Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I know he said it and I was amazed.

But I don't think JA looks thin either, so I am no judge apparently as everyone else thinks she is thin.

Me either. Her arms are thin, but the rest of her just looks average to me. Not fat, not too thin. And I am not joking or trying to make fun of her when I say this, but when she is walking up to the box it looks like she is wearing a diaper under her khaki pants.
Mostly I mean the psychological defense ploy they are pulling parallels Mrs. Gore's homicide very well RE: the overkill and covering up of the crime. One reason the cases differ is that there is so much more reason to believe that Travis was completely unarmed, because of the pictures.

But I am afraid they will have excuses for why the weapons were handy. I don't think I'd be giving anything away to the defense if I bring up a gun in a purse in the bathroom because of her long, lone trip on the road :( Apparently they are going to say the knife was handy because of sex play (that one is harder to brainstorm, and I think any good ideas there should not be mentioned in public!).

I really, really hope her premeditation and past behavior seal her fate. That's the huge reason the case I mentioned is different, and thank God for evidence of that!

She already stated in her statement to Flores that her purse was on the bureau in the bedroom. jmo
I hope it is right during the spring convention for PPL, know renamed as LEGAL SHEILD!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

For me, the best laugh of the case was when gus was asked if he needed to contact a lawyer............deer in headlights! It was classic. Anyone have a youtube to cue up of that one!

that has been the highlight so far....dumbfounded he was. What ? You want me to just find a lawyer now????
hahahahahahahhahahha...priceless. !!!!!
I'm not too familiar with the geography of that area ... is this pit somewhere that Jodi could have conceivably ceremoniously destroyed murder paraphernalia during her travels?

I took some pix from the car on my last trip home from Calif.
Here are a few snaps of the area near Ehrenburgh to Quartzite, which is
a few miles to the east.
The first pic has a road sign for Ehrenburgh (between the AZ sign and the exit 1 sign)

They aren't great photos, but do give an idea of what the area looks like.





Art_by_Jodi coming from Yreka Ca, guess the family is back in bizness.

My experience with ebay is people rarely buy from a seller who has sold nothing, such as this one and a lot of sellers don't like to sell to people who have not bought items and have poor or no feedback. Personally I don't purchase from anyone with less than 98% positive feedback and that would require a selling history of more than (0)!
Me either. Her arms are thin, but the rest of her just looks average to me. Not fat, not too thin. And I am not joking or trying to make fun of her when I say this, but when she is walking up to the box it looks like she is wearing a diaper under her khaki pants.

I was thinking they had to get her extra large pants to accommodate the shock cuff thing fastened around her leg. It made me wonder why they didn't put her in a skirt then...
i see what ya mean, but that is what he said. is there a link to his testimony?

IIRC he said 'she had almost like a six pac' or something similar.
So not what would be called washboard or six pac.

Love to see the link to his testimony too.
I'm still catching up here, but I just watched an ABC news clip with Dan Abrams, George Staphanopolous (sp?) and Nancy Grace. I was stunned what Nancy said at the end! She said that she is afraid the defense is going to work! She said she ran into so many women at the jail that sympathized with Jodi and believed she murdered out of self defense! Now granted...these were probably inmates or family of inmates, but still - this kinda shocks me. I believe with all I have that JA premeditated Travis' murder and it was NOT self defense.

Video here:

Just putting myself in an inmates shoes here, if I were in that prison anywhere near that phsyco I too would pretend to be on her side.
I can't imagine having to share a cell or shower with someone who did something like this.
She took a 200 pound man down with ease!
Wasn't there another inmate who was on Jodys' isde until she was released & then she changed her tune?
that has been the highlight so far....dumbfounded he was. What ? You want me to just find a lawyer now????
hahahahahahahhahahha...priceless. !!!!!

I loved how the Judge states she assumes he has the ability to hire a Lawyer or have representation. . .. this just after he has proclaimed himself as an "Anomoly" for PPL and flashing his ring earner jewelry . . . . .

Then Gus replies . .insert long pause . . "not handy".
JA's Ex List (Source: HLN Evening Express)

Bobby Juarez, 1995, she was 15
Victor Arias, 1997, she was 17
Goes back to Bobby Juarez, 1998, she was 18
Matt McCartney, 2000, she was 20
Darryl Brewer, 2002, she was 22

Hope that is correct
My experience with ebay is people rarely buy from a seller who has sold nothing, such as this one and a lot of sellers don't like to sell to people who have not bought items and have poor or no feedback. Personally I don't purchase from anyone with less than 98% positive feedback and that would require a selling history of more than (0)!

Usually that is the way it goes. In this instance I'm sure that anyone buying it would know that it's the family doing the selling.

Although, any 6th grade teacher probably has a room full of art work that is identical to her stuff.
Having the enhanced breasts makes her appear heavier as well. Any busty woman will look heavier than she would otherwise. She looks normal/thin to me. She doesn't look bony or emaciated, and neither does she look chunky anywhere. She's on the thin side and of course the camera does add at least 10 lbs so she would certainly appear thinner in person. The clothes she gets to wear are not form fitting and they are not intended to highlight her figure.
Another one? Since she's been in jail? Who is it Drew Peterson?

his name is Bryan Carr.. he sympathizes with j.a. because he claims his sister was in an abusive relationship.

ETA: yes, since she's been in jail. he goes to visit her. ahhhh romance :faceVOM:
Just heard on JVM that Jaun Martinez formerly put a woman on death row.

A woman who also testified in her own behalf, for nine days!!

Haven't found a link yet, but I loved hearing this. Can't wait til he's up there!
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