Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm not one that's ever comfortable with interpreting photographs. I've stated this from the very beginning,

The more I see and hear Jodi .... The more chilling and disturbing these photos become to me. View attachment 29679

I always believed they were too open to interpretation... Not anymore. They're HAUNTING. I see fear and confusion. .

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Absolutely all photos are open to interpretation because looking at a photo is always subjective. I have seen crime scene photos where 1/2 of the observers were positive on what they were seeing and the other 1/2 were positive that they saw something different. Photos just aren't the same as looking at something in person. There are just too many variables that I've mentioned many times.

I do believe that these are some of the most chilling photos that I have ever seen.
I'm not one that's ever comfortable with interpreting photographs. I've stated this from the very beginning,

The more I see and hear Jodi .... The more chilling and disturbing these photos become to me. View attachment 29679

I always believed they were too open to interpretation... Not anymore. They're HAUNTING. I see fear and confusion. .

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Same here. At least not comfortable interpreting these particular photographs. But I'm with you on all of the above now. There was no attack on her and she was not in fear for her life. I can't figure out or isolate what his exact thought or emotion was in each moment, but she was clearly in control and he was a deer in the headlights.

The idea of him nude cornered in his own shower in his own home - he could not get any more vulnerable - and she's claiming self-defense armed with her two weapons and a camera. :furious:
Absolutely all photos are open to interpretation because looking at a photo is always subjective. I have seen crime scene photos where 1/2 of the observers were positive on what they were seeing and the other 1/2 were positive that they saw something different. Photos just aren't the same as looking at something in person. There are just too many variables that I've mentioned many times.

I do believe that these are some of the most chilling photos that I have ever seen.

It's really chilling when viewing them all together, in sequence ...and not just one at a time.

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I know plenty of Mormons myself and as you know I am one and I don't think he's damned and neither do those I know. He had no chance to repent here on earth, Jodi took it. He will have a chance where he is now and his family who are also Mormon know this too.

Indicat, I did not realize that you are Mormon. I appreciate your opinion and your sharing about this.
The shower door was open in the ceiling shot. Water would of come from there,but I don't know how much.

She left her clothes behind in the washer along with the camera. Was Ryan Burns asked what she was wearing when she showed up?

I thought it was just TA's clothes in the washer with the camera. The police report says "the clothing found in the washing machine was later identifies as Travis'. The clothing consisted of under garments, sweat pants, shorts, towels, and t-shirts. THe camera was later identified as belonging to Travis." It also mentions in another part that the under garments were "religious under garments" and were identified to be TA's by a roommate. The report is from 8/2008 so maybe there is something more recent where it's found that some of the clothes in the washer were JA's?
I didn't know that the KY wasn't collected into evidence. Interesting...So you think that she was trying to get pictures for other reasons? Well, if she didn't offer up sex, how else would she have gotten him naked and in the picture? I guess he could have just been asleep and she woke him up? I find the picture of her strange and thought that she might have photographed herself with auto time. I've only see one of the very up close shots...What/How would they fit in?

If, for some reason, she had changed her mind about killing him, she could have used those pics for blackmail.... perhaps.... but I can't imagine her leaving there without leaving him as a dead man. Thus her "deleting" the pics -- no need for them now.
Couple of things here to bring up.
Like I've said before might have been talked
about already since I have a hard time keeping up here.

The shower scene of Travis with his complete back to us and
shows he was working on his shape.
I always see what looks like finger nails going across his back
especially the lower back. Anyone else?

The other comment was concerning putting Jodie in her place and
let her know she never fooled us one bit.
(I have a thing about getting in the last word especially with scum
people) lol
But,,,, Det Flores took care of it for me so I feel much better now.
He called her a liar, knew she was there, and most important did
the crime.
Plus he told her her Ninja story didn't make sense.

So, all is good for me now:great:
Ooooooh Ancient Aliens is on! And it's a new one! :)

I need some ridiculously stupid mind numbing entertainment ... See ya all later, goodnight

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Thank you. If it is the show I saw, the gentleman did a great job at dispelling the rumors of the church, IMHO. In addition, if my memory is correct he was replying to a hypothetical question and in no way was saying that Travis was a hypocrite.

Ah! Thank you for sharing that part! This would be the piece of the puzzle that I was missing! I didn't hear that it was hypothetical, like I mentioned, I was taken aback at how vehement he was that a person in TA's position would be a "hypocrite". (Possibly I was paying a little bit of attention to my actual DRIVING, rather than actively listening! :blush: )
Couple of things here to bring up.
Like I've said before might have been talked
about already since I have a hard time keeping up here.

The shower scene of Travis with his complete back to us and
shows he was working on his shape.
I always see what looks like finger nails going across his back
especially the lower back. Anyone else?

The other comment was concerning putting Jodie in her place and
let her know she never fooled us one bit.
(I have a thing about getting in the last word especially with scum
people) lol
But,,,, Det Flores took care of it for me so I feel much better now.
He called her a liar, knew she was there, and most important did
the crime.
Plus he told her her Ninja story didn't make sense.

So, all is good for me now:great:

I see that as drip lines of water running down his back.
I just looked outside, I'm in south jersey... Why is the sky orange? WTH?

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She stuck around to throw a load in the washer, clean off the banister, grab up her stuff... KY included, deleted photos, checked his phone messages, packed up the gun and knife..,, I imagine she'd have no problem STANDING on him to shower while she sang Oh Holy Night!

That chick doesn't know the meaning of the word fear.


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How she cleaned herself off is exactly what I want the Prosecution to question her about doing. I would like jurors to entertain the idea that she did, in fact, stand in that shower stall either beside or standing on the victim to clean off. :steamed::burn::mad:
I thought about putting verified mormon under my name....but nah, I mostly read and enjoy the discussion that way, my skins to thin

Eta: And I'm on a small nook with no spell check....

Ha! I snorted out loud and woke up my snoozing husband! Too funny!

My skin can be thin, too. I get ya! :hug:
I'm gonna apologize in advance, I can be abrasive and a tad to straight forward. Thick skin here feel free to swat me if you feel it's needed:)

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:slap: I thought I'd do it because she's probably too nice.

Dang, that felt good. :slap:

I've been reading since day one and am full-tilt addicted... :great:

What a wonderful community this is! I decided to register and realized I already had - eons ago (yes, I'm a verifiable goofball). So I guess I'm not new... just 'back'. Sure feel new! Well, no matter...

A couple of thoughts/questions:

-- Re: the supposed photos of Travis' 'ahem'. First - I mean NO disrespect, but it is part of the discussion. Per the coroner's report, Dr. Horn simply said the genitalia was that of a normal adult male.

I believe that had TA been circumcised, *that* would have been noted, as it's an alteration of the body. I think Horn's not noting anything infers that TA was uncircumcised. Just as the good doctor wouldn't mention hat TA had 10 fingers, a bellybutton, toenails, etc.

I'd love ME confirmation and see how the photos compare. I don't know enough about such things :blushing: to make an assessment myself.

Not that it matters - other than a possible way to catch JA in a very big lie (potentially) on the stand. I would rather enjoy that.

-- Anyone know what kind of pill JA took during (I think) right at the end of the lunch break on Jan 31 or thereabouts? I've read nearly every page so far here but I missed some around then and was curious if it was anything. I saw her take a pill (probably acetaminophen) - I'm curious about everything.

-- I think it is very significant that Travis was in the process (or starting it) of making amends with he church re his sins with JA however torrid or mild... This would have been the worst for her - as TA was now actively seeking to reject the only and last tenuous thing to keep her connected. Travis was about to stop and change in a very formal way - one without a viable workaround in her eyes. He likely told her as much.
I ran across this blogspot If you scroll down a bit there's a tribute to Travis, so these must have been friends of his. There are some pictures of Travis when he was younger (1999), and some from 2006 that I had never seen before. Another person who was touched by Travis in his short life.
I've been reading since day one and am full-tilt addicted... :great:

What a wonderful community this is! I decided to register and realized I already had - eons ago (yes, I'm a verifiable goofball). So I guess I'm not new... just 'back'. Sure feel new! Well, no matter...

A couple of thoughts/questions:

-- Re: the supposed photos of Travis' 'ahem'. First - I mean NO disrespect, but it is part of the discussion. Per the coroner's report, Dr. Horn simply said the genitalia was that of a normal adult male.

I believe that had TA been circumcised, *that* would have been noted, as it's an alteration of the body. I think Horn's not noting anything infers that TA was uncircumcised. Just as the good doctor wouldn't mention hat TA had 10 fingers, a bellybutton, toenails, etc.

I'd love ME confirmation and see how the photos compare. I don't know enough about such things :blushing: to make an assessment myself.

Not that it matters - other than a possible way to catch JA in a very big lie (potentially) on the stand. I would rather enjoy that.

-- Anyone know what kind of pill JA took during (I think) right at the end of the lunch break on Jan 31 or thereabouts? I've read nearly every page so far here but I missed some around then and was curious if it was anything. I saw her take a pill (probably acetaminophen) - I'm curious about everything.

-- I think it is very significant that Travis was in the process (or starting it) of making amends with he church re his sins with JA however torrid or mild... This would have been the worst for her - as TA was now actively seeking to reject the only and last tenuous thing to keep her connected. Travis was about to stop and change in a very formal way - one without a viable workaround in her eyes. He likely told her as much.

Welcome back! ;) Great post! I haven't heard anything regarding the pill that Jodi took at break, but I know we have some court watchers who might have an idea. Great catch regarding the circumcision! :seeya:
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