Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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Regarding Jodi in the interrogation video with Flores from the day she was arrested(head stand day).. Her socio/psychopathy was oozing from her IMO and she was desperate to learn how to correct those tell-tale signs of socio/psychopathy that Flores was pointing out to her that she was void of.. he tells her that her actions/reactions are not normal and that they are clearly indicative of her guilt of the heinous crime.. he speaks about her total lack of any feeling or emotion whatsoever about the victim and the entire heinous slaughtering of the victim..

Flores moves on from this subject, but Jodi very assertively draws him back to the topic and just flat out asks him what those emotions/behaviors/reactions that she is void of ..what they in what is it that normal, feeling, soul bearing humans do and how do they act in a situation such as this??...IMO this was extremely chilling for me because it further indicated the foreign alien that she is in so many ways and that she clearly is only capable of learning how to mimic these type human emotions and reactions, rather than genuinely feeling these emotions as we do as human beings.. she clearly wanted to learn what those traits were so that she could therefor mimic those characteristics of which she is totally devoid..

Flores quickly cuts off her attempts at redirecting the interview to what was quite obviously irrelevant to what was important(i.e. her coming clean on what and why she slaughtered Travis), rather than the self serving topic that was of the utmost of importance to Jodi.. he tells her that its too late and that its irrelevant and doesn't matter at this point in time...

Moo is this is the exact issue that I've previously spoken about regarding her not being like you and I and that any of the behaviors, feelings, or emotions that people have mistaken for Jodi's actually having a soul are nothing more than mimicked characteristics from which she has observed and learned from watching others.. she is devoid of a soul and that fact is constantly and repeatedly reminded to us time after time after time ...

Para phrasing but several times in JA's direct examination she did respond that she didn't want to have herself 'appear to be that kind of person' or that isn't 'how I wanted to have people think of me that way'. She admits that she acted how she thought she wanted other people to think of her.

The real JA came through as she testified but she kept a tight grip on the real JA.

Just watch the TV interviews she gave - she lied and she acted. And we know it without a doubt.
I wonder if you're on to something. Why isn't the first 15 minutes available anywhere? So strange! What do you know of "legal problems" encountered?

And it seems when exhibits were entered there might have been 2 other pictures assigned numbers and/or somehow referred to (not shower pix), which were not shown. But I might have imagined this. If Beth K. does Tricia's show again, this would be a great Q for her.

What time did Travis send out his email to Chris, his partner? Read that he was last electronic commutation sent from Travis.
But that would assume that she'd put the gate up several days before Travis left - so he and the roommates would have to step over it every time they went up and down the stairs... (?).

Having the dog gate up at all makes no sense to me at all (except for JA putting it up before attacking Travis), because with Travis away, his bedroom door would be shut, and the roommates probably kept their doors shut when they weren't home, either - meaning the only restriction the gate would provide would be to the stairs and an upstairs hall.

Why would they do that - and be willing to deal with having to lurch over it all the time?

The only thing that makes sense to me is that JA did it - further proving premeditation.

I thought I read somewhere, I know not much help but that when the roommate got home he was surprised that the gate was up because TA never used it.
Respectfully snipped

A way to really nail her down is the answer to this question -- could one of her 5 gallon tanks hold 6 gallons of gas?


I do not think that she can attest to having a 20 percent difference on a gas can. I would not believe another gallon either. 1 more gallon in a 5 gallon can's not possible in my opinion.

but if just 2-4 percent over Stated capacity.. the prosecutors calculations ... I will go with is a possibility.

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yes- and travis knew alot of people. Had ufc parties (btw~ gsp vz diaz tonight :rocker:) , roommates in and out, lds functions etc... Nothing out of the ordinary to have a white car in the driveway.

ot gsp!!!!
I always thought she tried to load *advertiser censored* or ped pictures on his drive and the security stopped it because the security warning was on his screen when LE checked it. Her hard drive was destroyed and the external hard drive was also destroyed, I believe. jmo

Didn't the forensics expert (who displayed the male genital photos say that he got those photos from the second hard drive, which he received with a casing that was in pieces (that he either put together or used his own?).

I know he said that drive was JA's - but isn't that where those photos were recovered from? Having been supposedly sent to her by Travis?

If so, then her drive can't have been completely destroyed. It's a mystery. I seem to recall that the DT wanted it's contents 'sealed' as well... I'm more confused than usual today, sorry everyone...
Journalist Jonathan Leach, who first interviewed JA in the AZ jail for 48 Hours in July, '08, wrote a fascinating article offering more insight into the mind of this psychopath. It has probably been discussed and analyzed before, but for those who missed it, it's a real eye opener.

,,,,"the intruder later changed his mind, Jodi says. "I just remember holding my head and closing my eyes. He pulled the trigger. And nothing happened, just a click. At that point, I pushed passed him. And I ran down the stairs."
Didn't JA say that she ran and hid in a closet?

"Even though she survived, Jodi never once called for help. I was incredulous at what she was telling me, but pressed her about how she could have remained silent all this time. "Because I was scared", she says, "I've grown up around gangs and you don't snitch."
Have we heard about JA growing up around gangs before?[/B]

Mr. Leach goes on to say that he kept in touch with JA for a couple of years after this interview, but it wasn't until then that she told him that Travis had a 'darker side'. Yep, the girl had plenty of time to sit and cogitate.
I haven't seen any mention about the hearing that was to take place yesterday and I believe I heard it was moved until Monday. Is this the case? If so, why was it postponed? if it is taken care of quickly will the jury be brought in to continue testimony they witness?


I'm so far behind reading at this point, and have no clue if it's been answered yet. I do know that one of the attorney's had a death in their family.
I have wondered about this too. It could be that she had planned to be in and out but arrived to find Travis surprisingly hospitable and unexpectedly willing to let her in his bed. Who knows?

Maybe one of the roommates came home and JA hid in Travis' room overnight - or until the wee hours - before she felt it was 'safe' to sneak out undetected? Just a thought...

ETA: Or she deliberately went WAY out of the way (stopped in Mesquite, NV) in order to make it look like she went from SoCal to SLC... (Not sure if Mesquite was the stop that seemed odd - but there was one receipt that did seem to make it look like this is what she was doing - which could have used up several extra hours).
Someone in a TV interview said PPL routinely held functions in Cancun, that TA had been there twice before with JA (??? Find this hard to believe).

I do not find it hard to believe at all, never did think much of the Cancun trip and I do not think Jodi thought much of it either, certainly were not hints of it in their sex tape, it was a minimal point
I wonder if you're on to something. Why isn't the first 15 minutes available anywhere? So strange! What do you know of "legal problems" encountered?

And it seems when exhibits were entered there might have been 2 other pictures assigned numbers and/or somehow referred to (not shower pix), which were not shown. But I might have imagined this. If Beth K. does Tricia's show again, this would be a great Q for her.

I think in Flores' first interview, mentioning the pics recovered, he said to her iirc, "And you guys are obviously having sex."
She use to be at Travis's house all the time so the neighbor's knew her
car for sure (& the roommates).......

She didn't have her car. It was a Budget rental remember? So where she parked is of great interest to me. It seems like an upper class community so I hope they asked neighbors if they captured anything in their surveillance cameras which I'm sure there were plenty.
You know something I don't understand is that this psychologist is testifying that she has PTSD which came about after the murder. She was in deep denial...she has all these symptoms like those of police officers who are confronted with life or death situations...

What I don't understand is why a diagnosis of PTSD after she murdered Travis has any relevance at this point??? He can't testify to her having a mental condition before. Who cares how JA is doing physically or mentally now...she murdered Travis plain and simple.

I get it helps explain why she can't remember. BUT who cares if she can't remember - she did admit to killing him, the evidence shows she did it and Travis is gone.

I don't care how JA is "feeling" right now.
No, no. She claims he threw it to her after they had sex on the front porch and it made her feel like a "gasp" prostitute. Obviously if this were true and he did throw it to her he was thinking a pretty cheap prostitute at best. I think he may have dropped it unknowingly and she used the experience to make him look bad. jmo

I believe this is another concocted lie among a bazillion and that is why it comes across as unbelievable.

Because of her psychopathy she doesn't even know how to tell a convincing story.
Her feet look filthy, and why is she bare footed during a police interrogation?

Do you think the police went to her house to pick her up for questioning and didn't let her get shoes? She didn't have makeup on either so maybe she wasn't expecting to go anywhere....
And I believe this is the way Jodi acted most of the time. Strange and odd. She was bored stiff because the conversation wasn't about her. He told her she didn't care about anyone but herself in one of his text messages. If she was the center of attention then everything was hunky doorie but if not then she was spaced out somewhere in la la land. That's why she complained Travis didn't give her enough attention. What she really meant he acted normal and talked with everyone not just Jodi and she hated that he did.

That is why every one of his friends could tell she was soulless with no warmth coming from her eyes. But in so many situations the one in the middle of the relationship is the last to see what everyone else has seen for a long time.

Travis did finally recognize how dangerous she was and tried hard to break it off with her. She was having none of it. She would show him what happens when he dared to stand up to her and she did show him.:( Imo, Travis was through with JA. He would have never contacted her again and that is why she knew she had to show up unannounced on June 4th to end it her way.


I have been meaning to go back and listen to DF testimony - I though he said that Travis treated Jodi like a friend when they were around other people. But I don't think putting his arm around Jodi and letting her rest her head on his lap is treating her like a friend , that situation was clearly sending a message to the others in that group that they were boyfriend and girlfriend and I am pretty sure that is DF sitting on the couch next to Jodi in that video.
I remember hearing that comment too, at the time I thought, "I guess there are other pictures I haven't seen," and just assumed they weren't released due to the pornographic content. It could be that Juan what Juan meant was that the series of photos depicts a couple engaged in a sexual rendezvous?

I've been confused all along about the assumption that they had sex. I still find those pictures very odd and disjointed. Especially the two of TA, the fact that the bed is made, etc...

I've searched everywhere for the first 15 minutes too and have not been able to find it.

Strange indeed.
I've always assumed that Travis' bedroom door was closed the whole time JA was there for privacy reasons... he did have roommates/tenants after all, and Napoleon may have been in the bedroom earlier, but I'm SURE JA made sure he was not in there when she attacked Travis.

I thought the doggie gate was put up when she left, so that Napoleon wouldn't be found scratching at Travis' bedroom door and raise suspicions too early/before she got to UT.

But now I'm thinking you're right, and that it DOES signal premeditation - she'd have had to have put the gate up knowing Travis wouldn't ever go out his bedroom door again, because he didn't use the gate from what the roommates said, and he would have balked at seeing it up...

Yep little red pug prints would have created a problem for JA - but the closed door would have prevented that, no? Ah - unless Travis managed to open it... dang, this person (JA) is creepy. The dog gate does indicate that she may very well have thought of this very issue - beforehand. Yikes.

I've always thought this was a HUGE point towards premeditation - no bloody paw prints, no doggie hairs in t the blood, and no doggie barking and running under a bloody foot during the stabbing, not even poor little puppy scratching on the door, or chew, not even a puddle for the 5 or so days Travis was MIA - had to mean the gate was up before the killing - which speaks volumes about what was intended.
Especially since the roommates said they thought it was odd that the gate was up, and the dog always had the run of the house.
Jodi had plenty of time to sit in jail and listen to real battered women's stories, women probably molested in childhood or possibly been with a child molester as a mate. I'm sure Jodi just stole someone's life-story as she did Travis' robbery story---gun to the head, almost word for word.
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