Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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Software companies are pulling their people back home. The Austrian embassy moved. The live feeds to our country aren't so live anymore and reporters are practically clawing their way onto planes to get out. Our military is keeping our assets (troops and equipment) in near constant motion. The Japanese government is ordering, not advising, but pretty much ordering, it's residents to stay inside, when under the conditions, that would normally be seen as a dangerous thing to do, because of aftershocks and general building instability. (Not even Japanese design was prepared for this.) The PM seems to be having a meltdown of his own. Our government, usually so talkative about most everything else has completely shut up. Nobody is getting or giving the same story, and the time lags and late reporting are making it hard to tell what's current and what's not.

If one more person says not to worry I might just go insane.
I've been counting and so far the USS Ronald Reagan has repositioned (or we've been told they repositioned) three times over the past couple of days.

Well there you go, as far as I'm concerned that tells it all. There must be dangerous levels of radioactivity for that to happen. As someone earlier said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Well there you go, as far as I'm concerned that tells it all. There must be dangerous levels of radioactivity for that to happen. As someone earlier said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Yep and you just don't keep moving a super-carrier. They don't have such a good turning radius. Today I heard the navy say it was doing that to avoid the "at sea debris field" - yea right, again a military super-carrier is not going to worry about houses and debris floating around - they will pile right through it.
Radioactivity Forecast System Down

A computer system that forecasts the spread of radioactivity has not been working due to malfunctioning monitoring posts around a troubled nuclear power plant in quake-hit Fukushima Prefecture.


more @ link
this is not good - nor do I believe it to be true - not for a minute. It will be interesting to see how far they take this "blackout" in the next day or so.
Yep and you just don't keep moving a super-carrier. They don't have such a good turning radius. Today I heard the navy say it was doing that to avoid the "at sea debris field" - yea right, again a military super-carrier is not going to worry about houses and debris floating around - they will pile right through it.

I so wish my Daddy was alive to ask him about this. He was on a Navy carrier in the South Pacific when they dropped the Atomic bombs. He said they were sitting ducks, didn't know if their ship would be capsized or not.

He later was part of the hospital ship/groups that went to the bombed islands for recovery or to provide medical care to the survivors. So I can assume he was exposed to the radiation.

He and his sailors were guienna pigs. He had 4 spinal taps done on him to measure the results of exposure to the radioactivity. They let them get right up after those at that time.

I'm hoping there may be hope for many of the people exposed because he lived to 83 with no hint of cancer.
I mean really HTH do you just up the acceptable levels? That is one of the nuttiest things I've ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a lot of blatant cover up going on tonight/Japan's today.
I mean really HTH do you just up the acceptable levels? That is one of the nuttiest things I've ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certainly redefines "Here, take this pill and do what your government tells you to do, " to a whole new level.

Radiation? We don't need no steenkin radiation!

At this point, they could tell us that they are dropping cotton candy on the reactors to stop the meltdowns and I wouldn't even bat an eye. As nutty as the reports have gotten, it wouldn't surprise me a bit.
I just heard on TV, not sure if it's a re-run or not at this hour, that the workers have been taken out of there and God knows what's going to happen?

Can this be true, or is this "old" news from earlier this evening?
Trident, they have apparently let them back in after RAISING the limits of acceptable radiation. Yes, I just typed that.
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