Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Please forgive me but I've been sick and haven't been able to keep up with everything and am in the dark on the significance of these photos. If someone could please fill me in I would be forever grateful. And I know I'm missing something, but what is "graphic", about the one on the left. I just can't make it out . TIA :)

Trust don't want to make it out. The fingers are pressed against some unknown chumps penis.
Please forgive me but I've been sick and haven't been able to keep up with everything and am in the dark on the significance of these photos. If someone could please fill me in I would be forever grateful. And I know I'm missing something, but what is "graphic", about the one on the left. I just can't make it out . TIA :)

It is a section of the penis pic entered into evidence. Does that help?
I don't think we have to worry about men being taking off juries or anything, but gender stereotypes bother me a lot, too. There are more variations among men and other men and women and other women than between the two sexes (or genders). There are certainly some big generalizations that are true overall, but those get over-applied so much.

Here's a good illustration, I think: I have period cramps that drop me to my knees and a tattoo I got over a bone hurt way less than my monthly pain beat-down. Does that mean you do, too (to the ladies, clearly)? I have friends who would be terribly offended if someone pitied them during their period, because it's nothing at all, while I accept chocolates and drugs and any comfort anyone has to offer, lol :D

And that's a purely physical example. Psychology gets much, much more complex.

bobloblaw, it is offensive if people think "men on the jury" might be aroused by her during trial. I heard Dr Drew suggest that and JA's magic underwear dude nearly took his head off for that. Good for him.

Dr Drew over-applies a lot of things he's read, but that's a whole 'nother rant. (I do say a whole 'nother, btw! :D)

I think Dr. Drew is incredibly compassionate and he wants to believe that everyone has good in them. But, I remember him staunchly defending Lance Armstrong and saying he knows him personally and talked to him many times about his steroid use. He said he has a great bs meter and he believed Lance when he said he didn't use steroids. We know how that turned out. I think about this when I hear him talking about Jodi's "brutal abuse" as if it is fact.
No, no, you get the jacket here at Websleuths, I think they are over by the food concessions......

I don't know who is doing that support page, but they have a pretty clever thing......collections of pictures of Juan in action.....and they are called

JUAN-TAGES!!!!!!!!!! :floorlaugh:

That's hysterical!! Someone posted a "Juan-tage" video here the other day, I got such a kick out of it but noone else around me could appreciate it.

WS really does become an alternate world. Maybe someone will accuse me of having a "double life".

I want matching "Juanette" boy shorts! So cool. Or creepy. Not sure which.
You should post more often :seeya:! She has the eyes for sure. One of the symptoms of FAS is narrow, small eyes with large epicanthal folds. This would give her an almost "Asian" appearance, which has been discussed here before.

I would be curious to know what her IQ is. She obviously made it to High School, and I think there were teachers interviewed that said she was a good student IIRC. And yet in a lot of ways she comes off as not the sharpest pencil in the box. One thing is certain, and that is that SHE believes she's brilliant. I honestly think she thinks she is going to walk away from all of this. I believe otherwise. I think she'll never see the outside of prison ever again. And that is a good thing. MOO


She certainly does!!
Changing the subject a little, but a young lady was reported missing near where I live yesterday. Her body was found today about 12 miles from my home and her boyfriend has been charged with her murder. Neighbor lady stated that she wasn't surprised because of things she had observed. Then why, oh why, didn't this lady call the police? Such a shame that people refuse to get involved. :furious:
Here's my side by side comparison of those fingers. The knuckle creases do NOT look like they match at all.


eta pic of travis
I have trouble spelling so you Americans can understand... Things like flavour, centre, licence, colour... :)

:floorlaugh: I can totally relate! I've learned to be "bilingual" though ha, ha. Hope you're not in the Eastern part of Canada. I hear they are getting hit with a pretty good storm.
I have trouble spelling so you Americans can understand... Things like flavour, centre, licence, colour... :)

Not all Americans are great at spelling either, even though they have had an education here. So you spell any way you want. They'll get over it.
Hey boys and gals! You all are busy little bees.... I missed a thread & 1/2 by taking a day off.... shame on me!

What's new?

Who's snowed in?

Any news on Janeen Demarte's stolen laptop?
No updates on the laptop...
Are there any phone records to indicate that Jodi and Travis talked prior to her showing up at his house at 4 am???
Piecing Together the Truth Behind Jodi Arias' Lies -- The Details of Travis Alexander's Death

I just watched this video on Facebook. It is on Justice for Travis Alexander. It is a powerful video.


I'm six pages behind as usual LoL, so I apologize if this has been discussed at length already. What I notice is that the fingernails are not the same. The fingers on the left have what I call "stubby" nails, not very long from tip to cuticle. Travis' fingernails in the photo on the right are longer from tip to cuticle. Those are not the same hands. JMHO.

I'm behind also so ....... Do you think it's from the decomp?
Dr. Horn said the finger tips were in decomp when asked by JM
But you're right, they do look different.
Not all Americans are great at spelling either, even though they have had an education here. So you spell any way you want. They'll get over it.[/QUOTE]

Read post 680; it was a joke about Bob not liking stereotypes.

JA supposedly claimed that Travis attacked her because she dropped the camera, which is ridiculous anyway. I'm assuming she's claiming it was his camera then, which I have always found confusing. She was the photographer who always took her camera with her everywhere and was always snapping photos. Why would she be using Travis' camera?

It was a new camera that Travis was going to take on his trip. Makes you wonder if Travis saw the sex photos and told her to delete them, and she did then later that afternoon took the shower ones? Jodi may of wanted those photos of her in bed with Travis to be seen by Mimi in Cancun.

In Jodi's mind she's marking her man, much like a hickey that someone mentioned above, and wanting her to know he was her's and she was screwing him.
I doubt the baptism sexcapade happened.

IMO Jodi was dressed because she had planned to stab Travis while he was showering. Stab him fatally with one blow and be ready to go by being already dresses.

The bloody clothes couldn't be left in the laundry because her story was supposed to be that she was no where near Travis's home during the killing. The clothes went whrever the gun and knife went.

bbm - I agree, Cuckoohead.

I imagine we may hear worse, but the baptism day near-rape (and that's what she described, IMO) that JA recounts is just about the worst lie and accusation she has told the court, his family and the world. This really bothers me...

I never knew TA, of course, but I think he was very serious about having Jodi be baptized in the church in which he took so much pride, and where he had worked so hard to be a good Mormon. IMO, he felt he was doing work for his God in bringing one more soul to leading a better life. That, coupled with his very probable inexperience with sex, just screams "lie, lie, lie."

On this special and one-of-a-kind day for Jodi (at least in TA's mind, it should have been for her), I don't see TA doing anything sexual with her at all, at least not within just a few hours of the ceremony, even if she had stripped to the nude and presented herself to him. Maybe that night, perhaps. It did not happen as she described it -- I will never believe it. What a sacrilegious and slanderous thing for her to do, IMO. It is my impression that TA and his sibs were pretty serious about their beliefs -- how could they tolerate these words being said by her!

Let me stop.... Grrrrrrrrrr. :furious:
I'm behind also so ....... Do you think it's from the decomp?
Dr. Horn said the finger tips were in decomp when asked by JM
But you're right, they do look different.

The length of the fingers is different too.
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