Jesse G. and his Father RJ on Gerado Fox

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I'm probably going OT with this but wanted to respond to your post TurboThink.........
Speaking of MySpace pages of others in this case, others who didn't have nice things to say about Casey;
Since there were lots of interviews, etc. left out of the 400 page Docs, do you or anyone here think LE purposely left out the pages where friends/aquaintances said something nice or decent about Casey?
I mean, somebody, somewhere must have had something really nice to say about Casey, no? :crazy:
If too much of that nice stuff was released with the 400 pg Docs, that would defeat the purpose of releasing those docs to the public....the same public who will eventually become jurors.

In no way should anyone take my question as anti or pro anyone. Just thinking out loud. :)

No, I don't think so. I didn't see much of anything in the documents which was not nice about Casey. I see a lot of things which will be damming in court, but not personal things.

I believe the opposite - I believe they did not release the ones which talked about her promiscious ways and things which were personally damaging.
Sorry, I didn't not mean to imply they told what they said on their lie detector tests if that is the way you took it.

I was refering to what some of Casey's friends have said about Caylee going missing on different myspace pages. I posted one of the remarks on another thread, but I would suggest you go to Clint's page if you want to read some.
I saw the posts about the nanny/babysitter thing and just wanted to clarify something. I had a nanny at one point. Mind you she lived in my house and watched my children in exchange for room and board. She would also on occasion take care of my kids when I was home so I could sleep. I was working 3rd shift at the time.
The way I have always thought about it...if you take your kid to them, they are a babysitter. If they live in your home, they are a nanny.

Thats what I've always thought as well not_ my _kids. :)
I judy figured something out. If Lauren G was watching Caylee until about March, 2006 and then ZG supposedly started watching her after that...KC lost her job around then and she must have caused the falling out with LG because she didn't need a baby sitter anymore but she still wanted to say she was going to work everyday, so she fought with LG and "hired" ZG, which was even better because now she didn't have to pay anyone to watch Caylee while she went to her "job". She couldn't really keep LG after she got fired anyway because she didn't have a job to pay her with. That is why she needed the invisable nanny.
No, I don't think so. I didn't see much of anything in the documents which was not nice about Casey. I see a lot of things which will be damming in court, but not personal things.

I believe the opposite - I believe they did not release the ones which talked about her promiscious ways and things which were personally damaging.

Oh, Ok. Thank you TurboThink. What you say makes sense.
What I came away from this interview with:

JG seemed to be an honest, caring young man
Cindy Anthony is trying to accuse or frame him of murder of Caylee

I found this CA thing to be big news as supposedly she believes Caylee is alive and wants everyone searching for a live, walking, breathing Caylee

I am surprised at all the chat on CA referring to herself as mommy... If KC knew and did nothing to stop it... it is just a label and far from anything for me to care about. That is between them. Anthony's just come clean and help us put your granddaughter to rest or bring her home in the 1% chance she is alive.
Ok, JG did seem sincere. However I am questioning this interview. His dad was up there a couple of weeks ago, saying the same things about the rumors. But his dad is the one that tried to scare anybody out of ever mentioning his sons name. We have heard nothing of these rumors about the Anthonys blaming him. We heard it from his dad and him. Although for weeks on end we see GA and CA denying Caylee is dead. I don't know, I just don't buy. Wonder if someone is wanting to get his 15 mins. I mean, what did he need the paternity test results for. We knew they existed, as a matter of fact we haven't even really discussed JG anymore. Weird......
Ok, JG did seem sincere. However I am questioning this interview. His dad was up there a couple of weeks ago, saying the same things about the rumors. But his dad is the one that tried to scare anybody out of ever mentioning his sons name. We have heard nothing of these rumors about the Anthonys blaming him. We heard it from his dad and him. Although for weeks on end we see GA and CA denying Caylee is dead. I don't know, I just don't buy. Wonder if someone is wanting to get his 15 mins. I mean, what did he need the paternity test results for. We knew they existed, as a matter of fact we haven't even really discussed JG anymore. Weird......

That was the first time I heard of the rumors! I do think he loved KC and Caylee, I am not sure what to make of the interview.
Ok, JG did seem sincere. However I am questioning this interview. His dad was up there a couple of weeks ago, saying the same things about the rumors. But his dad is the one that tried to scare anybody out of ever mentioning his sons name. We have heard nothing of these rumors about the Anthonys blaming him. We heard it from his dad and him. Although for weeks on end we see GA and CA denying Caylee is dead. I don't know, I just don't buy. Wonder if someone is wanting to get his 15 mins. I mean, what did he need the paternity test results for. We knew they existed, as a matter of fact we haven't even really discussed JG anymore. Weird......

Great insight! :clap:

Until I see it actually proven there is no way that I believe that Jesse took nor passed a LDT.

I will also take with a grain of salt his accusations about the Anthonys blaming Jesse for Caylee's death - particularly considering the fact that the Anthonys refuse to even hint that Caylee may be anything other than very much alive.
Just to clarify something but I am only halfway throug the thread so I don't know if someone else has caught this: It was said that CA called HERSELF mommy to Caylee in front of KC. I just watched the interview on you tube and that was what I heard. Anyone else catch this?

I watched the interview a second time just to clarify several things, and yes, it was Cindy who called herself "mommy" to Caylee in KC's presence and JG was there too and witnessed it.
If the A's say J framed KC by killing Caylee and putting her in the trunk.. then what did KC do once she discovered Caylee with her body? Someone had to finish this up. (and for those who may think I believe this I don't)

Good point!

Lets take that a bit further.......... It appears that the A's are saying that JG is the one who killed Caylee and put her body in KC's trunk to frame KC.

Okay.......then what? Did KC find Caylee's body in her trunk? If so, what did she do? Did she call the police? Did she dispose of Caylee's body and if so, where? Did KC call someone - her parents and tell them what happened? If so, why didn't they call police and report that JG had killed their granddaughter? George is retired LE, wouldn't he know the proper procedure when something like that happened?

If the A's are saying that JG killed Caylee and put her body in KC's trunk to frame her, they need to explain, step by step, what happened when they learned of this, what they did, and why.
I watched the interview a second time just to clarify several things, and yes, it was Cindy who called herself "mommy" to Caylee in KC's presence and JG was there too and witnessed it.

WHY would she do this?
Ok, JG did seem sincere. However I am questioning this interview. His dad was up there a couple of weeks ago, saying the same things about the rumors. But his dad is the one that tried to scare anybody out of ever mentioning his sons name. We have heard nothing of these rumors about the Anthonys blaming him. We heard it from his dad and him. Although for weeks on end we see GA and CA denying Caylee is dead. I don't know, I just don't buy. Wonder if someone is wanting to get his 15 mins. I mean, what did he need the paternity test results for. We knew they existed, as a matter of fact we haven't even really discussed JG anymore. Weird......

After finding out that the father or JG is going it be on NG on Monday. This needs repeating. Also, I am not a fan of the Anthonys but we have never heard them even admit that Caylee is dead.
After finding out that the father or JG is going it be on NG on Monday. This needs repeating. Also, I am not a fan of the Anthonys but we have never heard them even admit that Caylee is dead.

Is there anyone in this case who is not looking for their 15 minutes?
Is there anyone in this case who is not looking for their 15 minutes?
Yes. Corporal Yuri Melich. Sgt. John Allen. The OSCO, the FBI, and other people who are trying to find justice for Caylee. They appear to be the ONLY ones not looking for fame here.

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