Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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I saw it, when was this moment from, does anyone know? I think it must have been early because I don't recall seeing that animal print top, and I've only watched pretty much since she took the stand.
I thought there was like 6 to 12 seconds between pictures until the last few?

I do believe he knew she was taking the pictures. He has a glass shower door. It's logical to close it when alone taking a shower. The first thing that happens when you close a door like that (and water is running) is that the glass gets wet and it fogs up. Because he had to know the shower door was open while he was in the shower, he had to know she was photographing him.

Bubbles are the sexiest part of shower pictures. Jodi should know that. :blushing:

I have an idea that he knew about it, but in that photo where he was looking over his shoulder, (shocked and pissed) was when he turned and saw she had the gun and maybe some duct tape in her hands. I think she made him duct tape his hands in the shower while he was sitting down. I believe that's where the longer gaps in times between the pics occur. I think she let her guard down maybe exchanged the gun for the knife to help him cut and secure the duct tape in place.

That's when he saw his chance to charge her, and she stabbed him for the first time. I think he was shot last.

The shower door was closed except for the last picture of him sitting down in the shower and it appears the water was off. You can see the door is open. While he is showering the door is closed. jmo
The shower door was closed except for the last picture of him sitting down in the shower and it appears the water was off. You can see the door is open. While he is showering the door is closed. jmo

How do you account for lack of steam and water on the door and in the pictures? I can only account for it by the door being open the entire time.
Yes, because he asked her if she could have "topped off" her tank with that last receipt for gas. He went over all the receipts.

I said on one of these threads, so forgive me if I'm repeating it in this one, that she testified to being worried that the gas would spill from the cans, so she didn't fill them all the way up. That statement within itself mandates a third gas can due to the amounts of gas purchased.

They don't account for the fact that she could have put, say 4.25 gallons in one, 4.5 gallons in one, and 4.75 gallons in the last. Or whatever combination that would work for the total gallons purchased. I don't recall the full amounts purchased, so I'm guessing at amounts to illustrate my overall point.
I received this response from Tanisha

Thank you so much for the support of our family in this trying time. We appreciate it so much. Because of the volume of emails we receive each day, we are not able to reply to each one. Please forgive the auto-reply, but know that we are blessed by your support and are very grateful.

All the best,

The Alexander Family

Just wanted to share that they are receiving. Our donations
No no no. Travis didn't instruct anyone. They (she) took it upon herself to feed Napoleon and ASSUMED, Travis just left and perhaps forgot to leave instructions. Remember, this was NOT a close household dynamic. These were 3 single men who had work, church and a social life. The roommate whose girlfriend who volunteered to feed the pup, was the newest roommate of only 2-weeks. So there had been no time to get used to any routine or variations thereof.

No, no, I know - :) I was talking about any/all other times someone came to watch Napoleon - had Travis *ever* asked any of them to put up the gate... it seems as though Travis didn't like the gate, so I'm not sure why he even had it.

I was just looking for any prior pattern - expecting there isn't one.

Perhaps Travis used the gate when he was cleaning house, to block of areas he was cleaning so they could dry, etc. without pug prints. :)
I think so, too. She could have been in the hallway taking pictures without the flash. Seems as if the hallway may have been dark, late afternoon because Travis did have the overhead lights on near the shower. So it is possible he was unaware until the end when he spotted her.

I don't think it's possible that these pictures were taken without his knowledge. This is not part of the prosecution's theory, either. Based upon flashes in some pics and his poses, he knew she was there the whole time. IMO.
If Jodi purposely wanted to get pulled over by the Utah police so she would have a stronger alibi it makes sense that her car was cleaned very well with no traces of blood or Travis's DNA. I don't think she wanted to get caught in case there was an ABP out for her. How would she know that Travis's body wasn't discovered at that point? I suppose she was fairly confident that his body wouldn't be discovered for at least a day, but every hour that went by was a bonus for her. She had to be aware that she would be a prime suspect within hours of the investigation.

I cannot imagine her purposely wanting to be pulled over by LE. She didn't need an alibi in Utah; RB was with her. What would be her worst nightmare, however, is if Travis had been discovered and it had been established he was killed when she had no alibi since she was hours late in arriving to see RB. She got lucky in that days passed before he was found.

If Jodi purposely wanted to get pulled over by the Utah police so she would have a stronger alibi it makes sense that her car was cleaned very well with no traces of blood or Travis's DNA. I don't think she wanted to get caught in case there was an ABP out for her. How would she know that Travis's body wasn't discovered at that point? I suppose she was fairly confident that his body wouldn't be discovered for at least a day, but every hour that went by was a bonus for her. She had to be aware that she would be a prime suspect within hours of the investigation.

No. I really do't think that she thought she would be a prime suspect at all. She lived 1000 miles away at the time and she thought that she had covered all tracks of her ever having been in Arizona. She was on a "road trip" to visit ex-and new boyfriends - don't you know?

JA is (imo) a raging sociopath. She thinks that everyone else is stupid - not her.

Don't forget, that while waiting for her trial, she's had the luxury of watching a pins 12 verdict. I think she might just be hoping for the same stroke of luck!

Here's my theory about her ongoing additions and changes to the gun story -- she is a psychopath, right? So she really has no way of knowing what emotions and thoughts are behind the jury questions about the gun, especially since she cannot see the actual jurors asking the questions and read their expressions. She gets the deadpan reading from the judge and does not know what it means because she does not cue to normal human thoughts and emotions.

She is misinterpreting the jury questions as sincere questions seeking clarification and explanation -- since they asked about the box the gun was in, she thinks they must really believe the gun was in a box, so she just goes with it thinking she is connecting with one of the jurors. She is not careful to keep track of her story because she is misreading the cues from the questions, and you can see she answers those jury questions without even pausing or blinking or missing a beat - because she thinks she is manipulating them.

She is more cautious with Juan because she knows he is trying to convict her, so she reads malice into every single thing he asks. Since he brings up that the gun was unloaded, she adds in that it was also loaded -- on the fly, just throws that in there to respond to what she assumes is Juan's trickery. She is trying to throw him off balance, trying to win at his game, clueless to the way that she is perceived by everyone who watches her.

^^ I think this, more than anything, is why she adamantly and stubbornly denied the third gas can -- she did not want Juan to be right about this, no matter what, without concern or shame in anticipation of being exposed as flat-out lying to the jurors.

:rocker: *golf claps* I think you are so spot on. Especially the gas can part. That is the conclusion I came to as well. She just had to go against what Juan was saying and it was a perfect in to impeach her testimony.
No, no, I know - :) I was talking about any/all other times someone came to watch Napoleon - had Travis *ever* asked any of them to put up the gate... it seems as though Travis didn't like the gate, so I'm not sure why he even had it.

I was just looking for any prior pattern - expecting there isn't one.

Perhaps Travis used the gate when he was cleaning house, to block of areas he was cleaning so they could dry, etc. without pug prints. :)

Yeah, cause I was wondering why jodi would do that when the bedroom door was locked. But maybe she didn't want Naps scratching the bedroom door and whining. I would assume his roommates would think Naps was doing such a thing just because Travis was out of town, not because he was dead in the room, though.
I think in Flores' first interview, mentioning the pics recovered, he said to her iirc, "And you guys are obviously having sex."

That's right! And Juan referred to a pic where TA was aroused, IIRC. Isn't that when he threw out the "t" word (tumescent)?

ETA: on second thought, I don't think JM used the "t" word relative to the naked pix. Maybe it was when he was questioning TAs ex girlfriend.
Yes. Yes of course they would have used it as part of her defence but it didn't happen...

The jurors question was in part, was treatment available to her? She lied about that answer. There's a write up on the jail, and they have treatment available to all "guests". Not that she would ever lower herself to go - even if it helped in her defense case.
I'm still not understanding. If she really wanted to hide a purchase, why did she not pay in cash. Why did she use a debit card or credit card?

come on, really, everyone knows that you can track purchases of what was purchased with credit card or debit card and receipt and tracking these days.

A 5 year old could have done a better job than that In hiding the purchases!

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Because she is not only evil, she's greedy. She intented to use those as a business expense. (what the heck business, I have no clue!)
I posted yesterday on another thread on this site that I think she may have parked the car around the corner at the lot at the community pool (proximity to travis' home easily seen on google earth map)...she had mentioned during her testimony that she used this lot in April of 2008 for the Uhaul, before the move back to Yreka...I think is why the roommate that came home for a short time around 3-4pm-ish didn't recall anything and also why the roomate who left for work at 6 am didin't see a car either

Poor TA. He even helped her financially to get her the he## out of Mesa!

She still didn't leave and ended up camping out at his place for a few more days. Unbelievable!

One thing I can say about these sociopathic "creatures"...If they haven't found their "next target" yet, you're in trouble. JA hadn't quite lined up enough for her next target - she was stranded. Look at what she moved back to when she moved back to Yreka. No friends. No "supply".

I was lucky. Mine already had his next one lined up.

Hi everyone!

I had been lurking here quite a bit during the CA trial, and came back again for this trial. I have finally decided to come out of the shadows and post a few thoughts. Apologies ahead of time if I repeat anyone else's opinions (it is Impossible to go through all the posts.)

1. Motive - the may 26 text from Travis unmasking Jodi as a sociopath. A sociopath, psychopath, or narcissist unmasked is probably one of the most enraged, dangerous people that exist. The fact that Travis threatened to unmask her to other people in their circle added fuel to an already raging fire.

2. Shot first or last - I don't understand why it has to be either or. Stabbing someone apparently takes a lot of energy. Isn't it possible that she started stabbing, got tired and shot him to subdue him enough so she could finish what she started? I truly believe that she would have preferred stabbing to inflict the most psychological torture, that she wanted Travis to know what was happening and why. That's why, when I see people question why she just didn't shoot him and leave, I always think "it wasn't just about wanting him dead, she wanted him to suffer."

3. Abuse allegations - a lot of the supposed abuse involved being anally raped repeatedly and treated like a sex slave. I am not a psychologist but I find it odd that, with those types of allegations, Travis's genitals were not injured during the murder.

4. Shower photos - I believe he was being held at gunpoint, knife-point, or both. The photos look to me like he was being told exactly how to pose, and I think she was using these shots to get up the nerve, and also to get him into the most convenient position for her to do what she came for.

5. Self-defense - You just have to look at his injuries vs hers. It just boggles my mind that self-defense can even be put forward as a logical defense!!

6. Sex tape - I will admit that I haven't listened to the whole thing. It just feels so invasive. I believe that Travis was somewhat sexually naive when he met Jodi, and she opened up a whole new world for him. He became intoxicated and probably a bit addicted to the whole experience, but in my mind there is no doubt the she was the experienced aggressor. Travis probably spent a lot of time trying to keep up with her in regards to fantasies. The little bit of the sex tape I heard sounded very clumsy and juvenile on his part. I am a woman, and I think most women would not find that conversation in the least sexy. Jodi, however, loves it and encourages this type of talk.

7. Travis's inability to just cut all ties with her - sex of course, but there is more. I have a relative who is a narcissist and when you deal with one for any length of time you become almost a co-dependent narcissist. What happens is you start questioning their motives or what the next move will be, and they usually aren't good. After awhile you start thinking "what kind of person am I to think that about someone, I am worse than they are!" . Then the times when they do something sweet the guilt really kicks into overdrive and you feel awful. Then you are vulnerable and want to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to get close again. I am sure it is the same cycle with a sociopath. I am a little tired so I probably didn't explain it too well.

Well,, that's a few of my thoughts. Sorry again if I have repeated any already stated opinions.

She already had a Utah alibi - she had dinner with a bunch of people and watched a movie and slept at Ryan's house.

I think it was to avoid detection and identification.

If it was to avoid detection, it was exactly the wrong thing to do (assuming that she did it while in Az). it could have very easily drawn attention of an Az cop and there would have ended her ability to enter and depart the state without leaving a paper trail.

A Utah alibi, as you point out, was already in her plans, plus any credit cars purchase would have established her presence there.

Whatever reason she had, it was stupid to turn her license plate upside down
The jurors question was in part, was treatment available to her? She lied about that answer. There's a write up on the jail, and they have treatment available to all "guests". Not that she would ever lower herself to go - even if it helped in her defense case.

"guests," LOL. I'll be Jodi coined that phrase for inmate.
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