Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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on that video above they show the transcripts (and it is terrible folks)
The most memorable thing about Bundy's trial (where he was his own attorney) is that he, through a Florida legal loophole, actually got married during it. Literally in the middle of testifying his fiancee became his wife. Talk about crazy.

IIRC there were a couple of outbursts altogether. (Bundy was one of my first 'pet' cases. I believe in going full throttle, can't ya tell? ;)) I found a youtube clip of one but if memory serves when the first jury came back with a guilty verdict there was another. :waitasec: It's been awhile.

I agree with those that have said that the fingers could be the four year live in's. He has the same short "stubby" nails I mentioned, and the square fingers. Maybe the PA will have side by side comparisons of the hands to rebut that testimony.

I can't wait to hear JM's cross. I think it will be powerful. Guess that makes me a "Juanette" too. Can I have a jacket? :great:

I'll have to leave the "Juanette dancing" to katiecool though. I can't dance to save my life :giggle:.

For some reason as soon as I saw the photo I thought they were darryls. I spent hours last night looking for a good healthy photo of travis hands vs darryls and was not able to. TA fingers seemed to be more manicured to me for some reason.

They just looked so much like his from the testimony and all we saw was his hands.
A Bundy????

Was the wolf coaxed out from under the sheep's clothing, i take it?
Something else to add to my "TO GOOGLE" LIST, along with birdwalking, fisting, toboggan hats, et. al., oh my....

urban dictionary

a person who walks with swag and is proud in what they do and you can see it in their attitude when they walk. (birdwalking has the same definition) this was made by the original person who created the definition for birdwalk(ing).

Look at Amber Dunkin Dohnut's struttin' her birdwalk !

buy birdwalk mugs & shirts

bird walk birdwalking bird walking birdwalkin bird walkin
by babiieeey Mar 12, 2009 share this add a video



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It's a soulja boy's dance . as you see , it's a dance which soulja boy include some walks which look like bird's walk . soulja boy's arms are like a bird wings

watch me hit my birdwalk, watch me hit my birdwalk , watch me do it ...
"Why dont you have him come *advertiser censored** you in the woods, I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Someone you have should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right to privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are not all like you in that aspect.".....from Travis to Jodi on May 10,2008

so was she accusing him of hacking and reading her messages on her myspace page because he may have commented on something a guy wrote on her page? thing he did make clear if this is presented to the jury..she is one crazy stalker b*tch who denied his right to privacy COUNTLESS times. And then he basically tells her everybody isnt a nosey nut like

well in all honesty--that "backspace" key is tricky.......:furious:
How do you know that was what the hearing was about?
Also, once again, it is heresay from her. Can she just make up ANY lies she wants?

I don't know...I was merely quoting the link.
If you listen to this ninja video again:

At 16.54, Jodi is describing the events leading up to the ninja attack and she is asked about the time of day when she and Travis were trying to look at pictures on the computer. She begins to say, "After every...." and then trails off to restart, "After we had..." Aborting a comment mid-sentence is a classic indication that the truth was slipping out. I think she was about to say, "After everything." I think she is accidentally telling us that she was up to computer shenanigans alone after the killing.

Forgive me if this issue has been raised previously- I've got to squeeze in websleuths between stepping on legos and making kidsnacks.
I don't think that JM being aggressive in his cross is going to be an issue simply because he has been pretty darned aggressive with every witness so far. He shocked me with the way he went after Flores in such a contentious manner. I have never seen JM before, so I don't know if this is the way he normally is, or that he decided to be aggressive with all of the witnesses as a strategy because he was going to have to be extra forceful with her. I suspect that this is just his style and that the jurors can see that. I've read that he is an expert on trial strategy, so I think he knows what he is doing.
The most memorable thing about Bundy's trial (where he was his own attorney) is that he, through a Florida legal loophole, actually got married during it. Literally in the middle of testifying his fiancee became his wife. Talk about crazy.

IIRC there were a couple of outbursts altogether. (Bundy was one of my first 'pet' cases. I believe in going full throttle, can't ya tell? ;)) I found a youtube clip of one but if memory serves when the first jury came back with a guilty verdict there was another. :waitasec: It's been awhile.

thanks..I'll have to do that on my kindle (its more youtube friendly--dh has youtube blocked on my desktop:furious:)--as stated before I still remember hanging at Lake Sammamish the summer he scary at the time---all of a sudden we had CRIME!
Grrr Chris Hughes needs to stop discussing this trial publicly.

I have had a hinky feeling about Chris Hughes, can't put my finger on it..seems he might be trying too maybe deflect any culpability away from him or his wife, Sky for something they know or have done. IIRC, Sky is on the witness list and she is in possession of TA's journal, or some of them. I hope they call her to testify.
I don't think that JM being aggressive in his cross is going to be an issue simply because he has been pretty darned aggressive with every witness so far. He shocked me with the way he went after Flores in such a contentious manner. I have never seen JM before, so I don't know if this is the way he normally is, or that he decided to be aggressive with all of the witnesses as a strategy because he was going to have to be extra forceful with her. I suspect that this is just his style and that the jurors can see that. I've read that he is an expert on trial strategy, so I think he knows what he is doing.

I respect the man and the way he conducted himself during his case-in-chief. But then, I was certain that Jeff Ashton proved his case also. One never knows how 12 people will interpret the same evidence. They bring their own life experiences with them when deliberating.

I fear I will throw something at the TV and throw this iPad if I have to watch JA another day on direct. Perhaps I will not watch again until I hear that she is on cross.
"Why dont you have him come *advertiser censored** you in the woods, I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Someone you have should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right to privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are not all like you in that aspect.".....from Travis to Jodi on May 10,2008

so was she accusing him of hacking and reading her messages on her myspace page because he may have commented on something a guy wrote on her page? thing he did make clear if this is presented to the jury..she is one crazy stalker b*tch who denied his right to privacy COUNTLESS times. And then he basically tells her everybody isnt a nosey nut like

The words of Travis tell it all. Jodi got into his life by invading his boundaries and his privacy. It breaks my heart to read how he was trying to stop her from raping his privacy. She's a known stalker and the kind of stalking she does can be considered a rape of one's privacy.

She feels justified once you let her into your life "officially" to start ripping off your clothes and your skin. Notice how she always says it was wrong of her to snoop starting with the first bf, and yet she continues to do the exact same thing year upon year and even included stalking women.

Poor Travis!
I am still at a loss as to why the judge would allow this testimony???? Please tell me I am not seeing shade of Judge Perry:please:

Etched into my brain from a different trial is death is different.
But I do think there should be a line. Travis isn't on trial for killing Jodi.
I have had a hinky feeling about Chris Hughes, can't put my finger on it..seems he might be trying too maybe deflect any culpability away from him or his wife, Sky for something they know or have done. IIRC, Sky is on the witness list and she is in possession of TA's journal, or some of them. I hope they call her to testify.

On the one hand, I don't trust any of those PPL people.

On the other hand, I understand that TA's friends & family must experiencing some extreme frustration. They want to stand up & tell the world the TRUTH. Compound that with the fact that most normal people have little to no experience dealing with any sort of legal battle let alone a widely publicized one - they do not understand how anything they say that is recorded can and will be used against them and their cause.
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