Jian Ghomeshi, well known, well respected radio host fired for Sexual Assault

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As a female lawyer pandering to what is most likely a predominantly male crowd, and at the very least pandering to a crowd that is well known for having an "old boys club", I suspect that part of fitting in is making light of Jian's numerous sexual assault victims. She epitomizes what is wrong in the CBC and in the "rape culture". She is the type of person that makes light of offensive acts if the offending person is someone of power. Clearly she is capable of setting aside victim's rights if it means getting a good laugh from the old boys. Good for her. It's probably the only way that she could get ahead in her career. She was given a forum where, as a woman, she could have a strong voice on behalf of victim's right in the context of sexual assault and what does she do? She pretends that she's a man standing at the urinals making snide remarks about the fictitious concept of sexual assault.

There is no mystery in Jian's choice of lawyer. He thinks that she will make jokes about, or make light of, his sexual assaults in the courts. I hope that she is nailed to the wall both in the courtroom (assuming there are charges), and in her career.

Great post, thank-you. Summed it up perfectly
Christie Blatchford: Jian Ghomeshi’s lawyer’s sexual violence jokes expose double standard

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Imagine, say, instead of the glam Ms. Henein at the mike that night, it had been a paunchy male defence lawyer who within the week would be acting as Mr. Ghomeshi’s mouthpiece. I don’t think even Eddie Greenspan himself could have come away from it unscathed, as Ms. Henein did.

Or even, God forbid, imagine it had been a boy prosecutor who made the jokes; those lawyers who laughed so hard at Ms. Henein would have been at the AG’s office the next day, demanding his head. For a prosecutor, it would have been goodbye Mr. Johnson, that’s what it would have been.



Christie Blatchford | November 7, 20


He seems to have some deep rooted feelings of isolation that he attributes to the fact that he was a new immigrant in Canada more than thirty years ago. If he had a healthier outlook, he would realize that whatever awkward feelings he associates with being a teenager were experienced by every teenager around the world. If he had grown up in Iran, he would have had the same feelings ... awkward teenage years are not something that is unique to new immigrants in Canada.

He seems immature, and, in person, he lacks the intellect that was sometimes seen in the show Q.

Are you thinking that perhaps his violence towards women stems from his awkward teenage years, which he attributes to being one of many different nationalities that make up Canada ... that being Iranian in Canada somehow made him resentful of Caucasian Canadians?

"Ghomeshi was born in 1967 in London, England to Farhang (Frank),[5] a civil engineer,[6] and Azar (Sara) Ghomeshi,[7] and is of Iranian descent. His family moved to Canada from England when Ghomeshi was seven and lived in Thornhill, Ontario.[8] He attended Thornlea Secondary School,[9] where he was student council president.[10] His older sister, Jila, is a professor of linguistics at the University of Manitoba"
I don't suppose there was anything JG could do to silence The Star when he learned they were investigating his personal life.

""But Mr. Ghomeshi first approached the CBC’s executive director of radio and audio, Chris Boyce, months earlier. Mr. Ghomeshi said the Toronto Star had allegations he had non-consensual, violent sex with a woman during a past relationship, but denied her claim was true."

On Oct. 23, when Mr. Boyce and the CBC’s head of public affairs, Chuck Thompson, saw evidence that Mr. Ghomeshi had harmed a woman, a “180 [degree turn] happened” in the CBC’s stance, Ms. Conway said. And still, when the Toronto Star published allegations of abuse from multiple women the night Mr. Ghomeshi was fired, Ms. Conway claims to have been “shocked, truly shocked” by what she read.

I wonder if this woman knew JG recorded this incident?

"CBC fired Mr. Ghomeshi on Oct. 26, three days after lawyers representing the well-known radio host showed two CBC executives video, photographs, text messages and e-mails that showed him causing physical “injury” to a woman, according to the CBC’s senior leadership. Since then, at least nine women have alleged they suffered violence, sexual abuse and sexual harassment from Mr. Ghomeshi, who denies that he did anything without consent."
What is the standard operating procedure for filing a workplace grievance with your union representative?
I wonder if the woman's complaints against JG were made in writing?

In 2010, a woman then working at Q alleged that Mr. Ghomeshi had sexually harassed her at work, including making violent sexual comments during a meeting three years earlier. She complained to her union representative, who has said in e-mails that he relayed her comments “verbatim” to Mr. Noorani and a CBC Radio manager.

The woman, who spoke to The Globe and Mail on the condition that she remain anonymous, said she met with Mr. Noorani in his office, and he asked what could be done to improve the work environment. In an e-mail, Mr. Noorani told The Globe last week: “At no point was an allegation of sexual harassment brought to my attention.”

"The public broadcaster has reassigned Arif Noorani, executive producer of Q, to another job amid the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.

Nine women have made allegations that they were physically or sexually abused by Ghomeshi — Q’s former host. Last week, Noorani decided he needed to take a break from Q.

On Monday, the CBC announced Noorani will be back at work next week in a new position.

“This (reassignment) was at his request,” CBC spokesman Chuck Thompson said.

“Given everything that has transpired in the last couple of weeks, (Noorani) thought it would be better for all involved.”

On my phone but read several tweets stating JM showed video of bruising and a CRACKED RIB. WTF??
Seeing a video of someone cracking someone's rib should lead to a phone call to police IMO. WTH CBC???
Seeing a video of someone cracking someone's rib should lead to a phone call to police IMO. WTH CBC???


Makes me wonder if the person with the cracked rib saw physician who also should have reported it to LE -- IMO


In the Facebook posting he refers to his meeting with CBC in late October.

&#8220;On Thursday I voluntarily showed evidence that everything I have done has been consensual. I did this in good faith and because I know, as I have always known, that I have nothing to hide,&#8221; Ghomeshi wrote.

&#8220;CBC execs confirmed that the information provided showed that there was consent. In fact, they later said to me and my team that there is no question in their minds that there has always been consent. They said they&#8217;re not concerned about the legal side. But then they said that this type of sexual behavior was unbecoming of a prominent host on the CBC,&#8221; Ghomeshi stated in his posting.

Ghomeshi, writing to his legions of fans two weeks ago, said that he understands that his preferred approach to sex may not appeal to everyone.

He said his practices may be &#8220;strange, enticing, weird, normal, or outright offensive to others. We all have our secret life.&#8221;

According to sources, CBC did not leave the meeting at Ghomeshi&#8217;s law firm with the original video or a copy of the video.

Toronto police are investigating allegations from three women who have come forward.
I thought I would toss my thoughts/opinions into the ring. I have a bit of first hand insight into Marie Henein. She is an excellent lawyer because she is no-nonsense, tough-as-nails, incredibly intimidating, and that is as her client. She is the opposite of Eddie Greenspan, who loves the spot light. She gets high profile cases, but remains low profile. Ghomeshi's $600 an hour Crisis Management firm, Navigator, dumped him. Even the the most scandal ridden of public figures know you can't lie to your crisis management people if you expect them to help you. And if you want a lawyer like Marie is going to spend her time on you she is going to make it clear she thinks you are scum, but believes in the principles of a right to a defence, but isn't going to put up with any bull***** because she has better things to do and heaps of clients. She is not going to launch a PR campaign for him either. People choose her for that particular reason and hire Navigator to do the spin work. But if Navigator wont work with you, you really are a piece of work. No one needs to worry that Marie Henein will think Ghomeshi is anything other than a vile predator and she will not be giving hugs or using a soothing voice. The irony is that she is the kind of woman Ghomeshi avoided interacting with and he will likely have a difficult time working with her when she doesn't indulge his narcissistic victim narrative like the millions of adoring fans he once had. If he eventually ends up with a different lawyer I wouldn't be surprised.


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