JLM: Psych Thread - Professional and Non-Professional Opinions/Theories

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I just read post 75. JML appeared to arrive at the bar according to the bouncer. At 1:30 am at closing and was most always interested in the drunkest of them. He had a particular type similar to HM. So, now
This behavior is troubling... I hope more will come forward to reveal what he has done. This is very sad to know his behavior was so obvious. It goes back to an earlier post about hiding behind ackward was as an Exscuse
JM while likely stupid knows exactly what he was doing to these girls

I do not think he is stupid at all!!!

Just because someone doesn't succeed academically, does not mean they are dumb!

Ex. Albert Einstein
I do not think he is stupid at all!!!

Just because someone doesn't succeed academically, does not mean they are dumb!

Ex. Albert Einstein

I think the Albert legend is not a good example. Think he got a few bad grades... but he was an academic no doubt.

The only way he could be ruled in competent to stand trial is if his IQ is lower than 70 and his history refutes that. Since JM has navigated quite nicely under the radar for almost a decade it shows he does not suffer from diminished capacity or mental illness.
I've had students with IQs in the 80-90 range who have tried multiple times to pass the written exam for a driver's license without success.

I'd find it very difficult to believe that somebody who has obtained a driver's license and fairly steady employment for the past 7-9 years (depending on whether that taxi license was obtained in 2005 or 2007) as a taxi driver, an orderly, and an assistant football coach would have an IQ lower than 70.

Hope you are sooooooo right on all that you said about Camblos and what he's trying to do, oceanblueyes!
We know at least this much- he must have been " smart enough " to graduate HS because he went on to college.
We know at least this much- he must have been " smart enough " to graduate HS because he went on to college.

I don't even know which thread to put this in now because his competency/education is being discussed in two. But, anyway, in order to enroll at PVCC, he likely (read almost certainly) had to take and pass their own placement tests, so they could determine what level classes he needed to take. They do have remedial classes for those who aren't yet at a college level, however.


This report gives me a different impression from now on.


He suspect he mastered his actions from the ages of 20 to 30's which is inline with the key years of development and key years for criminal assault and rape.

How he got to that point before his 20's is a tragedy and unfortunate.

Let justice be served.

Perhaps I'm confused by your statement...are you saying the key years of development are btw 20-30?
I think the Albert legend is not a good example. Think he got a few bad grades... but he was an academic no doubt.

Have you read any biography on him? He detested school, was a loner with few friends, argued with teachers, and failed plenty of test before dropping out, some of his teachers even considered him a dunce!
I've had students with IQs in the 80-90 range who have tried multiple times to pass the written exam for a driver's license without success.

I'd find it very difficult to believe that somebody who has obtained a driver's license and fairly steady employment for the past 7-9 years (depending on whether that taxi license was obtained in 2005 or 2007) as a taxi driver, an orderly, and an assistant football coach would have an IQ lower than 70.

Hope you are sooooooo right on all that you said about Camblos and what he's trying to do, oceanblueyes!

Wait!!!! this just occurred to me....what if camblos isn't trying to get him declared "legally" insane.....but prove he has some major psychosis....so that way at sentencing they can request a psychiatric hospital instead of prison!?!?!?
Perhaps I'm confused by your statement...are you saying the key years of development are btw 20-30?

I am suggesting that JLM's developed himself into a monster. It appears with the Fairfax case that his development started near that time in his early 20's.

This coincides with two noted periods of human development where the brain forms most of the final development before heading into a maturity in the later 30's and beyond. The brain starts to reduce in certain parts starting in the 30's.
See this example ref about the common subject: http://www.npr.org/2012/04/22/150429128/our-roaring-20s-the-defining-decade

It also coincides with the age range where most homicides are committed.

Why the 20-30 yr range for homicides can be considered with more detailed research.

I suggest the 20's are defining years from which a young adult determines with their own free will what they will become.

If a person during this age decides to make changes they are capable of making permanent changes into their adult years. Once example is that many that decide to quit smoking in their 20's can usually quit even though they might have started in their early teens. based on personal observations

JLM decided a path with all that he was given that has lead him to earn his spot in the care of the Virginia Commonwealth.
I am suggesting that JLM's developed himself into a monster. It appears with the Fairfax case that his development started near that time in his early 20's.

This coincides with two noted periods of human development where the brain forms most of the final development before heading into a maturity in the later 30's and beyond. The brain starts to reduce in certain parts starting in the 30's.
See this example ref about the common subject: http://www.npr.org/2012/04/22/150429128/our-roaring-20s-the-defining-decade

It also coincides with the age range where most homicides are committed.

Why the 20-30 yr range for homicides can be considered with more detailed research.

I suggest the 20's are defining years from which a young adult determines with their own free will what they will become.

If a person during this age decides to make changes they are capable of making permanent changes into their adult years. Once example is that many that decide to quit smoking in their 20's can usually quit even though they might have started in their early teens. based on personal observations

JLM decided a path with all that he was given that has lead him to earn his spot in the care of the Virginia Commonwealth.

While I won't dispute these ARE important ages in develop....if you are suggesting they are THE key ages for development I would have to disagree, and I bet good money most developmental psychologist would too.
Dr. Jeffrey Fracher, retired Charlottesville psychologist who specialized in sexual offenders, talks about the latest on Jesse Matthew's case on Inside C-ville with Coy Barefoot: http://insidecville.com/city/fracher-nov4/

His practice has been taken over by Dr. Jennifer Rasmussen. Wonder if she will do the testing of JLM - IF - he is tested. Wonder what kind of work-up will be done. Psychological testing of a sexual offender, according to one expert, takes a whole day...or more.

PS - I'm listening to this right now. IT IS GREAT. I highly recommend BOTH of Coy Barefoot's interviews of Dr. Fracher.
Dr. Jeffrey Fracher, retired Charlottesville psychologist who specialized in sexual offenders, talks about the latest on Jesse Matthew's case on Inside C-ville with Coy Barefoot: http://insidecville.com/city/fracher-nov4/

His practice has been taken over by Dr. Jennifer Rasmussen. Wonder if she will do the testing of JLM - IF - he is tested. Wonder what kind of work-up will be done. Psychological testing of a sexual offender, according to one expert, takes a whole day...or more.

PS - I'm listening to this right now. IT IS GREAT. I highly recommend BOTH of Coy Barefoot's interviews of Dr. Fracher.

Just a random observation...but did you realize camblos initials are JC.

How ironic that a man who appears to be highly religious such as JM with a close relationship with his pastor.....but is really a serial killer....gets a lawyer to "save" him who's known to "play loose"...and his initials happen to be JC.

Me thinks that's twisted.
well with that said I must add this I know a couple of schools will push your bad grades under the rug just to have you play in sports I myself was one of those ppl and yes I had bad grades but im more street smart than the average joe so this could very well be JM.
Have you read any biography on him? He detested school, was a loner with few friends, argued with teachers, and failed plenty of test before dropping out, some of his teachers even considered him a dunce!

Would you please provide references to the bio's, failed tests, teachers comments, arguments with teachers, reference to loner, comments about detesting school.

Very interested in seeing this thanks

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