JLM: Other Possible Victims

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Thanks for mentioning this video, I hadnt seen it so just popped over to youtube to look (it will come up if you search his name).

WTF is with his demeanor!? That has thrown me right off! I had him picked as a sociopath because of how well he's been able to hide his sadistic ways all these years... but surely that level of manipulation takes some intelligence to carry out. That arraignment makes him seem like someone who is intellectually impared?? He takes these huge pauses and you can see him trying to process the very simple yes or no questions the judge is asking. Was that acting?? [emoji45]

Right??? I just don't know how to file this in my profile of him as a criminal. If I didn't know he was supposed to be "slow," I'd have thought maybe he was stoned or... something. The video that shows him from behind has much clearer audio and he sounded like a high surfer dude, "whattt???" Going to have to re-think what I've thunk.
If it were a vehicle, I'd say it has grooves on top ... Can't think of wording (sorry!). But Jesse's car clearly does NOT! JMO

Someone said ...somewhere... that it the groove part was the spoiler on the back of his car. Looking at the photos with that in mind, I totally agree. It was just recently posted.
I've been noting some dates down. I really don't believe in coincidences. These all happened in Virginia.

Sophie May Rivera 9/7/2003
Alleged sexual assault CNU 9/7/2003

Morgan Harrington 10/17/2009
Liberty u rape 10/17/2002

Cassandra Morton 10/10/2009
Found on Liberty U property

Samantha Clarke 9/13/2010
Hannah Graham 9/13/2014

Fairfax rape 25/9/2005

Dashad Smith last seen 11/20/2012
Lauren Smith 11/21/2011
Phyllis Rodgers 11/21/2002

Want to add Autumn Wind Day .. Just a feeling I have .. :(
"My concern for him is that he's incompetent to stand trial, to go through this, and like I've said, I'd hate for someone to be thrown under the bus, or for their lives to be ruined if this wasn't the case. Or if he you know, since it doesn't look good for him with the evidence, if he's working in connection with someone else or he's the middle man, to do what's right."

During their years together at LU, she says she helped him with his class work and it was then she realized his intelligence level was not up to par.

"When I was looking over his work, it was truly at the age of Grammar school. It was see spot run, with handwriting to match."
But she does say he's someone who could fall under the wrong influence just because he doesn't know any better.
Not sure if this has been posted or not but it looks like people who knew him didn't think he was very smart, or almost mentally challenged as this classmate makes it sound. Like they don't think he understands boundaries and such. Do you think that's why they let him by with so much? Because they literally thought he was too dumb to know the difference between right and wrong? She even states that she was shocked that he was even able to attend college.

Someone said ...somewhere... that it the groove part was the spoiler on the back of his car. Looking at the photos with that in mind, I totally agree. It was just recently posted.


Hope you can see picture at link. I am not talking about racks , but grooves on roof. That is not a spoiler .. This is at link

Major difference! Sorry but that is NOT JM s car at all .. My opinion.
i added the gaint food store it is RIGHT near where route 29 meets the road its on. Its on a major road and near major roads like rt 29 and I-65. It could be as simple as driving in to DC from C'ville or vise versa and he stopped for gas or fast food and saw her.


There is a 7-11 across Germantown from the Giant and it is on the same side of the street as Lanier Middle School. The school has a long grassy area and parking lot where someone could sit and watch. The side of the Giant supermarket that fronts Germantown Lane is dark and windowless with a thin parking lot. Most customers who are driving to this Giant park out front and the store has the typical side of large windows, bright light of the store within and streetlights in the parking lot. Given that there have been many sightings of him in convenience stores he might have seen her from the 7-11 also.

This location is about a mile from 66 and from there you can pick up 29 farther west - or - you can drive about a mile and turn directly onto 29.

Hope you can see picture at link. I am not talking about racks , but grooves on roof. That is not a spoiler .. This is at link

Major difference! Sorry but that is NOT JM s car at all .. My opinion.

His spoiler doesn't look anything like that, it is rounded and very short, flat, and wide. See some photos here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...EOS-**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=10989721#post10989721
Thanks for mentioning this video, I hadnt seen it so just popped over to youtube to look (it will come up if you search his name).

WTF is with his demeanor!? That has thrown me right off! I had him picked as a sociopath because of how well he's been able to hide his sadistic ways all these years... but surely that level of manipulation takes some intelligence to carry out. That arraignment makes him seem like someone who is intellectually impared?? He takes these huge pauses and you can see him trying to process the very simple yes or no questions the judge is asking. Was that acting?? [emoji45]

IMO, he was overtaken with shock that he was finally caught. Clearly a sociopath when he is asking about his clothes and complaining that the bed is hard - all about JLM.
Thanks beaniebod. I wondered too if it was shock, but I couldnt hear JMs responces on the youtube tape. If anyone has a link to the footage from behind please let me know.
His spoiler doesn't look anything like that, it is rounded and very short, flat, and wide. See some photos here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...EOS-**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=10989721#post10989721

Yes .. Scroll down in photos and plenty of spoilers! Nothing remotely looks like photo. Sorry .. My opinion based on photos and seeing spoilers in real life! That photo has ridges on roof (IMO) running horizontally. My vehicle has them. Front to back on roof .. And his car does NOT. A spoiler is NOT shown in pictures at all. Sorry but Jesse has nothing to do with that picture. And I will add that I think he's as guilty as **** ...
Yes .. Scroll down in photos and plenty of spoilers! Nothing remotely looks like photo. Sorry .. My opinion based on photos and seeing spoilers in real life! That photo has ridges on roof (IMO) running horizontally. My vehicle has them. Front to back on roof .. And his car does NOT. A spoiler is NOT shown in pictures at all. Sorry but Jesse has nothing to do with that picture. And I will add that I think he's as guilty as **** ...

I know absolutely nothing about cars and their attachments, so I will just agree with ya! I first thought it was the roof or hood, but certainly not an awning.

The taxi minivan thing is interesting, though. The photo that was released with him in the driver's seat and several ladies draped around him looked to be a minivan taxi.
Not sure if this has been posted or not but it looks like people who knew him didn't think he was very smart, or almost mentally challenged as this classmate makes it sound. Like they don't think he understands boundaries and such. Do you think that's why they let him by with so much? Because they literally thought he was too dumb to know the difference between right and wrong? She even states that she was shocked that he was even able to attend college.

Apparently it's a myth that serial killers are typically highly intelligent, that this is more the exception that the rule. One serial killer expert I heard on a radio program said that most are average or below average intelligence, and that Gary Ridgeway has an IQ of around 80. Also an expert who studies the brain imaging of serial killers (James Fallon) noted a common characteristic of brain damage, I think in the prefrontal cortex.
As someone who went to a large university and attended classes with football players, it is entirely possible that he didn't have a very high IQ. It's been stated in numerous reports that he went to Liberty on a football scholarship - this being one of those reports: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/201...stian-university-over-rape-allegation-report/

I went to a state university and attended classes with football players. It was astounding to me what they got away with, such as loudly asking people around them for answers to a test without a care in the world about the teacher hearing. The teachers turned a blind eye to it, and it was obvious that the players would pass their classes without question. There's also the whole argument about football players getting head injuries which cause brain damage leading to aggression, violence, improper judgment, lack of conscience, etc.

Believe me, I am in no way even attempting to say that is what JM's demise was, but do see it as a possible defense for him to use once he's finally in front of a jury. IMO, I think he does naturally have a low IQ, low self esteem and sexual addictions. I think he did rape those women at Liberty University and CNU, and the rapes cost him so much in regards to his hopeful NFL career and college education. It began as a power thing (the raping) and progressed into murder. The murdering provided an even bigger sense of power and gave him some sort of sexual release. Murdering also prevented the more recent women from being able to accuse him of rape again. In his deranged mind, it was always the victim's fault, especially that first victim that got him kicked out of Liberty and "ruined his football career." Instead of him taking responsibility for sexually assaulting her, he blamed her and it became his MO. So right around the start of football season, he starts getting antsy and needs to "punish" another young white college student, particularly one who is vulnerable and defenseless. And the more he did it, the more it gratified him until he began getting careless, as most serial rapists/killers usually do. The alcohol he consumed that night probably attributed to it too, and I'm sure it did the first night he raped a woman. Again, not excusing or justifying, but trying to understand how it happened. He most likely was feeling the effects of alcohol and lowered inhibitions, and impulsively and carelessly acted on that, which thankfully led to his arrest. JMO...
I know absolutely nothing about cars and their attachments, so I will just agree with ya! I first thought it was the roof or hood, but certainly not an awning.

The taxi minivan thing is interesting, though. The photo that was released with him in the driver's seat and several ladies draped around him looked to be a minivan taxi.

Totally agree ..NOT an awning! I may photo the top of my vehicle (I'm sure it's gross!) .. Big and probably similar to other SUV or vans. Looks like the top , but no spoiler. I think people are seeing things from the wrong angle. I'm not an expert, just basing off seeing cars often. :)
Apparently it's a myth that serial killers are typically highly intelligent, that this is more the exception that the rule. One serial killer expert I heard on a radio program said that most are average or below average intelligence, and that Gary Ridgeway has an IQ of around 80. Also an expert who studies the brain imaging of serial killers (James Fallon) noted a common characteristic of brain damage, I think in the prefrontal cortex.

Yeah, after reading that I don't know what to think. I'm starting to believe he acts so off that even after he hurts people they somehow feel sorry for him so they just let it go no matter how serious the offense. Hence the reason I believe so many of these girls feel they can trust him and also the reason why he's so open about talking to and touching strange girls.
Wanted to add that I think people are looking at picture like she is coming up backside of vehicle. I see her walking along side .. Like front of vehicle is to right and back of vehicle is to left in picture. I believe it is a sideview. I believe it's a vehicle, but just an innocent bystander.
As someone who went to a large university and attended classes with football players, it is entirely possible that he didn't have a very high IQ. It's been stated in numerous reports that he went to Liberty on a football scholarship - this being one of those reports: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/201...stian-university-over-rape-allegation-report/

I went to a state university and attended classes with football players. It was astounding to me what they got away with, such as loudly asking people around them for answers to a test without a care in the world about the teacher hearing. The teachers turned a blind eye to it, and it was obvious that the players would pass their classes without question. There's also the whole argument about football players getting head injuries which cause brain damage leading to aggression, violence, improper judgment, lack of conscience, etc.

Believe me, I am in no way even attempting to say that is what JM's demise was, but do see it as a possible defense for him to use once he's finally in front of a jury. IMO, I think he does naturally have a low IQ, low self esteem and sexual addictions. I think he did rape those women at Liberty University and CNU, and the rapes cost him so much in regards to his hopeful NFL career and college education. It began as a power thing (the raping) and progressed into murder. The murdering provided an even bigger sense of power and gave him some sort of sexual release. Murdering also prevented the more recent women from being able to accuse him of rape again. In his deranged mind, it was always the victim's fault, especially that first victim that got him kicked out of Liberty and "ruined his football career." Instead of him taking responsibility for sexually assaulting her, he blamed her and it became his MO. So right around the start of football season, he starts getting antsy and needs to "punish" another young white college student, particularly one who is vulnerable and defenseless. And the more he did it, the more it gratified him until he began getting careless, as most serial rapists/killers usually do. The alcohol he consumed that night probably attributed to it too, and I'm sure it did the first night he raped a woman. Again, not excusing or justifying, but trying to understand how it happened. He most likely was feeling the effects of alcohol and lowered inhibitions, and impulsively and carelessly acted on that, which thankfully led to his arrest. JMO...

I think he began to murder because he didn't want to get caught. 2 times he almost got in trouble but didn't and now it seems every girl after became missing, that is if these other missing girls are some of his victims.
IMO, he was overtaken with shock that he was finally caught. Clearly a sociopath when he is asking about his clothes and complaining that the bed is hard - all about JLM.

Exactly. He's only worried about himself and his own comfort.
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