body was in there."

This sentence clobbered me. JR made an issue of a chair having to be moved from in front of the door of the train room. And there were a couple of chairs shown in photographs.

Is it possible Burke COULD have stood on a chair to unlatch and relatch that door, and JR included it in his statements to remove any suspicion from it having been used by Burke with JR thinking to move it away from the wine cellar door to obscure it's use?

midwest mama,
Its possible but improbable. The logistics and staging point to the parents. I think the chair had another purpose.

Remember Kolar stated the partially opened gifts were opened earlier that day.

The basement is where the R's staged a crime-scene, possibly including a terminal asphyxiation.

Kolar believes the head blow occurred in the kitchen. He speculates JB angered BR grabbing pineapple slices from his bowl. The flashlight was on the counter; he grabbed it and in anger, whacked JB on the head. But, wasn't Kolar's account unclear about where that evening's live sexual episode took place? I own the book and will check.

I agree with most of Kolar's theory....but....I keep thinking both the sexual molestation and head whack took place in JB's bedroom. BR could have brought JB some pineapple slices and climbed into bed with her to await Santa Claus. The flashlight could have been brought along to play and explore under the covers. JB may have been hurt during the encounter and screamed or threatened to tell. The head whack may have been a desperate, but not angry, means to silence her. The rest is redressing and staging by another or others.

Kolar's breakfast bar account is inconsistent with the forensic evidence, he is suggesting BR relocated JonBenet down to the basement.

Kolar was simply speculatiing on the radio show, he forgets a lot of stuff when challenged.

Kolar must account for JonBenet having her hair tied up in ponytails, when was this done and by whom?

The ponytails might not be part of the staging since Patsy never said she put JonBenet's hair up.

So the R's version of events falls down on the ponytails, the pineapple and the size-12's.

It looks to me as if Patsy put JonBenet's hair up, dressed her for bed, the pineapple snack followed with Patsy supervising, or it was an impromptu snack with BR present?

Speculating: the pineapple snack may have been an agreement between BR and JonBenet, since note there was only one bowl of pineapple, and what followed was playing doctors upstairs afterwards?

It was ot a pineapple snack. It was a pineapple in cream or milk ritual meal.


18 LOU SMIT: That's why I wanted to show you
19 the picture. I just didn't know what you had heard
20 of this thing. I'm going to show you what's called
21 a picture of 414.
22 This is a photograph that's taken of the dining
23 room table. And it shows various things on the
24 dining room table.

2 JOHN RAMSEY: Um hmm.
3 LOU SMIT: What else do you see on there?
4 JOHN RAMSEY: I see a glass with what looks
5 like (INAUDIBLE). Tissues on the glass.
7 LOU SMIT: Do you have any idea how that got
8 on that table?
9 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been (INAUDIBLE)
10 that's a big bowl.
11 LOU SMIT: I'm going to straighten out the
12 picture so we'll want a close up of everything.
13 This is a photograph of 417. what does that
14 represent there?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it's a large spoon, not
16 a teaspoon. It looks like Patsy's good silver. I
17 guess that could be pineapple, I can't tell. But
18 it could be. Some people (INAUDIBLE) pineapple to
19 make it old and there's this teabag in an empty
20 glass. I can't tell, but it looks like there is
21 some milk or something.
22 LOU SMIT: Who do you know would eat
23 pineapple like that? Do you have any idea?
Actually, Patsy said she usually put JB's hair in a ponytail for sleeping. And JB frequently wore her hair in a topknot ponytail with the rest of her hair down long. In fact, the photo of JB at the R party on the 23rd shows this hairstyle. It is very easy to imagine she had this same topknot at the White's (LE has the photos from the party which would prove how she wore her hair that day) and then Patsy simply left her hair in the topknot ponytail and pulled the long hair back into the ponytail at the nape of her neck - which is how she was found.

There need not be anything suspicious about the double ponytails, and in fact, I do not think they have anything to do with the crime or staging.
Actually, Patsy said she usually put JB's hair in a ponytail for sleeping. And JB frequently wore her hair in a topknot ponytail with the rest of her hair down long. In fact, the photo of JB at the R party on the 23rd shows this hairstyle. It is very easy to imagine she had this same topknot at the White's (LE has the photos from the party which would prove how she wore her hair that day) and then Patsy simply left her hair in the topknot ponytail and pulled the long hair back into the ponytail at the nape of her neck - which is how she was found.

There need not be anything suspicious about the double ponytails, and in fact, I do not think they have anything to do with the crime or staging.

So, would Patsy have been able to put JB's hair into that lower ponytail with her asleep, as the R's stated she was when carried up and put into bed? In one account Patsy gave she said the reason she dressed JB the way she did that night was because of her being carried up asleep and she was "konked out". I suppose it's possible to do the lower ponytail with JB asleep, but it seems like fussing with her hair might have awakened her. Maybe it did, and that's when things started?
It was ot a pineapple snack. It was a pineapple in cream or milk ritual meal.


18 LOU SMIT: That's why I wanted to show you
19 the picture. I just didn't know what you had heard
20 of this thing. I'm going to show you what's called
21 a picture of 414.
22 This is a photograph that's taken of the dining
23 room table. And it shows various things on the
24 dining room table.

2 JOHN RAMSEY: Um hmm.
3 LOU SMIT: What else do you see on there?
4 JOHN RAMSEY: I see a glass with what looks
5 like (INAUDIBLE). Tissues on the glass.
7 LOU SMIT: Do you have any idea how that got
8 on that table?
9 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been (INAUDIBLE)
10 that's a big bowl.
11 LOU SMIT: I'm going to straighten out the
12 picture so we'll want a close up of everything.
13 This is a photograph of 417. what does that
14 represent there?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it's a large spoon, not
16 a teaspoon. It looks like Patsy's good silver. I
17 guess that could be pineapple, I can't tell. But
18 it could be. Some people (INAUDIBLE) pineapple to
19 make it old and there's this teabag in an empty
20 glass. I can't tell, but it looks like there is
21 some milk or something.
22 LOU SMIT: Who do you know would eat
23 pineapple like that? Do you have any idea?

BB01 - I seem to recall some reference to JB liking her pineapple with sweetened milk over it. I know you have a theory which ties the pineapple to the literature aspect you mentioned before. And that this also ties in with the psychological dissociative personality disorder you have mentioned as possibly relating to Patsy - she isn't "telling lies", rather she is telling the truth as she sees while in a state of disassociation? Do you also believe that childhood abuse of Patsy might have led to her disorder, which some psychologists have theorized?
It was ot a pineapple snack. It was a pineapple in cream or milk ritual meal.


18 LOU SMIT: That's why I wanted to show you
19 the picture. I just didn't know what you had heard
20 of this thing. I'm going to show you what's called
21 a picture of 414.
22 This is a photograph that's taken of the dining
23 room table. And it shows various things on the
24 dining room table.

2 JOHN RAMSEY: Um hmm.
3 LOU SMIT: What else do you see on there?
4 JOHN RAMSEY: I see a glass with what looks
5 like (INAUDIBLE). Tissues on the glass.
7 LOU SMIT: Do you have any idea how that got
8 on that table?
9 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been (INAUDIBLE)
10 that's a big bowl.
11 LOU SMIT: I'm going to straighten out the
12 picture so we'll want a close up of everything.
13 This is a photograph of 417. what does that
14 represent there?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it's a large spoon, not
16 a teaspoon. It looks like Patsy's good silver. I
17 guess that could be pineapple, I can't tell. But
18 it could be. Some people (INAUDIBLE) pineapple to
19 make it old and there's this teabag in an empty
20 glass. I can't tell, but it looks like there is
21 some milk or something.
22 LOU SMIT: Who do you know would eat
23 pineapple like that? Do you have any idea?

Blue Bottle 01,
From memory either Nedra Paugh or Patsy stated that JonBenet liked pineapple and condensed milk. I remember this since it is also a favorite of mine.

There is only one serving bowl on the table, someone is deliberately feeding JonBenet her favorite snack.

BR was the resident tea drinker in the Ramsey household. Not sure if it was hot or chilled.

Actually, Patsy said she usually put JB's hair in a ponytail for sleeping. And JB frequently wore her hair in a topknot ponytail with the rest of her hair down long. In fact, the photo of JB at the R party on the 23rd shows this hairstyle. It is very easy to imagine she had this same topknot at the White's (LE has the photos from the party which would prove how she wore her hair that day) and then Patsy simply left her hair in the topknot ponytail and pulled the long hair back into the ponytail at the nape of her neck - which is how she was found.

There need not be anything suspicious about the double ponytails, and in fact, I do not think they have anything to do with the crime or staging.

So why no picture of JonBenet at the White's party, whats to hide?

Why did Patsy not relate she adjusted JonBenet's hair as she placed her into bed?

Although the ponytails might have nothing to do with the crime, they might be able to inform us regarding the sequence of events?

So why no picture of JonBenet at the White's party, whats to hide?

Why did Patsy not relate she adjusted JonBenet's hair as she placed her into bed?

Although the ponytails might have nothing to do with the crime, they might be able to inform us regarding the sequence of events?


JR and PR seem to have the worst memory on what happened that night. I was reading on of JR's interviews yesterday and noticed that. He wasn't sure if PR was in bed when he went to bed, couldn't remember what book he read that night, didn't think BR was asleep when they got home, and so on.
This interview was in April 1997, not years after, but 4 months after.

I recall that one of the BPD noticed that PR's side of the bed looked like it had never been slept in. With all the events that happened that night, I don't think PR ever went to bed, and that is why she was still wearing the clothes she wore to the Whites. I think she was doing last minute packing for the trip to MI, while BR and JB were in the kitchen. The head bash could have happened there, or they could have gone back to JB's room. Right now I am a BDI. I think that after the head bash, JR was called, and that's why his bathrobe was on the chair in the den. BR was sent to his room, while the parents took over. PR wrote the RN, after using the paint brush handle to simulate a sexual assault, while JR ended JB's life
with the garrote. PR could have used her jacket over the paint brush so she would not hurt her hands when it broke. She could have torn off a strip of the tape, which was over JB's mouth and stuck it on her jacket, before it was put on JB's mouth. Perhaps JB was laying on her stomach, and was turned over before the tape was applied. This could account for her jacket fibers on the tape, and in the garrote.
The day after BR testified to the GJ they reached their verdict. We all know BR was too young to be charged. We recently found out the GJ did voted to charge the parents. It's really a shame that AH didn't follow through on their decision, instead of taking the coward's way out, and hiding the GJ's decision for so many years.
I recall that one of the BPD noticed that PR's side of the bed looked like it had never been slept in. With all the events that happened that night, I don't think PR ever went to bed, and that is why she was still wearing the clothes she wore to the Whites. I think she was doing last minute packing for the trip to MI, while BR and JB were in the kitchen. The head bash could have happened there, or they could have gone back to JB's room. Right now I am a BDI. I think that after the head bash, JR was called, and that's why his bathrobe was on the chair in the den. BR was sent to his room, while the parents took over. PR wrote the RN, after using the paint brush handle to simulate a sexual assault, while JR ended JB's life
with the garrote. PR could have used her jacket over the paint brush so she would not hurt her hands when it broke. She could have torn off a strip of the tape, which was over JB's mouth and stuck it on her jacket, before it was put on JB's mouth. Perhaps JB was laying on her stomach, and was turned over before the tape was applied. This could account for her jacket fibers on the tape, and in the garrote.
The day after BR testified to the GJ they reached their verdict. We all know BR was too young to be charged. We recently found out the GJ did voted to charge the parents. It's really a shame that AH didn't follow through on their decision, instead of taking the coward's way out, and hiding the GJ's decision for so many years.

Nicely thought out and written. Took me years to reach this stage, but I'm with you on this.
Patsy killed JonBenet deliberately. No one else was involved. There was no staging for police. Everything that was done was done by Patsy for Patsy as part of a psychotic fantasy revolving around an imagined relationship with a supernatural being, the fear of judgment by that God and the fear of death. What people mistakingly take as staging for police had symbolic meaning known only to Patsy. This includes the ransom note. There were two aspects to what was done to the body: the ligatures were suspension devices, the body was posed and viewed and then taken down, placed in the small room, wrapped and the duct tape applied to set the kidnapping scene up in Patsy's mind. The ransom note is full of the ideas that swirled in Patsy's mind that night and plagued her for many years.

The goal was not to kill JonBenet but to make an Angel out of her.

Patsy herself said after the funeral "JonBenet is in Heaven with God awaiting her mother's arrival and it won't be long." Patsy put JonBenet in that heaven to complete the fantasy and in her mind assure her life after death.

As the dedication in DOI says:

Wherever we go ...
Whatever we do ...
[We're gonna go through it together ...]
I recall that one of the BPD noticed that PR's side of the bed looked like it had never been slept in. With all the events that happened that night, I don't think PR ever went to bed, and that is why she was still wearing the clothes she wore to the Whites. I think she was doing last minute packing for the trip to MI, while BR and JB were in the kitchen. The head bash could have happened there, or they could have gone back to JB's room. Right now I am a BDI. I think that after the head bash, JR was called, and that's why his bathrobe was on the chair in the den. BR was sent to his room, while the parents took over. PR wrote the RN, after using the paint brush handle to simulate a sexual assault, while JR ended JB's life
with the garrote. PR could have used her jacket over the paint brush so she would not hurt her hands when it broke. She could have torn off a strip of the tape, which was over JB's mouth and stuck it on her jacket, before it was put on JB's mouth. Perhaps JB was laying on her stomach, and was turned over before the tape was applied. This could account for her jacket fibers on the tape, and in the garrote.
The day after BR testified to the GJ they reached their verdict. We all know BR was too young to be charged. We recently found out the GJ did voted to charge the parents. It's really a shame that AH didn't follow through on their decision, instead of taking the coward's way out, and hiding the GJ's decision for so many years.

I agree with a lot of this and answers a lot of my questions about why PR was wearing the same outfit and why JR took a shower and PR did not. The one thing I struggle with is, why the sexual assault? but then I think I answered my question as I am writing this. They needed to make a motive for her still being found within the house. They needed the rn to point the finger to someone else outside the family. But the problem they then would encounter is that JBR was found inside the home so the motive couldn't possibly be ransom. So what other motive could there be? That leads me to believe that they had to make another motive and reason that JBR was not taken from the home and thus the sexual assault.
I recall that one of the BPD noticed that PR's side of the bed looked like it had never been slept in. With all the events that happened that night, I don't think PR ever went to bed, and that is why she was still wearing the clothes she wore to the Whites. I think she was doing last minute packing for the trip to MI, while BR and JB were in the kitchen. The head bash could have happened there, or they could have gone back to JB's room. Right now I am a BDI. I think that after the head bash, JR was called, and that's why his bathrobe was on the chair in the den. BR was sent to his room, while the parents took over. PR wrote the RN, after using the paint brush handle to simulate a sexual assault, while JR ended JB's life
with the garrote. PR could have used her jacket over the paint brush so she would not hurt her hands when it broke. She could have torn off a strip of the tape, which was over JB's mouth and stuck it on her jacket, before it was put on JB's mouth. Perhaps JB was laying on her stomach, and was turned over before the tape was applied. This could account for her jacket fibers on the tape, and in the garrote.
The day after BR testified to the GJ they reached their verdict. We all know BR was too young to be charged. We recently found out the GJ did voted to charge the parents. It's really a shame that AH didn't follow through on their decision, instead of taking the coward's way out, and hiding the GJ's decision for so many years.

Yes BDI ticks a lot of boxes. Patsy likely dressed JonBenet for bed putting her hair up in ponytails, possibly requesting she wear the red turtleneck?

Would Patsy let JonBenet have a pineapple snack knowing she might wet the bed, so be tired on the flight the next day?

That both parents were involved in the staging explains all the forensic evidence, a PDI or JDI on its own does not.

So while Patsy was writing the ransom note, unknown to her JR was redressing JonBenet in size-12's, he thought were just right for that day?

Kolar's breakfast bar account is inconsistent with the forensic evidence, he is suggesting BR relocated JonBenet down to the basement.

Kolar was simply speculatiing on the radio show, he forgets a lot of stuff when challenged.

Kolar must account for JonBenet having her hair tied up in ponytails, when was this done and by whom?

The ponytails might not be part of the staging since Patsy never said she put JonBenet's hair up.

So the R's version of events falls down on the ponytails, the pineapple and the size-12's.

It looks to me as if Patsy put JonBenet's hair up, dressed her for bed, the pineapple snack followed with Patsy supervising, or it was an impromptu snack with BR present?

Speculating: the pineapple snack may have been an agreement between BR and JonBenet, since note there was only one bowl of pineapple, and what followed was playing doctors upstairs afterwards?


In the Christmas morning photos, JonBenet's hair is pulled back in a top ponytail. That might be something Pasty or JonBenet herself did the night before, and I think it was brushed and redone before the White's party and was left that way when she was put to bed. Jonbenet's hair was pulled back off her face at the gingerbread house party, and she wore her hair that way many times before.
We'll know how JonBenet's hair was done if we ever get to see the photos from the White's party, but that makes the most sense to me.

Pasty was the one that maintained it was JonBenet that put the size twelves in her panty drawer, and if she was redressed in her bedroom and the size twelves were grabbed out of the drawer then why are the others missing? You have JonBenet in a pullup with the size twelves over them and the pullup was removed and the panties pulled back up when she was redressed. Could a pullup with blood been grabbed along with the pajama bottoms and the other size twelves during that part of the staging?

I don't see Pasty jabbing Jonbenet with the train track, but I can see Burke doing it to "wake" her up if he had hit her and she was down.
Somewhere in the recesses of my memory I recall Patsy saying that the size 12 panties had been wrapped for the niece and put in the basement with gifts for other family members because Patsy had forgotten to mail the gift and would later mail them. She stated this when she claimed she had to peep into some of those packages to pick out which one was Burke's birthday gift. She went on and on about the panties being wrapped in FAO Schwartz paper (or whatever that New York department store is).

Does anyone else remember this episode?

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