Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #90

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I agree. Most shopping areas do not allow skateboarding on their property. Usually there is a sign posted.

And the skaters AVOID illegal areas because it gives the cops the chance to search them and to take away their skateboards etc, not to mention their pot pipes. No kids are going to go into a heavily congested pking lot and unscrew a license plate and then re-screw in the plate, upside down. That is ridiculous. It is illegal to steal a plate off of a car. Why do something like that just for a prank? I can believe some kids STEALING the plates. But not 'pranking ' her and replacing it upside down. That is a pathetic attempt on her part.
But what I am wondering is where did the case of costco water come from? She mentions no costco stops or bringing it along. It only "appears" when she has to come up with a story of "coming to" with blood on her hands. It smells like a big stinky lie to me and one that might be easy to prove.

After she picked up the rental, didn't she say she went back to her sisters to take a nap. I'm sure she'd claim she got it there.
But what I am wondering is where did the case of costco water come from? She mentions no costco stops or bringing it along. It only "appears" when she has to come up with a story of "coming to" with blood on her hands. It smells like a big stinky lie to me and one that might be easy to prove.

Exactly. That case of water seems to have only one purpose: to cleanse blood off herself after murdering Travis. She never mentions having it in the passenger compartment where she would drink it, she doesn't mention having it for a roadside emergency, and by storing it in the trunk with the gas cans, it would be hot and taste like gas. Therefore, IF the water existed, does it go to premeditation as it's purpose is to wash off the blood? In essence, that is what she is saying.

You cannot rent a hotel/motel room without a credit card upfront. Even if you dispose of the bill upon check out with cash, they will demand a card on file upfront in case you leave without settling up.

:doh: I forgot about that ...

But do they still have any of those "sleazy" pay by the hour types places out there -- where you just put the cash up front, and the front desk "looks away" -- KWIM ?

Maybe I'm watching too many old movies ...

Okay ... carry on !


BBM: This makes sense to me for a couple of reasons :

1. The rental car guy who testified said there were "stains" that looked like "Kool-Aid" stains -- which no doubt, was blood stains ... and the floor mats were missing from the rental car ! I mean, who doesn't turn in the floor mats from a rental car -- don't they charge you for that ? Yep ... those mats had traces of blood on them, IMO ...

From looking at the crime scene photos, there was blood everywhere -- and JA is NOT as "smart" as she thinks she is -- so she probably had one helluva time getting cleaned up in Travis' bathroom ...

JMO, but I think she had blood on her when she left Travis' home ...

2. Wasn't she late getting to Burns' home -- and didn't she tell Burns she got lost -- I know, that would be from Arizona to Utah ...

Nah ... I think it's possible she stopped at some motel -- maybe one of those pay by-the-hour places ... :waitasec: do they still have them anymore ?

Anyway ... JMO ...

Just checking in for any updates ... and will check back later ...

Have a nice evening everyone !

She was all confident on thursday! She was euphoric and so were her attorneys.
I don't see how they can think jack the quack! And his DSMV and magazines! Is going to. Convince the jury! That she suffers from PTSD?

There are wise folks on the jury. Who comes to court to testify as an expert! Toting magazines and DSMV! Flipping thru pages? No peer reviews nothing with validity! Please! I Give these jurors more credit.

Martinez is gonna make jack the quack pee his depends! By the time hes finished with him!jack the quack will be crying! Begging for Ativan himself.
You cannot rent a hotel/motel room without a credit card upfront. Even if you dispose of the bill upon check out with cash, they will demand a card on file upfront in case you leave without settling up.

For a chain hotel/motel, true. Some of the little Mom and Pop places don't require a card up front, though you pay in advance.

You also can just sleep in a car.
After she picked up the rental, didn't she say she went back to her sisters to take a nap. I'm sure she'd claim she got it there.

Does it frighten you that you can now think like Jodi? Lol!
I would think it would be the last place to shower as you are further contaminating his body with your dan (her own blood, hair, etc...) and there is no guarantee that it wouldn't lodge beneath his body rather than running down the drain.

(That all sounded quite horrible - sorry.)


The mess she made was not in the plan. Her plan was for all the blood to be in the shower so when things didn't go according to her plan she made mistakes. I think she showered and then use the cup/glass to rinse him off more. By that time she knew she could never get it clean so she just left. Jmo
Looking at these photos really makes you realize how thoroughly they investigated throughout the house. How could she have not left a single fingerprint anywhere else? I'm really starting to think that she snuck into the house early morning hours and waited around until TA woke up around 1:30 pm. They did not find a single print of hers anywhere downstairs or upstairs! I think apart from a very brief period when she had gloves on the entire time she was there!

She could have cleaned up in the bedroom area but the entire house??? No prints in the laundry room, kitchen, office, little bathroom downstairs where they found a couple of drops of blood?

Very strange!


Zach said he saw Travis at 11:30 so it sounds as if he was just getting ready to leave the house. No Jodi according to Zach and no car in the driveway. We know Travis was on his computer at 4am and he told Zach he had trouble sleeping when he saw in at 11:30. Jodi could have come into the house when Zach left, Travis could have gone upstairs to lie down and Jodi could have looked at his computer to see what he was last looking at without viewing it herself. She could have easily viewed it later. We will never know because her computer somehow broke when LE retrieved it.

It is possible she went to Travis' bedroom around 1:00 pm and she was sleeping and she waited until he work up. If she tried to have sex with him and he turned her down she still knew at some point he would go get into the shower. Zach and his girlfriend came home between 3 and 4 and then left around 4pm. She could have kept him talking all that time and when he finally decided to take a shower she got dressed and may have told him she was leaving once she was sure Zach would not be back. She truly wanted him in that shower and this could be what took so long for her to kill him.

Had Zach left on time, had Travis slept the night before she would have been in the house at 8am and out by 9:30am and on her way to Utah. She had to wait or her plans were ruined. jmo
I have a feeling as to what but I'm sure I cant write it out here, would get in trouble. I think I can say pay close attention real close to all nude photos of her body. I hope I dont get time!!!:seeya:

So, so curious!
For one thing, she was never with TA any other time when she was brunette. He had only seen her as a blonde.

Second, the timestamps in the photos make that impossible. There was only 50 seconds between the time in the JA rear closeup pic and the pic of TA lying down in bed. And in the earlier, full-length photos of JA, TA is not in bed! So obviously he took the photos of her.

Third, if she'd snapped the photos from his computer screen, the experts could easily tell that.

Yes, I know it's hard to believe a guy would have sex with a woman he was so angry at. But he was angry with her many times before (e.g. when she slashed his tires--twice, when she would hide in his closet, when he would snoop on him as he was out with another woman) and still let her back in his life. None of the guys here have any doubts, only some of the women.
Well said, I also believe he had sex with her that day because having sex with her still did not mean that he wanted to be with her.
:doh: I forgot about that ...

But do they still have any of those "sleazy" pay by the hour types places out there -- where you just put the cash up front, and the front desk "looks away" -- KWIM ?

Maybe I'm watching too many old movies ...

Okay ... carry on !


I really don't think so, no place deals in cash anymore. But, who knows, maybe she came upon the one place in the country that did. :twocents:
Does anyone else wonder, if given all the free time that they have, away from the trial, if any jury member has done any background research on the case?

Yes I wonder that too! I also wonder why they can't bring home taped testimony to listen to later at night. I know I hear things the second time around that I missed the first time. All they have to rely on are their notes? What if they're bad note takers..
Exactly. That case of water seems to have only one purpose: to cleanse blood off herself after murdering Travis. She never mentions having it in the passenger compartment where she would drink it, she doesn't mention having it for a roadside emergency, and by storing it in the trunk with the gas cans, it would be hot and taste like gas. Therefore, IF the water existed, does it go to premeditation as it's purpose is to wash off the blood? In essence, that is what she is saying.


I don't think it existed--it is another red herring, it allows her to say she was bloody when she came to, she wasn't, she showered or washed up or something at Travis'. If she admits to this or even to not being bloody when she came to, it means she will have to acknowledge she showered etc., which doesn't really support her "fog" claim. How can you be in a fog and shower off the blood, and basically wipe the place of prints and blood. Not really "in a fog" behavior. So she has to say she was bloody, and washed off with water. Another lie from a lying liar.
Wow, I can't believe Jodi can creep me out anymore than she already has. I've been following this case and watching the trial, but somehow I missed the video clip of her singing, doing a handstand, and laughing. What the hell?!
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